Let's try this again... Morgan and Rusty get married at Disney 10/21/13


Disney Music Addict!
Jan 6, 2007
So, I started this PJ in January, but inadvertently posted in the COMPLETED PJ forum. After contacting MULTIPLE moderators without a single response to have it moved, I've just decided to repost everything I've written before. I had very few responses, so I guess it won't really matter. I don't really have much to say about planning since I'm only having an Escape wedding, as I'm paying for the wedding by myself.

I hope you enjoy reading some boring planning!!
This is from my original post in my first thread that no one wants to move.


Ok, so I have been dreaming of a Disney Wedding for a super long time, but never thought it would happen to me. I always pictured myself with the big church wedding, inviting all of my family and my family's friends and such.

All things changed when I took my boyfriend (at the time), Rusty, to WDW for the first time in Feb 2012. At that point, we had been dating a smidge over 6 months. The trip was originally just my mother and I for the Princess Half Marathon. My mother was going to run with me, but her endurance hadn't picked up after finishing up her chemo and radiation treatments for breast cancer. So, we decided to have Rusty come and run in her place (he even wore her bib with her name on it!). Rusty wasn't too sure about Disney, as he had never been before. All he had known was Six Flags, which is what he thought Disney was... a bunch of rides and corny theming.

Boy was he wrong! The boy fell in love with Disney, and even registered for the Disneyland Half Marathon at the Princess Expo! Yay for another Disney trip planned! A mix up happened and my mom ended up having to go home on Rusty's flight the morning of our departure. Rusty had to be back to go to class that evening, so he had to leave before I did. When Rusty got home, the first thing he said was, "I want to go back to Disney World." !!!!!!!!! I was in HEAVEN!

Fast forward passed our Disneyland trip (which was great!) and to my birthday trip to WDW in December 2012. He had his last final for school to take after I had already booked the trip, so he came later and I extended the trip by 2 days for him. It was supposed to be my parents and us, but my dad had work, so he couldn't make it (no worries, we're going in February of this year). As we went to the Magic Kingdom the afternoon of my birthday (December 13) for my birthday dinner at Liberty Tree Tavern (which Rusty LOVES now), my mother wanted to have pictures made with me on my birthday. Once we finally found a photographer that was close enough to the castle for her (in the Rose Garden), it turns out she wanted just pictures of Rusty and I. After a few pictures, I was finished, as we needed to get to LTT!! I start to walk off and Rusty tells me to wait. I turn around and he's getting on one knee!! I ask what he's doing, and the only thing he can muster out of his mouth is, "Morgan, will you marry me?" I guess I said yes, because I kissed him long and hard!!!!! I GOT ENGAGED IN FRONT OF CINDERELLA CASTLE ON MY BIRTHDAY! What a dream come true!

So now, RUSTY wants a Disney World Wedding! How many grooms want that?!
Where we are now in the planning is we are going to talk to his family to see if they would be able to make it for a few days at WDW to come to the wedding. We plan on doing the Escape wedding, hopefully at WP, in October of this year. I want to be married to this man so badly!!

Tonight is the talk with his family. I've already chosen a photographer for our engagements in February at WDW (at Boardwalk) regardless of what happens. If their price is right, I will choose them for the wedding as well. That is all I've been able to do right now!! It is killing me that I can't do anything else.

Well, that's where we are! Here's hoping for the WP in October 2013!
My next post a few weeks later...

Well, I've contacted 2 moderators, so hopefully someone will move my thread soon, but I will continue to add to it in the meantime...

Saturday, I went to Target with my parents and decided to check through the dollar bins. Its close to Valentine's Day, so there's a lot of pink out there right now. My colors are light pink (with some darker pink) and silver. I found a few pink wire baskets that can hold larger items and some small silver buckets that can hold small things, like the toppings for my ice cream sundae bar!! Plus, they had some PINK sprinkles... I'm quite excited about those things... This helped me figure out what kind of style we will have when we have our in-town reception. I am wanting to use large mason jars as vases for my tables... A little bit country-ish.

