Look out FW, here we come!! - Am i missing something?


DIS Veteran
Jul 24, 2000
I am so excited and had to tell someone who would understand....(if you don't have Disney-itis; and everyone i know dosen't; you just can't understand why i am so giddy) :D

I just make ressies for Setp 20-27 2001 for our FIRST camping trip to FW!!! We haven't even picked up our new pop up yet and i am already booking Disney! (we purchased a Viking Epic - tiny, but it's just the 3 of us!) I just COULD NOT pass up the spectacular discounted rates they are offering this fall for campsites. I can't believe i got a partial hookup site for $25.50/night! Lodging the entire 7 night stay will only be $179 - holy cow!
Now you realize the expensive part is going to be passes and food. I guess we could cook some meals at camp, but we are generally "hit it hard all day" kind of folks, and coming back to the campsite for meals might be major waste of time.

Here is my plan on passes and food, you experts let me know if i am missing something.....

We will be there for 7 days....get 5 day park hopper pluses (2 adult one child) that makes 5 days hopping parks and 2 days at the Water Parks (my son loves! BB and TL - didn't get to spend too much time there last time and realy want to hit them!) Purchase those via the discount vendor on this site...Cost @$700.
Estimate @$100/day for food for the three of us, that makes another $700. Gas (sky high!) to get there and back from Philly @$300.
They way i am looking at it i have an approx total of $1900. (yes, i can add - i took the liberty to round up a bit)

Other than spending money (we didn't spend much last time, went with $1000 and came home with $600 - too busy doing "stuff" to buy "stuff") what did i miss?

Ohh! sorry, i was rambeling on!! I just had to share my excitement with those who have the same jones i do!!! Any insigt into what i missed would be appreciated.

thanks - Lori
Wow you got a deal. Is that with or without tax.

You will love camping there. Nothing compares to Ft Wilderness.
Hit the brakes slow down..
Don't forget that one thing you will need the
most.And that is to Relax when you are there.
And see the campground.


{Dreams Do Come True at Walts Place}

of course breakfast is pretty easy - toast, cereal, orange juice and you're ready for the parks!

What we did for a few dinners - took our slo-cooker, had spaghetti sauce and pre-made/frozen meatballs. the sauce / meatballs simmered all day and was ready when we came 'home'. We also did sloppy joes this way, dumped everything in the pot in the morning and we had dinner ready in 10 minutes. Had a beef roast this way as well, chopped up all the veggies, put water and onion soup mix in the cooker, dinner was ready when we were.

Have a great time, we've camped at FW a few times in a tent and two times in our pop-up.

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