Mini Minnie's 3rd trip TR

Woke about 7.40 again, slept a lot better apparently I was hogging all the duvet yet I got up in the night and put my hoody on so our little madam must of had it all!

The weather was still really poor this morning so we decided we would have a swim or more like splash in the pool instead of hitting the very wet park this morning.

Dont have a single photo from our swim! :faint:

We had a great time Elsie loved the water when we led her on her front she kicked her legs and swung her arms around she loved it!

After our swim we popped in the shop for a few bits to eat. It started to rain again so we were glad we did drive the short journey to the pool!

Back at the cabin Dave and Elsie had a nap, I had a shower and mum and dad watched some awful tv Dr Who being one show I remember them watching! (sorry I am not a fan)

Every one was up washed and dressed and ready to head back to Disney at about 2.30
The weather still wasn't great I was praying for it to stop raining as this would be our last chance to see Dreams.

Having not been in the Studios park yet we decided we would have a look round here. There really isn't much for us to do here I mean this shows are great we love Stitch live but having such limited viewing I don't feel like there is anything to keep us in the park!

Elsie just loved the huge Buzz at the entrance to Toy story playland!


and Rex we watch Toy Story every day! All 3! Elsie roars at Rex and she loved roaring at this huge one!


The rides had a 20 minute wait and Elsie just wasnt in the mood for waiting so we carried on to the shops.

We bought the Woody Duffy outfit and Elsie a Buzz hoody for christmas.

After a wander around we made our way in to the main park Elsie was ohhing and ahhing at all the windows but dad was too hungry to stop so Dad and I carried on to Casey's to get something small for us all to eat.

After Casey's we took the short cut through to Frontierland. I love all the Halloween decorations here they were brilliant.

We had a quick ride on Pirates of the Caribbean and I won't go in to it but I do have to say I HATE FLASH PHOTOGRAPHY ON DARK RIDES :furious:

It was poring down when we go out but we carried on. We had a look round the Christmas shop under the castle. It surprises me how much non Christmas products are in here as there is Christmas products every where.

The rain had stopped and it was almost time for the parade so we went and got a spot near the entrance to the Rail road as we had to get out for our reservation at 6.

The sun come out whilst we were waiting and it was lovely! Elsie didnt want to wait though.


Look there it is Elsie


And as the first float arrived so did the rain :( Oh rain go away!

I love the song I know it is repetitive but its so magical!


This was as close as we would get to seeing a princess this trip.

After the parade we made our way over to the Disneyland hotel.
Just read and caught up with your TR.

I love Elsie's name for her Grandy. Nana Dad.

Totally sucks about the cabin, not sure it 'being unfair on other guests' is a valid reason not to change you. It's not like you asked them to tell the world is it?

Love the pics of Elsie on Main St, so cute. The Minnie outfit is brilliant.

I agree the hats in World of Disney are good. I can't pull them off either, no matter how many times I try them on. :rotfl:

Awww. I'm sorry Elsie's experience with Minnie wasn't what you hoped for, glad Mickey was better. What crazy service you had tho, all them extra items of food.

Elsie roaring at rex is too cute :lovestruc

Can't wait to
Im sorry Im late :( only catching up now! How gorgeous is Miss Elsie and shes gotten so grown up!

Looking forward to reading more and after reading your Highs and Lows I was so sad to hear it didnt live up to what you expected but I bet going back over it all to do your TR makes it seem better now? :hug:

We had a disasterous trip two years ago but once we thought back on it it was still really enjoyable and I had twisted my ankle on Buzz but it meant myself and my best friend spent time soaking in the atmosphere and having a right good natter.
We also had a bad time at Cafe Mickey on our last family trip and it still surprises me how terrible their customer service, food quality and character interaction can be.

Cant wait to read more
Just read and caught up with your TR.

I love Elsie's name for her Grandy. Nana Dad.

Totally sucks about the cabin, not sure it 'being unfair on other guests' is a valid reason not to change you. It's not like you asked them to tell the world is it?

Love the pics of Elsie on Main St, so cute. The Minnie outfit is brilliant.

