My first trip to WDW and DH's first time being arrested (Dec 2009)

I am hooked, spellbound, captivated....insert creative adjective here... Your writer's voice is amazing. There are some great websites that can give you guidance on starting a novel. I have been working on one on and off for years.
I am so glad you rode Soarin'. I understand what you mean about a sense of peace coming over you suring the ride. I always feel as if all is right with the world when I am on it.
Keep those updates coming...
So glad you rode Soarin'! it is just such an amazing experience. I would never ever go hang-gliding for real but I just love that ride!
My DH thinks I'm nuts because I'm always reading trip reports. He can't see how reading about some stranger's trips to Disney can be the least bit interesting. Well...not anymore! Hahaha!:lmao: I said to him after church today, "let me read you this first installment and if you'e not interested fine, if you like it...I'll catch you up and we'll read it together!" (by the way, he can read! I just read faster and add the inflections, so if its a story, I usually read it to him!) Anyhoo...I read your first chapter to him and he told me to read another!:rotfl: So now you have created a convert! He finally gets it! So from here on, you will have me popcorn:: and him :surfweb: waiting for the next installments!!
Thank you for the compliment, there are so many great writers with different styles here, it would be nice to be up there with them. (shout out to Nebo)

I sent your compliment on over to my buddy Nebo, I'm sure he'll appreciate it and posted your link over on his report.

And he has a funny new report going right now as well, so everyone, please visit his report, very different style and very funny.
I love your TR. I agree with the previous poster who said it reads like a Nicholas Sparks novel. Can't wait to read more!!!
Yes well Nicholas Sparks had to get his inspiration from somebody.:lmao:

I know you have your own reasons for not having contact with your family but as a mother and grandmother I would be deverstated if my children vanished out of my life and would always fear the worst.
I know the only fear my family would have is how to explain the sudden absence of their daughter, knowing them they have probably told people I was studying abroad, they would say something to make themselves look good.
I think you would be devasted because you love your children. you would probably try and find them wouldn't you?
I had my cell phone with me, they could have called, instead they had it shut off.

(I really need to write my story now, I keep dropping little bits of information and because there are so many details in between that I don't mention, I am just confusing everybody.)

But I do thank you for your concern. You sound like a wonderful loving mother who appreciates her family.

Lee I stumbled across your trip report this morning and am smitten with it. You managed to rope me in and captivate my interest from the first paragraph. From the fire ants to the fireworks and everything in between. Your Rig sounds like a wonderful man and you both seem blessed to have found each other.

My hubby and I will celebrate 13 years next month and though there were some rocky times I am more in love now then I was then. So many told us we would never make it because we were so young (I was 20 and he was 25). 13 years and 4 kids (all girls) later we are still going strong. Oct will be our 3rd trip with our daughters and 4th trip together to WDW.

Can't wait to read the rest of your trip report and I agree, you should be blogging. There is one particular blog that I think you would love. I'll send your the address if you want it.

Thank you, I love to tell the story of the red ants.

Congratulations to you and your husband, 13 years is major. If you can make it through rocky times and come out loving eachother more at the end then it was meant to be.
4 girls? I wonder if Rig could handle 4 girls? Have fun on your trip.

Hmmm, you had us for a minute there, knowing IT happens on day 3 I thought the line for Soarin is when it happened. But you wanted us to think that, didn't you? ;)

I too am afraid of heights, and I wanted to bad to ride Soarin' but ws so scared. My DH said the smae thing, I'll hold on to you, but we had out 3 kids with us, who was going to hold onto them, especially the little one? She was 4 at the time! But I got up the courage and I was so glad I did, we ride it several times each trip, it is beautiful, amazing, breathtaking. I love it.

So these people stayed your friends, huh? That is pretty cool, maybe Rig wore off on Grant a bit! :goodvibes

Yes, BTW, hubby and I are reading together. He has nevr read one so you should feel honored. :laughing: He agrees with Rig, you "give a lot of details" but I like it and it addes to the story. :thumbsup2

Well, we are leaving for the day, Corn Fest here. So I hope to hear the big news later! Have a good day...

