March Trip Report -- Part 13: Cheaters Never Prosper


DIS Veteran
Aug 20, 1999
March 11, 2001

The cast:
Me (the 29 year old)

I headed off to the rides solo while Donna and Ohai got some quality REM time. I decided to do some of the rides Donna and Ohai wouldn’t do.

I hadn’t rode Dueling Dragons yet, so I headed there. The Universal Express line went up the exit. I headed up and an employee was standing at the Express entrance. I showed my key and was let in. The entrance bypassed about 95% of the castle and deposited me at a point after the skeletons. I slipped into the steadily-moving line. This was the longest Dueling Dragons line I’ve ever seen. It must have stretched all the way back to the bones. I had time to ride only one side today. I chose Fire. I found a short line and waited about 15 minutes. The line for the front seat was ridiculously long. I decided to just ride one side and ride multiple times during Islands of Adventure early entry.

I was sweaty and in need of a shower, so I decided to ride Jurassic Park River Adventure. The regular wait was 30 minutes, so I used front of the line access. In the Universal Express line, I was following about five teenage guys. When they encountered an employee at the first checkpoint, they did not have Universal Express passes or onsite hotel room keys. One guy said, “Well, the lady up front told us to go through this line. We didn’t know any better.” The employee waved them through. As they progressed through the line, they were congratulating each other. One guy said, “They really don’t care!” When they finally got to the loading bay, another employee asked for their Universal Express tickets. The guy gave him the same line that he gave the other employee. The employee at the loading bay didn’t let them through because they didn’t have tickets. The one guy tried to convince the employee to let him through, but the employee stood his ground. They walked all the way back and into the regular queue.

After getting wet, I headed to Spider-Man. The Universal Express line moved pretty quickly. I don’t think I waited for more than a few minutes. Next was Fearfall. I don’t think Donna and Ohai would consider riding this, even though they survived the Hulk. I went through Fearfall’s Universal Express line and I was the last in line. As I was a solo rider, they called me up to the front of the queue to fill in a single empty seat.

The ride seems to end too quickly, but I like to ride it to see what view I get. This time, I saw the site for the Royal Pacific Hotel. It was just mounds of dirt, but they had dug out a pond and a river. It would be interesting to get a room at that hotel and watch Fearfall go up and down all day.

It was around 4:15. I had some shopping to do. I wanted to buy Donna and Ohai some gifts. They had bought lunch and dinner for me and I felt guilty for being a mooch. I wanted to buy something to thank them. I bought Donna an IOA shirt with the Marvel Super Hero characters. I just wanted to buy her a shirt with just Dr. Doom on it, but the shirt I found was good enough. For Ohai (the wild bead man), I got him a Mardi Gras shirt. I also got Donna a Dr. Doom mug and Ohai a Hulk mug (for surviving the Hulk). It was a large package, so I tied it to my backpack and went on my way. I hardly knew it was there until someone bumped it. It was amazing that it held on for the rest of the day.

I then headed over to Universal Studios. I wanted to go to Curious George because I hadn’t been there in a while. I allotted myself 30 minutes in there. I ended up staying there until around 5:45! I hung mostly around the water cannons and bucket. The bucket was fun. I filled it up with water and dumped it on the people passing below. I missed most of the time. One kid was very fun to try to get wet. Every time he passed under the bucket, he stopped and looked up. Every time I moved the bucket slightly, he was ready to split. I kept on pushing the bucket away from me and he was able to escape. One time, I pushed the bucket towards me and dropped the water into his path. I got him wet! I also got a teen girl wet. She was running around in the water and she had jean overalls on. She looked pretty wet. Her sister asked her to stand in a spot when her sister turned a handle to squirt her. The teen girl was standing at the ground zero spot. This was the spot you had to be at to get wet from the bucket dump. Seeing my opportunity, I dumped the bucket on her and she got soaked! She started screaming and I started to run!

My feet were kind of hurting. I wore Tevas all day and my feet were hurting. I usually don’t have a problem with them, but I hadn’t worn them for a while. I limped over to Finnegan’s to meet Donna and Ohai.


Barry Hom
Moderator, Universal and Sea World Boards

Click HERE for interesting Universal Orlando information!
I glad you always find time to post a trip report. Thanks Barry!


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