I called Monday to attempt to get penciled-in for the date I wanted. Monday was 9 months out. The took down my information and told me they would call me back in 2-3 days to talk more. Well, Wednesday and Thursday went by without a call. So, today, I called before I went and tried on dresses for the first time. They tried to get me in touch with someone, but no one was answering, so they told me they would call me back later in the day. I was skeptical, but I let it go. As I was trying on dresses (I may have found the one!), I called them again. The receptionist went and found my consultant and she was on the phone with another bride. He told me she would call me immediately after getting off the phone with that bride. My phone didn't end up ringing, but a voicemail alert went off. I ended up having to call her back and FINALLY got to talk to someone! I am penciled in for a date, and there are no others that have requested the date so far. I'm not looking forward to the idea that I may have to take my chance if someone wants the date and time, but I will figure something out.
So since all that has happened, we have run the Princess Half Marathon and had our engagement pics taken by David and Vicki Arndt at Boardwalk, International Gateway, Yacht and Beach Club and back to the Boardwalk. I cannot say enough good things about these two wonderful people. Not only are they great photographers, they are wonderful people at heart. They made us feel like family. I didn't even need our photos back to know they are who I wanted to photograph our wedding.

While we were at WDW for that trip, we were also confirmed for our date and location for our Escape Wedding! We got 2:30 pm at the Wedding Pavilion! Our cake cutting ceremony will be somewhere at GF. I guess we won't know until closer to my date where exactly. What a great trip, right!!

We've also booked our home reception venue and have gotten our cake picked out as well! I think we will be doing a frozen yogurt bar as well. We haven't fully decided what flavors yet. We are probably going with fake flowers, since it is come and go. I really don't want to risk getting some bad flowers, and then just having to throw them away. I'd rather pay a bit more and then have them later. They will be small, as we are using mason jars as vases. We will have antique books with them. It looks cute!!!

I already have my dress and have gone for my first fitting. I am hoping to not change too much, but I could stand to use a few pounds to feel a bit more comfortable.

We are about to order our invitations for the reception and wedding. I am getting the Disney invitations from Michael's. I know they are expensive, but they are what I want, and what I have gotten my color palette from. Light pink and dark silver/gray. The invitations for the reception will have mason jars ;)

That's all I have for now! I hope I wasn't too boring ;)
Welcome to another escape bride! I love your engagement story, who doesn't dream of a WDW proposal on these boards? Congrats on getting your date and time. Are you having a dinner afterward? My fiancé and I can't exactly decide what to do with everyone after. We keep going back and forth!
I think the different shades of pink will look beautiful. I had heard nothing but good thugs about D&V, so I'm sure your pictures are awesome.
I didn't think your PJ was boring at all. Mine is such a rambling mess lol. I will be back o read more. :)
Ha! I can't believe you're DisneyDudet! (It's Tamara from Texas :-) ). I've read your posts all over these boards! I feel a little overwhelmed, but I'm waiting for my planning kit for our Escape Wedding at SBP Dec 10. I'll keep reading til then! Congrats again, fellow Ranger fan!!

Haha that's pretty darn funny!!! At least I know SOMEONE will read this!

You should check out some of our E-pics... Rangers jerseys ;)
Welcome to another escape bride! I love your engagement story, who doesn't dream of a WDW proposal on these boards? Congrats on getting your date and time. Are you having a dinner afterward? My fiancé and I can't exactly decide what to do with everyone after. We keep going back and forth!
I think the different shades of pink will look beautiful. I had heard nothing but good thugs about D&V, so I'm sure your pictures are awesome.
I didn't think your PJ was boring at all. Mine is such a rambling mess lol. I will be back o read more. :)

We are doing a dinner after, on our own. We are doing it at 1900 Park Fare. DF had 2 nieces and having dinner with Cinderella will just make then happy! Plus it's a buffet, so there will be something for everyone. DF and his family will be paying for that.
I posted this on a group in FB, but since I need practice posting on my PJ, I will post it here too.

