Maaco paint jobs??


Grammar Nazi
Sep 16, 1999
I had a minor accident with my jeep wrangler. It will only cost me a bit more to have the whole vehicle painted if I go to Maaco. I know they are a cheapie place but I would never spend $2000. to have this older car painted. Has anybody ever used Maaco? Do you think that some colors like red will be harder for a cheaper place like this to get looking good? The jeep is faded white now so I am not worried about changing colors.
My dad just had Maaco do some work on the car he repossesed from my brother (ugh, long story) and they did an excellent job.

I can't speak for your Maaco shop but you couldn't tell the difference between the paint job they did for his car and the one the dealer did from my van when I was in an accident.
My DH does collision and paints cars for a living. He usually bashes Maaco - they get alot of cars in his shop that need to be redone after Maaco messed them up. BUT - he does tell people that if they have an old car to go there. They're cheaper and who wants to invest a lot of money to paint an old car. Unless of course it's a classic. I'd say you'll do okay there.


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