I agree the hats in World of Disney are good. I can't pull them off either, no matter how many times I try them on. :rotfl:

Awww. I'm sorry Elsie's experience with Minnie wasn't what you hoped for, glad Mickey was better. What crazy service you had tho, all them extra items of food.

Elsie roaring at rex is too cute :lovestruc

Can't wait to

She screams Nana Dad she loves him!

She loves her roraring at Rex we are learning Animal Noises and names at the moment we say to her "what does a monkey do?" and then we ask "what does Rex do?" lol!

Im sorry Im late :( only catching up now! How gorgeous is Miss Elsie and shes gotten so grown up!

Looking forward to reading more and after reading your Highs and Lows I was so sad to hear it didnt live up to what you expected but I bet going back over it all to do your TR makes it seem better now? :hug:

We had a disasterous trip two years ago but once we thought back on it it was still really enjoyable and I had twisted my ankle on Buzz but it meant myself and my best friend spent time soaking in the atmosphere and having a right good natter.
We also had a bad time at Cafe Mickey on our last family trip and it still surprises me how terrible their customer service, food quality and character interaction can be.

Cant wait to read more

I had to get on to doing a TR I have a note book where I have wrote a diary for Elsie for all her trips so she can read them when she is older so I thought I would write my TR as well!
Where was I?

... Ah yes the parade had just finished and we were on our way to DLH for mum and dads surprise!

First stop Fantasia bar for a cocktail each and a very rare cuddle from Elsie


We had booked a table at Inventions for 6pm so we were waiting for the doors to open from the bar. What time do they open the doors for the line of people waiting with a 6 o'clock reservation? Oh yes 6.05 :rolleyes2

We are shown to the room on your right I asked for the table in the window and yes we were aloud to sit there :thumbsup2

Great view

There was a bit of a theme with the characters tonight


Sheriff of Nottingham


Robin Hood


Friar Tuck

We also saw


Elsie picking her nose :upsidedow


Suzy and Perla

and Goofy but don't have any good photo's with Goofy!

I had seen Mickey in the main room so we waited and waited paid and waited still no Mickey we couldn't wait any longer as we all needed toilet/change before we went and got a spot for Dreams.

So disappointed we didnt see him!

We decided to stay to the side of in case we needed to make a quick get away due to weather or Elsie not liking the noise! Who knows with a one year old! So we were near Plaza Gardens fountain!


It was an OK spot we coudnt see the centre of the castle but it was good enough for us! Oh I did see some one letting their little boy wee on the grass behind the selling cart! Disgusting!

We waited for the majority to file out and soon followed down the arcade!

Such a nightmare on the way out that you have to walk round so far! Sure if you are staying on an onsite hotel and just walking it probably doesn't make much difference but having to walk all the way round then to the car park was quiet a walk with carrying a tired little lady!

Back to lodge for a hot chocolate and ready for bed! Dreaming of better character interaction at our last meal!
Why would you let your child wee in the grass in a Disney park. People are so weird!
petals said:
Why would you let your child wee in the grass in a Disney park. People are so weird!

I know it's disgusting in front of all those people waiting for dreams as well :/
Oh such a shame you didn't get to meet Mickey. Glad Elsie wasn't scared by the fireworks though so you got to watch them xx
That photo of Elsie in the ear muffs is just too cute!! princess:

We had a similar Mickeyless visit to Inventions, although he showed up just as we were leaving (3 hours after we arrived!) and with a very observant 5 year old there was no way we were going to make it out without saying hello, so we all took our coats off & sat back down again...!! Very frustrating isn't it?

Hoping the next character meal brings better news....

oh yes, and eeuuuuugggghhhh rain :crazy2:
Oh such a shame you didn't get to meet Mickey. Glad Elsie wasn't scared by the fireworks though so you got to watch them xx

She loved Dreams in the end don't know what I was worried about she danced away, clapped and WOWed everything lol!

That photo of Elsie in the ear muffs is just too cute!! princess:

We had a similar Mickeyless visit to Inventions, although he showed up just as we were leaving (3 hours after we arrived!) and with a very observant 5 year old there was no way we were going to make it out without saying hello, so we all took our coats off & sat back down again...!! Very frustrating isn't it?

