
***" I know you're all going to write back and say, "We're not talking about disabled children, we're just talking about the brats, but can you really tell the difference without more information?"****

Can I tell the difference - not always. But my DW can. And quite honestly I'd never use the behavior of a HC child as fodder for a stupid internet thread.
Plus4206 said:
***" I know you're all going to write back and say, "We're not talking about disabled children, we're just talking about the brats, but can you really tell the difference without more information?"****

Can I tell the difference - not always. But my DW can. And quite honestly I'd never use the behavior of a HC child as fodder for a stupid internet thread.


I'm merely saying that people shouldn't be so judgemental.
Plus4206 said:
Can I tell the difference - not always. But my DW can. And quite honestly I'd never use the behavior of a HC child as fodder for a stupid internet thread.

Wow! I know kids who have taken years to get their diagnosis and have had to be tested for confirmation. And your wife can tell by looking at kids at Disneyworld! Tell me, how exactly does she look at a child and tell if the child has ODD, or OCD, or ADHD or Sensory Integration Dysfunction or Asbergers? How she can look at a child and know that these are foster parents or adoptive parents and the child was a victim of sexual abuse and therefore has some understandable behaviorial issues? That is an amazing skill.
After 13 years working in a crisis respite home for children, my DW can spot things that you and I cannot. She has worked with 100's of children who have been abused beyond disbelief or suffer birth defects Stephen King couldn't imagine.

Can she spot every child with a handicap ? Of course not, but apparently you live in an internet world where hyperbole doesn't exist.

***"That is an amazing skill."***

It most certainly is. But that's the easy part. The real skill or talent is her ability to love and care for children with appearances & behavioral habits that most people would find revolting.
So I don't think she was disruptive or ruined the show for anyone.
That seems reasonable to me, given how loud Fantasmic! is, but I've noted many situations where there was a very strong disagreement between the parents of the "disrupt-er" and the "disrupt-ees" about what is and is not disrupting. I suspect that kind of disparity of perception is a common source of the concerns expressed in this regard on web sites.
It's absolutely true that all kids ocassionally have bad days and melt-downs. However, the odds of this happening definitely increase if you keep them in a park for too many hours or too far past their bed times. That's just selfish or mindless on the parents' part. I don't enjoy sharing space with children late at night at the Comedy Connection or Adventurer's Club or being in the same monorail with a 3 year old so exhausted at midnight that he screams from sheer misery. If you visit Disney with children you have to arrange your activities to be mindful of the needs of the children and other patrons. Maybe adults have to take turns visiting attractions. Maybe some attractions need to wait until the family is a little older. Maybe I'm a grumpy empty nester, but our time at WDW with our granddaughter is arranged around her needs and we try to be sensitive to preserving the magic for those around us. There is nothing more wonderful at WDW than seeing a child thrilled by the glory of Disney -- anyone's child -- and very little worse than having everyone's time spoiled because some selfish individuals forgot they don't live alone in the world.
SQ we stay at the parks till closing mind you in Dec that is fairly early. Our kids go to bed at 8:30 and 9 PM at home but at Disney they will usually outlast us well my DW anyhow LOL. When they get tired they fall asleep in the stroller well they used to now they just go and go and go. Our youngest likes to play around at dinner he never leaves our table but he likes to play around it and under it. We don't take him to many places other than 50's Prime time and Chef Mickeys but we took him to the COral Reef this trip and the looks we got from others because he was standing up on the bench and playing under our table man if looks could kill. Mind you we didn't say anything to them when their phone kept ringing off the hook during the meal and they talked loud enough that the 5 tables around them could hear the conversation LOL. Some people are very quick to judge parents and kids I saw mention of the comment it is our vacation and we paid alot for it well those that are complaining about the kids etc are just doing the same thing it is our vacation and we demand well behaved and polite people and children not screaming kids and so on. Sorry not to pick on you SQ it was just an observation to a comment and a few others I have read in this thread.
My wife and I have been on a few cruises where the average age is somewhere near 60. We have run into the same types of problems in the OP of this thread on a cruise ship, and they weren't kids doing it. Its amazing that grandma can't hear when someone tells her she cut in line, but can hear all the numbers during bingo and play multiple cards. I don't think this attitude that certain people have that they're more important than anyone else is limited to a certain demographic.
CharlesTD, I don't understand what folks would be glaring at you for in the description of your Coral Reef dinner. It would not bother me at all to see a kid acting like a kid, and that is what you described. I DO, however, object when someone's child comes to MY table and plays under my feet or rests their chin on the table next to my plate. Yes, I have had that happen at WDW too. I think those are the types of limits that lots of parents don't follow.
OMG- Duckfan you hit the nail on the head! Bad behavoir hits every age. I remember being on a cruise where our ship had to rescue a fishing vessel in a bad storm from a hurricane and several elderly people on the ship were having a cow that this caused the boat to get to it's port 2 hours late. They actually wanted the captain to let those people drown so they could go shopping.

My DD has had a couple of rough moments at WDW. It comes down to following through on punishment. If you are always only threatening with no consequences you get what you deserve. A whiny bratty spoiled kid who thinks they are in charge. I don't care if you paid ten grand to visit WDW- guess what type of impact it would make on your child if he/she had to spend a day sitting in the room doing nothing. Hey get a babysitter and enjoy the day yourself and I bet your child would not give you another problem the rest of the trip. Of course this applies to age. A tired toddler does not deserve the same punishment as a self-centered 7 year old or a disrespectful teenager.

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