So I sent an email (my boring version of a newsletter) out last night about updates and reminders about our wedding that is 5 months away. I sent it to all my guests (Escape wedding with not too many people). It was a good and informational email, even included information about MNSSHP. At the end I asked for everyone's address as a reply, so that I know they they read the email and so that I can have everyone's address for the formal invitations to the wedding, as well as showers and such. I have gotten one response. From my mom. No one else has replied, but my wedding website (which I included in the email) has had MANY views since a few days ago. So.... they are going to the website, but not responding! I know its been less than a day, but I'm starting to get worried that no one cares about the wedding or is mad at me for some reason. I know my grandparents are out of town and don't have email on their phones, but that doesn't excuse DF's family, especially his sisters. The last email I sent out about a month ago, one of his sisters responded immediately. I hate to get upset about it, but I'm a bit hurt.

So I ask, at what point do I get concerned when I don't have any responses? By Tuesday (since Monday is a holiday)? I don't know how you all with RSVP cards handle the waiting!!

On a happy note, since we mason jars are going to be a big part of our home reception, I bought some jars that have been etched with "Mr." and "Mrs." as our toasting glasses for the reception. The etching doesn't stand out as much as I would like, but they are still cute. Mom, dad, and I bought some wide mouth jars for the toppings for the sundae bar! I'm excited. I need to get twine for labels and start making a list of toppings. Does anyone have ideas? I like marshmallows, so I will have those, as well as marshmallow cream. We will have basics, except nuts. I have a family member that is HIGHLY allergic to nuts, and can't be anywhere around them (she will swell up if she gets close to nuts).

Mom is going to order the invitations for the reception this weekend! They are so cute... with a mason jar from Vista Print with a groupon. I bought one too, but I don't know what to use it for!

I also was thinking about programs. I won't have a bridal party and I have NO clue what we want to in the ceremony. Since I'm only having 18 guests, should I even bother with programs? I found a site that will make Mickey head programs. Its the same company that makes the door hangers, which I LOVE!!! I think I'm going to do the door hangers, for sure. Any one have pics of their programs or a sample order for the ceremony? No sand or unity candle ceremonies.

I think that's all the updating I have for now!
Hey Morgan! I know you're anxious to get responses and square things away, but it IS a holiday weekend.... Just breathe.... It's always better to assume no offense than offense. I'm pretty sure my wedding is on my mind more than it is on anyone else's - even DF's!

Since I'm having an Escape wedding, I wondered about programs, too. I think I want them more for our keepsake than the "need" of a program. And now that you mention it, I think I want invitations, too. I figured it wasn't necessary since it's just family and my best friend, but I'll want it as a keepsake. Thanks for bringing it up!

What is the website you found? I don't know about the door hangers, but now I have to look them up!

I agree with Crew-JTA. Relax. I am certain that email responses will start rolling in soon, they are probably just busy. :) Honestly, I would give them at least a week or so to respond before becoming concerned.

I am also having an Escape wedding and I did not even think of programs or door hangers. I will have to look into these things!

What a cute idea with the mason jars!
I wouldn't worry too much, it's Memorial Day weekend and a lot of people are busy traveling or barbecuing. I think I you don't hear back in another week or two, send out another email. I am not doing programs, but I am doing invitations, just because I found ones on vistaprint for only $12 for ten. Our moms both wanted invitations for the baby books so I figured might as well. I may do a timeline of events for the trip though for the family members and put it in the welcome bag.
I wouldn't worry too much, it's Memorial Day weekend and a lot of people are busy traveling or barbecuing. I think I you don't hear back in another week or two, send out another email. I am not doing programs, but I am doing invitations, just because I found ones on vistaprint for only $12 for ten. Our moms both wanted invitations for the baby books so I figured might as well. I may do a timeline of events for the trip though for the family members and put it in the welcome bag.

