Maureen's Journal...comments welcome


<font color=660000>I think Tweetie done gone Cucko
Apr 21, 2003
I've been thinking about starting 1 of these for a little while now. Mostly to keep track of how I'm doing with my goals and add new ones as i come across them.

I've been a WISH member for about a month now. And started solely with exercise goals. Well, I've been sticking to those goals doing my Pilates routine no less than 3 times a week, and most weeks it has been 5 times a week. So I'm doing pretty well.

Basic info about me
***30 yo(soon to be 31 on Jan. 15th)
***Severely out of shape
***broke down and bought a scale for several reasons. Mostly I keep it hidden in my cloest so I'm not weighing myself every 10 minutes.
***height is 5 ft. 10 inches
***weight as of 12/30 is 290 lbs. High I know, ehnce the exercise.
***my exercise routine is Pilates form the "Pilates For Every body" by Denise Austin

*** ultimately to lose 100 lbs or more. Can't remeber the last time I weighed 190, but I wanna get there again.
***immediate goals are to keep exercising with my Pilates book moving through each routine as my ability allows.
***Dh and i plan on getting pregnant this summer so I'd like to lose no less than 40lbs b4 I get pregnant. Hopefully more.

That's enough for now I think. I'll post here every day or 2 with my progress and weight loss as well as how i do at keeping up my exercise.

Thanx for reading:wave:
Welcome, Maureen, and Happy New Year! The journal board is THE place to be honest with yourself, keep track of your goals, and most importantly--get lots of support from others trying to succeed at this healthy living game. Congratulations on establishing an exercising routine and sticking with it!:Pinkbounc

Good luck on the journey,
Welcome to the WISH journals. Congrats on setting goals and sticking to your exercise plan. That's huge. Good luck and post often.
Wow, 2 visitors already. Thanx for popping in.

The encouragement will come in handy as i keep going.

This week has been a little bit of an off-week for me exercise routine wise. The book I'm using has a selection of Pilates routines from beginner on. I have been doing the beginner routine with good results.
DH says he can tell that i'm losing weight from it. I can tell only by putting on my jeans which are a little bit more comfy now than they were when i bought them over Thanksgiving. I bought them knowing that I'd be starting my program as soon as i got home(was visiting my parents at the time) and they were the smallest size i could get into.

And it all seems to be working out. I've followed the book faithfully and have mastered the beginner routine enough that I feel ready for the next segment which is twice as many exercises and works on the rest of my body as well as the abs which the beginner routine concentrated on. I started that routine last tuesday night, and i think it is going to take me longer than 3 weeks to master. On tuesday i only woulnd up doing little more than half the routine, as the positions worked more muscles and some of them apperently haven't been exercised in ages. So, I'm hoping that instead of mastering the moves in 3 weeks I am just able to perform the complete routine. And hopefully, lose a little weight along the way.

So for the past week my exercise went as follows:
***Pilates beginner routine on Sunday night
***day of rest on Monday, since i was in the car for 4 1/2 hours on our way home from my parent's.
***New Pilates routine Tuesday night(little more than 1/3)
***Dancing at New Year's Eve Party(in heels even)
***Day of rest on Thursday (tight calves from dancing the night b4)
***New routine Friday night(as many exercises as possible as soon as i finish this post).

May or may not do my routine over the weekend, depends on what else Dh and i do. Expect my next post on Monday complete with weigh in results(groan).

Have a great weekend everybody and thanx for reading

Your exercise routine looks like a winner. You'll be showing results in no time. You might want to do monthly measurements along with the scale. Sometimes the scale won't budge, but the inches are still coming off. That's even more incentive to keep at it. My favorite exercise is dancing. I'm not good at it, but it's fun. If I could only get DH onto the floor.
Have a great day
Hi Everybody

The holidays are finally over and routine is back to normal. DH is back to work, and no more holiday parties. So it will be even easier to stick with routine. I exercise better when I'm alone, because i think i look stupid performing ther exercises. But, they work so i keep going.

Anyhow, there is going to be a bit of a modification in the exercise routine. My new Pilates routine is called the "Complete Body". It's in the same book, but a more challenging level than the beginner 1 which i mastered pretty well in the recommended time of 3 weeks.
SO i went on to this new routine. Results so far are, my abs love. I feel them stretch and work in places i haven't felt since forever. And they feel great afterwards 2. My legs HATE me. I'm exercising parts of my thighs i NEVER knew existed, and they don't wanna do the work. They really don't wanna do the same routine 2 days in a row. They try and quit sooner than they did the previous day.:rolleyes:

So for now, I've decided that perhaps what they need is a break between routines. So I'm going to alternate my Complete Routine with the Beginner Routine. Complete Routine on Monday-Weds.-Friday and Beginner Routine on Tuesday-Thursday. And hopefuly my thighs will soon be with the program and wanna exercise.

So with that its now time for weigh in results and measurement results:p

*weight: 290 lbs.


**tummy: 50 inches
**biceps: 18 inches
**chest: 51 inches
**thighs: 31 inches
**calves: 18 inches

So in a nushell I look like a tree. Lots of work to do, And I hope my workout soon shows me some results.

