Keto at Disney?

That is not accurate for everyone. If I walk 30000 steps at my pace, that translates to 15 miles, which will burn approximately 1300 calories.

A Dole Whip has 250 calories. It's actually one of the better treat options out there for people trying to watch their caloric intake.
Really? Wow I had that pegged at 1000+ calories, much thanks for the data. The 800 calorie thing I get from my tracker. I do not walk fast while I do 30k steps a day the plastic knees the Marines gave me slows me down. And thanks again.
Really? Wow I had that pegged at 1000+ calories, much thanks for the data. The 800 calorie thing I get from my tracker. I do not walk fast while I do 30k steps a day the plastic knees the Marines gave me slows me down. And thanks again.

It doesn't matter how fast you walk. You will burn the same amount of calories running a mile or walking a mile. You just do it faster running. Those fitness trackers are very inaccurate when it comes to telling you how many calories you burned. Translate your steps into a distance based on the length of your stride and use a calories burned calculator to figure out your own caloric burn. The thing with fitness trackers is that they count on every little shuffle of your feet as a "step" which can inflate your numbers. If you were to simply go out and continuously walk 30000 steps, it would be a significant calorie burn.

The Dole Whip is one of the few food items at WDW that we can get accurate calorie numbers because Dole has the nutritional information available online. Disney gives you a standard serving size of 4oz.
I usually don't deprive myself on vacay either however I don't practice keto but have years ago. If you are truly in ketosis prior to your vacay and reintroduce all those carbs back into your diet, you will likely experience some keto flu so just be prepared to not feel very well. You may want to reverse out of ketosis prior to your trips. But when you're running the test strips and your body is really utilizing your fat as fuel, your body has a tough time rebalancing what you've done. It's not fun.

Yea we are going to make sure we get out of ketosis so we dont get sick :D
It doesn't matter how fast you walk. You will burn the same amount of calories running a mile or walking a mile. You just do it faster running. Those fitness trackers are very inaccurate when it comes to telling you how many calories you burned. Translate your steps into a distance based on the length of your stride and use a calories burned calculator to figure out your own caloric burn. The thing with fitness trackers is that they count on every little shuffle of your feet as a "step" which can inflate your numbers. If you were to simply go out and continuously walk 30000 steps, it would be a significant calorie burn.

The Dole Whip is one of the few food items at WDW that we can get accurate calorie numbers because Dole has the nutritional information available online. Disney gives you a standard serving size of 4oz.

Calories aren't the issue anyway, it's the total grams of carbs that are important. 4 oz of Dole Whip has 21 g of carbs - enough to kick you out of strict ketosis.

I only say that to highlight that calories are not important when you are attempting to get into or stay in ketosis. The old belief was that all calories are equal, and that is just not true. I'd rather eat more calories of a high fat item then the same number of calories of a high carb item.

If you are trying to stay in ketosis the simple fact is that you will have to burn off any extra carbs you eat before they get stored as fat. For me, I enjoy the food while I am on vacation without counting carbs (or calories). When I get back home, I jump back into my normal routine. Once your body is keto adapted, getting back into ketosis is a breeze - especially if you throw in some intermittent fasting.
It doesn't matter how fast you walk. You will burn the same amount of calories running a mile or walking a mile. You just do it faster running. Those fitness trackers are very inaccurate when it comes to telling you how many calories you burned. Translate your steps into a distance based on the length of your stride and use a calories burned calculator to figure out your own caloric burn. The thing with fitness trackers is that they count on every little shuffle of your feet as a "step" which can inflate your numbers. If you were to simply go out and continuously walk 30000 steps, it would be a significant calorie burn.

The Dole Whip is one of the few food items at WDW that we can get accurate calorie numbers because Dole has the nutritional information available online. Disney gives you a standard serving size of 4oz.
I got a dole whip swirl, which I assume is the same size as a full out dole whip, but it looked way bigger than 4oz. 4 fluid oz is 1/2 a cup and it was way bigger... it was also way heavier than 4oz by weight. Maybe the cup size is 4oz but when they swirl it up high it's at least twice the volume of the cup, if not more.

found from the web. MAYBE that cup is 4oz filled to the brim but it's somewhere between 2-3 times that with the swirl on top. at 250/4oz you are probably closer estimating 800 than 250!

