My son is 9...but looks 12!


Proud DISer for 13 years!
Jan 8, 2001
Has anyone had any problems with this situation? I know Disney considers children over 10 adults, so I want to be prepared.



<font color=blue></font)> Disneyland 1982
Disneyland 1989
Disneyland 1996
<font color=red> First Trip to Disney World June 2001 (Swan & Dolphin)!!!</fong></center>
I have read on the boards that people bring copies of their kids' birth certificates in case they get asked. If you bring it, you'll have peace of mind, knowing that in case a CM questions his age you have proof in hand.

Unfortunately, I don't have any first-hand experience, but I will be bringing my son's birth certificate with me because he'll be 2 but looks and acts older and I don't want to have to worry about it.

We're in similar situation - oldest DS is 10 and is way big for his age. I plan on keeping a copy of his birth certificate in my hip pack. Seems like the simplest solution.

20 days and counting!

90 honeymoon
95,98, 01 w/kids & grands
My youngest is 2 and weighs only 3 lbs. less than her big sister who is 5. I brought her birth cetificate last month but no-one questioned me. I will also bring it on our next trip to in case I get questioned.

Off-site every year since 1985
PO '96, '97, '99
Coronado '00
WL '94, '00
CB '98, '00
VB '97, '98, '00, '01?
DVC member '00 OKW
DxL '97, '01
OKW '01
The birth certificate is a good idea. I will be going in August and my DD will be a couple months shy of 3. She looks and talks as if she is much older. I will feel better knowing that I have proof of her age just in case I'm asked. :cool:

'75 off-site
'84 D.D.
'89 off-site
'96 CBR
'97 off-site
'99 Poly
next trip 8/01 at Beach Club


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