I knew that people were going to think that it happens in the line for soarin, there was no way around it unless I left it out. Bu tI couldn't leave it out because Rig was my hero. aaand, ok, I knew it would stir some

I hate heights so much, we sound alike in so many ways.

I think it's sweet that you and hubby read this together, but your husaband agrees with Rig? Too many details? Is he talking about the mushy details? Cause I was wondering if maybe was saying to much about certain things.

We need to clone this man so we can all have one :upsidedow
The world would be a happeir place if there were more Rigs living on it.

I love your trip report!!! I too often write too much details, but you do it in such an interesting way, it only makes me want to read it even more!! It is so well written, I can actually see you guys in my head going through your days, and even hear your voice as your speaking.

Love the name Babylee. Seems like it just flows to well.

Loved the part at the end of your Magic Kingdom day, when you both said your favorite part of the day. Brought a tear to my eyes, it was so sweet.
So do you read this story and picture the southern accent? I always give voices to the characters when I am reading a book.
Do you have an idea of what we look like? I would love to hear it.

Your writing is so captivating. :flower3:

I love your trip report and I can't wait for more. You are a fantastic writer. :worship:
thank you so much. And wow, you gave me a bowing down smiley, thanks even more. Speaking of smilies, I think there should be a cowboy smiley.

you and rig are the cutest couple ever! i love it... jenny and grant seem like they hate each other compared to you too! :rotfl:

arent you glad you road soarin'? that ride is great!
thank you. I think Grant and Jenny had lost that spark that first ignited their love.

Yes! I am so glad I rode Soarin, it is my favorite ride at Epcot.

I am hooked, spellbound, captivated....insert creative adjective here... Your writer's voice is amazing. There are some great websites that can give you guidance on starting a novel. I have been working on one on and off for years.
I am so glad you rode Soarin'. I understand what you mean about a sense of peace coming over you suring the ride. I always feel as if all is right with the world when I am on it.
Keep those updates coming...

thank you, you are working on a novel? that's great!

Soarin is such a peaceful ride, I agree with you, the world felt right.

So glad you rode Soarin'! it is just such an amazing experience. I would never ever go hang-gliding for real but I just love that ride!
Omagosh, I would never go hanggliding for real either. Soarin is just enough for me.

My DH thinks I'm nuts because I'm always reading trip reports. He can't see how reading about some stranger's trips to Disney can be the least bit interesting. Well...not anymore! Hahaha!:lmao: I said to him after church today, "let me read you this first installment and if you'e not interested fine, if you like it...I'll catch you up and we'll read it together!" (by the way, he can read! I just read faster and add the inflections, so if its a story, I usually read it to him!) Anyhoo...I read your first chapter to him and he told me to read another!:rotfl: So now you have created a convert! He finally gets it! So from here on, you will have me popcorn:: and him :surfweb: waiting for the next installments!!

:banana:" I created a convert." I yellled this and went running into the backyard to tell Rig. "You're gettin to big for your britches little girl." :confused:

But anyway, thank you, that really makes me feel good that somebody who didn't get the concept of trip reports has changed their mind because of me.
I will be thinking of you two now when I write my next chapter.
I sent your compliment on over to my buddy Nebo, I'm sure he'll appreciate it and posted your link over on his report.

And he has a funny new report going right now as well, so everyone, please visit his report, very different style and very funny.

Omagosh, I feel nervous now. but thank you.

and yes, his trip report that's going on right now is hilarious, I am always telling Rig about Nebo. I'm also reading Honey I shrunk the check book. he has alot of trip reports in the complete forum.
Love, love, your trip report its so amazing. You should definately be writing a book. My husband and I met when I was 16 he was 20 we have been married for 12 years together 15 and still feel like newlyweds. :rotfl: I completely understand the whole parent think we had a very similar situation with my parents.
23 years and still going strong, you both are doing something right. Were your parents thinking you were crazy because you walked away from a man who was about to be a lawyer, or were they thinking you were crazy because of the short engagement? Do they like your husband?

