mickey items for the home...


Earning My Ears
Mar 19, 2001
Hi Guys! Being the Disney "nut" I am, I recently started collecting Mickey Mouse items for my home. Unless you are at WDW, the stuff is really hard to find. Any internet sites out there or stores you can recommend?

I'm searching for Mickey kitchenware (dishes, etc.) also bathroom items (shower curtains, etc.)
and bedding.

Thanks for your help!!!

Home Depot has a gallery store (Expo I think) that has some Disney stuff. Also the Disney Gallery store and catalogs...
So where do I find one of these Gallery/Expo Home Depot stores :) ? Thanks.
The Wal Mart just outside the gates at WDW is another great source, they have towels, everyday plates, glasses etc.
Believe it or not I found a GREAT deal on the e*** site. The seller was so nice she threw in a bunch more Mickey stuff she found when she began packing the items I'd won on auction. I was a happy camper! :bounce:
The nearest one to me is in Burlington mass.
The Disney Catalog has quite a bit now. Also, Disney has just started opening up Disney Home Stores. Look online at the Disney.com site for the Main Street Merchants page. They are going to have a Disney Home section up and running soon.

Sue Ellen


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