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SueM in MN

combining the teacups with a roller coaster
Aug 23, 1999
Welcomed Guest
Registered: 03-06-01
Posts: 13

I'm going to wdw, and I was wondering what rides (if any!!) would be appropriate for me. I have 2 ruptured disks and spinal stenosis in my neck, resulting from a car accident. It is very sensitive. I'm going with my four kids and my husband in april, all of which love roller coasters (except my four-year old) I would appreciate any advice, thanks in advance

originally posted 03-11-01 05:53 PM
DIS Veteran
From: Menlo Park, CA, US
Registered: 08-22-99
Posts: 5628
Welcome to our board! I have arthritis, and for the last 2 Disney trips my neck was in big trouble. I still had a fine time. The Guidebook for Guests with Disabilities for each park will have indications of which rides are bumpy or rough. The one that was not in the book that I found to be bothersome was Spaceship Earth at Epcot, when you are going back down and have to hold your head upright against gravity as you are leaning back.
Many rides will be off-limits, such as Big Thunder Mountain Railroad and Test Track,and Kilimanjaro Safari... but I rode Rock&Rollercoaster with no discomfort at all on the advice of others who had gone before me. It really depends on your condition at the time of the trip.

"My brain takes a vacation just to give my heart more room..."
originally posted 03-11-01 06:39 PM
SueM in MN
From: Blaine,Minnesota,USA
Registered: 08-23-99
Posts: 2759
Besides what teri posted, the park maps also have a little red triangle by the bumpy rides as a warning symbol. There are also signs in several locations as you get in the queue for the rides and also severalbefore you get on the ride, so you won't be likely to miss them.
There are still a lot of things you will be able to do, so go enjoy yourself.

SueM in MN
Co-Moderator of disABILITIES
originally posted 03-12-01 09:41 AM
DIS Veteran
From: Kooksville, Fl
Registered: 04-19-00
Posts: 91
didijo, If I were you, I would stay away from Dinosuar@ Animal Kingdom! In my Disney video, this ride snaps you around all over the place, and looks like everyone is being throttled to death. My husband has had a c6-c7 fusion, he saw it, and said "No Way!".

Of all the things I've lost, it's my mind I miss the most!
originally posted 03-12-01 10:45 AM
DIS Veteran
From: Menlo Park, CA, US
Registered: 08-22-99
Posts: 5628
Another tip I thought of last night.. when you go to shows, tell the CM at the entrance that you have neck problem and need to sit in a seat that you can watch the action at eye level without having to look up. This might mean that you sit in the middle or up at the top of a theatre. They will do their best to accomodate you.
Can't tell you how much I miss the spa/jacuzzis at the resorts... ahh, that was nice! Felt really great on my sore neck. Hmmm, maybe I need to go back...

"My brain takes a vacation just to give my heart more room..."
originally posted 03-12-01 11:51 AM
SueM in MN
From: Blaine,Minnesota,USA
Registered: 08-23-99
Posts: 2759
That's a very good point teri made about seeting.
A lot of people who have invisible disabilities just follow the wheelchairs into the theaters for shows. A lot of times the wheelchairs will be in the worst spot for another disability. In some shows they are in the front row; uncomfortable to be watching with your neck up for the whole show even if there are no neck problems. In other shows, the wheelchairs and ecvs are in the back row; not the best place for someone with vision problems or problems with having their neck bent down to watch the whole show.

SueM in MN
Co-Moderator of disABILITIES
originally posted 03-12-01 12:27 PM
DIS Veteran
From: Hatfield,Pa US
Registered: 10-12-00
Posts: 78
My DH had c5-6 fusion done last june and we made the mistake of going on dinosaur when we were there in Nov. We did not realize what ride we were going on. It was our first day there and we had time before a PS for breakfast so we wanted to do something other than stand around. We were't paying attention. Well, my poor DH was bumped around all over the place. He was lucky it didn't do serious damage but it did make him feel sore for the rest of the week. Most of the other rides he didn't have to much trouble with, but he isn't much for rollercoasters so he never went on them. Definatly stay away from that ride. There is so much to see and do that you will have a great time anyway.
originally posted 03-12-01 08:35 PM
Welcomed Guest
Registered: 03-06-01
Posts: 13
Thanks for the great response to my question!
I am new to this board and really appreciate all of you for your advice.

originally posted 03-12-01 09:13 PM
Welcomed Guest
Registered: 03-06-01
Posts: 13
Any other thoughts on this?

I am going real soon so I guess I'm getting a little nervous. Are all motion simulator rides out? I don't want to make a mistake.Thanks again.

originally posted 04-08-01 07:16 PM
DIS Veteran
From: Menlo Park, CA, US
Registered: 08-22-99
Posts: 5628

The motion simulator rides can be a bit rough, but don't worry - they have stationary seats for people who need them.

You will have a nice time, don't be nervous! it is a vacation - relax!!!

"My brain takes a vacation just to give my heart more room..."
originally posted 04-08-01 07:41 PM
SueM in MN
From: Blaine,Minnesota,USA
Registered: 08-23-99
Posts: 2759

Look at the park maps before you get on a ride; all of the rough ones have a warning (a red triangle, as I recall). There are also signs in several locations before you get on and if you have any doubt, you can always ask the CM before you get on. The Guidebook for Guests with Disabilities does do a good job of describing how jarring rides are. If you look up each ride before you go on, you should not get any surprizes.

SueM in MN
Co-Moderator of disABILITIES

originally posted 04-09-01 12:22 AM
Welcomed Guest
From: Sun Prairie, WI
Registered: 06-16-00
Posts: 11

Splash Mountain-?-Test Track?

Well, this is my first post to the disABILITIES page. Just found out too that I have neck problems and have to avoid rough rides. Since I'm the main vacation planner and main pusher to go to WDW, I told my kids they're lucky I like parades!!!

Question on Test Track, I went on it once 2 years ago, but at that time wasn't concerned about neck problems. What part of that ride would cause problems?

Does anybody know if Splash Mountain is okay? I hope so--it's my favorite ride.
Thanks--and pixie dust to you all!!!

originally posted 04-26-01 01:35 PM
SueM in MN
From: Blaine,Minnesota,USA
Registered: 08-23-99
Posts: 2759

Both Test Track and Splash Mountain have warnings to avoid them if you have back or neck problems. I would imagine that the main problem place at SM would be the drop. Other than that big drop and a couple of small ones, it's a pretty tame ride.
Test Track has some fast accerations, swerves and quick stops that I think might be kind of hard on the neck.

SueM in MN
Co-Moderator of disABILITIES

originally posted 04-26-01 05:04 PM
DIS Veteran
From: Menlo Park, CA, US
Registered: 08-22-99
Posts: 5628

Stay away from Test Track!!!!!!!!!!!! It really made things much worse for me. And Dinosaur as well. Those are the 2 worst rides for you neck at WDW. Splash Mountain is mostly fine, except for a few little bumps as the log goes onto the conveyers. BTMRR is not recommended, I only go on if I am really doing well.
The one they never warn you about is Spaceship Earth. That backwards ride back down from the top, without a headrest, is a killer.
"My brain takes a vacation just to give my heart more room..."
originally posted 04-26-01 07:19 PM


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