Thank you for the sweet reply. I think it was the short time frame. DH makes plenty of money so that was not a problem. My family actually really likes DH. Probably because like Rig he does everything for me and our three children. We are very lucky to have him. When I tell him that he tells me that he is lucky to have me. Probably why we are still together. When we were all at Disney World last Christmas DH was the one who took my mom's glasses to be fixed when she lost a screw out of them and pushed her around one evening in a wheel chair when her knee was bothinering her. Yes, I think they realize I made the right choice in husbands. They aren't to thrilled with my BIL, but that is another story. Sorry to talk so much about me in your TR. Glad to see you posted more updates. Still loving your story and looking forward to reading more. I am glad you tried Soarin' and Thunder Mountain. I know some of these rides may seem scary at first but they really are a lot of fun.

I knew that people were going to think that it happens in the line for soarin, there was no way around it unless I left it out. Bu tI couldn't leave it out because Rig was my hero. aaand, ok, I knew it would stir some

I hate heights so much, we sound alike in so many ways.

I think it's sweet that you and hubby read this together, but your husaband agrees with Rig? Too many details? Is he talking about the mushy details? Cause I was wondering if maybe was saying to much about certain things.

NO, NO, NO! I love the details, he just says women always give 10 minutes worth of detail to a 1 minute story. He works with all women (and they all love him and come and tell him everything) but that is how they all are, and me too, and now you (no offense.) No, the details are what make your story different then the rest, we feel like we are there and we love it! (He does too, don't think he isn't enjoying it!)

And yes, I hate heights. I am better strapped in, but even at a 2 story mall I have to work inside by the stores and not by the ledge and if the kids go near it I freeze, it freaks me out. One time hubby got me tickets to see Jerry Seinfeld. This was a long time ago before people went online and bought tickets, he had gone in line in the middle of winter to stand in line to get tickets and when he got up to buy he just bought best available. Well we get there adn it is front row of the upper level of the theater. It was a HUGE drop, I was about to pass out. I covered my eyes and he walked me to our seats and I sat, I coul,dn't get up and look down. I had forgotten during the show and got up at the end and looked down and just about passed out, it was a good think I didn't realize before the show or I would have been thinking about it the whole show.

Well, we are home for the night and wondering if we will hear the big news tonight, but no pressure, if you and your cowboy are enjoying a nice evening together we will be patient till tomorrow.
Rig had taken a dark blue denim cowboy shirt from off the hanger. (I am one of those people who likes to unpack while on vacation.) "I think I will wear my lucky shirt today."

Rig says this every morning when he puts on a shirt. I asked him once why he calls every shirt he owns his lucky shirt. He said it's because he's lucky to even have a shirt, it's his way of remembering to start out each day thankful for what he has. I told him he was my lucky husband, and then asked him what he wanted for his lucky breakfast before heading off to his lucky job.

CLASSIC! I love it. Being greatful for everything.

MORE MORE MORE.. I need to read more.

I am feeling slightly jealous of your relationship. My DH loves me but he tends to keep it to himself along with all of his other emotions/feelings. I know he loves me and he tells me in different ways.. cute notes, a gentle kiss, flowers, etc (maybe not all the time but he does it) And he would stick up for me any day and always. Sort of like what Rig did to Grant but DH does not stand for stuff like that. But Rig is soo perfect.. what a catch chicky!
God Bless the man who invented the crockpot. Actually I am pretty sure it was a woman who did that.
But throw a roast, some carrots and potatos, some spices and you have got dinner going.
Rig is outback tearing apart the riding mowing, so I have nothing else to do but write.:yay:

I know you all are waiting anxiously for the arrest, I have so much emotion pent up about writing it, I want to get it over with, but there is so much to tell before that point. I won't prolong it any longer then necessary, I promise.

thank you for being patient.