Ooooo. A timeline of events in the welcome bag! That's right up my alley. Yep. I'll be including that.
Hey Morgan! I know you're anxious to get responses and square things away, but it IS a holiday weekend.... Just breathe.... It's always better to assume no offense than offense. I'm pretty sure my wedding is on my mind more than it is on anyone else's - even DF's!

Since I'm having an Escape wedding, I wondered about programs, too. I think I want them more for our keepsake than the "need" of a program. And now that you mention it, I think I want invitations, too. I figured it wasn't necessary since it's just family and my best friend, but I'll want it as a keepsake. Thanks for bringing it up!

What is the website you found? I don't know about the door hangers, but now I have to look them up!


Tamara, I felt like I was cutting a lot of things out that I would normally have for a wedding at home. I decided that just because I'm having a small family wedding at WDW, that I should still be allowed a few things that a normal wedding would have. My invitations are on the pricey side, but they were my color inspiration, and I don't know if I would be happy with anything other than them. They are the official Disney invitations that you can get from Michael's or Invitations by Dawn. They are the Aurora ones with a castle on top. They are really beautiful and are just... well.. me! I am willing to pay the extra money for the perfect invitation. I am just doing the invite (no RSVP card, etc) and any info guests will need can be found on our website.

The door hangers I saw on a DisBride's picture of their welcome bags! They told me where they got them, plus I found that the official wedding blog posted them too! They are from company called IMPRESSions: Themes Come True and their website is www.fairytalewedding.com. The hangers can't be found on their actual website, but contacting them is super easy and they send you pricing lists and guides from anything you ask for! I REALLY want to do the hangers. They seem decently priced, and can be bought in any amount (although its actually cheaper to buy 11 because they charge a fee for 10 and under). I plan on using them and I certainly want extras. They are just so cute and clever. It will be a fun souvie for everyone.

I agree with Crew-JTA. Relax. I am certain that email responses will start rolling in soon, they are probably just busy. :) Honestly, I would give them at least a week or so to respond before becoming concerned.

I am also having an Escape wedding and I did not even think of programs or door hangers. I will have to look into these things!

What a cute idea with the mason jars!

I love mason jars, and it is just so cheap and fun to have them. I even drink out of them (plus I have some fun insulated ones since its warmer weather out!).

I wouldn't worry too much, it's Memorial Day weekend and a lot of people are busy traveling or barbecuing. I think I you don't hear back in another week or two, send out another email. I am not doing programs, but I am doing invitations, just because I found ones on vistaprint for only $12 for ten. Our moms both wanted invitations for the baby books so I figured might as well. I may do a timeline of events for the trip though for the family members and put it in the welcome bag.

I was going to do a timeline too, so maybe I can include that on the program, and it be like their welcome newsletter? So many different options!

I really have been wanting to include everyone in the fun, which is why I decided to send out emails. I don't want DF's family to feel excluded from planning or information. DF doesn't really get involved with his family much, and I really want to change that, so this is my attempt to include them. I think in future emails, I will try to gather when everyone is getting in, so maybe we can meet up sometime before the wedding. DF REALLY wanted to eat at Ohana, and the only time we could get (even at 6 months out) was the day before the wedding. So, it will be just him and I because no one knows when they are coming in, or at least won't tell us. My mom was upset about it, but she will get over it. This will be her first trip that we are at Disney at the same time, but not doing things together. I feel bad, but my aunt and uncle from S. Carolina (my dad's brother and sister-in-law) will be coming in the day before, so they will have PLENTY of stuff to occupy them with. My dad's brother is a baptist preacher, and will be our officiant. I felt like hiring someone I didn't know wasn't really that personal. My uncle and I aren't super close, because of the distance, but I thought that having someone in the family to do the ceremony would be nice. Plus, this allows the rest of the family that is really close to us to enjoy the ceremony, without actually performing it.

Wow.. that paragraph went all over the place! haha I guess I'm just rambling now. I was really reluctant of actually doing a PJ, because I didn't think it would be a big deal and no one would read it... but its a nice place to vent things to people who actually want to hear about the wedding, instead of venting to people who are TIRED of hearing about it!

