New Year, New Start - January WISH Challenge


I was a click-clack champ!!
May 16, 2006
Welcome to the January 2020 (I can't believe we're entering 2020!!!!) "We're Inspired to Stay Healthy" challenge!!

We're here to support each other with kindness as we each work on becoming or staying healthy. Everyone is invited, and we're looking forward to catching up with regulars and greeting newcomers!

To ease the load the last few months, rather than a monthly host, we've been hosting weekly, with this format:
Motivation Monday,
Topic Tuesday,
WOOHOO Wednesday,
Thankful Thursday, and
Free For All Friday.

Weekly hosts
Week 1: PollyannaMom
Week 2: MickeyMom76
Week 3: Oneanne
Week 4: HappyGrape

Week 5: sjrec

So pull up a keyboard, introduce yourself, and tell us about your goals for the month. (And if you don't find us until later in the month, join in anyway!)

:bounce: As of the initial post, we've got the first two weeks covered, so if you can give some time later in the month, please sign up!

ETA - All set now. 😀
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Hi! - I'm Nicole, in Massachusetts. I'm 49, and live with my DH, briefly-home-from-college DS, and two spoiled cats. Some days I'm a substitute teacher, and some days I look after my "niece" and "nephew" (twin 4-year-olds.)

My main goal for January is ROUTINE! The holidays can get crazy and derail all our normal systems and plans, so this month I want to get things back in place. I'll be working toward a 500 minute goal in the exercise thread, and slooooowly decluttering my house.
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Hi! - I'm Cristin, a kindergarten teacher in Pennsylvania. I'm 43 and live with my DH, DS & DD (twins), and dog.

My physical health goal for January is to lose 10 pounds.

My plan to help achieve this goal:
-exercise daily using Beachbody OnDemand
-log food using MyFitnessPal
-8 hours of sleep nightly using SleepWatch

My mental health goal for January is to read 2 books this month.

My plan to help achieve this goal:
-read for at least 20 minutes each week night before turning on the TV.
-carry my kindle in my purse to read while waiting (at appointments, picking up kids, etc)
Hello, I'm Lizanne, a single lady living in Seattle WA, where the sun never shines. At least it feels that way around this time of year.

My goal for 2020 is to get back on track and stay on track with healthy living. My word for 2020 is going to be "LOVE", for oh so many reasons.

My goal for January is to lose 10 pounds. It's a lot, I know, but I have to put it out there and just buckle down. The 60 day FP+ window for my March WDW trip opens up later this month, so there was a lot of texting going on over the weekend, with the person who is going to do the booking getting everyone's ideas. It inspired me to get focused... I want to lose at least 20 pounds before the trip, so I'm feeling good and have the energy to do all the things.

Christmas was a mixed bag. Dinner Christmas Eve turned out to be a challenge, because my Niece's dog ate a chocolate chip cookie and had to be hauled off to the emergency vet (he's OK, just stupid). It was nice to have festive things to do on multiple days, but four days non-stop with my Sister WAs way too much, and I did start to get pretty cranky.

For the first time in, well, forever, I actually have plans for New Year's. My Niece was telling us about how her museum sponsors entertainment activities at multiple locations around town, and it sounded like a lot of fun so I'm going to take tomorrow off and head back out to Port Townsend for the night. Then New Year's Day, I'll go for a walk along the beach at Fort Warden before I head home, to start the year off right with some nature time.

I can host week 3... thanks @PollyannaMom for getting us going in to 2020!

Topic Tuesday: (I admit I got the the easy week for this one.)

Let's talk New Year's Resolutions! - Do you make them? (Why or why not?) Share them if you choose. Chat away...
Answering my own question...sometimes I make them, sometimes I don't. This year, I reeeeealy need to declutter. I've worked on this before (sometimes even successfully 😇) - but more in short bursts than lasting habits, so my goal is to get it into my routine. I've made a chart to keep in my daily journal, and my plan is to color in the day if I've spent just 10 minutes decluttering:

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I don’t officially make New Years resolutions. But I do like to use the new year as a time to reflect and think about what I accomplished and what I would like to change or accomplish in the coming year/future. We often sit as a family and talk about it. Often about being more cautious with our spending or trying to keep the house a little neater/cleaner. Sometimes talking about how we treat each other (it’s funny how we tend to lose patience with this we love the most, yet hold it together for strangers or those we aren’t as close with...I suppose it has to do with comfort levels). Anyway, I know I am using the new year to get back into the swing of healthy eating and continue with my exercising. We definitely need to look over our financial goals again. And I especially need to work on my patience with my teenage daughter. I’m trying to pause & breath before I react....and hug her more! 😊
WhooHoo - New year! Another chance to get it right! Happy New Year All

I am going to go through the DR Yoni reset plan again and will bombard you with my Dr Yoni best weight talk. Unfortunately I did not maintain the weight I loss and fortunately I am ready to do better this time.

I am on day 2 so there will be few posts this morning regarding the first two days.

Let get it right this folks!
Day 1 for me - and little bit on Dr Yoni. I am posting this for 10th time, sorry but it's sooo good!

