Let's get to know each other....


<font color=999999>Ventured over to the dark side<
Oct 3, 2001
Well, I'm going to follow Mal's suggestion and start a get to know each other thread as I would like to know a little more about some of the people who help me with reward programs. Also being a fairly new member, to let you know a little about me. Here it goes....

I am a SAHM with a 6 year old daughter, Chloe. I live in Ontario, Canada but grew up in Vancouver, British Columbia. My family is still there and I do visit as often as I can. I am a Disney Fanatic and I have converted my hubby and daughter into disney nuts. We usually try to go to Disney every year or every other year. I also sew, scrapbook, cross stitch , play baseball and am a leader in Guiding. In my spare time I help out at the Chloe's school.
I love this board and all the help I get.

I'm Sherry. I'm a SAHM to my 4 boys: Jonathan 11, Jordan 10, Jared 8, and Julian 6. I am married to Junior and we live in Northeast Ohio along w/ our kitty Tinkerbell.

We are trying to get our first family trip to WDW together, but have had to postpone it twice! I sometimes feel like we will never get there! :( Right now we are hoping for July 2003. Keep your fingers crossed for us! :D

I love this board and all the help I get here!! :) You guys are all great! :)
My real name is Jan but everybody here calls me Mal.I too am a SAHM of one darling son, Ian(4).I have been here at the DIS since almost the beginning and have loved every minute!
My DH and I have been married 18 years this July.My DH is a Brit.
We are in the Antiques business.We both share a love for Disney although he thinks mine borders on the obcessive LOL
We go to the "world"at least once a year.Except for the year we bought seasons passes and that year we went 3 time I was in heaven.
I love gardening,travel, and antiquing(we are in the right business except I want to keep everything! LOL)

DS starts kindergarten in the fall and just got accepted to one of our local Magnet Schools.We are so excited about this.But school means can not go to WDW anytime we want BOOHOO

I bumped the old post for reference please post to this one with any updates etc.

Really new to this, hope to learn quickly so I can be a help too :)

Jeanne, 33 sahm to five incredible daughters Holly 12, Katie 10, Kelsey 7, Emily 5 and Chloe 9 months. Dh 47 workaholic. Living in Ohio. Total disney addicts, two to three trips per year. Leaving on one today, cruising in May and back to wdw for Christmas.

You guys are all terrific help to us newbies.

Welcome and I noticed that you too have a daughter named Chloe......not a very common name (around here anyways)
Karen, think its predicted to become very popular :(

Love the name. Ours middle name is Raine, whats yours?

Her's is Elizabeth, too fill family commitment It sounds nice together though.
Love the name Raine, that is very different.
Hi everyone,
I have been on the DIS boards for about two years and am still amazed by the amount of great info that I learn on here! Everyone on the Rewards Board is so helpful and I owe a big thanks to everyone!
I have a medical transcription business and work from home. I am also a part-time CM at TDS. My DH and I have three kids -- Annalee who is 12, Austin who is 5, and Amelia who will be 2 in July.
My husband and I have a short trip planned to WDW in May -- just the two of us!! (sshhhh -- the kids don't know yet!) Kind of a belated anniversary trip.
I don't get a chance to post as often as I used to, but I visit as often as I can. Everyone please know that all your tips and hints are much appreciated!!:pinkbounc
Having checked the first "get to know..." thread, I find that I'm only the third male-type person to reveal himself. Special greetings to jdads2 and Brumeister who preceeded me.

I'm a 50 year old Indiana native, transplanted to Minnesota nearly 25 years ago. My wife of 22 years and our son (now 17) made our first "mousegrimage" to WDW February of 2001 and loved it. However, our life (and our budget!) doesn't quite have room for returning as soon or frequently as most of you all seem to manage.

My nickname, Thumper's Dad, derives from our trip to DisneyLand in 1984, when my wife was 7.5 months pregnant. We had nicknames our not-yet-known child "Thumper" in recognition of his incessant activity. Even bought him a stuffed Thumper on that trip.