Hoping the next character meal brings better news....

oh yes, and eeuuuuugggghhhh rain :crazy2:

We visited in March as well and didn't see Mickey at our table but again saw him in the main room. If we even had of waited for him to enter the room it would have been a long time till he would of got to us, we just couldn't wait any longer.

It will updating now...
Another lie in till 8am (Elsie had been getting up at 5.30 all week before we went away and even though it was only 7am at home it was nice :) )

It had rained hard in the night so I didn't hold out much hope for today again.

Up washed and dressed mum went to get breakfast this morning. Filled and the car filled with all our luggage we left our small cabin.

It was really foggy/misty this morning Dave the out doors man assured us though that the sun would burn through and it would be nice later! He was not wrong! (He never is :rolleyes2 )

Bit of a back story dad hadn't had his camera since Cafe Mickey and thought may be he left it there so mum and dad went there to check. Mum also wanted to visit Salon Mickey as they hadn't yet on this trip so we decided to go do our last bit of shopping whilst Elsie was happy in her push chair.

Bad idea I had to carry this huge bag around for the rest of the day :furious:


Being short it kept banging the back of my knee and taking my leg out lol!

We caught up with mum and dad and decided to make our way over to Frontierland I wanted to get some tea light holders I hadn't seen any where else.

All our shopping done we headed towards Cow Boy Cookout we had a reservation there for 11.30 and I was starting to regret it as we weren't really hungry yet.

Elsie fed/chased the ducks and chickens and thoroughly enjoyed her self lol!


They were all hiding from her in this picture lol!

We were enjoying ourselves laughing at Elsie that time flew by and it was past our reservation so we made our way over to Cow Boy Cookout that should be open at 11.15 (according to the sign on the door)

Well it was still locked so we knocked and waited patiently. No not my dad LOL he bangs on the door and smiles at the lady who comes and opens the door lol!

We ordered our food and let Elsie have a run around we had the whole place to our selves. After we had ordered another couple arrived and that was it for at least half hour.

Of course we had other's we were sharing the restaurant with though.


Jessie (she frightens me I don't know if its her eyes or she doesn't have a neck)


Geppetto (don't have apicture of Elsie with him)
I also think it looks like these two are talking about something!


Woody again no photo with Elsie he wasn't great he was too busy going out side trying to get others to come in!


Tigger he was brilliant Elsie tries to jump but she doesn't leave the floor lol! So they were stretching together lol!


Later we saw Daisy


And Pluto! Elsie's new favourite, he was brilliant.


Elsie's own little character party.

Our food was ready and waiting at our table but we were having so much fun with the characters. Well some of them Tigger and Geppetto were eating our lunch.


the food was so good here and wow you get so much for your money! I wish I skipped breakfast so I could of ate more.

We all had the Chilli to start with corn bread
Dave and I had the burger and wedges was so good
Dad had the Texan platter
Mum had the half chicken

for desert mum, dad and I had the Magnum and dad had the coffee and three deserts. Elsie didn't have her own food I never asked but she ate my bread and some wedges she was so busy she didn't have time for food she did get a free orange juice when I went and asked for something for her.
Well Pluto deserves a post of his own, I know others have come back and said how great he is here but he was just amazing when we saw him and I hope lots of children get great attention like this I think more characters should be more interactive like he is.

He signed Elsie's book


Yeah I chocked up reading it aloud to every one lol!

He played chase with Elsie peek a boo and let her ride around on his back


Licking her



She didn't want to share him!


Writing her message.



Pluto was told by his CM that he had to go to be fed. When he came back out it wasn't the same Pluto he came over again after going round the tables and wasn't playful and Elsie obviously doesn't understand. Luckily we were there for so long though we saw him when he come back out again. May be he was waiting for his food to go down! LOL! He ran straight over to us and started playing with Elsie again licking her cuddling her they played on the floor for a while.

He wrote on a piece of paper if he could see our photos mum said she could hear him laughing inside his suit lol!


It took 3 good byes to Pluto before we made it to the door and when we did he still ran over to us and gave Elsie lots of licks/kisses.
After we left Pluto and the others we went to feed the ducks again with our bread from lunch! Elsie LOVED it the ducks were so friendly they were eating from her hands which she thought was hilarious!