Oh, one other thing... DF decided that he wanted to have an Italian Cream Cake for our reception at home for his groom's cake. I got upset, as my cake will be white with white icing too! Granted, mine is a two-tiered bundt cake from Nothing Bundt Cakes with smaller cupcake type things they call "bundtinis". The flavor will be White Chocolate Raspberry with their cream cheese icing. So, it won't look very traditional, but they are SUPER YUMMY. But I got upset that we will have two white cakes.... TOTALLY not what I was thinking. Groom's cakes are typically chocolate or decorated in a way that is personal to the groom, right? Ugh... he just comes up with these ideas out of nowhere. And... he hasn't had an italian cream cake in like 4 years. How does he even know if he likes it anymore! Boys...

If anyone would like the information about the door hangers or programs that was sent to me, please let me know! Just PM me your email!
Ok. If I think about all there is to do, I'm going to get a little overwhelmed. So...I'll try to be brief and go to bed! The invitations sound absolutely beautiful, and you'll have them forever. A perfectly wonderful thing to splurge on :-). And I'd love more info about the door hangers and programs. Do you have a picture? Not too worried about my email being "out there" - Tamara.Shirley828@gmail.com. I get to change it after I'm married anyway!

The groom's cake.... Does DF like chocolate? You might be able to talk him out of it (a non-traditional cake), but 10 years from now it really won't matter anyway. The pictures will be beautiful and the cake will be tasty. You'll still be so happy and in love that you'll look back and smile :-) Oh, and I love Nothing Bundt Cake! They are sooooo good! Kind of makes me want some right now.

Oh, and kudos for trying to get DF's family involved and keep them in the loop. Really hard to do sometimes, but great effort!

Whew! I'm going to try to stick to my guns and go to sleep! Right after I look up one more thing....
Just joining in!

I love your colour scheme and the door hanger idea! I think it's nice to splurge on certain aspects of the wedding to create those special mementos for yourself, and they make such nice details photos on your wedding day! :goodvibes Agreeing with everyone else about the email responses. Leave it for a week, maybe more, then if you are getting really antsy, do some follow-up phone calls to make sure everyone has received the emails. My RSVPS were due in March and there are some guests who have still not responded. It boggles my mind why you wouldn't send a response back, the card is there, the stamp is there, just check the box and stick it back in the mail! (I'm not bitter, I swear. :P)

Anyway, looking forward to reading more!
Morgan, yay! :yay: You decided to re-start your PJ!! So glad! I did go into the other forum and read what you had, though I wasn't sure you'd go back and look, so I didn't comment.

I love everything you have so far! Pink and silver....well, I love both of those. Actually, I kept asking everyone at the planning session if stuff would be in gold. They would laugh at me, because the first time I asked and they said, "No, it would be silver." I said, "Good. No gold!"

Do you have a picture of the dress? I wanna see!

I know it's just one day after the holiday, but have you started getting any responses from your email yet? Hopefully, those will start coming in if they haven't already.

I LOVE Impressions! Shelley is absolutely fantastic. Super creative! She and Amanda are so great to work with. I can't sing their praises enough. As for a program, you don't necessarily have to have one, but you could do the Mickey head fan (I saw some guests with them while I was at the GF on Friday :thumbsup2 ). They are really cute. And they have just enough room to put the sequence of events and song listing on the back. On the front it can have your names and the date of the wedding. Very simple. OR You can put a little blurb about yourself and your DF, something that the other family may not know about you. Kind of a little introduction.

As for sundae toppings, well the list could go on and on. I would use the marshmallows, your favorite, and a favorite of your DF. But the possibilities are endless....chocolate syrup, caramel, fruit, chocolate chips, sprinkles, brownie bits, crushed up cookies, candy bars, gummy candy, M&Ms....you could even get some Mickey candy and use that, it would be a nod to your WDW ceremony. Can we tell I've been deprived of sweets? :laughing:

Hi, Tamara! :wave2: (Sharli from the FB page and fellow Texan!) You're wedding is December 10?! Mine is December 1! DF and I will be at WDW until December 13 (possibly 14 if I can convince him to add another day and keep from flying on Friday the 13th :laughing: ). I may have to stalk your wedding. We're also supposed to go to MVMCP that night....are you going?

