Need help with stroller


Officer tigger

We are taking our daughter to Disney for her first trip in Dec. At that time she will be 10 months.
Is it easier to bring your own stroller or rent one at the parks?
What do you use around the resorts?
If you look for threads on this forum regarding strollers, I think you'll find a lot of info. We are going w/ DS 9 1/2 mos. in June and will bring our own. From what I understand, the WDW strollers don't recline, making naptime difficult. We're actually going to buy a lightweight stroller that reclines as this will be easier to travel with. :) Leslie
and have thought about this too...our little one will be 1 year old then and it would be easier to take our own. Last year we took our five year old niece and the MK strollers were okay, but like the above poster said, they don't recline. Also, on our last day there we stopped by Epcot for a few hours to kill time and we ended up with one of those ANCIENT rickety strollers--would NOT recommend those! Another value of bringing your own is when you do things like Downtown Disney or the Boardwalk you'll have a stroller!

June 1985--WDW--offsite
April 1987--WDW--offsite
May 1992--WDW--offsite
May 1994--WDW--offsite
April 1996--WDW--offsite
I have debated back and fourth whether or not to bring a stroller or rent one... I have read many of the posts on the board and I decided I am going to bring a lightweight stroller... In a way I think its easier. Actually, I recently bought the Graco Metro Lite stroller... It has an aluminum frame so it is definitely light and we put my daughter in it and she seems to like it... She is a year old. It is $99 dollars -- I don't know what price range you are looking at but I figure I will make alot more use of this one since the regular one I have at home is kind of heavy..

Good Luck.


DVC Member !
Another good reason to take your own is that you can take the stroller all the way to the car (if you're driving to the parks) and don't have to carry your child, all the stuff, etc. Plus, the ones there don't have a basket underneath or a cup holder on top or a tray on the front for the child's snacks, etc. I think they're better for older kids that won't be napping. We took two strollers (Graco literider and an Evenflow Trendsetter) for our 1-1/2 and 3-1/2 year olds and were very glad we did! Even though our 3-1/2 year old doesn't use the stroller much at home, he certainly did at Disney. That is an awful lot of walking to expect anyone under 6 to do
What a great help. It does make sense to bring your own. I didn't think about that walk and tram ride in the MCO airport.
Also thanks for the tips on the types of strollers.
I went last Aug for a week with my then 11 month old daughter. I was so glad I brought her stroller. I walked her right up to the plane, gate checked it and put her right back in upon landing. My arms were free and she was comfortable. Looking back I can't think of one reason not to bring your own. The ones you can rent there look really uncomfortable, especially if they fall asleep. Anyway we're going back at the end of April and she's 18 months now! I'm so excited for both her and myself. And, yes I will be taking her stroller again ;-) The only thing I would mention is that the strollers have a chance of getting a little banged up when you gate check so if you have case for the stroller I would bring that. My stroller's hood unattached and they almost gave me someone's else bar that must have come unattached from their stroller. I hear that this stuff happens alot so I dont think it's specific to one airline. Well hope you have a great time!!!


Aug1994- WDW offsite
Aug1995- WDW offsite
June 1996- Disneyland
Sept 1997- WDW offsite
Aug 1998- WDW offsite
Aug 2000- Grand
Floridian-Alexandra's "I
Mimmie Mouse"
1st trip!!
Apr 2001- AS Movies


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