Really? Wow I had that pegged at 1000+ calories, much thanks for the data. The 800 calorie thing I get from my tracker. I do not walk fast while I do 30k steps a day the plastic knees the Marines gave me slows me down. And thanks again.
how much you burn depends on how much you weigh. If you're moving more mass you're going to burn more. If you gave your tracker your weight that's why it might be 800 calories while someone else is over 1000.

here is a good chart that takes into account stride length (translating number of steps to miles) based on height, and weight for calories burned. 30k burns between 1,200 - 1,600 depending on those factors for a 200 lb person. I'm guessing a 100 lb person is probably that way because they have a very fast metabolism and are not counting steps vs. calories in :)
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how much you burn depends on how much you weigh. If you're moving more mass you're going to burn more. If you gave your tracker your weight that's why it might be 800 calories while someone else is over 1000.

here is a good chart that takes into account stride length (translating number of steps to miles) based on height, and weight for calories burned. 30k burns between 1,200 - 1,600 depending on those factors for a 200 lb person. I'm guessing a 100 lb person is probably that way because they have a very fast metabolism and are not counting steps vs. calories in :)
Well all I can say for sure is 2 years ago I had a health scare and my daughter told me to get healthier because if I died she would have to live with her mother and that was not going to work for her. I started off very small in walking 1000 steps a day. When I started I was a 54 waist now I am a 40 waist and only 30 pounds to go to get back to my Marine Corps weight. As I joke I have gone thru 3 pairs of walking shoes and 2 ipods.
Good luck :) Based on my experiences there a few weeks back, staying lo-carb and eating in the parks is pretty difficult, especially eating quick service. I think it is technically possible if you are really committed to it.

I have been lo-carbing since January and I decided not to stay on my diet while @ WDW for Spring Break - I didn't go too crazy but I did eat my fair share of Dole Whips. Despite walking ~27K steps per day I managed to gain 6 lbs in 8 days, which seems physically impossible, but scales don't lie.

the good news is that adjusting back on to my diet was pretty easy, and as of yesterday morning I had lost the 6 lbs (only took about 9 days.) Based on how fast the weight went on-and-off I suspect a fair amount of it was water weight? I normally don't see a lot of rapid weight fluctuation (even when I am not dieting) but obviously that wasn't the case this time.

So unless you find re-starting your diet to be extremely difficult, you could consider just eating what you want for your vacation.

I can't go to Disney and not eat all them good carbs would be torture.!

I just started keto myself and was planning on the same thing, part of what we love about our Disney vacations is the FOOD! lol

I've been eating low carb since the beginning of the year and didn't have a huge problem in Feb. and have planned similarly for my trip in April. I booked several buffets which, in my experience, was easy because there are lots of choices including salads and meats. I think it was helpful for me to look at menus beforehand and kind of pre-choose my food options where we'd be. This helped me make informed choices instead of "I'm hangry, just give me food now" type reactions. And kudos to you for trying to stay on track while on vacation. It's tough to do that at WDW with all the DELICIOUS temptations!

I usually don't deprive myself on vacay either however I don't practice keto but have years ago. If you are truly in ketosis prior to your vacay and reintroduce all those carbs back into your diet, you will likely experience some keto flu so just be prepared to not feel very well. You may want to reverse out of ketosis prior to your trips. But when you're running the test strips and your body is really utilizing your fat as fuel, your body has a tough time rebalancing what you've done. It's not fun.

Luckily, I'm an AP. I've been many times and have a couple of more trips coming up. I don't feel like I "need" anything (except School bread :rolleyes1) If I want something I'll eat it, I just don't want to turn my quick trip into carb central. It took a good 2 weeks for me to get over the Keto flu and the last thing I want is to "catch" it again.
I would recommend looking at various menus and see which once meet the criteria. If you know what you can and cannot eat it should not be too hard.

