

Cause afterall, a dream that you wish, will come t
Jan 29, 2001
I just joined the Milesource program and was wondering if any Canadians had any problem redeeming points for gift certificates. The reason I ask, is I thought that I read somewhere that someone had problems because they don't redeem anywhere outside the US. Can anybody let me know - I really want those Rainforest Cafe gift certificates.

Milesource has now worked out an agreement with If you want your certificates to be sent to your Canadian address, you must order from The problem is that I don't think they offer Rainforest Cafe certificates. I may be wrong. Go check the milesource site and click on "cash in awardmiles". There's a link to If by chance they don't offer RFC certificates, I've heard of same Canadians having certificates sent to any American friends they may have. Then, the friend forwards them the certificates. HTH
Didn't mean to have so many links there. It's after 2 in the morning so that's my excuse and I'm sticking to it........ :D :rolleyes:
Hi ChisJo,

As CKJ told you, you will be able to redeem for something. I also want RFC gift certificates for the USA so I think what I am going to try is to select from the US menu and have them mailed to a friend in the US. I'll let you know how that goes when I try it!

If not they do have some good things for Canada.

Have fun!


Port Orleans 2000
That's what I do. My parents live in Florida in the winter. I order RFC GC's and have them sent to my parents who forward them to me.

So if you know someone in the U.S. do this. If you don't, I think there is someone on the Rewards Board who offered to do this for Canadians. Just do a search for it.


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