I've only been doing rewards for about a year, lost a bundle of beenz, recently got my one and only Netflip check for $21, am about to cash out MyPoints for my 4th $10 webie, am on the brink of hitting 3500 points at Milesource (thanks, MAL :) ) and only need 7700 more blink rewards for a $5 webie there.

That's all from me.

Keep on clicking, everyone! And don't forget the Mouse.
My turn....

Carla, mom to 3 sons, daycare provider for profession which doesn't enable me to make nearly enough to get to Disney yearly! Dh, who is not a Disney fan, is an otherwise very nice fellow so I can't get rid of him, lol. I found disboards last summer and I love it here. Started many of the reward programs back in August but lost interest in most. Cashed out of milesource for $25 gc and haven't been back, too slow for me. I do Blink daily and I really like mypoints. Our next trip is planned for June and thanks to SoG, we're staying at the Contemporary which has been a lifelong dream of mine!!

Okay, let's see ;)

My real name is Tricia, I am a SAHM to Andrew, 4 and Savannah, 2...I have been married for 5 years to my DH, who is a DJ...We live in NH with out Cat, Prince! :)

I have been doing Reward programs for awhile now and love this board! I have been on the DIS for 2 years now and I have been a Moderator for 1 1/2 years and love it! :)

Next Monday I leave for Florida for 3 weeks to spend time with my Parents over Easter !! :)
I love this thread!!

I'm Jeanie. I've been married to DH,Jim for 27 years and have a 15 year old DD, Sarah who is a high school freshman this year. I'm the business manager for a school system (I do budgets & handle the financial stuff) so you can see why the reward programs appeal to me.

We made our first trip to WDW when DD was 3 and didn't return until last year. (What were we thinking?!?!?!) We had a great time & now DD & I are confirmed Disney addicts. DH doesn't really share our enthusiasm, so I'm thinking of trying a "girls only" trip this fall.

I love this board and am grateful to everyone here for all the tips and how to's. They make rewarding so much fun. There is such a spirit of sharing and friendship here!
Thanks for the special Hello, Thumper's Dad

Hi, my name is Dave and I'm a Disneyaholic.
group response: "Hi Dave"

"I never really thought that I had a problem until I found myself complaining to the local store clerk..."What do you mean you don't have Mickey undies in size 42?". My wonderful wife (DWofjdads2) keeps on elbowing me at night. Not because I snore but because I keep humming "It's a Small World" in my sleep. All my hamburgers and pancakes look like mouse-ears. Every Halloween I play all the scarry tracks from the scarry rides for the kids to trick or treat to. Please, as I tell you this, realize that we have never been to WDW. I have been to DL but that was in 1977. Will my problem be cured or will it become more intense with our first visit? "

That was first typed last year prior to our firsttrip to WDW. Yes, I have become more wrapped up in Disney and WDW. I also have become more determined to make these rewards programs help us afford more or better trips.

Alright already.....We, DW of 14 years, 2 DS's 11 & 8 and a DD 5, live just south of Buffalo, NY. Home of wide right, no goals 1 and 2, great food (not just wings and roast beef on weck), great weather (no matter how much snow we get, we just shovel out of our way and get on with our day) and great people. The kids and I love to fish, so does my wife as long as she doesn't have to touch anything "icky"and we love to spend as much time as possible doing outdoors stuff.

Most importantly...I don't mind typing, usually, or talking. Boy, I bet that surprised alot of folks!!! Lots and lots more about me...I am a complex guy....but I waste valuable space.

My name is Jennifer and we live in Alaska. I am the mother to another disney addict DD who is 7 1/2, and three DS ages 5, 3, and 2. I went to DL when I was 10 and WDW when I was 13. I had wanted to take my kids when we lived in California but we never made it as I always seemd to be pregnant or broke. My DH works on the slope two weeks on and two weeks off, so I am essentially a single mom. When he's not here I miss him and when he is here I am tripping over him and can't wait for him to go back. I work more than full-time (love being on a salary...) for a nice hotel.