This is a great tip, thanks! I have written down all of my options for each restaurant and will pick my meal when the time comes.
So, you can certainly eat a keto diet at Disney, but may not stay in ketosis, if that makes sense. There's no telling what is actually in Disney food, unless you have dietary restrictions (like allergies) and have the chef come to your table. The turkey leg, which on paper is a dream-come-true for keto'ers may actually be brined in tons of sugar.

But as far as staying on the keto diet (or showing good faith):
- Charcuterie - tons of it in and around Disney World. It's more or less meats and cheese.
- Biergarten - brats, sausages, fish, pork, etc.
- Buffets - allow you to build your own plate and more times than not have a ton of meat choices
- Turkey leg - take it for what you will
- Pork rinds - now sold at Golden Oak Outpost in Magic Kingdom

Worst comes to worse, order grocery delivery and stick some jerky, almonds, and cheese sticks in your fridge.

As far as weight gain, you'll gain some water weight no matter what you eat in Disney. It's full of sodium. Try and drink a lot of water and don't be mad at a few pounds. You'll be back down in a week or so.

Unfortunately, I do have allergies so I will have to speak to the chef regardless. This will also be an advantage since I can request low carb veggies. Thanks for all the tips!
Well all I can say for sure is 2 years ago I had a health scare and my daughter told me to get healthier because if I died she would have to live with her mother and that was not going to work for her. I started off very small in walking 1000 steps a day. When I started I was a 54 waist now I am a 40 waist and only 30 pounds to go to get back to my Marine Corps weight. As I joke I have gone thru 3 pairs of walking shoes and 2 ipods.
congrats! A friend of mine does about 20-25k steps a day and lost well over 100 lbs doing it. Walking will do it, I just don't have hours and hours a day to walk. But I'm about to go down to the ice arena and skate for my lunch hour now, so it's something :)
And at Animal Kingdom, Satuli and Flame Tree are good bets.

Looking forward to trying Flame tree! thanks for the tip!

I had bariatric surgery and while I do not eat quite keto, I eat low carb. And I pretty much 'ate what I want' on my disney trip, but what I wanted was mostly low carb with a few bites of treats here and there.

They will substitute sides freely at all TS restaurants... even at a signature, if you look at the rest of the entrees and find something you want more, they are happy to sub. So find two interesting veggies and go for it. My son got the filet with the mac and cheese side from another entree at CA Grill and they did not bat an eye.... of course that's carby but you get the idea.

I'm sure you know this already but be wary of "no sugar added" desserts as they are packed full of carbs, and even natural sugars, just not any additional added.

I stuck to my "eat mostly protein and veggies" and did have a few bites of starchy food (like the ear off of a mickey waffle or a couple of tater tots) and the taste was enough for me, it did not set off any cravings. But the bulk of my meals were protein and veggies.

I eat so little I never worry about condiments and sauces because I'm so portion controlled (per my nutritionist). If I were on vacation though, I still would not worry about it if my goal was to maintain more or less my normal style of eating vs. staying strictly in ketosis... but that's just me. YMMV.

Satu'li Canteen is a dream come true, I found the salad base delicious.

There are salad options in all of the parks, maybe not at every QS but at lots of them. At MK there is Pecos Bill's, Columbia Harbor House (which also has a salmon entree you can get with double veggies) and Cosmic Ray's (you can also get a roasted chicken at dinner, sub more veggies for mashed potatoes). At Epcot, Sunshine Seasons has tons of options... besides salads, there is the grill and you can sub double veggies for the starchy sides with your chicken or pork chop... they will let you have anything at that station but won't go to another station. Eating around the world is a bit harder but I think France also has a nicoise salad and the ice cream macaron was actually one of my planned indulgences (and worth it). Also Liberty Inn at the American Pavilion has a new grilled chicken cobb salad that sounds quite good, I'd be all over that (I know, boring to eat THERE but hey). I find most of world showcase to be pretty carb heavy... everything has a lot of rice or noodles or chips or bread. I don't know if they will substitute more tabouleh for couscous and you can skip the bread...don't know how you feel about hummus, I eat it and beans (which is part of my "low carb but not keto" because I can't eat it in quantity to get a ton of carbs in.) In HS I never eat QS but I know that Backlot Express at the very least has a salad option. We didn't go to HS this time. If I was traveling without kid and wanted a lunchtime salad I'd go to the Brown Derby Lounge and have the cobb.

