New Vacation Club Guidebook


DIS Veteran
Mar 19, 2000
How many of you have received the new guidebook? I know some have, but I am still waitng in Massachusetts.
Still waiting in Northern Illinois!
Got ours today in Denver. Things may be a little delayed because of the mail service trying to deal with no mail on commercial flights.

Looks pretty good. A nice layout, etc., and some nice extras for doing trip planning. All in all, kudo's to DVC.
still waiting in Massachusetts also:( Mailman thinks I'm stalking him ;)
I think Jersey was first in getting Vacation Magic. Now we are probably last to get the new Member Guide Book! Still Waiting!:D
Just received ours yesterday in Mass....looks so much more user friendly. Nice photos too. However, they have stopped printing all points needed for exchanges outside of the Disney Collection and cruise points are only for 2001. :earsgirl:
Nothing here in NC but bills,bills, and more bills.
No new guide book in Louisiana, but I did receive my new WDW video that I had requested. It was a nice surprise.
We're in Colorado like Firefighter Mickey and also received ours on the the 24th.

One thing I really liked about the new guidebook - as I was looking through it last night, I commented that it needed a calendar. Lo and behold, there in the back pocket was a calendar.
We're still waiting for ours in Oregon.
Still waiting for mine. I'm in MN, but I know some other Minnesotans have already received their copy.

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