learning ideas needed


Earning My Ears
Sep 19, 2000
We last went to WDW 12/2000, and I had my 7 y/o DS learn how to say Merry Christmas at each of the countries. He loved doing it and showing off when he got back. We are going in March, and I am having a hard time coming up with something else that is fun. Anyone have any ideas on what I can have him do? (He will be turning 9 while we are at WDW).
On our last trip in 2000 our son was 8 at the time, he became our "map reader"! He was in "charge" of locating where it was we wanted to go or things to see on the park maps! This is a very good skill (some people are lacking in it all together! ) for a child to learn! He was very proud of the fact that he could find pretty much anything at WDW!

Grover in Winnipeg
:D :smooth: :D
Map reading is a wonderful skill. To take it a step further, you could get him a guide book (the Birnbaums one for kids is good) and let him help you plan your days before you go. He's old enough now that he could do some basic budget planning.


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