Marathon Weekend 2017!

Thanks everyone for your helpful answers!

My taper is very similar to Dopeybadger's. Longest run next week, and last quality run (tempo) 10 days out. Hopefully you are following a plan and continue that through the taper.

It is getting closer and closer.
Yes, I am following a plan, but I am now 2 weeks without training, because I was sick. I hope to be back in training on wednesday and doing my last long run on friday.
Looking for a little bit of reassurance here... the WDW marathon will be my first and I've been following the Galloway training plan but admittedly haven't had the best training cycle. I missed some runs in the beginning due to nagging injuries and had to switch some stuff around, but for the most part, the last month or two has been pretty solid. Normally I can straight run somewhere around 9:30-10:30 minute miles, but for this cycle I've been doing intervals to keep from getting injured and it seems to be helping but my pace is obviously slower.

Anyway, yesterday I did 18 miles at around a 12:00 min/mile avg pace. 9 were outside with my husband, then 9 on treadmill (split up as 5 and 4 with a break to stretch in between). I'm assuming it's normal to freak out and wonder how the heck you're going to be able to do a marathon at this point?? Two weeks ago we ran 16 miles at around 11:30 min/mile avg and in two weeks we have a 20 mile run planned and then that's it as far as really long runs. Is this really enough? I feel so overwhelmed and I can't shake the feeling that I've bitten off way more than I can chew.
Looking for a little bit of reassurance here... the WDW marathon will be my first and I've been following the Galloway training plan but admittedly haven't had the best training cycle. I missed some runs in the beginning due to nagging injuries and had to switch some stuff around, but for the most part, the last month or two has been pretty solid. Normally I can straight run somewhere around 9:30-10:30 minute miles, but for this cycle I've been doing intervals to keep from getting injured and it seems to be helping but my pace is obviously slower.

Anyway, yesterday I did 18 miles at around a 12:00 min/mile avg pace. 9 were outside with my husband, then 9 on treadmill (split up as 5 and 4 with a break to stretch in between). I'm assuming it's normal to freak out and wonder how the heck you're going to be able to do a marathon at this point?? Two weeks ago we ran 16 miles at around 11:30 min/mile avg and in two weeks we have a 20 mile run planned and then that's it as far as really long runs. Is this really enough? I feel so overwhelmed and I can't shake the feeling that I've bitten off way more than I can chew.

I think you're going to be fine. As long as you've been running some miles during the week other than the long run, and as long as you haven't been splitting all of your long runs up too much (9+5+4 doesn't necessarily equal 18 dependent on how much time off between each segment). But it seems based on the information you've provided that you'll be just fine. Just remember on race day to try and stay positive. Positivity and self-talk has been shown to increase performance over negative thoughts by as much as a whopping 17%. It's why many say that running is 60% physical and 40% mental. Just keep telling yourself how great you're doing. Just keep thinking of all of the smiling faces in your life. Just do a hard reset at mile 6 of the marathon, so mile 7 becomes mile 1 and not 7. This means mile 26 is now actually mile 20. You've done 20 miles (or plan to later) so you've got this! Trust the training and it will get you there! :thumbsup2
Looking for a little bit of reassurance here... the WDW marathon will be my first and I've been following the Galloway training plan but admittedly haven't had the best training cycle. I missed some runs in the beginning due to nagging injuries and had to switch some stuff around, but for the most part, the last month or two has been pretty solid. Normally I can straight run somewhere around 9:30-10:30 minute miles, but for this cycle I've been doing intervals to keep from getting injured and it seems to be helping but my pace is obviously slower.

Anyway, yesterday I did 18 miles at around a 12:00 min/mile avg pace. 9 were outside with my husband, then 9 on treadmill (split up as 5 and 4 with a break to stretch in between). I'm assuming it's normal to freak out and wonder how the heck you're going to be able to do a marathon at this point?? Two weeks ago we ran 16 miles at around 11:30 min/mile avg and in two weeks we have a 20 mile run planned and then that's it as far as really long runs. Is this really enough? I feel so overwhelmed and I can't shake the feeling that I've bitten off way more than I can chew.