I took my daughter to DL as a surprise last June for her 7th birthday. We flew to LAX on the pretext that I was delivering her to her Grandparents for a short summer vacation. I told her we would do some "fun" stuff before I dropped her off. We stayed on the Quenn Mary and went to Santa Monica Beach the first day and that was "fun" enouh for her! I woke her up reallllly early on her birthday and popped her in the back of the rental car and she fell asleep again. I drove over to DL (looooong drive with traffic). She woke up when we pulled in the parking lot of the DL Hotel. We were walking up to the hotel when she read the name and said "Hey Mom this place is called the Disneyland Hotel!" I said ummmhmmm. She asked if it was like Disneyland and I told her it WAS Disneyland and Happy Birthday. She of course screamed and said I was the best mom ever on the face of the earth. Duhhh!! One of my favorite all time moments of motherhood! We had breakfast at Goofy's Kitchen, they all sang Happy Birthday to her and she was in awe. After breakfast we went over to DL and wandered around a bit aimlessly. Rode the teacups, went through Sleeping Beauty's castle, and then over to Toontown to meet Minnie Mouse. It was sooo hot for us, we were tired from traveling and the line was long. I thought just hanging out in a line would be a good rest, but miscalculated. Minnie had to go "check her pies in the oven" three people before we got to the head of the line. My Darling, darling DD then annouced in a loud, cranky voice "I HATE this place!" LOLOLOLOL! Another one of my other all time favorite motherhood moments! Everyone turned to look at this child who was in the Happiest Place on Earth and saying she haed it. Just too funny. Once Minnie came back and she actually got to meet her and explore her house she liked it a lot better and was in heaven. We hadterrific trip from then on out.

I have committed to taking each of my four kids for their own trip alone with me on their 7th birthday. I will also take them in sets of two for a bigger trip once each too. So my oldest DD and DS will be going to WDW this May. They know I am thinking about a trip, but I have not told them when or even really confirmed it. I might not until we are on the plane...

I love these boards and have accumulated a nice stockpile that I would not have had without them. They have not paid for our trip, but rather for the extras that I would have skipped to save money-Cirque Du Soleil tix paid for by my webbie, Connections vouchers letting us do one extra Character breakfast, lunch at RFC with my Milesource GC, a treat at Ghiradelli with my GC, and extra souveniers (bought before hand at TDS with my soon to arrive Mazda GC). I have planned a "deluxe" trip for the price of a low budget one and am so happy with it!

Thanks for all the help, espeially to Mal and Beannie, but all the others that post trivia, new programs and tips for points. I will be thinkingo f you in May!

Hi, my name is Jenifer, and I'm a disneyholic too. I've been hanging out on the DIS one year this month! I found the boards like everyone else I guess, when I was planning last years trip. (Found it too late though, I'd alread bought a "package deal")

I work for the Girl Scout council, in the finance department. Might say I'm a bean counter.........or cookie counter actually. What I don't count I've got stashed in every drawer and file cabinet at my desk!:rolleyes: Really, after about ten boxes they tend to loose thier appeal.

I've got a daughter named Jessica who's 28, and a beautiful blue eyed, blond haired granddaughter (7) named Autumn Skye. We call her Skye. Last April I took her to WDW, just the two of us as her mother had just started a new job (she's a surgical technician...scalpel please.) and couldn't go. The CM's picked Skye for everything that trip! I was waiting for someone to give her the key to "the world" next! She got to be Gatekeeper and open MK one day, "start" Illuminations at The Rose & Crown, dance at Festival of the Lion King, participate in MK afternoon parade. I was seriouslly getting embarrassed over it. Gee, I'm degressing again.

Anyway, I love the DIS, love WDW, love gardening, writing and home decor. I'm clicking to get extras for our trip in October! Thanks to everyone for the wonderful help in teaching me how to do rewards! Especially Mal!