We stepped outside and it had started raining, not real hard but steady. I opened up my umbrella, and told Jenny I could share it with her.

"I'm sure Rig would like to be under the umbrella." she said

Rig shook his head. "No you ladies go right ahead, I will be just fine."

We walked with Jenny to the smoking area where she knew Grant would be. "He smokes, but he follows the rules and only smokes in designated areas." It almost seemed as if she was apologizing that Grant smoked or maybe she was ashamed.

Grant was wearing a poncho and holding the other out for Jenny. "Hey sorry, I was going to come find you and give you this but I was afraid I would miss you in passing or something."

Jenny took the poncho and put it on. "Now you and Rig can share the umbrella."

It's not easy to share an Umbrella with Rig, him being taller than me he has to hold it, and then it seems like the rain just comes in and gets me. So usually I carry the umbrella and Rig gets rained on.

Jenny and Grants ponchos said Disney world on the back. Rig asked where they had gotten it. (he knew they got them at disney world, just not where in disney World, he isn't a stupid cowboy)

Jenny told him he could find them at any gift shop.

By the time we walked over to mission space it had stopped raining and was more of a drizzle.

Mission space had to be the coolest ride from the outside, We took some pictures infront of the planet before heading in. A CM asked if we wanted orange or green. We looked at Grant and Jenny, we didn't know what we wanted. Grant said it was only worth riding if you went on the orange side.

Rig was hesitant. "Why is that?"

"You get the best effect on the orange side, the green side doesn't spin."

"then the green side sounds perfect."

I told Jenny that the teacups made Rig queazy, that's when Grant said that the teacups make him sick too, Mission Space doesn't spin like the teacups and it the spinning was for only a few seconds at a time we would all be fine.

Rig winked at Jenny, "Can I trust him to tell the truth?"

She laughed, "Yea, he is telling the truth."

So we got the card for the orange side and walked in. We were to our briefing station before too long. that's when Gary Sinese came on the TV.

Grant yelled, "Lieutenant Dan."

I was leaning back against Rig, I didn't hear him chuckle but I could feel it in his chest.

We went into another briefing room and were told to stand in our positions. Each position we stood in came with a "job" mine was pilot, when I told Rig that I would be flying the space ship he rolled his eyes, "Oh lord save us all."

The compartment opened up and we all entered and got situated. It was small in there, I could not believe the instrument panel. "Rig this looks just like a real space ship."

"How many space ships have you been on babylee?"

"I've seen them on TV Rig. Omagosh look at all these buttons, I love pushing buttons."

"that's true, you push mine all the time." He gave me that half grin with the eyebrow up.

Jenny was just laughing (she snorts when she laughs, she is such a cute girl)

The door closed and the ride got even smaller inside, they bring the panel right up to your face. It was earily quiet, the ride tipped back and you could see the launching pad. My heart was beating so fast, I put my hand on Rig, then back on my harness, then back on Rig, I couldn't decide which way I felt safer, so when in doubt, go with Rig.

At that point Rig starts singing. "all my bags are packed, I'm ready to go, I'm standing here outside your door, I hate to wake you up to say goodbye."

We love the movie Armagedon.

Grant is laughing and Jenny is snorting, Rig is singing and then the shuttle starts to shake, so I am now screaming and then my body gets pressed to the back of the seat, I think my eyes started to suck into themselves. "I hate this." I scream, but Grant was right, it didn't last long and it wasn't at all like the tea cups. once the feeling of being spun dry went away It was replaced with a feeling of weightlessness for a quick second. I asked , "Do ya'll feel that?