It's normal to feel overwhelmed with the time and effort you are putting in to your training and the expectations you have for the marathon. I ran my "bucket list" marathon in 2010 and my longest training run was 20 miles. Being 4 weeks out, don't overdo it or push it to the point where you may injure yourself. Adrenaline and 20,000+ of your closest friends will help you get through the race regardless of what pace you run it!
Looking for a little bit of reassurance here... the WDW marathon will be my first and I've been following the Galloway training plan but admittedly haven't had the best training cycle. I missed some runs in the beginning due to nagging injuries and had to switch some stuff around, but for the most part, the last month or two has been pretty solid. Normally I can straight run somewhere around 9:30-10:30 minute miles, but for this cycle I've been doing intervals to keep from getting injured and it seems to be helping but my pace is obviously slower.

Anyway, yesterday I did 18 miles at around a 12:00 min/mile avg pace. 9 were outside with my husband, then 9 on treadmill (split up as 5 and 4 with a break to stretch in between). I'm assuming it's normal to freak out and wonder how the heck you're going to be able to do a marathon at this point?? Two weeks ago we ran 16 miles at around 11:30 min/mile avg and in two weeks we have a 20 mile run planned and then that's it as far as really long runs. Is this really enough? I feel so overwhelmed and I can't shake the feeling that I've bitten off way more than I can chew.

@DopeyBadger is the pro, but I'd say, yeah, you've got this. 16 miles at an 11:30 min pace gets you more than half way and gives you a considerable cushion before sweeping is a concern. 10 miles at even a 14 min would still get you across the finish line with time to spare. Plus, you'll have the excitement and the adrenaline that comes with race day, not to mention plenty of others running along with you. Keep your head up!
Good morning, runDisney all-stars!

Four weeks to go! 28 days!

Today's Sundays are for Disney: What is your favorite running memory or most memorable race?
Hi! I'm super excited to have found this forum, and particularly the extremely helpful FAQs. I'll be running my first marathon on the 8th, eek!

I was wondering if anyone can share any advice about driving to the park on marathon morning, both for runners and spectators. Anyone know what time I should plan to arrive? Also, my husband will be coming with our 7-month-old to meet me at the finish line (and possibly see me at WWoS? Not sure about that yet), and I'm curious if there is a TON of spectator traffic a few hours after the marathon starts.

Thanks!! We are staying with my family in Orlando and I am dreading running in the Florida heat, ugh! I enjoyed a crisp 29ish training run today in NYC!

Hopefully someone will chime in who has driven to the race but personally I'd say give yourself at least an hour from exiting the car to get to your corral. Bag check, bathroom stops, and the long walk corral can eat up your time fast. I don't like standing around waiting for races to start but you don't want to cut it close. I wouldn't think the spectator traffic would be too bad but at some point later in the morning normal park traffic will pick up. I'm sure someone else will have more useful info but just my thoughts. Good luck on your first marathon!
I think you're going to be fine. As long as you've been running some miles during the week other than the long run, and as long as you haven't been splitting all of your long runs up too much (9+5+4 doesn't necessarily equal 18 dependent on how much time off between each segment). But it seems based on the information you've provided that you'll be just fine. Just remember on race day to try and stay positive. Positivity and self-talk has been shown to increase performance over negative thoughts by as much as a whopping 17%. It's why many say that running is 60% physical and 40% mental. Just keep telling yourself how great you're doing. Just keep thinking of all of the smiling faces in your life. Just do a hard reset at mile 6 of the marathon, so mile 7 becomes mile 1 and not 7. This means mile 26 is now actually mile 20. You've done 20 miles (or plan to later) so you've got this! Trust the training and it will get you there! :thumbsup2

Mainly I just stop to stretch my calves out on the edge of the treadmill or run and pee quickly, so hopefully I'm not effecting the distance too much! And I definitely could benefit from some positive self talk. I catch myself (especially during yesterday's literally freezing cold 9 miles) voicing how miserable I am very often. I'm going to make a point to be more positive during the 20 miler. ::yes:: Thank you for the pep talk!

It's normal to feel overwhelmed with the time and effort you are putting in to your training and the expectations you have for the marathon. I ran my "bucket list" marathon in 2010 and my longest training run was 20 miles. Being 4 weeks out, don't overdo it or push it to the point where you may injure yourself. Adrenaline and 20,000+ of your closest friends will help you get through the race regardless of what pace you run it!

I remember hearing somewhere that it's better to be undertrained than overtrained so I figured at least I'm on the better end of that scale haha!

