NHMickeys weekly thought to ponder.... (A question of the week) 5/1/01


<font color=red>I'm A Disneyana Collector!<font co
Dec 24, 1999
Well it's a new week and even a new home for the DIS... Well last weeks question asked you your favorite Disney memory... Here is another thought provoking question...

What is the one Disney pin you have that you would never trade? And why?
Great, but tough question, Nat...especially for my kids!

They've met some very generous pin trading folks in the last few months, who have given them some wonderful pins as gifts. In general, they won't part with any pin that was a gift. The most recent example is the Donald and Daisy 'sipping a soda' pin that was given to Taylor by Parkhopper Suzi and the canine Max pin that she got from Parkhopper Vince (hi guys!)...and of course the 'peach pin' from Mike!

Another example is what they call their "cel" pins.....it's the one that was a 'gift with purchase' of a cel in 2000, and was given to them by a special friend. It's the silver circle pin with the sorcerer hat on it.

They are also quite attached to a couple of TDL pins that Linda (ljc1861) gave them!

Jordan also has a FastPass pin that I know she'd never part with! And Taylor won't ever part with *any* of her Daisy pins! And finally, I know for certain that they wouldn't ever trade their Continuing the Tradition pins!
They're very proud of those!

Can't wait to see the variety of responses you get to ths week's question, Nat!

Hmmm...Tough question, Nat.

There are certainly lots that we would prefer not to trade, but mine would probably be the "It's a Girl" dangle from DL. DW was pregnant on our last trip, and a very nice guy (Hi, Larry !) gave us that pin when he found out what we were having :D

DW's would probably be the same, for the same reason. 'Course, it could also be the 100 Acre State Park dangle, as she's threatened me with bodily harm if I even think about trading it...lol
After much consideration, I would have to say our WDW ticket book. For DH and I it represents our WDW memories from our first trips as teenagers.

And, of course, WDW is the one place where we can still feel like teenagers.:eek:
Whilst it ould be very difficult to give up my Villan pins, the one I would absolutely not trade for anything in the world (Disney or other wise) is the Jiminy Cricket CM Trivia Pin. I won this when I was a CM. It was great representing our store even though I came in 4th out of six. Had a great time and was hoping to do it again but it became too much to work at TDS with the full time job.
While I hate to part with ANY of my pins I do know that there are two pins that I will never part with.

1. To Hercules With Love: This pin was given to me by Stephanie / Tinkerbell2300 and means more to me than anyone will ever know. I miss her and remember her "never give up " attitude every time I look at this special pin.

2. The second pin was given to me by my DH, Tim who is NOT , NOT , NOT a pin collector. NHMickey and Scottakamickey found the ever so elusive ( at least it was to me !) 1986 Seasons Greetings CM DL pin. I needed it to complete my CM Seasons Greetings pin set. Sets , I try to stay away and get sucked in by them every time! Tim gave it to me on Valentines Day.
Thanks Nat and Scottakamickey.
:p the pins I would never trade are Dr and Nurse minnie and mickey. I am veterinary technician and I think they are cute and represent the Medical field.

this is really a hard one. I definitely would not trade any of my Cinderella pins. But my most definitely would never trade non-cinderella pins would be my Mickey & Minnie bride and groom. Everything else I think has a price...lol!
I would never consider trading my Disney Spirit Award.
This was a cast member pin and it was voted on by my fellow cast members.

It was a great honor and something I am very proud of.

Definitely my Discovery River Boats and my Gorila Falls Exploration Trail!

It took sooo much for me to get them :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: ,

and then some luck :jester: :jester:

:p :p :p :p

I think the two pins the most I wouldn't give up are my Divas pin and my Chernabog pins from the Villian Event at DL.

But thens there Jungle Book & Tinkerbell.

Just to many decisions. :(

Oh well, no really knows until they are told they have to give all your pins but one.

The Millenium Last Day/First Day...I will never give that one up!!!!

Mine would have to be my Jail Scene pin. It was given to me by Jack and Deb Meeker (Dizpinlvr2) who no longer are regular posters on the boards.
they sent me this pin just because. They had no other reason than I asked on the boards for it and they wanted me to have it for what I had done with the swaps.
I have never met either of them, but they are the most wonderful couple. I am looking forward to meeting them soon, I hope when Deb graduates. She has spent many long hard hours in school and she deserves a little celebration for her accomplishments.
Her mom passed away about 3 months before mine did and she called me long distance and let me cry for over two hours. I never thought to call her when her mom died, but she was there for me. I will never forget her thoughtfulness.
And every time I look at my Jail Scene pin I think of those two wonderful people. Peggie
There are some pins that I may never part with...

-The pin tennisnut gave me as a gift (Astronaut Minnie. Thanks!)

-The Millionarie pins (Not even if you offered to pay off my college loans!)

-My First Minnie (Sheer luck in getting that)

There must be other pins that I won't trade, but these pins is where I draw the line.
My gold Disneyland 2000 shield pin. It's the pin that got me into this pin craze. I was buying pins before but never wanted to go out and really get into it...


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