Looking for Nov 9th ~ 7 Day Western Magic Cruisers!

After the one that Debbie buys me........I'll probably be the First woman........DOWN!!!!

Hey Sher......what a coincidence......I did my nails last night.......;) I bit every last one of them off!!!!! :smooth:

I am working way too hard today. Just got home for lunch and I get off of work in 3.5 hours. Not bad considering I've been there for 9.5 already. Well, it is almost time to go back. When I grow up.....I want a real job where I can log onto the internet WHILE I'm at work!!!!! My employer locks us out! :(

Well I'll check back with you guys later.

Oh Bob.....by the way....you drop off your life vest AND then you show up to the party. I can't imagine what they would think if we all showed up to ESPN with our life jackets on. :crazy:

Welcome NEWCOMERS- I don't have time to go back and get your names so forgive me please. I am glad to see that there are other girls on board........DD would have been in 7th heaven with all those teen boys!!!

smiles Patty

(wes, and since you are giving out hugs and kisses.....I'll give you a wink ;) )
Hi guys
Ok, as promised, here is the customs info. Go to www.customs.gov . Go to Travelers Info and scroll to the bottom of the page to downloadable forms. When the page comes up, look for custom form # 4455, Certificate of Registration. Print one off and fill it out. If you have a local customs office, you may be able to take the stuff into them and have them sign off on it. If you are taking anything of value, especially something that looks new, I would suggest doing this or at least have a proof of purchase or something. The customs guys are very observant. Within seconds they noticed our childrens watches and we didn't even think they saw the kids.

Yeah, my dh is real good at giving out hugs and kisses!
:) :) He calls it his bedside manner. All the little old ladies love it! Don't worry Patty, I can only manage about 2 Cosmos before I get a buzz on! I'm working on it though!

We are all so ready for this vacation. Wes and I keep finding ways to leave earlier than expected. All our son is worried about is that I don't forget to put money in his account before we "leave the country"! Poor kid. How terrible that we are leaving them all behind.:p

Bob, bar-hopping is a good thing. Looking forward to it.

But Patty :(

I thought we would wear our life jackets to prevent those drunk bumps when we have the last person standing contest:crazy:
Happy Halloween Everyone!!!!

Bob Not a bad idea. If the last person standing throws everyone else overboard or encourages them to fall.LOL At least they will have life jackets.

Patty Congrats on 500th post. I knew you could do it.

1 more day til we leave.:bounce: :Pinkbounc :bounce: :Pinkbounc
Hey Team, according to today's Florida Today NASA launch update there is a launch still on for Nov 10th between midnight and 4 AM (Sunday) for the endeavor headed to the international space station. I would think that we should be able to see from Southern Florida. That would be cool:cool:
Dis4me and Shercara-

You guys are tooooooo lucky to be leaving so soon. keep the weather nice in Florida for us!!

Believe me Bob- You will NOT be able to WAIT to get those Life Jackets off! It is really HOT standing outside with them on, Waiting for ALL of those people that think the drill DIDN'T apply to them.....:rolleyes: And then you have to wait for all the folks that have NEVER sailed before, Blow up their life Boats. Did you get all practiced up? Its rough the first time. You may be TOO lightheaded to drink beer right away.......:p :teeth:

Well lunch always go way faster than any other hour. I'll talk to you all soon.

smiles Patty
Patty, vis a vis the life boat drill (politically correct it is a safety drill. Lifeboat is just too scary:crazy: ) You are right it gets pretty hot out on deck waiting for all the heads to get counted. (There is a really funny story I must tell when we are all face to face around the table about a lifeboat drill we had on a cruise last year). Where was I? Oh yeah, I never saw a man too light-headed to down a beer. It's not just a breakfast drink anymore:teeth: In fact I think beer is one of the four essential food groups (after nachos, salsa and popcorn) Anyway, that's what we were told in med school. Right after they told us aboput the knee bone connected to the ...well you get my drift.

If all of our buds on this thread agree I propose we meet at about ten at the promenade lounge Saturday night. That will give us a chance to size up the competition. Hope everyone agrees.:Pinkbounc :Pinkbounc

Stacy my lovely first born finds out if she passed the Maryland Bar today. Anybody with a little extra pixie dust might want to shower some her way. I would appreciate it. She is a nervous wreck!