I really do like this ride, it hurts to go on it, but it is so worth it. the way they unfold the story around you is amazing, If I didn't know any better I would have sworn Disney had sent my behind into orbit for real. We had gotten into a meteor shower and I had to navigate our way out. then we overshot our landing, "Good job pilot." Grant yelled, but again I saved the day

When the ride was over we all said we would have to come back and do it again.

they had computers set up to send e-mails from space. Rig and I didn't send any, so we waited in the gift shop for Jenny and Grant to send all their space mail out. Rig found they had the ponchos at the counter and he bought me one, just incase the rain got harder.

Rig was leaning up against the wall when a man came out from the direction of the ride. He looks at Rig and said, "I think I just went to heck and back." (of course he didn't say heck) Rig said, "No sir, Heck (only he didn't say heck) is at the magic kingdom Teacups."

the guy gave Rig a look like he was crazy, "You rode that thing?"

Rig nodded, I was on a spinnin pink demon."

the guy clapped Rig on his shoulders, shook his head and laughed.

Jenny and Grant came out and we stood around discusing where we should go next. Rig and I had surrendered to the thought very early in the day that we would be at the mercy of Jenny and Grant, at least until our lunch reservation at Coral Reef. We didn't mind following them around though. As much as I love being alone with Rig, having other people who knew about this park and loved it so much was welcoming to us.

Jenny wanted to go on the Ellen Degeneres Energy ride. Grant wanted to go on Test Track.
Grant said he didn't like the Energy ride it was boring and for wussys. Jenny said she loved that ride and it's not for wussys.

Grant asked Rig, "Do you want to go on a wussy ride, or a real mans ride?"

Rig said, "you should please your wife and go on the wussy ride with her."

"It's not a wussy ride," she said.

There wasn't a line at all for this ride, Grant said because it is so boring nobody goes on it.
Aftr waiting a while the doors closed and we began watching a show, Now I know why it's called the Ellen Degeneres ride. I like her, I think she is funny, I love how she just goes on and on about a single topic.

After the show we had to go move into the next part of the venture, we all took a seat and another movie started, Grant said "Wake me when it's over."

I cuddled into Rig and he played with my hair, it makes me sleepy when he plays with my hair it feels so relaxing.

then the theater started to move. this is not a wussy ride, I mean sure it doesn't drop you or spin you, but it has loud dinosours. the little girl behind us even cried, so if the ride makes anybody cry it can not be called a wussy ride.
I know you all are waiting anxiously for the arrest, I have so much emotion pent up about writing it, I want to get it over with, but there is so much to tell before that point. I won't prolong it any longer then necessary, I promise.

thank you for being patient.


Please just keep going as you are and dont rush anything, nobody will die having to wait a bit longer. It's all part of the journey.
BTW, I would NEVER try the Orange ride, I'm suprised you did it after being so scared on BTM which is fairly tame.

My DD's boyfriend at the time walked out of it looking green for almost an hour, and they put in the tamer orange side later because so many people go sick on it. Personally I have no desire to go on either side. I hate tight spaces. Soarin' on the other hand is my favorite, and I have a fear of falling myself, so go figure, but I am so glad I did it (multiple times now)
Love, love, your trip report its so amazing. You should definately be writing a book. My husband and I met when I was 16 he was 20 we have been married for 12 years together 15 and still feel like newlyweds. :rotfl: I completely understand the whole parent think we had a very similar situation with my parents.
Wow, that just goes to show love can conquer the age gap and interfering parents. Congratulations on 12 years of marriage.

I second that!!!:thumbsup2

Thank you for the sweet reply. I think it was the short time frame. DH makes plenty of money so that was not a problem. My family actually really likes DH. Probably because like Rig he does everything for me and our three children. We are very lucky to have him. When I tell him that he tells me that he is lucky to have me. Probably why we are still together. When we were all at Disney World last Christmas DH was the one who took my mom's glasses to be fixed when she lost a screw out of them and pushed her around one evening in a wheel chair when her knee was bothinering her. Yes, I think they realize I made the right choice in husbands. They aren't to thrilled with my BIL, but that is another story. Sorry to talk so much about me in your TR. Glad to see you posted more updates. Still loving your story and looking forward to reading more. I am glad you tried Soarin' and Thunder Mountain. I know some of these rides may seem scary at first but they really are a lot of fun.
Your husband does sound alot like Rig. You are lucky to have him and your parents are lucky to know him and know that their daughter is being loved right.