Buffets are of course easy but I'd doublecheck the menu, something like Trail's End might not be as meat/salad/veggie heavy as some other choices are (with things like fried chicken and bbq featuring heavily). Breakfast buffets are super simple to eat low carb if you can resist the temptation of the carby stuff (I had a few bites with every breakfast, I admit!) But there are tons of egg options (usually premade eggs and some kind of frittata and some have made to order eggs/omelets) and plenty of breakfast meat... most of them have some kind of grilled veggies too if I remember.

Snacks are tougher but there are some veggies and ranch dip and babybel cheese options out there. Most of the snacks are things like ice cream and popcorn and fruit even as healthier choices. but honestly if you eat decent meals you won't NEED to snack and then it can be a choice to treat yourself if you wish.

Anyway that is kind of my go-to stuff. I was exactly the same weight when I came home (I was on a cruise too and ate significantly worse there) and within 2 days of being in the bathroom nonstop had peed out 3 lbs, so it all worked out. Hope it's helpful!

Satuli is going to save me. It's so easy to order and I think i can make 2 meals out of one bowl. thank you so much for you tips, Looking forward to reading the rest of your trip report!
congrats! A friend of mine does about 20-25k steps a day and lost well over 100 lbs doing it. Walking will do it, I just don't have hours and hours a day to walk. But I'm about to go down to the ice arena and skate for my lunch hour now, so it's something :)
I have lost about 160 pounds. I get do a lot at work because if I am running a network test there is a lot of time on my hands until it is done.
I haven't gotten the keto flu yet, how long normally does it take to get it and how long to get over it and can you tell me what to look for?
Hey Farah! :flower3: Following your thread. I eat mostly keto (really am eating closer to "The Diet Cure" as I have added back in berries and yogurt) at home but usually cut loose on vacation. Interested to read everyone's tips.
Hey Farah! :flower3: Following your thread. I eat mostly keto (really am eating closer to "The Diet Cure" as I have added back in berries and yogurt) at home but usually cut loose on vacation. Interested to read everyone's tips.
I guess that's what Im doing as well bc I eat yogurt and berries too
I guess that's what Im doing as well bc I eat yogurt and berries too

There seem to be many different definitions of keto, but when I was first getting into the swing of things I was eating very high fat, very low carbs and counting every single thing for macros. As I've gotten into better shape I count less and have added back in more things. Whatever works for you is good, in my opinion!
There's low carb and then there's keto. You are only doing a keto diet if your body is in ketosis- there are signs but typically the only way to really know is the test strips. You can be in ketosis for just a few weeks and start eating carbs again and get the keto flu. Essentially you feel like crap, your stomach hurts, your head hurts and you feel like you got hit by a truck. It's not fun. I haven't had this happen but I've heard of people getting ill and throwing up. It really just varies from person to person. But if you are eating low carb, by definition that is not ketosis. There's a big difference. I did keto years ago and in the end my conclusion is that it works but it's not for me. I am not the type of person to completely right off an entire food group. Just gotta do what works for you.
Yogurt and berries in limited quantities are fine on keto as long as the yogurt is plain full fat greek yogurt.

Anyhow I am planning on doing mostly keto for my trip. I am planning on skipping qs and doing more TS for lunch and Signature for dinner as I think I will just have healthier keto choices. I also think that it will be easier to get my meals adapted to meet my needs.

I am not going to count macros though and I am planning a few treats!


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