Low on $? Try WDW camp out with Chip and Dale !


Earning My Ears
Aug 10, 2000
I know many of you already are aware of this special treat Disney provides, but I just want to share it. I just got back from WDW two weeks ago and was down to very little money after five days. So I remembered the camp out party in the Fort Wildereness camp ground. It was wonderful. Sunny, the Disney camp out leader, starts the camp fire and sells the makings for S'mores. Then she walks around playing her guitar and singing and then suddenly Chip and Dale appear. We all went up front and danced with them. Then the chipmunks went around to each bench and greeted everyone. Sunny then played two Disney movies. What a treat this was and the best part - it was free!
If you are interested take the shuttle from the Disney FW cabins check in building. Tell the driver you want to get off at the camp fire. (The bus will be full of other guests going to the Hoop De Do.) The camp fire starts at 7 p.m. so start the bus at 6:30 p.m. to get a good seat. The makings for S'mores sell for $4.00 or bring your own.
Do they have this camp fire all year round. We are probably going in dec 2001 again. I am wondering if they will have this then. Is the camp fire everynight or only special nights. Who would we call when we're there to find out??

Thanks for your help.


I to am inteseted if they do it in Dec. We are there from Dec 7th to the 15th.

Thanks for any info!


<font size=3><font color=red>
<marquee> Co-Captain & Charter Member of the Swan/Dolphin Cheerleading Team!!</font></font></marquee>
<font size=4><font color=green>HAPPY <font color=red>HOLIDAYS<font color=red>!
<font color=red>15 times to Disney 3 on-site
<font color=green>Next visit Dec. 2001 to the Swan</font><center
bump to top,will they do this in March?? How long are the movies??


The Fort Wilderness looks like it has some fun things to do. Is the nightly campfire for just WDW guest of the Fort or can anyone join in? Also, do you know how much it is to swim at the Huck Finn swimming hole?
They have this all yr.There is now cost to go to it.Free for all guest.The movie are about 1hr long
somethimes they show two.They also have 2 fire pits and a wagon to buy popcorn,soda ect.River Country usally closes arond Oct for repairs and open in late spring. Hope this help.


{Dreams Do Come True at Walts Place}

and there was lots of confusion with the busses... Word to the wise, the busses are very confusing. We waited for the bus, we were told to go on Hoop De Doo bus, and it was the wrong one. Oh, and the time had changed from 8pm to 7pm, apparently its 8 in the summer/fall, and we missed it.

Fort Wilderness is quite confusing at night!
We are planning on doing it, but I am unsure if they do this in Dec.? Does anyone know the dates they do this? Also, how bad does it get in the summer, with the bugs?


<font size=2><font color=red>
Co-Captain & Charter Member of the Swan/Dolphin Cheerleading Team!!</font>
Inauguaral Member Of the WDW Resort Cheerleaders</font>
<font size=2><font color=green>HAPPY <font color=red>HOLIDAYS<font color=red>!
<font color=red>15 times to WDW 13 off-site three on! Next trip Dolphin in July & Swan in DEC. 2001!</font>
I looked into this for our Dec. trip and was told they do have the campfire then, at 7 pm. Unfortunately it was pretty cold when we were there, so we didn't go.
The campfire program runs every night at 7pm during the winter months, and 8pm in the summer. It starts with a singalong around a big campfire, where you can roast marshmallows. Chip & Dale visit for awhile too. Then, they follow it up with a full-length Disney movie (2 movies in the winter months). There are bleachers and benches to sit on, or you can bring a blanket or lawn chair (if you're staying at FW). We always go during the winter months, so there are never any mosquitos. It gets a little cool some evenings, so wear sweatshirts or light jackets.

There is a concession stand, called the Chuckwagon, that sells popcorn, nachos, hot dogs, candy, ice cream, sodas, etc.

You have to be a WDW resort guest to attend this free event.

Just take the boat over from MK and hop a Chip or Dale bus and ask the driver to stop at the campfire program! Or, from the Transportation Center, transfer to a FW bus. When you get to the FW bus stop, transfer to a Chip or Dale bus & ask the driver to stop at the campfire program. It's very easy - you won't have a problem.

You can also watch the Electrical Water Pageant from the beach at FW at 9:45 every night!

If you have any other FW questions, feel free to hop over & visit us on the FW Camping Board!

- Rhonda :-)
Camping Board Co-Moderator
I know Disney said it is only for resort guests but nobody asked. We were resort guests though. We rented a car so we just drove to the parking lot next to the regis. building for the FW cabins. There is a bus stop across the way. Wait for a FW bus and tell the driver to let you out at the camp fire area. Nobody ever asked us if we were resort guests. I got the feeling that a lot of the people there at the camp fire were not resort guests. We saw two movies that were actually Disney videos but my kids loved it and the best part was that it was free.


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