Gotta go, lunch times over and its back to counting those Cookies! Hummmm, how about a thin mint for desert?
Okay, I'm next! :) My real name is Debbie (not much different from my screen name :) ), and I am a full time college student, with graduation coming up in May. I will have a degree in Management and a minor in Spanish.

Like all of you, I am a huge Disney nut, an make a pilgramage to WDW 2-3 times per year. I'm lucky in the sense that I have a well paying job (I'm a part-time nanny for a 10-year-old girl who I've been watching since she was almost 3) and a very accomodating work and school schedule. This is a very unusual year for me; I've been to WDW twice already this year, and have two more trips before the year's end. Once I get in to the "real world," I know I won't have the opportunity to travel to WDW quite so frequently, so I'm taking advantage of it now.

I started rewards programs when I was working for TDS. Even with the CM discounts, I still couldn't afford my WDW trips (Disney pay is very lousy), and I've been hooked since. I have $75 in Webcertificates and am about to cash out for another $10 through Mypoints. I'm also really close to cashing out for a SuperCert at Milesource and will be receiving my $20 check from Netflip soon (hopefully!). Rewards programs aren't as quick to accumulate as they once were, but they're still fun!

Who's next?
and hello again to us veterns!!!!

and HI DAVE my name is Mal and I too am a Disneyalholic!!!!

Dave I like how you copy and pasted your old profile from the old post and added new.Great Idea!!!

oh and Thank you everyone for all the kind words. You all are the best and the reason this board is so popular with us rewarders.

:bounce: :bounce: :bounce:

My turn....

My name is Alisa, I'm from Ozark MO, (yes, just north of the "great" vacation mecca of Branson MO USA) Anyway, I'm 30, married to Shawn and have son Wyatt 6 and daughter Kendall 5. I work pt at a construction co. The great thing about my job is it allows me surf online (hard job aye??!!) I volunteer at my sons school on Fridays, so you will rarely see me on here those days. I've personally been to WDW 2x and DL 1x. I took Wyatt 2 years ago to WDW (when we were single). I met my husband and daughter (notice I dont call her step) 2 years ago. They have NEVER been, so we are going in June. I dont know if I'm more excited to take the kids or my husband!!! Seeing the "Magic" thru other's eyes is so..... magical (haha sorry). I found this board 2 or 3 months ago searching for discounts and coupons. Thanks for info on Rewards progams, I would have never done them if it wasn't for this board.

thanks for your friendship and help in saving on the Disney Dream!!!:D
Hi, I'm Lauren. I really want to thank everyone, especially Mal and Beanie, for so generously sharing information and tips. Like many of you, I stumbled onto these boards while planning a trip and now the DIS is my favorite place, often keeping me from spending time doing the other things I enjoy! I've been married for 23 years and live with my DH, DD-18, and DS-13, on Long Island, about 45 min east of NYC. I was SAHM for the years my children were younger, than worked PT in retail, and am now at home again. My DH and I never went to WDW as kids. Our first trip was with our kids 8 years ago when we visited Orlando for a cousin's wedding. We were hooked and have been back 7 times since then, most recently this past New Year's (surprise trip for the kids). Our next trip is this July. I am a bargain lover-seem to have a coupon for everything, love the "thrill of the hunt". I started doing rewards progams since I shop on the net and figured why not get something extra for my money. I don't do many programs( they annoy me too!). Thanks again for all your help! :)
I'm Debbie from Long Island. I live not too far from Jones Beach with my DH, Bill, and three DS. DS#1 will be graduating on May 19th (God willing!) from SUNY Binghamton. DS#2 and #3 are fraternal twins who will be 16 next month-sophomors in high school. I used to be a SAHM, but took a part time job at the Disney Store last summer. It helps me get my "disney fix" between trips to the World.

DH and I are taking our first solo trip this May-my first as a castmember-VERY excited:bounce: :bounce:

I've been doing rewards forever and although the programs and their payoffs have changed, I'm still clicking away. I love to check the rewards board to see what my buddies are up to-it's my first stop every morning. It's really great to see the same people I've come to know still posting and to welcome all our new reward buddies.


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