loews reservation number???


<font color=FF99FF>Doesn't need a fancy tag
Mar 17, 2002
When making ressies at the HRH, do you only get loews benefits if you book throught them, like the cookies and milk? Can I get entertainment rate or fan club rate if calling loews number. I am still a little confussed on this. Can someone please help explain. We are thinking of trying HRH instead of staying on site Disney the whole time. Can anyone compare resorts? WE have stayed at FR-QT and WL. Thanks...corvair amy
Hi corvair!
Only recently have people been reporting no Loews First perks when booking at discount rates or thru room-brokers. And it's been chiefly at RPR that it's occured.
There doesn't seem to be an official policy enforced, it's just hit & miss. You should call 1-800-23-LOEWS and try to pin them down on something.
Just like the self-parking fee.... some get charged, and some don't.
You're wanting to try HRH? Excellent choice!! It's so much more exciting there. And convenient. And relaxing. And where I'd like to retire to!
Happy planning!


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