
Earning My Ears
Nov 14, 1999
First of all let me thank everyone for their posts on the cabins on FW. This may not be the right board to give this information I'm about to give but here goes. We have been going to WDW for several years and have rarely gotten the best of rates other than the entertainment rate at the Swan and Dolphin or the AP rates when we used to have them. Last summer we went to WDW and when making reservations for PO we were told of an upsell rate for the WL and we took it over PO. I think the rate was 169.00+ tax. Believe me we had heard of upsells but were never lucky enough to get them! We had never gotten them before last summer until the other night when I called and ask a cm in CRO about any upsells for this summer from June30th-July 15th, our vacation time. She said they had 174.00+tax for a wood's view at the WL, been their done that. Also 169.00+tax for the cabins, 155.00+ tax standard view at the new AKL, and 179.00+tax for a Savannah view at he AKL. Keep in mind some of these only had certain nights, for ex. you could get WL from about June 30th on but the AKL from only about July 8th-15th. We got 2nights at the cabins for 169.00 per night for July 9th-10th and a savannah view at AKL for the 11th-14th for 179.00 pernight. Believe me we feel very lucky to have gotten these rates! We also used a toll free # that does work and connects you to CRO. The number is 1-800-492-6789. When calling ask about upsells and be specific. If you feel the cm doesn't seem to know what you are talking about, call back and get another. The lady I talked to said not all castmembers are knowledgeable about upsells. She was very friendly and helpful! She also mentioned about a rate of 179.00 for the Yacht Club but that was after July the 15th. I have never heard of this many upsells before but believe me they had all of these just 3 nights ago. I really hope this helps someone save some money and wish everyone good luck. Thanks for everything Chip&Janet.


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