My simple, happy experience with Priceline for those who are afraid


Mar 3, 2000
I thought I would post my experience. It didn't involve WDW, but it worked out well.

DH and I needed an airport hotel in Nashville for 1 Thursday night. It is the start of a weekend getaway and with a 6am flight, being next to the airport sounded good.

I went to Priceline and told them I wanted only an airport hotel -- Nashville had 5-6 zones. They told me the going rate for 1, 2, and 3 star hotels in the airport area and asked which star category I wanted. I chose 3 star.

They told me the average 3 star hotel in that area was $131/night. I told them I was offering $39. Yes, it is silly, but that's part of the fun.

After going through all the address and credit card stuff, they told me that $39 was really low and they really wanted to help me and would I reconsider before I submitted my bid.

I reconsidered and bid $38. :D

Submitted it and less than 10 minutes later found out we had a room at the airport Sheraton. I went to their website, typed in the date I needed, and was told it would have been $139/night.

Why they are willing to take $38 for a $139 room, I don't know. But I am glad.

Priceline adds a fee around $6 and adds the tax (which everyone has to pay anyway, of course, but the tax on $38 is less).

*** So that's my happy experience. It was the Budget Board that first convinced me to try Priceline. :)


Wow Mary, I am really impressed! I'd like to try priceline for airline tickets for a hotel but I am terrified. Maybe just maybe, I'll be willing to give it a try someday . . .

But in the meantime, congrats to you on your $100 savings!


CBR - 10/98
BC - 10/98
BC - 6/00
GF - 9/00
Dolphin - 6/01
Congratulations on your great savings!

I had a similar good experience with Priceline at the Wyndham on I-Drive which I got for $16/nt. plus $25/nt. bonus $ and I've also had a bad experience with them during the same trip but at the Best Inn. What I realize now is that I wasn't very well-educated when I made my first bid and got the Best Inn and I was super-educated (by reading these boards) when I made the second bid and got the Wyndham.

Bottom line, I love Priceline now that I know how to bid!
Good Job!! I also wanted to say Hi from McMinnville, TN!! My aunt lives in Murfreesboro!
Hello right back at you dmslush. I've never been to McMinnville, but I love the drive to Woodbury.


WOW! That is an awesome price! I love Priceline, but sometimes it makes no sense! I need a hotel near Bel Air, MD. For next weekend! The regular price for the rooms run about $60 a night. With the bonus $20 I didn't get accepted for $35 a night!

Can't figure that one out!


<font size=3><font color=red> Happy Valentine's Day!</font></font>
<font size=3><font color=red><marquee>Co-Captain & Charter Member of the Swan/Dolphin Cheerleading Team!!</marquee></font>
<font color=red>15 times to WDW 13 off-site three on!
Next trip Dolphin in July & Swan in DEC. 2001!</font>


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