Lets see what you fellow DVC owners look like!

Not sure the wife would like me to post pics of her .So just me and my son at MK


Pirate Night on the magic


watching the fireworks

There's old pics a few pages back of me, phil and the three older kids... we need to add Leah! Our totally tough...won't crack a smile for any photo, 2 year old! Don't let looks deceive you..she is actually a sweetheart! :lovestruc Oops..I just saw I did post a pic of her when she was 1 ..!

DH and I at AK last Oct. I am shocked that we have almost no pictures of us together at WDW! We are always on opposite sides of the camera.

What a great thread to resurrect!
DH & I the trip before we bought DVC, 2008

The adult contingent of our Disney vacation family at last year's Gay Days, now that we can have more people and fun in our villa!
Here are a couple of photos of myself and my family


John and I on our wedding day April 11, 2004


John, DD's Kristen, Jennifer and myself in June just before I entered the hospital for the summer.

Here's me and Fran celebrating my birthday earlier this year at Napa Rose and staying at the VGC (one of our two homes away from home, the other being SSR)


:wave: I love to see pics of people I know online. What a sweet picture.

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