new terms


disney bride 32106
Feb 12, 2004
new term just started today and i already feel overwhelmed with my 4 classes, how's everyone else handling the new term after summer break?
Well this is my first ever semester of college. Definitely a little overwhelmed by a couple of my classes. I, too am taking 4 classes this semester. Classes started Monday.
Today was my first day. I had 3 of my 5 classes and they went ok. I have 3 mandatory finals so far though :sad2:. Good Luck to everyone! :wizard:
I'm classes are alright though Im extremely overwhelmed by my organic chem class. we're supposed to be doing review of stuff we learned last year and I feel like my professor is like speaking another language when he talks. Other than that I think I'll be OK.
I started this week too. I'm taking 16 credits (4 classes) which don't seem too bad but the fact that I crammed them all in Mon-Wed and I work 30 hrs per week is already starting to stress me out! Only 13 weeks left though lol!
None of my classes seem too bad so far, which is awesome. Don't like my english prof, but 1/5 isn't horrible. I do have to say, the weather is so awesome here!

Off topic...I just started fall recruitment for sororities....anyone here in one? I was just looking to meet people since I transferred.
Just about to finish my first week back tomorrow. I have a pretty nice schedule, except for my math class on Tuesdays that meets from 5:00-7:40!!!! But I suppose that's better than the original time of 5:45-8:25. :earseek: :earseek:
I started today too--i had 4 of my 6 classes (19 credits)..i.ts going to be a tough semester..
I started my latest term back in August. Taking up Domestic and International Terrorism II, Composition I, and Criminal Investigations. It's been decent to me so far. It's 4 hour classes once a week. Comes out to 12 credits. Basically I'm working on getting my 2.33 GPA up to at least a 3.33 or so. I seriously messed up when I went out partying like every night last term and scored a D, F, and somehow an A. Live and learn right?
I've been in classes for a week now.
I'm very overwhelmed. I have a ton of observation hours to do at local schools, several unit lesson plans to create, and bunches of other stuff.
I'm trying to get myself organized so that hopefully everything goes smoothly.
Im taking 5 classes and a lab... not having a problem with that at all.. usually i take a big load in the fall and then slack with easy in the spring :)
Hi I'm soo tired from school and its only my 2nd week. I have 81/2 classes lol
Sight singing III
University Chorale
Class Piano I
Music History I
Applied Voice
Midi Technology
Master Chorale
Recital Attendance
so its a lot but some are fun. I just don't like waking up so early lol
I just can't wait for this year to be over, and it's only the first week of classes! I was planning on having a really easy year since I'm graduating in May, but well, it doesn't seem like that's gonna happen. Way too many tests and assignments for that! :earboy2: And I have 4 essays in my history class. While to a lot of you that's not much, I'm a math major, so for me that's insane! I picked math to avoid the entire essay thing. Oh well, a few of my classes look interesting, so I guess I can grit my teeth and bare it.

I figure it I keep chanting "Only one more year... only one more year..." over and over, it'll go by quickly. Well at least it sounds good in theory... :confused3
This semester is definately going to be interesting...First because I changed my major so I have a whole new slew of classes!!! Intro to Theatre Study, Intro to Mass Communication, Ancient Egyptian Civilization, TV and Radio in American Society and an Honors Seminar class plus I'll be working 12 hours in one of the offices on campus.

I am really looking forward to everything! This semester is starting off much better than last! :)
I've been back since August 22nd! Its crazy! I'm taking 6 classes this semester (that includes 2 labs and a phys. ed). I've got my first tests next week, 3 of them. Uuuh, school is definatly not my favorite thing. :sad2:
I'm taking 4 classes this semester (my final semester). So far I've done everything that has been required but nothing more. I'm one of those people who like to be ahead in the readings and assignments, but not this semester. I'm really struggling to just get up and get moving. I think it is Senioritis setting in. I can't wait for December!! :cheer2:
i have 6 classes this semester. i have one class that is the equivalent of a graduate level economics class. i have to write a mini thesis. this semester is going to drive me insane. at least i have my trip to WDW after the new year. My classes are:
wellness concepts (health pretty much)
intro to finance
intermediate macroeconomic theory
sports promotions and marketing
physical geography
beginning volleyball
I'm feeling overwhelmed right now. I have three tests this Friday and I probably shouldn't even be on these boards right now! This was going to be my senior year, but I decided to change majors last year and will have to spend an extra year in school. I am definitely ready to get school over with!


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