Thanx for reading

Maureen, I'm glad you've joined us on the WISH journal board!! You're doing great and sticking to your plan - I admire that! I got the Winsor Pilates DVDs about a month ago and have been using them on and off - they really do work muscles I haven't used in a while!!

I like your idea of alternating the workouts. Keep us posted on how it's going! :sunny:

Hi all. Thought I'd drop in and let you all know how i was doing. This week is going pretty well for me. My exercise is right on track with the Pilates routines. I believe I'll be able to add another 1 or 2 exercises in my next Complete workout on Friday. My legs have nearly stopped protesting the few exercises they are doing now.
If not on friday then definitely on Monday I'll be able to add the next exercises.

As for this week, here's been my exercise so far. BTW house work counts for exercise in my journal.

M-1 walk to grocery store and home with a tote bag of groceries.
**some dusting in the bedroom and the den(as long as I'm not sitting on my butt it counts)
**Complete Pilates routine b4 bedtime

T-1 walk to grocery store and home w/groceries
**Clean up the kitchen and 1 load of laundry
**Beginner Pilates routine b4 bed

W-Clean up kitchen
**Complete Pilates routine b4 posting here
(no walk today-2 cold and didn't need anything from store)

I don't go grocery shopping on Thurs. or Fri. so expect more heavy duty housework to typically be done on these 2 days of the week. And i find i am really enjoying doing my workout as 1 of the last things in the day instead of 1 of the first. So as often as possible I will most likely stick to this regarding Pilates.

And if you haven't noticed I have a new clippie::yes::
I am testing myself on munchies and so far so good. I haven't had any munchies between meals in 3 days. i try to eat about 3-4 hours apart and it keeps me in check. I also have a good handle on the water drinking, but got reminded last night not to drink more than 70 ounces in a day. i don't mind getting up once a night to go potty, but 5 times when I'm not pregnant is just a PIA.

OT**** I have some funny testimonials which apparently are too mature to post on these boards. I really do think they are worth sharing so if you'd like a look at them you can Pm me or let me know here.

Thanx for reading:wave:
Wow, you're doing great with the Pilates. I think that husework should count for double the amt of time it actually takes.:p The exercise clippie looks wonderful on you. Congrats on 3 cheat free days. Keep up the good work.
Either the server or my computer was acting a little goofy yesterday. And I just decided to put it off till today.

So, let's have the weight in:
****287lbs. for official Monday morning weigh -in.

3lbs. down....So many more to go.

Went through a mini ice age here last weekend. So it was basically stay in the house and latch hook weekend. Might go through another mini ice age again this weekend...Stay tuned.

The exercise plan goes great. I have officially added 2 more exercises to my Complete routine, and with luck may be adding even more by the end of the week. My legs are more agreeable now, as is my head. When i first started this routine I had a lot of blood rushing to my head, but not so much anymore.

I logged in at This is most likely a good tool for me. They have my philosophy, which is if I'm not sitting on my but then it counts as exercise. Even brushing the teeth counts.

A calorie is a calorie.

But, I found last night, that I'm not over eating at all, and may even be under eating. I came to about 1,600 calories for the whole day with everything i ate. So, I'm actually gonna shoot for their guideline of 2,200 calories per day. I just need to work out how to get there. it also breaks down How many carbs/protiens and fats i have. Like I figure I eat too much carbs and not enough protien. But for now, I'm gonna concentrate on getting better at exercise and staying off my but. Then, I'll worry about the breakdown of my diet.

BTW: I just love having a DH who notices the little things. He notices when I've only droped a couple of lbs. And how much tighter he can hug me. Everyone should have a Dh like mine.

Thanx for reading:wave:
You are a lucky woman. An observant husband is a rare commodity. Great work on your exercise.
Didn't feel my laziness was worth a check-in. I sometimes get that way, though as long as i at least complete my set goals(which i did anyway) then i refuse to berate myself. Instead i'll just jump back on my own bandwagon. Life is easier that way.

I think my laziness was due to a few factors. 1 was my birthday on thursday. i am now 31yo. WOW. Another was feeling a bit more lethargic from Aunt Flo's impending visit which arrived late sat. afternoon. She teased and i hated it. I spent almost 7 hours waiting for her on saturday, and very much hoping she wouldn't arrive. She did:mad: And she's left me with a baby bug the size of a Hummer. As a result i think Dh and i are going to try a bit harder this month. So if i have my way, this will turn into a baby fitness journal by march instead of a weightloss journal.[ /END VENT]

Anyway today's weigh-in:

There may or may not be some leftover weight in there from Aunt Flo. I gained less than i usually do with her visits, so we'll see again tomorrow.

Adding to exercise:
** I'm very happy with my progress from my PIlates, though for now I'm am pretty much stuck where I've been for the past week, and i don't see any more quick progress. My legs may well turn out to be my biggest problem.
**So to combat that and add more cardio exercise in general I bought a WATP 1 mile tape yesterday with dumbells. I will use it for the 1st time this afternoon after i get back from the grocery store. I'll report back here tomorrow how i like it. And I hope this jump starts my weight loss.

