March Trip Report -- Part 15: When Dragons Dance


DIS Veteran
Aug 20, 1999
March 12, 2001

The cast:
Me (the 29 year old)

I woke up at around 6:00 and packed up to leave. I found my bill stuck under my door. I looked at it and my room charge was $111.11 per night. The total bill with valet parking for two nights was $266. charged me $348 for two nights. I called my credit card company and Travelocity didn’t charge my card. I had gotten a rate better than the Entertainment card! I stuck the bill in my pocket and did not say a word about it.

I went down for breakfast at 6:30, but the Sunset Grill wasn’t open yet. I went back to my room and watched early morning cartoons. Around 7:00, I went back down and had breakfast. I was looking to build up energy for today and for the drive home, so I decided to have the full breakfast. I didn’t fill up too much on eggs and sausage – I only had two plates worth. I tried to avoid getting too full because I was going to ride Dueling Dragons later. I almost hurled the last time I filled up on the breakfast buffet and tried to ride Dueling Dragons. I wasn’t going to let that happen again.

I went back to my room and gathered my gear. I left my bill at the front desk and got my car out of valet parking. I headed back to the park and parked in the garage. The garage walked seemed long today. I was used to a short walk from Hard Rock Hotel to the parks. I was too spoiled! I made it to the front gates just as they were letting in people. Today, no one was checking for room keys. They just scanned my annual pass and let me in. This was surprising, since yesterday the Universal Studios people were really combing over for onsite room keys.

The first ride I went on was Spider-Man. I rode it two times. During my first ride, I was in the second row. As I waited to be unloaded, I noticed the number on the car in front of me. It was 118! I had missed the perfectly-programmed car by one car! I rode it twice, hoping I could get 118. I didn’t. I did get to ride in the front row.

Fearfall and the Hulk weren’t open yet, so I headed over to Seuss Landing. I rode Cat in the Hat. The ride attendant at the entrance looked familiar. He was the guy in the vacation planning video. He was at Men in Black and let the family in for front of the line access when they showed him their room keys. I’ve seen him at Men in Black in person and on Jaws. Maybe I should have asked, “Hey, aren’t you the guy…” but I had a ride to go on. I got a car all to myself. I sat in the back seat. It looked like this seat was for handicapped guests. The seat was rectangular and looked like it could be taken out easily. The ride was working well, but Thing 1 wasn’t doing a cartwheel in one scene. He moved from right to left, but he was not cartwheeling. He was just stuck in one place.

One Fish did not have a line, so I decided to ride it. I was walking too slow and had to wait for one ride cycle to complete. I went on the next one and I was the only rider on the whole thing. When I got off, no one else was in line. I’ve seen the ride go with no one on it. I assume that’s what the ride op did. Sometimes I wonder how the ride ops are at the end of the day. They have to listen to the song all day long. I think I would have earplugs.

It was close to 9:00, so I headed to the Lost Continent for Dueling Dragons. The entrance was gated off. I headed down the path by the water and got some shots of the Hulk. The gate opened and I headed to Dueling Dragons. I used front of the line access, but a ride attendant was not guarding the door. I went through baby swap instead.

There was no line for Dueling Dragons. Even the front seat lines had very little wait. I decided to ride in the front, as this would be my only time to stand in such a short line. I rode Ice in front first. I love riding Ice in the front because of the wall. It looks like you will hit it and then you go up. Then I rode Fire in front. It was a good ride, but not as good as Ice. I rode Ice one more time in front. I loved it again! During my last ride while I was getting secure, the ride op pushed my fanny bag to the side. That was odd because no one had done that. Usually, I keep it up front and the restraint falls over it nicely.

I wanted to ride Fire one more time, but it was getting close to 9:30. I headed out of the park to Hard Rock Live to meet Donna and Ohai.


Barry Hom
Moderator, Universal and Sea World Boards

Click HERE for interesting Universal Orlando information!
My one regret is that we did not go and look at the Dragon's queue while we were there. Looks like I will have to go back... :rolleyes:
Thanks for the great trip reports. Loved reading your reviews. Dh and ds loved Dueling Dragons. The first time they went on it they got lost in the castle. Maybe they should have stuck with the Hulk.


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