This sums up his views

"Best weight” is a non-statistical goal that is easy to set and easy to explain to patients. Patients can diet themselves down to any weight they put their minds to, but to maintain that weight, they need to actually enjoy the lifestyle that got them there.

A patient’s best weight is therefore whatever weight they achieve while living the healthiest lifestyle they can truly enjoy.
There comes a point when a person cannot eat less or exercise more and still like their life. The weight they attain while still liking their life is thus their “best” weight, as without the addition of pharmacotherapy or a surgical intervention, no further weight loss will be possible.

We need to remember that in modern society, eating is not simply about survival. We use food for comfort and for celebration and, with the exception of religious prohibitions, there should be no forbidden foods. If your patient cannot use food to comfort or celebrate, or if they consider certain foods “forbidden,” then they are likely on a diet, and unfortunately diets are known to fail over 95% of the time. For sustainable weight management, a patient should be consuming the smallest number of calories that still allows them to enjoy each day. Some days will simply warrant more calories, such as birthdays, anniversaries, religious holidays, and days when injuries, illness or fights with loved ones occur. Simply put, ice-cream and cookies and their cultural and ethnic equivalents are vital parts of a rich life experience.

With exercise, a patient should be encouraged to be as physically active as possible and include as much additional exercise as they can enjoy each day. Some days obviously will allow for more activity than others, but there is a maximum, above which the patient would run out of time or energy, hurt themselves or come to hate exercise. That is when they quit. Eating less and exercising more within the context of a life the patient does not enjoy is the very definition of a diet, which is why diets almost always fail over the long-term. If a patient does not enjoy the way they are living while they are losing weight, they will almost certainly revert to “normal” practices and gain the weight back.

I am going to listen to DR Yoni Freedhoof's audio book again to start me off and will share some of the info here - if you want to read & join in & offer some support

Day 1 is Gear up! This is the end of day checklist, but it will take me more than 1 day to gear up. I will listen to the chapter and add bit more specific to do list.

This is his End of Day Checklist

☐ Your food shopping is done - mostly done but need to go back for few more things.
☐ You purchased scales - n/a as I have them but the list is body weight, kitchen scale and measuring spoons/cups
☐ You have storage options ready - n/a, he refers to things like containers to store a cooked meal or pre chopped veggies, I have enough
☐ You have clothing on hand - comfortable clothes and shoes for walks/exercise. I need new walking shoes and ordered same on amazon
☐ Your kitchen is clean - Clean and organised! .
☐ Your journal/app/website is set up (I will use mfp)

I bought menu weekly desk diary/organiser in the sales. I like the format, the pages are on the large site, it has daily B/L/D snacks and also have space for shopping list.

Happy 2020, Everyone!!

It's early in the morning here, so I don't have any exercise to WooHoo about yet, but I have already decluttered a cabinet. ✅

Best of luck to everyone embarking on new healthy journeys and routines!!
Woohoo- Happy New Year 🥳
Woohoo- I got a workout in before going to my parents for traditional New Years Day meal (pork & sauerkraut). Trying Morning Meltdown 100. Just completed workout 4. Starting this year off right! Just need to get a handle on the eating again. But I know what to do. So hopefully now that the holidays are over, I’ll be out of excuses 😉


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I am delighted that our house selling, living with family, house hunting and buying is over. It's so nice to be home, to have time for walks or sit on the couch for little while. It's so nice to have time to cook. No calls from estate agents, no solicitors, no checking for new houses. We have seen over 93 and it took over our lives

I just want nice walks, healthy meals and a lot of days doing very little this year!

It's second WhoHoo for me, I am just so happy that the last year madness is gone. Bye bye 2019, you kept us busy!
Happy New Year!!!

My woohoo is Dh and I have put together a work program for us. Nothing big at first. It took us about 15 minutes or so to do it today. Each week we will add more to it. We will also be going our normal walking to get steps in every day as well. I didn't get my steps today though. We cooked a big dinner for DH's family and by the time they left I was beat and took a nap. Now I am wide awake. I am also awake because I was hoping for a free dining promotion to drop tonight. It doesn't look like it will be free dining though. Right now a new room discount was dropped at about noon. I am going to give it a bit more time before I head to bed.
Today I am grateful that body fat is temporary. You can deal with weight, it's not permanent situation
Not related to weight loss I am grateful that I can work form home and grateful that I have home and grateful that my home is warm and cozy.

Have a great day all!
Happy Thursday, Everyone!!


Inspired by Schoolhouse Rock (it's back-to-school today here) tell me a person, place, and thing you are thankful for...
This morning I'm thankful for...
  • (person) - my Aunt Joyce - Even though she lives far away, we keep in touch by text and e-mail, and it really means a lot to me.
  • (place) - the Library - I was there on Tuesday, and have plans to take the little ones on Friday. I've always loved libraries, and think they're so important!
  • (thing) - my Sewing Machine - Yesterday, I made DH a pillow out of a shirt that was too small. It was such a little thing, but it made him really happy, and I love being able to do that. :goodvibes


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