Thanx for reading
I hope this becomes a baby fitness journal too! Good luck!

How do you like the pilates? You're using a book not a video right? How long does the routine take? Now that I don't feel so lumpy and awkward I think something like pilates would be good but I don't know much about it.

Keep up the good work!
I wish you well in your quest to add to your family! :sunny:

Your exercise routine inspires me! I used Winsor Pilates in December and really enjoyed it. Somehow I got out of the habit, but I think it's time to start again! I also use the WATP DVDs when it's too cold to walk outside and I really like them. I don't have the weights yet - should get some though. Hope you like the 1 mile!

Have a great Tuesday, Maureen! :sunny:
It was short but seems to be very effective. The 1 mile tape had me going pretty good i think. And i did use the 2lb dumbells with it. Using the weights was harder than i figured it would be. DH and i debated in the store yesterday whether i should use what the tape says or buy some a little heavier. I'm glad i bought the 2lb. I couldn't even do all the weight moves with the tape. That shows you how bad my arms are. I actually probably could have bought the 2 mile tape and started with that 1, but since i will still be doing my Pilates, it doesn't bother me to work the 1 mile tape for awhile. I'm hoping that the weights help me with my upper back a bit.

**honeymo: I absolutely love my Pilates routine. It is the best thing yet that I have tried for exercise. Yes, I am using a book instead of a tape. My book is by Denise Austin "Pilates For Every Body" I also have a tape for it, but it got mixed up with my parents' stuff when everybody was moving after my wedding. Its in storage till probably March. I find the book is better for me though, cause I have a cochlear implant with a processor that i wear on my ear. I find that while doing my routine, the processor keeps falling off.
**Also the book is great because I keep it at my own pace instead of keeping up with a tape. I highly reccommend it. I know what you mean by feeling lumpy and awkward. I was the same way(I'm still lumpy). But Pilates will increase your flexibility and get rid of the awkwardness. I feel tons more coordinated now than when i started back in December.
**The time for my Pilates routine is down to about 15 minutes a night. But this is because I'm working on a new routine in the book, and I can't yet do all the positions in it. I just keep going every night until my body(lately my legs) tell me to stop. When I first started it toook me 45 minutes, but as I master the moves I go from 1 position to another easier and it cuts down on the time.

If you wanna know anything else feel free to PM me if you like.

**DoeWDW: You should get back into your Pilates. I love how it makes my abs feel. I'm not quite sure how i feel about WATP yet. As a tape it bores the hell out of me. But I could definitely feel my thighs actually putting an effort into it, which is saying something. Course i find all my activity is more effectve since i started Pilates. But with my thighs protesting the Pilates moves so much, I really needed something for Cardio and a bit of a compliment to the Pilates. WATP might be it. If i start dropping inches from my thighs then I'll know thats it.

Another weigh-in tomorrow. See you then

Congrats at sticking with your Pilates. It is surprising how heavy 2lbs can get, isn't it? Good Luck with tying to conceive. That's probably the funnest exercise you'll do.
I just ordered the Pilates book from Amazon - I had a coupon for $10 off so I figured that would be a great way to use it. I'm sure I'll have some questions for you after it arrives. Thanks for the recommendation.
Well, it looks like aunt flo has definitely left me an extra lb. I hate it when she leaves me gifts like that. However, I'm still 2lbs down from my offial start weight so with any luck I can drop 3 more lbs by friday. I'm just dying for a 5lb clippie.

TY for the good wishes on getting pregnant. I will definitely let you know how it works out.

**honeymo: I'm really glad you ordered the book. When it arrives I'll be happy to answer any questions you have about it.

**Strings: I was amazed at how 2lbs. added to my workout. I used to regularly bowl with a 12lb ball, so i was in the store thinking "how hard can 2lb weights be?" Well, I can still feel it in my shoulders right now. I hope this tape gives me the push i seem to need to need cardio wise.

Thanx for reading
On official weigh-in this morning my weight has gone down to 286lbs. That's 4 gone and 1 to go for my first weight loss clippie.

I have to put it to my new-found, unwavering willpower to keep up with my exercise. As well as a wonderful Dh who notices all the small changes taking place within my body. Its a wonderful ting to have somebody who notices, and to be feeling all these changes in my body.

As always I'm forever trying new things in my exercise. And here's the newest: Immediately after my WATP tape I use my Pilates as a cooldown. I do not feel that the 1 mile tape has adequate stretching at the end of it, and the PIlates movements, while not an actual stretch routine, really help me put myself in total balance after the tape.

Hopefully this combination will my ticket to faster weight loss and overall toning of my body. I can already see some beginning definition in my abs after less than 2 months on Pilates. I thought I'd have to wait untill i lost a bit of weight, but apparently not. And that's just fine. If WATP can do the same thing for my thighs I'll be really thrilled.

Thanx for reading
hey maureen, you're doing a great job! sounds like the workout routine you have figured out is working very well for you. keep up the great work :)


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