Last time you rode a horse

About 1968 or 69. My cousin had her birthday party at a horse farm/riding academy. I've always been apprehensive around horses, even when they're in the stables at the state fair. I don't like to get too close.
I owned and showed horses for many years. My last mare died in 2005 and with work and kids I just didn't have time to take care of another one. And frankly my heart wasn't in it anymore. I love them but it is a long term commitment for me to own one.
Four summers ago in Grand Teton National Park. The brochure showed us crossing a stream, possibly six inches deep. Ummm, the RIVER was at least five feet deep and went up over my legs! My horse started floating down the river at one point! And then once he gained his footing he jumped up on to the bank and ran through trees, that were not cleared for a trail, to catch up to everybody else. This included areas where HE might have fit, but my legs did not. It was a two hour ride and I came back bloodied, bruised and soaked. It was awesome!

And then, at the end, my legs were numb. I tried to get off the horse and my shirt got stuck on the pommel. So, I was hanging from the horse with my shirt up, bra showing, and had to ask a ranch hand to come over and unhook my shirt. It was embarrassing to say the least. But I couldn't get back on the horse because my legs were so numb.

I haven't been on a horse since! The things we do for our kids!
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It has been too long since I last rode a horse. It was only a year or two ago. My father and I took my daughter out to the barn where he boards his horse so she could try riding a bit. My dad had been asked to exercise one of his friend's horses while she was on vacation and asked me to do it (since the horse rode primarily English and he rides primarily Western). Well, that horse was "hot" (meaning, he really needed the exercise). He tried his darndest to get me off at one point, but he couldn't. It wasn't my first "rodeo", so to speak, but it had been probably a decade previous since a horse really tried to throw me. I had huge bruises all up and down my inner thighs.

Generally a very nice horse, who I'd known since he was a juvenile. 7 out of 10. Would ride again.
It's been over 20 years. We were on vacation in Aruba and decided to go horseback riding. Well my husband's horse kept trying to bite my horse and I was petrified the whole time. Have been too afraid to ever ride again.
Probably been 25 years or more. DW & I were at a family farm where there were horses and she wanted to ride. I hadn't been on a horse for years but it sounded like fun. Mounted-up, started feeling "out of control" and decided to stop before I got hurt. I won't be getting back on a horse again but I'm sure it can be enjoyable if you know what you're doing.
I think it was when I was 12 or 13. They are beautiful animals, but I have no desire to ever get back up on one.
Two Thursdays ago. I ride for free in exchange for photography services at horse shows at a local barn. :)
Probably 4 or 5 years ago. We own 5. They are beautiful and I enjoy watching them but have zero desire to ride.
Four summers ago in Grand Teton National Park. The brochure showed us crossing a stream, possibly six inches deep. Ummm, the RIVER was at least five feet deep and went up over my legs! My horse started floating down the river at one point! And then once he gained his footing he jumped up on to the bank and ran through trees, that were not cleared for a trail, to catch up to everybody else. This included areas where HE might have fit, but my legs did not. It was a two hour ride and I came back bloodied, bruised and soaked. It was awesome!

And then, at the end, my legs were numb. I tried to get off the horse and my shirt got stuck on the pommel. So, I was hanging from the horse with my shirt up, bra showing, and had to ask a ranch hand to come over and unhook my shirt. It was embarrassing to say the least. But I couldn't get back on the horse because my legs were so numb.

I haven't been on a horse since! The things we do for our kids!

Trying to be sensitive to this because it definitely sounds like a harrowing experience, but the way you told this story is hilarious! :rotfl: I lost it at "Ummm, the RIVER was at least five feet deep" :rotfl2: soooo funny, esp because I find the opposite happening a lot -- "and we're going to hike up to this lake!", which turns out to be a stagnant puddle. Also, the horse-floating-downriver bit is terrifying, but glad you made it out alive!

One time I went horseback riding in China up a mountain. Nobody advertised that there weren't any trails. We were just barely making it through the wilderness and our horses were slipping and falling all over rocks and slim paths. I figured it couldn't get worse, but going back down the mountain later was interesting: many moments where my horse played slip-and-slide on the side of a cliff. I was sure I'd go over the side and fall to my doom :laughing:
2012....on a NP vacation in St George, Utah. We went on a ride through Snow Creek state park. It was so fun and a little terrifying. lol
About five or six years ago, I think? A friend of my husband's owns a horse, and she lived in my mother-in-law's home town, so she invited us all up to the farm to ride. The kids had never been on a horse before, so it was a terrific opportunity for them.

I did a fair bit of riding as a kid. Interesting story... one day when I was about seven my mother got a call at work saying that there'd been a shooting at my school bus stop, and she needed to come and pick me up. (My babysitter would have been there, but the cops evidently wanted the actual parent/guardian.) My mother, not knowing what I might or might not have seen, immediately grabbed the phonebook, found the closest riding school, and called them, asking if she could bring in a new student within the next hour and quickly explaining why. Then she clocked out, and came and got me from the cops. Loaded me into the car, and told me I was going to get to ride a pony.

I'd never met an actual real live horse before, but I was already completely in love with horses, thanks to a friend of my mum's who'd given me all her Marguerite Henry books, and thanks to my mum, who'd read them all to me at bedtime.

So, I really don't remember anything about that day other than, "Ponies!!!!"

My mother's a very clever woman. :thumbsup2
I've never actually ridden a horse before. I mentioned being on a mule ride. That was at the since closed Frontier Village theme park in San Jose, California.

I've definitely been in a horse drawn vehicle before. The last time was probably in Sacramento in Old Sac. They have a designated horse drawn carriage area. I thought it would be a treat for my kid who loved horses. I thought it was going to be expensive, but the standard price for a 15 minute loop was $10, and I threw in a $2 tip each time. I've also been to the Roosevelt Old West Cookout at Yellowstone NP. Those are horse drawn wagons, but they're big wagons with rubber tires to make the ride smoother. And of course the horse drawn Main Street streetcars at Disneyland. Once we went to the now gone Big Thunder Ranch petting zoo, where they had a huge horse. I thought it looked like a draft horse, and the attendant there said it was a Clydesdale whose job was to pull the streetcars on Main Street. I understand that they moved the stables from inside the park to a temporary place in Anaheim, and finally to a larger, permanent place 25 miles away. I guess they bring in the horses as needed and have a small stable area on site.
Never a horse, mule, donkey, ostrich, elephant, hog, porpoise, camel....just my bicycles like the 139 miles last Saturday.

Was on a carousel horse a few times.
I love horses. I leased a horse in the summer of 2015 and rode every day. Last summer I was finishing up grad school and didn't have time. This summer I'm pregnant and my OB veto'd that real fast so no horse for me this summer!

I teach and am very involved with after school activities. If I wasn't, I'd ride during the school year.


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