@DopeyBadger is the pro, but I'd say, yeah, you've got this. 16 miles at an 11:30 min pace gets you more than half way and gives you a considerable cushion before sweeping is a concern. 10 miles at even a 14 min would still get you across the finish line with time to spare. Plus, you'll have the excitement and the adrenaline that comes with race day, not to mention plenty of others running along with you. Keep your head up!

You're definitely right... I hadn't run at all for two weeks leading up to the Princess Half this year and I feel like I was totally jacked up on adrenaline and excitement the entire time! Hopefully the training I've done so far and Disney magic (and maybe the promise of a margarita after the finish? :D) will see me through this!
Sorry if this has been covered but a quick question...

Are there places to warm up before the marathon begins? I heard that the walk to corrals is long. Could I run to the corral or is it just too crowded? I usually do a 1-2 mile warm up with some strides thrown in.
Good morning, runDisney all-stars!

Four weeks to go! 28 days!

Today's Sundays are for Disney: What is your favorite running memory or most memorable race?

Princess Half this year was a dream-come-true race for me, so that is obviously up there in the ranks. But I have to say that my most memorable race was the Scranton Half this year where I completely unexpectedly ran a sub-2. I was planning on taking a break from running for a little while after that race, so I figured I might as well go all out and see what happens. I started out fast and was able to hang on through the whole race; I had never been so uncomfortable by the time I hit mile 9. But at that point, I had done the math and knew I could sub-2, so I had no choice but to buckle down and hang on. I remember seeing how excited my husband was to see me come into the stadium and this is the only race that I've actually cried when finishing. Partly because my legs hurt so bad and partly because I was so freaking proud. I still get goosebumps thinking about it. :goodvibes
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Mainly I just stop to stretch my calves out on the edge of the treadmill or run and pee quickly, so hopefully I'm not effecting the distance too much!

Then there is no effect on the distance, you're fine. If you said you took an hour, or 3 hours, or 6 hours between each of the segments, then they may not add up to a typical long run (thus, you wouldn't elicit the same physical adaptations that you desire with long run training). But a few minutes to stretch and pee as described will have no ill effect (and if anything will prepare you for character photos and rest stops during the race! :mickeyjum) :thumbsup2

Sorry if this has been covered but a quick question...

Are there places to warm up before the marathon begins? I heard that the walk to corrals is long. Could I run to the corral or is it just too crowded? I usually do a 1-2 mile warm up with some strides thrown in.

Yes, the marathon starting area where the corrals are is on a long stretch of road (not the same stretch of road that goes from gear drop off to corrals). The corrals take up half the road, and there is "empty" walking space on the other half. There are people walking to their corrals so be cognizant of them on the "empty" side, but I do know that there is space next to corral A through H that is pretty open to take advantage of a warm-up. In each of my three Disney marathons, I have had no issue warming-up pre-race right there before putting myself into my corral. It's an estimated 0.2-0.3 miles long.
Good morning, runDisney all-stars!

Four weeks to go! 28 days!

Today's Sundays are for Disney: What is your favorite running memory or most memorable race?

2016 WDW Marathon

My first marathon. WAY undertrained due to injury. Almost didn't start due to nerves and the way my legs felt after running the 10k and half. Almost stopped at MK because my legs just weren't there. Got a second wind and knew I had it when I hit the AK. Ran the rest of the way with a big smile on my face picking up the pace the whole way.
Good morning, runDisney all-stars!

Four weeks to go! 28 days!

Today's Sundays are for Disney: What is your favorite running memory or most memorable race?

Finishing my first marathon at WDW in 2013. I had finished the 2012 Half as my first race but a full marathon was like some sort of impossible dream. The race was hot, my feet were killing me, I thought I was going to quit about twenty times and was unable to control my feelings of relief and joy as I crossed the finish line. I've had much better races and finishing the inaugural Dopey was nearly as awesome, but nothing beats a first marathon.
Good morning, runDisney all-stars!

Four weeks to go! 28 days!

Today's Sundays are for Disney: What is your favorite running memory or most memorable race?
Most memorable race would likely be my first runDisney race the WDW 10K. That trip overall was special as I've said before it was the last time my grandma went to Disney.

My favorite running memory is the 2016 WDW half. I had a blast running my first half.


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