I fly to Chicago for the weekend and will be back on the board Sunday. TTYL. Hugs and Kisses, Wes
Here is some Pixie dust for Stacy.:bounce: :Pinkbounc
Thanks for the safe wishes and I return them to all of you. May you get there safely and on time. The beer will be waiting.
Shecara Maybe I will see you in Disney World. I'll be the one with two blondes and a big chubby baby.LOL You can't miss us.(right)
See you all next week.
Pixie Dust for Stacy Wes..:bounce: :Pinkbounc

True confessions of a past cruise on Princess lines, No kids, DW me and 48 of her relatives and friends :crazy:

We um sort of um didn't go to the um life boat drill:eek:

Had way better things to do;) ;) ;)

See ya all real soon...
Thanks Bob, Stacy is one of God's stellar achievements. She's bright, attractive and a great kid. What's more is she's decent and moral and a republican. But don't hold that against her. When she grows up she wants to become a Federal Prosecutor having spent considerable time interning at the same place in Balt, Md where they are holding the snipers. I hope she does well. I'll find out about the same time I get on the plane to Chicago. :D Her mom is driving down to help with the Vigil. Wes
Thanks Toni, I must have missed your post earlier. To everyone, have a terrific weekend, a safe journy to Port Canaveral, whenever that might begin and Debbie will let you know how Stace made out. I, we, can't wait to meet you all. Hugs and even more kisses, Wes.:jester:
Well everyone – tonight we finish packing – I was in a panic yesterday – I couldn’t find our “over the door shoe holder thing,” but DH came through last night, and found it!

We leave tomorrow morning at 7am – for our car ride to the Autotrain ! This should be some experience – I just hope it’s a good one!

Wes – sending lots of Pixie Dust to your DS! Best wishes to her! 10 PM, Sat night, Promenade Lounge, sounds like a plan!

Toni – if you haven’t left yet – have a safe trip! Will keep a look out for you in the parks! ( I think half of NJ will be in the parks next week!)

Bob – I thought keeping the life vests on for our little meet was a good idea – It will give you guys a little cushion when you hit the deck!

Patty – I’ll give Mickey a Kiss for you!

To all the other fellow cruiser – best wishes for a safe and on-time journey! It’s been a pleasure getting to know you all on this thread, and counting down together!

Can’t wait for the Magic to begin!

See you all soon,

Wes and Debbie- Loads of pixie dust Stacie's way......

Sher and Toni.......Have a great time.......and give all MY kisses to Mickey!!!

1 more full day of work, (I just know they are trying to kill me!!!
:( ) We have been soo soo soo busy. But, with so many people around the world getting laid off..... I kiss the gate each morning when my badge still works!!! ;)

well gotta head back to work.......

smiles Patty
:bounce: :Pinkbounc :Pinkbounc :Pinkbounc :Pinkbounc :bounce:

STACY PASSED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thank God! We have been here drinking wine all afternoon so by the time 5 came ariound we figured we wouldn't care one way or the other!

Going to be a great cruise!!!!

Thanks all for the pixie dust. Wes found out as he was getting on the plane!YEAH!!!!

Wow! That's wonderful.. You must be very proud!

Well, everyone, I am pretty much ready to go. Except for packing and all of that beauty stuff girls have to do before a trip... That may sound like a lot (and it is) but I only have to work until Wednesday then dedicate all my time to that. I can't pack too early anyway - I don't have enough clothes for that!

I am pretty sure I will be the "last (wo)man standing" here at home because I am certain I will be the last to leave. We won't head out until early Saturday morning. I have been trying to book a room for 11/8 inside WDW just for one night but no way - they are booked solid. It's a long weekend.

Oh, well.. I will keep up with this board until you have all disappeared happily into the start of your vacations...

Can't Wait to join you,

Be safe and see you all soon!

Congrats to Wes, Debbie and most of all Stacie:bounce: :Pinkbounc

I just tried to move our Delta flight up to Thursday night from O' Dark thirty Friday morning, but all booked up so a long day it will have to be. We will be so excited it will not matter one bit anyway.

Final last minute check lists are being finished up and the heavy packing has begun. Looks like a war zone of clothes:)

Today is Day 4 for us as we count down to our departure.

See you all real soon.

Denise, keep the watch up until Friday night.:Pinkbounc :bounce: :bounce: :Pinkbounc
Bob- I'm feeling your pain on the Packing...UGH! DH packed Mutt last night. I attempted Jeff's packing, but, we got into an argument over how many articles of underclothing one teenager was packing..... I gave up. Just wait until your girls grow up!!!!

Trying to get the last minute stuff done.......the guys are getting fitted for their tuxes today. (which reminds me that I need to call the tux shop) and I still haven't picked up my dresses from the dry cleaners. I've got to call and stop the paper and then have the mail stopped.

take care everyone.........and have a safe trip to the MAGIC!!!

smiles Patty


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