New DVC Resort


Earning My Ears
Jan 23, 2002
In response to strong guest demand, Disney Vacation Development, Inc., will expand its timeshare resort presence with its next location at the Disney Institute.
The Disney Institute property, with its unique amenities and urban setting adjacent to the Downtown Disney area, is an ideal place to expand the very successful Disney Vacation Club (DVC) business.
The 192-unit development will occupy a unique 16-acre site overlooking the lakefront district at the Downtown Disney area. Initial plans call for the construction of four residential-style buildings with studio, one- and two-bedroom villas and Grand Villa units that sleep up to 12 guests.
In order to facilitate construction, we no longer will be occupying guest rooms or meeting space at the Disney Institute. Beginning February 10, guests with reservations for the Disney Institute will be relocated to comparable accommodations at other Walt Disney World resorts. The spa, fitness center and Lake Buena Vista golf course will remain open.
The success of the Disney Vacation Club has exceeded our expectations and we are excited to be able to add another DVC resort here at the Walt Disney World Resort.
Development work will begin this spring with anticipated completion in 2004.
This could be something that "Lurker" made up. Or it could be true.

It doesn't read like a real press release. If you go back to the press releases for the Beach Club Villas or the announced DVC development at Eagle Pines, you'll see that real press releases offer substantially more "sales pitch" and additional descriptive information about projects. The sentance, "In order to facilitate construction, we no longer will be occupying guest rooms or meeting space at the Disney Institute," really doesn't seem like press release language. There's no mention of the other current and announced DVC resorts, as would be expected in a real press release.

So could this be text from a genuine, internal memo instead? Possibly. "In order to facilitate construction, we no longer will be occupying guest rooms or meeting space at the Disney Institute," is the kind of language you see in internal memos.

Even so, there are things that bug me. The current Disney Institute Resort is around 250 acres. Lurker's note says, "The 192-unit development will occupy a unique 16-acre site overlooking the lakefront district at the Downtown Disney area." OK, it doesn't have to cover the whole Disney Institute Resort site. The bigger issue is the timing. Disney Vacation Development (DVD) has already announced a huge new DVC project at Eagle Pines Golf Course. I can't see DVD launching a second, similar project at the same time with a similar opening date.

Actually, I would be more willing to believe "news" that some of the existing Disney Institute Resort buildings would be thoroughly refurbished to convert them to a new DVC. That could be a quick, cost effective way to add DVC capacity prior to the opeining of the DVC resort at Eagle Pines. But that's not what Lurker wrote.

I would like to see a follow-up post from Lurker explaining the source and context of this "news."
Just for the sake of argument, if true, where exactly would the "unique 16-acre site" be located? I haven't been in the DI since it was the Village Resort Villas, but overlooking the Downtown Disney Lakefront seems to suggest two possibilities to me: The current site of the Vacation Villas, and across the lagoon roughly northwest of the West Side.

Then there are the 192 units in four residential-style buildings. Doesn't this seem a bit small for a stand-alone resort, even a DVC property? Hmm...just thinking out loud, but if we reinterpret that as residential style buildings with four units each, it sounds a bit like the Vacation Villas. I don't suppose there are 192 of them? I like the idea of the DI Villas as a DVC property, particularly the Treehouses.

Also, the Disney Institute is so spread out, development in one area would have no real effect on the others. Perhaps this is simply an excuse to further close excess resort rooms by shuttering the entire villa complex.
You must learn trust. If that's not your bag, try calling for reservations.

Or maybe I'll just go back to lurking.............
I don't know about this story. I've been to Lexis Nexis and done a search on "Disney Institute" and couldn't find anything about this. Now, I know that Lexis Nexis is a mess of articles and it's hard to plow your way through it, but I think I was pretty thorough and found nothing about this.

Lurker should list his source or, if it's inside information, he should at least say as much.

to steal a quote from Ronald Reagan.................... "Trust, but verify"
Pretty much the same info is appearing on Deb Wills' site. She says the info is unofficial and not confirmed by Disney. Here's the link for those who want to check it out for themselves:

Personally, I hope this is NOT true - unless DVC is planning to build new. IMHO, the DI units are not even close to DVC standards. I would like the location, though, if you could walk to DD.
It is true. It was released in the Cast Member Eyes & Ears that was put out yesterday (1/24/02). I don't remember specifics on size, etc. but they are demolishing hotel room buildings that are currently on the lake to build this DVC section. It is true. I just can't put it on a link. If you see the amount of posts I make, you can believe I'm pretty reliable...besides, like I said, it was in this week's Eyes and Ears.
The press release is available on, and there's a thread down the board a bit with a link. The information in the original post seems to have been paraphrased from pre-existing information, and it did look like the typical "made up" rumors that appear from time to time (oddly enough those are usually posted by people with very few posts under their belts-- not that there's anything wrong with that, we were all "welcomed guests" at some point). In any event, I would feel niether cheated, nor guilty if someone "went back to lurking" because their post wasn't taken as gospel truth right out of the gate. Join the discussions, start discussions, have fun! (welcome aboard).

...but please, let's not pretend to be the informant in some bad spy movie...
The Orlando Sentinel reported on this story on Friday. Turns out they're actually going to tear down 1/4 of the Disney Institute. WDW can't be THAT strapped for space.

Click here

If this Lurker is the same one I know from another board, it will be a loss not to have taken him seriously.
Actually, when DH and I were down there 2 weeks ago, we heard a similar rumor from a CM. He said that they were going to redo the DI into a DVC property.
WDW isn't that strapped for land.... They're probably just tearing down that part to fit with the urban motif of the Downtown Disney area. And maybe thats the only suitable area that provides a view and they dont have to rebuild. Just my 2sense my opinion maybe wrong.
Actually this is true. There was a formal press release a few weeks ago about DVC making a new resort at DI. I wish I could find the thread where the link was posted, but with the search down it may take a while, watch for updates, I will post another reply if i find it.

Actually found it quickly
go here



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