I am glad I rode the scary rides too, I wanted to come back from disney world with no regrets, and I for the most part did that.

I'm hooked. Subscribing
Welcome and thank you for reading.


NO, NO, NO! I love the details, he just says women always give 10 minutes worth of detail to a 1 minute story. He works with all women (and they all love him and come and tell him everything) but that is how they all are, and me too, and now you (no offense.) No, the details are what make your story different then the rest, we feel like we are there and we love it! (He does too, don't think he isn't enjoying it!)

And yes, I hate heights. I am better strapped in, but even at a 2 story mall I have to work inside by the stores and not by the ledge and if the kids go near it I freeze, it freaks me out. One time hubby got me tickets to see Jerry Seinfeld. This was a long time ago before people went online and bought tickets, he had gone in line in the middle of winter to stand in line to get tickets and when he got up to buy he just bought best available. Well we get there and it is front row of the upper level of the theater. It was a HUGE drop, I was about to pass out. I covered my eyes and he walked me to our seats and I sat, I coul,dn't get up and look down. I had forgotten during the show and got up at the end and looked down and just about passed out, it was a good think I didn't realize before the show or I would have been thinking about it the whole show.

Well, we are home for the night and wondering if we will hear the big news tonight, but no pressure, if you and your cowboy are enjoying a nice evening together we will be patient till tomorrow.
Sometimes you have to give 10 minutes of details for a 1 minute story, you have to build up suspense, what sounds more interesting, my way of explaining my ride on thunder mountain or "I went on and thunder mountain and was so scared I bit Rig"

But Rig would agree with your husband, he doesn't give alot of details when he tells a story, if you can even call it a story. then I end up having to ask a million questions (that's one of the buttons Rig said I push too much) I tell him, if he were to tell me the whole story up front I wouldn't have to ask so many questions.

Your Sienfeld story was funny, but it was super sweet of yourhusband to cover your eyes and walk you to your seat. That is what Rig would done too.

CLASSIC! I love it. Being greatful for everything.

MORE MORE MORE.. I need to read more.

I am feeling slightly jealous of your relationship. My DH loves me but he tends to keep it to himself along with all of his other emotions/feelings. I know he loves me and he tells me in different ways.. cute notes, a gentle kiss, flowers, etc (maybe not all the time but he does it) And he would stick up for me any day and always. Sort of like what Rig did to Grant but DH does not stand for stuff like that. But Rig is soo perfect.. what a catch chicky!

He is grateful for every little thing. He hardly ever complains.

Don't feel slightly jealous of my relationship, everybody loves in their own way, you know your husband loves you. It sounds like he does his best for you.

Rig isn't perfect, he makes too much laundry for me. He's a picky eater. and he thinks I am not capable of working anything electrical besides the kitchen appliances and the washer and dryer, and on top of that, he doesn't know (he claims) how to use the washer and dryer himself. He believes in mans work and womans work, he does feel that a woman can do just about anything a man can, but he still thinks some things should be left to the men.

his arguement is that woman should not get dirty.
I agree with you Lee, the details are what makes it interesting. He's enjoying too so don't let him fool ya!
He very much enjoyed the FANG part and the details are what made that so funny!!!

I agree, don't skip anything, we are all grown ups, we can be patient! (Course I am thinking Grant and Jenny must be involved in this arrest somehow, but you said you are friends which sounds like you still are....HMMM..yeah, I am enjoying the suspense a lot!)
Just found your trip report today, and I'm totally hooked. You have a great writing voice.

BTW, My husband's from El Paso and his family used to spend summers in Cloudcroft.


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