On our way out we also saw the sign for Cow Boy Cookout! Elsie gave woody a quick cuddle before heading out of Frontierland.


We saw some men in Adventureland with bells on their wrists Elsie loved them as well!

We decided to buy Elsie a soft Pluto as the mascot of this holiday and look at our photos on our cards. So Dave and I went ahead whilst mum dad and Elsie took their time. Whilst we were walking down Mani Street the music started for the character train! That first little twinkle and "Magic" is so Magical! I love it.

I wasn't that impressed with our photos the lighting in the ones from Cafe Mickey were poor we bought one from when she met Pluto at DLH on our first morning!

Then quickly nip in to the Emporium for Pluto we also bought Pluto in a snowball for Elsie's Christmas stocking.

We waited for mum dad and Elsie they had been watching the characters and Elsie had been dancing in front of the train lol!


Starting to look a little tired!


Stopping for a pose.

We were leaving now :( to head to the village mum wanted to get my sister something and wanted the new 20 CD with all the music on it. Well we went in World of Disney they only had the single nope not what we want. We went in every shop in the village and no one had the album. So Dave and I decided we would quickly go back in to the park and get it pick up a few drinks and meet mum dad and Elsie back at the car. Simple? No it was so busy in here and all the CMs were showing very indecisive people what were in the boxes. We just wanted to pay for the CD and be gone.

Eventually we were. Mum dad and Elsie hadn't long been in the car when we got there Elsie was happy with her new Jessie mum bought her.


Not longer after was asleep. :D

The journey home was fine slept most of it! Now we are home another trip in Christmas booked :D Hoping this one will be better. How can Christmas not be? Christmas and Disney are like my two favourite things!
Thanks to any one if any one read/reads it all.

OMG how gorgeous does Elsie look in that Jessie dress - you were so right to buy it :thumbsup2. Just wish the woman did slightly bigger sizes for my girls :sad1:.

CBCO sounds amazing - we loved it there too and I'm sure would be going back if it weren't stopping character meals in a few weeks time :sad1:. I'm really disappointed they aren't introducing another character meal somewhere else in the park to replace it!

Pluto probably made your holiday - and he would have mine too :goodvibes.

Can't believe you are going back again for Christmas :lmao: - really pleased for you and hope that you have a great time pixiedust:. You may as well do these mid week trips before Elsie starts school as then it's manic school holidays from then on in which just isn't the same!

Look forward to reading your new PTR :thumbsup2.
Fantastic report! Really enjoyed it!!

Thank you for reading and commenting it means a lot to me

OMG how gorgeous does Elsie look in that Jessie dress - you were so right to buy it :thumbsup2. Just wish the woman did slightly bigger sizes for my girls :sad1:.

CBCO sounds amazing - we loved it there too and I'm sure would be going back if it weren't stopping character meals in a few weeks time :sad1:. I'm really disappointed they aren't introducing another character meal somewhere else in the park to replace it!

Pluto probably made your holiday - and he would have mine too :goodvibes.

Can't believe you are going back again for Christmas :lmao: - really pleased for you and hope that you have a great time pixiedust:. You may as well do these mid week trips before Elsie starts school as then it's manic school holidays from then on in which just isn't the same!

Look forward to reading your new PTR :thumbsup2.

I love it. She is going to wear it again for trick or treating. I was going to buy Dave a woody costume but couldn't decide who I should be Dave said Stinky Pete (thanks Dave) lol!

Yeah I think the place is lacking character meals especially after park closes only having the two and one being mega £££ and the other one is just so busy!

Pluto really did make our holiday. He was brilliant and Elsie goes crazy at any sight of him now even on Mickey Mouse club house.

That is why I wanted to get on and get the TR finished so I could get on with my new PTR :D been shopping for winter clothes bought her a hat scarve and mittens today :D
I love Elsie's Woody/Jessie dress
The Cowboy Cookout sounds like fun. I want to go there but I don't want to make a reservation. I'm hoping to get lucky.
petals said:
I love Elsie's Woody/Jessie dress
The Cowboy Cookout sounds like fun. I want to go there but I don't want to make a reservation. I'm hoping to get lucky.

You should be fine it was really quiet there was max 15 families in there and the place is quiet big x


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