My tip - read trip reports from


Earning My Ears
Aug 20, 1999
I have learned everything I have ever needed to know about WDW right here on this fabulous forum. I read them every day - even if it's only for a few minutes.

When I am in the final stages of my trip planning, I always go to Brian Bennett's web site - I then find trip reports from the previous year that coincides with my upcoming trip (am I confusing or what). Let me elaborate: We are going in May '01. Therefore, I am reading reports of May '00. I also look for specific reports first - people with children that are staying onsite. (just like us). I then print them out and usually read them while I am in bed. The last one I read was 43 pages long!!! Alot easier to read in bed than sitting at my computer. I can also make notes in the margins of things that I learn.

Some of them are very interesting and give you terrific details of trips. You might find that little idea or fact that you didn't know. Alot of people make their notes while on their trips - so you do get alot of the "little" or "forgotten" details. I like to read "our" time of year first to get an idea of what the world was like at that same time last year. If I have time, I read other reports also. Some are excellent, some are just so-so.

Just thought I'd share my tip with all of you.

25 days to go!!

There's no such thing as too many sources for good info. Thanks for the tip, Anna!p


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