Lightning Pass and more Virtual Queues-How does it all affect you as a DVC Member?

i thought you couldn't do boarding passes until in the park? fp+ yah anywhere.

Boarding pass can be done prior to going to the park for the morning distribution time but can only be done from the App. In fact the boarding group distribution time is done prior to the park even being open I think at this point still. If you are going soon you will want to head over to the Star Wars thread on boarding groups.
Not necessarily. True, DVC is a captive audience, but that works both ways. If DVC is full of members taking resort only trips or worse, using their rooms as springboards to Universal, there’s nothing Disney can do but watch those opportunities for more income float away.

They can take away much, and reduce the experience greatly, but what they can not do is reduce the absolute right of members to use the facilities. A DVC membership that doesn’t consume the product would be devastating.

We may be a captive audience, but we also hold captive a large chunk of on-site spending potential.

This is one of the ways DVC has miscalculated on their view of resales, in my opinion. Or rather, it’s silo thinking. DVD believes that because resales make them no money, they are horrible tolerances that detract from their direct sales. Nothing could be further from reality:

DVC resales replace tired (non-spending) owners with new owners eager to throw their dollars at the mouse. That’s a great benefit to Disney if not DVC.

But to the point, Disney can’t just replace disaffected DVC members because we still own the keys to the buildings. The issue isn’t whether we’ll come, it’s whether will spend money at the mouse - and how much - while we’re here.

Catering to the DVC crowd isn’t bad business - it really comes down to whom is holding whom hostage?

This is a “captivating” post. ;)
Wooing resales. Direct will spend and continue to spend. The resales market have laid their claim, know their product but now will openly spend mainly when a good value exists. It does Disney well to have a smart answer for “smart” people, in addition to the masses. (Akin to the nutritious options at your fast food place or insert your own comparison company here.) There is a lot of choice involved but lots of money has yet to flow from the resales community. I see how big those resale contracts are! And they tend to add on too.
So basically Disney feeding the debutantes (new to Disney) and direct-ors is easy money and already a done deal. That money is made. Moving on to more ways to increase profit. They must innovate and creatively captivate the many many resales people and tap into their latent consumerism. Being a feeder of the resales community is a privilege and expansion of a new demographic previously ignored that can result in greater profit to Disney as a whole. Disney needs to work for it and think outside the easy box.
It will still take time before we see the Disney World we were used to, but maybe sometime next year, assuming there is no resurgence of COVID, or other disaster, it will get there.

Walt built Disneyland from the ground in 12 months. I’m not seeing a good reason to cut Disney execs a break. Why would loyal Disney fans, forking over thousands of savings, expect so much? Because moving fast is the executive team’s high paid job.

The pandemic has been on the decline since January — and given what people are paying for the full experience, there should be more clarity and communication about things returning by now.
The international guest workers are not yet able to return, the College Program is just now starting up. They can't snap their fingers and reopen without cast members. And many cast members have found other employment during the shut down and won't be returning. They need to hire and train. Adequate training, including safety and ride evacuation protocols, takes time.
The international guest workers are not yet able to return, the College Program is just now starting up. They can't snap their fingers and reopen without cast members. And many cast members have found other employment during the shut down and won't be returning. They need to hire and train. Adequate training, including safety and ride evacuation protocols, takes time.

There also werent enough qualified people before the pandemic to begin with. Kicking the dediciated staff to the curb was perhaps one of the most insane leadership decisions in a while.
The international guest workers are not yet able to return, the College Program is just now starting up. They can't snap their fingers and reopen without cast members.

I found the quote to make sure I had it right.
"In terms of labor, we had about 80% of our cast members return that we’ve asked to return."

Also with the College Program they could have easily started it earlier since colleges have ended a month ago or more in various instances. Our state school had its last day of exams on May 7th.

I just don't see "can't hire enough people" as a credible excuse for Disney.
I found the quote to make sure I had it right.
"In terms of labor, we had about 80% of our cast members return that we’ve asked to return."

Also with the College Program they could have easily started it earlier since colleges have ended a month ago or more in various instances. Our state school had its last day of exams on May 7th.

I just don't see "can't hire enough people" as a credible excuse for Disney.
you can't hire enough if there aren't applicants. Many colleges are going to require vaccinations, WDW isn't. I know that would keep me from letting my kids work there. More people have health safety concerns than are willing to post due to mods taking them down IMHO.
Not necessarily. True, DVC is a captive audience, but that works both ways. If DVC is full of members taking resort only trips or worse, using their rooms as springboards to Universal, there’s nothing Disney can do but watch those opportunities for more income float away.