Sorry, I get really excited when I see brides from my area, it's so awesome! :blush:
Hi Sharli! Glad you found me. It was you that inspired me to start again!

I haven't quite figured out how to post pictures on here (last time I tried it was ginormous). If I post dress pics, I may do it in the FB group. DF wouldn't be able to see it, right?

I like the idea of doing a favorite topping for each of us and list it as such. Makes it personal.

I got a response Sunday from my uncle (not the one doing the wedding, the one from here) and it was his address 'as long as he's still in his house'. A big stink went on between his common-law wife/long term girlfriend and they broke up around the end of Feb/first of March. So... that is put a big riff in the guest list, because she was part of it. Now he has a new girlfriend from across the country and I've never met her. I don't find it fair that I'm telling all my best friends that they can't come when my uncle may expect that he's getting to bring this new fling? I'm gonna have to put my foot down on it. Anyway.. turns out he wants to live in my grandparents' RV on some plot of land about 45 min-1 hr away from here, so he may not have an address come time. OK, I'll send his to my grandma's. I got a response from one of DF's sister. As he was talking to his mom today, she was confused as to why I asked for addresses and assumed I had everyone's, at least theirs. DF knows theirs. He doesn't know anyone else's!! So I don't know if his mom told his other sister anything about it, but whatever. I'm upset that people are going to the website (the number of views keeps increasing) and they can't respond to the email like I asked. DF said he's going to tell his mom and sister that I really need their addresses, so who knows what will happen. He is so non confrontational and I feel like he may not back me up if they say something negative about me. I haven't done anything wrong... I'm trying to keep them informed and included... much more than what DF is doing.

What makes matters worse, I can't even get the uncle (the one performing the ceremony) and aunt from S. Carolina to ever reply to my emails. I have sent them 2 emails and no response. My dad had to call him and make sure we have the right emails. We do. *sigh*

I feel like I have put forth all this effort, and no one cares. The only way I know that people are reading the emails is that people are going to the website. If I didn't have that up, I would have no clue. Its just so frustrating. I guess I have high standards for this type of thing. I guess that if I don't really have anything to tell my guests, I won't send an email. I had plans to send out monthly emails with something that would help their park experiences each month. As you can see, I am wordy. DF thought maybe my email was too long. Well.. I figure one long email is better than more frequent, shorter emails. They surely wouldn't read them then! I was wanting to go over FastPass basics and other things like parking and security, as well as the transport system in future emails. I am so discouraged at this point that I don't know if I want to continue the emails. DF says that I should still send them because he doesn't think that they go ignored. Thank goodness I don't do anything fancy with them that would require lots of work. Otherwise I'd be quite upset.

Ok, sorry for being so long-winded. I just don't have a soul to talk to about this because my mom thinks I'm stupid and DF doesn't know what to say.

On a happy note, we ordered our home reception invites on Sunday! We used a Groupon for VistaPrint and saved a bundle. Yay!

Thats all the new stuff going on. I send my planner, Karen, an email over the weekend, and I surprisingly got an email rather quickly today. I would have thought she would have been bogged down with emails over the weekend. She seemed rather cold the first few communications, but this email was super friendly and told me not to ever think I was bothering her. She answered all my questions! That made me feel a bit better today.

Alright, I'm really done this time. Thanks for listening (or really reading)!!
Thank you for the email with the prices. I am definitely into the napkins for our home reception. I think Rusty's cake although it may be an unusual choice, if that's what he wants, I say go for it. Keith wants a cannoli cake for his. I just told him if he can get a cannoli cake then I pick the wedding cake flavor!
Your sundae bar sounds so yummy, it makes me want ice cream now :)


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