

Earning My Ears
Oct 11, 2000
Were staying at the cbm @vista center,and was wondering what's the easiet route to get to the monorail to take a ride the first night,and how much does it cost???Thanks everyone!!! vic
Just go over to the Ticket and Transportation Center (TTC) and hop on. I don't recall being asked for proof that I was a guest or had park admission, you can't do much except go to Epcot, MK, GF, Poly or Cont.
There isnt a cost for the Monorail :) Just hop on and enjoy!!! And if you have any handi individuals in your party CM's will take every step to make sure the wheelchair or ECV gets on quickly and safely :)
There is the cost of the parking lot which is $6.00 a day unless you go to a monorail resort and ride from there but not sure the security will let you use the parking lot unless you have a PS for a meal.
Also what is really cool is if you get to the gates early enough than you can ask a CM if you can sit in the front. they have to check but when the monorail gets there it means you can sit up by the driver.
:pinkbounce: :bounce:
This is a GREAT topic for the Transportation board, so I'm going to transfer it over there. Have a great trip, and have a great ride on the monorail! :D


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