They can take away much, and reduce the experience greatly, but what they can not do is reduce the absolute right of members to use the facilities. A DVC membership that doesn’t consume the product would be devastating.

We may be a captive audience, but we also hold captive a large chunk of on-site spending potential.

This is one of the ways DVC has miscalculated on their view of resales, in my opinion. Or rather, it’s silo thinking. DVD believes that because resales make them no money, they are horrible tolerances that detract from their direct sales. Nothing could be further from reality:

DVC resales replace tired (non-spending) owners with new owners eager to throw their dollars at the mouse. That’s a great benefit to Disney if not DVC.

But to the point, Disney can’t just replace disaffected DVC members because we still own the keys to the buildings. The issue isn’t whether we’ll come, it’s whether will spend money at the mouse - and how much - while we’re here.

Catering to the DVC crowd isn’t bad business - it really comes down to whom is holding whom hostage?
I've been trying to say this for years and have gotten lambasted for it, LOL. anyway, we live about 17min from WDW now, as of april, and due to prices have only gone once and were sorely disappointed. We love to travel so use our points for lots of that, plus we can book a 2 night stay at wdw during off times for the magic and just use the resort.
It could be booked at the FP+ kiosks or on your computer before coming to the park.

In the end though while virtual queues sounds nice really the primary issue is to crowded of parks and too many people trying to ride a ride.
I think disney sees this and hence the rise in prices. If it works and keeps numbers in park down, perhaps it's worth it, once a year?
At WDW FP+ could be added and modified in parks from a park kiosk. They can very easily use those kiosks for any virtual line system they choose to roll out.

So yes there is a way to make this very possible and I would suspect if they switched to a virtual line system they would repurpose those machines long term or come up with some new system. There is a big difference between DL and WDW in who the park crowd is so they have to account for that.
anyone and everyone knows Disney is good at many things, their computer systems and websites aren't one of them. The mess this virtual thing for starwars has created so many times, is ridiculous plus, they have people with kids wasting time, standing around refreshing there stupid phone over and over only to be disappointed. the whole thing is nuts and just poor planning Disney, and for a while, at least once a day the site would crash. Is it still doing that?
you can't hire enough if there aren't applicants. Many colleges are going to require vaccinations, WDW isn't. I know that would keep me from letting my kids work there. More people have health safety concerns than are willing to post due to mods taking them down IMHO.

WDW turns away a bunch of college program applicants every year I suspect if they put out the messaging to previous applicants they could have had a bunch of college kids there by the 2nd week of May as soon as finals ended.

Sorry I don't buy Disney can't find enough applicants. Also as outlined 80% of people Disney asked returned. So yes they lost 20% but have they even recalled everyone yet? Additionally doesn't seem they have much posted to their job site either and we don't hear much around the rumor mill that there are all these open jobs.

anyone and everyone knows Disney is good at many things, their computer systems and websites aren't one of them. The mess this virtual thing for starwars has created so many times, is ridiculous plus, they have people with kids wasting time, standing around refreshing there stupid phone over and over only to be disappointed. the whole thing is nuts and just poor planning Disney, and for a while, at least once a day the site would crash. Is it still doing that?

Ya I can't say anything about issues we never really had issues. That being said were there that many issues with FP+? That is how I would envision the first line you get in for the day. You would get in line at 30 days for offsite and 60 days onsite just for the first ride. After you get through your first virtual line you simply submit to be put in place for your second line and so forth.

Rise has the issue where there is not enough capacity for everyone to ride and absolutely every single family is trying to get rise. If on the other hand you could only get in a single virtual line for the whole park I think you would find it much more spread out between Rise, Slinky, Railway, ect. This is exactly why they started tiers for FP+ to spread out capacity of the best rides across everyone.
WDW turns away a bunch of college program applicants every year I suspect if they put out the messaging to previous applicants they could have had a bunch of college kids there by the 2nd week of May as soon as finals ended.

Sorry I don't buy Disney can't find enough applicants. Also as outlined 80% of people Disney asked returned. So yes they lost 20% but have they even recalled everyone yet? Additionally doesn't seem they have much posted to their job site either and we don't hear much around the rumor mill that there are all these open jobs.

Ya I can't say anything about issues we never really had issues. That being said were there that many issues with FP+? That is how I would envision the first line you get in for the day. You would get in line at 30 days for offsite and 60 days onsite just for the first ride. After you get through your first virtual line you simply submit to be put in place for your second line and so forth.

