Mammogram Call Back

My last one was 7 years after the previous 1! How did I forget so long?! Anyway, got a callback, got another 1, was asked to wait in the dressing room, was called back for an u/s, and it was fine. I’m not waiting another 7 years again.
Breast cancer runs in my family and I was totally freaked out when the nurse came out to the waiting area after my mammogram and said they need to do an ultrasound because they saw something. (I too go to a place that reviews the mammogram and does follow-up right then and there).
It turns out it was nothing.
Good luck and try not to worry.
I see a couple of you were sent for 3d mammograms. This was a 3d. I’ve had a 3d mammogram every year since I turned 40.

The only risk factor I have for breast cancer is dense tissue. Outside of that, I have no family history, I’m 46, have never smoked, don’t drink, exercise regularly, and I breastfed my babies.

About a month ago, I got sick and my glands became swollen. I’m wondering if they are seeing something like that. I can’t feel any lumps.

After this, I will definitely switch to a place that does same day additional imaging.
I had my mammogram today and got called back for a repeat mammogram and ultrasound. My appointment is next Tuesday. There’s a spot on the right breast the radiologist wants a better look at. I know there is nothing to be done here except wait it out and try to not stress. Hoping that someone can offer me reassurance.

Just popping in to offer up my support. No matter what, even if it does turn out to be cancer, the outcomes are so much better these days. I am in a different situation (I'm BRCA1+ which is extremely high risk - and much breast cancer was in my family) and had both my breast removed preventatively at age 32. With the wonderful plastic surgeon and reconstruction methods, nobody would ever know.

Most times these things turn out to be benign. Hopefully that is the case for you too. XOXO
It's most likely nothing, but if it's something you'll be glad they caught it early. I had DCIS that was stage 0. I have an excellent prognosis. I had surgery and radiation, and I'm now on medication for 5 years (estrogen blocker).

I get nervous with every mammo now, but I know that the radiologists are very cautious and vigilant!
a) As everyone else says, the odds are greatly in your favor on a callback. In all likelihood, you are fine. :)

b) I think the way most mammography places do that is cruel. After my own negative experience, I found a place in my city that gives you same-day results. Every year I get my mammogram and then sit down with my radiologist and discuss the results, in person. If ever there were a concern, I'd get that second round right away. By the time you leave the appointment you have your results in hand. It is SO much butter, and I recommend looking around to see if a similar location exists in your area.
What everyone has said is true. It is almost always nothing. My case happened to be cancer. stage 1 grade 1. But, since it was caught so early, I just had lumpectomy and radiation. It had not spread. The treatments were not as bad as I would have thought and I'm passed all of it. 4 years later and I'm still all clear. Just saying this to let you know, it will be ok. My prayers are with you!
Yup, call backs are very common. It can just be cysts too. Thing is that a cyst does not show up on a mammo as a cyst, but an ultrasound will ID it as a cyst. Cysts normal and can come and go with your cycle.
Yup, call backs are very common. It can just be cysts too. Thing is that a cyst does not show up on a mammo as a cyst, but an ultrasound will ID it as a cyst. Cysts normal and can come and go with your cycle.

Wouldn’t you feel a cyst? I can’t feel anything.
Wouldn’t you feel a cyst? I can’t feel anything.

I don't think so if it's small. All it shows on the mammo is that "something" is there. The ultrasound will let them know if it's a cyst. It is terrifying getting called back, but better to get it checked. Too bad you have to wait through the weekend. Do you have 3D mammos? Those cut down on call backs.
Sending you positive thoughts that it is nothing. I had my mammogram this morning and got an e-mail that it was fine, but I always worry until I get any sort of results.
Lucky you get it that soon. I get a letter within 5-7 days on my results, but I was told I'd get a call before that time if they needed more scans.
It's impossible to relax about something like this. Unfortunately for me my routine mammo showed a tumor which ended up being triple negative stage 1. I needed aggressive chemo and radiation. That was 8 years ago in Oct. I realized I'm a lot tougher than I ever thought possible. That mammo saved my life even though it wasn't exactly the result I wanted. Early detection is key. I am very sorry you need to go through this worry. It's most likely nothing as a majority are but know that even if it is something you will get through this as many of us have.
Earlier this week I had my scans to check for cancer recurrence, which has previously resulted in severe ‘scanxiety’. I’ve started seeing a psychologist to help manage it and she gave me an amazing piece of advice: try to worry about it later. When an anxious thought pops into your head, try to push it away temporarily - if saying ‘I’ll worry about it at my results appointment’ is too much, try ‘I’ll worry about it tomorrow’ or even ‘I’ll worry about it in an hour’. It seems stupidly simple, but I’ve actually found it incredibly effective.
Adding support. My mom had breast cancer twice, 12 years apart, same breast. Neither time could anything be felt. I have 2 call backs, both wound up to be nothing. However, as people have said, it is terrifying. The first time, I was sent into Philly for a breast surgeon who wanted me in for a needle biopsy immediately. They couldn’t do it as when they were looking for it, to mark it, it was gone. Whatever it was fooled them to think it was going to be bad. At that point, I switched to a place that was same day results. It was the early 90’s.

Insurance changed and the same day faculty was no longer covered. I have to go to a specific facility now, however, it is highly rated and I have no qualms. The only issue is that I have to wait for results, but it’s usually 2 days. The 2nd scare, I was sent to a breast surgeon and she did a few more scans & ultrasound, coming to the conclusion that it was not anything to be concerned about. This was the late 90’s.

I still get nervous each year when having my mammo and waiting for results. I do get 3D scans each year.
Lucky you get it that soon. I get a letter within 5-7 days on my results, but I was told I'd get a call before that time if they needed more scans.

The hospital/Doctors group I use uses "MyChart", which is an electronic medical chart type thing, so the message came through that. When the tech finished up with the scans, she said that the doctor would look at it within a couple hours and I would have my results by afternoon; I was surprised it was so quick also. Last year was my first mammogram and I don't remember getting the results within a few hours. It's definitely nice to have them so quickly.
Just went through that. It didn't even occur to me to be concerned. :confused: Until the technician left to show the results to the doctor, leaving me with pictures of a large black lump on the ultrasound screen. (It occurred to me at the time that I was grateful that I was too dumb to think about being worried if it ended up being something.) But it was just a cyst. Whew.
Wouldn’t you feel a cyst? I can’t feel anything.
I had my first mammo (and ultrasound) this year after having pain in my left breast for a few weeks. Turned out I had cysts in both my breasts, could not feel them at all (and I have super tiny breasts) and they couldn't tell what they were on the mammo. I have dense breasts and was told I'd have ultrasound and mammo every time (and I kinda question why I have to bother with the mammo if I'm getting an ultrasound anyway).
I had my first mammo (and ultrasound) this year after having pain in my left breast for a few weeks. Turned out I had cysts in both my breasts, could not feel them at all (and I have super tiny breasts) and they couldn't tell what they were on the mammo. I have dense breasts and was told I'd have ultrasound and mammo every time (and I kinda question why I have to bother with the mammo if I'm getting an ultrasound anyway).

from what I understand they are best used together. Mammo picks up things ultrasound won't and vice versa.
I had my first mammo (and ultrasound) this year after having pain in my left breast for a few weeks. Turned out I had cysts in both my breasts, could not feel them at all (and I have super tiny breasts) and they couldn't tell what they were on the mammo. I have dense breasts and was told I'd have ultrasound and mammo every time (and I kinda question why I have to bother with the mammo if I'm getting an ultrasound anyway).
I also have dense breasts,they give me 3D every time now. But I've also wondered why not just do ultrasound first?


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