milesource gonna kill me!


DIS Veteran
Aug 19, 1999
i am at my wit's end..i am unable to register for MILESOURCE. Am i the only one having difficulty?

I even emailed them without any response! Are they full and not taking people?

This is so frustrating! I have tried 3 days in a row!

Anybody have any ideas????i am at my wit's end , I am unable to register for MILESOURCE

you still having problems? Did you clear your cookies?I will be happy to try for you from my computer then you can change your password right away if you want me to.

mal-thanks clearing my cookies i just need to learn how to do this..any quick tips???
oh Good glad it worked.

do the trivia first. see my post.

then click on ClickFix and just click on each site it will tell you when your points have credited. then click back and go to the next one.

I am not sure if some people shift-click on Milesource I do not sure if you can or not.

When I do the click fix, I do shift/click. I shift click and it opens a new window, then I minimize it to the bottom.

I usually do it about 6 times, then I maximize all of them and close them one right after the other.

It works for me.
When you go to do your click fix's, hold down the shift key when you click on the link with your mouse. This will open up a new window. I use Internet Exlplore and this works for me.

If you click on the minimize button, the minus button on the top of the window, the window should disapear down to the botton and the main click fix screen should be there.

I do this so I don't have to wait for each page to load and get credit. I open and minimize a couple of windows, the open them all back up, and close them one after another after the points have been credited. I do six windows at a time and usually don't have any problems.
You can also right click on the link and I think the 2nd option is Open in new window. It works great on Milesource, but not on


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