Rise has the issue where there is not enough capacity for everyone to ride and absolutely every single family is trying to get rise. If on the other hand you could only get in a single virtual line for the whole park I think you would find it much more spread out between Rise, Slinky, Railway, ect. This is exactly why they started tiers for FP+ to spread out capacity of the best rides across everyone.
ok, I guess the kids will understand that. at 66 yrs of age I barely understand what you said. LOL but that's ok, I would just call dvc and they would talk me through it. it took some time but it was fine . I will say a few times even they had trouble booking things even when they tried to do it for me. as for star wars, covid shut it down shortly after it opened so, all those people are still trying to get in to see it, so it's going to be a while before that settles down I'd think. I won't even attempt it again as the kids are so disappointed when it doesn't work. It seems to ruin thier day, so we tell them before hand it's just to hard to get on it right now, before we even go. The problem is a park full of others,@HS, that did try and are disappointed so all other lines are full of sad and sometimes angry people.
First off, I think we need to let this pandemic and the changes it caused run it course. Then we can see where the prices, and what's offered for those prices, stand.
That being said, I really think Disney has been trying to flatten out/lower attendance since they moved to flexible pricing a few years ago. Pre-pandemic, they had still been hitting new attendance records so, no they have not hit that breaking point yet. It's a good problem for a company to have but it will leave some of us in the dust, at some point.
DVC brings an interesting twist to it as we are a somewhat captive audience that "has" to visit annually and pay whatever the going rate is, if we want to include parks in our visit. Is it possible they will keep us in the fold with something like real park ticket discounts or free admission to the many special events that close parks early? Maybe, but history is not on our side.
In summary, the rumors are just that, rumors. It's way too early to know what post-pandemic will look like and cost.

Exactly this, you took the words right out of my mouth. Disney is a business that has lost billions and is in the process of try to recover from both a financial and logistics standpoint.
Disney didnt have enough qualified applicants before the pandemic what makes people think that will somehow be better now?
The international guest workers are not yet able to return, the College Program is just now starting up. They can't snap their fingers and reopen without cast members. And many cast members have found other employment during the shut down and won't be returning. They need to hire and train. Adequate training, including safety and ride evacuation protocols, takes time.

My youngest is a camp counselor.....Camps have long relied on international guest workers. And yes, few of them have been able to get in, although the restrictions have been lifted in the hope that they would be able to make the Summer camp season, the local consulates haven't been able to get visas processed in time for this Summer.
Personally, in my opinion, if this Lightning Pass is true, I'm all for it!! I'll gladly pay $300 per person per park day to go through the FP+ lines for every ride. I feel its a value because you don't have to worry about reserving in advance anymore, you won't have a set FP limit & it gives guest flexibility. True, its going to stink that Disney may charge a premium to it. But Disney has been gradually charging premium for "perks" that use to be free the last few years. And after the billions they lost last year, I'm not surprised that they're trying to re-coup their losses. So far, most of the people I've spoken to about this don't like it, which is cool. But one thing they all have in common is that they're locals. My response to them is that Disney World's bread & butter is guests like me who don't live nearby. And I wouldn't be surprised if Disney comes with a pricing that's a little cheaper for locals. Anyway, I truly hope this rumor is true, my trip is this November during anniversary season & adding this paid feature would be helpful in avoiding the expected long lines.
If money is no objection, why don't you already book a VIP tour every day?
Or is it that you want the lightning pass priced as high so it's not used much by others, but low enough for you to afford it?
My response to them is that Disney World's bread & butter is guests like me who don't live nearby.
Not exactly. Remember after 9-11 it was locals and DVC that kept Disney running for several months, NOT normal cash guests. Especially those with annual passes. Remember they halted construction of Pop Century for literally years, and only recently completed the unfinished portion as Art of Animation.
Not exactly. Remember after 9-11 it was locals and DVC that kept Disney running for several months, NOT normal cash guests. Especially those with annual passes. Remember they halted construction of Pop Century for literally years, and only recently completed the unfinished portion as Art of Animation.

Even this past year DVC played a pretty good role for them. It think they were initially hating on it and owners questioning it being closed when the state was allowing timeshares to be open but once they were pushed into opening the parks they used DVC to the hilt to provide lodging and it allowed them to keep their own hotels shut down for longer. I'd suspect that it was also fairly heavy in DVC owners and local attendance for at least a couple of months. They are happy to use DVC and AP holders to pull them thru bad times. I have yet to see a business that isn't better for having a steady base.
Not exactly. Remember after 9-11 it was locals and DVC that kept Disney running for several months, NOT normal cash guests. Especially those with annual passes. Remember they halted construction of Pop Century for literally years, and only recently completed the unfinished portion as Art of Animation.
And closed both parts of Port Orleans.


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