Keep Calm and Go to Disney! 10/21 - 11/4/14 COMPLETE

I love your report! Great pics! We were there at the same time. We stayed at AKV and BLT and BC!
Ohhhh, a cliffhanger! I like the suspense.

Of all those yummy offerings, what stands out to me the most? The PB and J shooters. I've never met a cheese I didn't like, either, and they definitely seemed to have a good variety. Is that Brie with the berries?

Excited to see where you'll be having your dinner!
Wow their offerings put the beach club's to shame. I love seeing the photos on Instagram of the Old Faithful Lounge.
Looks like you had a wonderful trip. Thank you for posting some theme park pics, too. I love seeing all of them. I like how you don't post so many of any one attraction to spoil it for someone who hasn't experienced it, but just enough so that we know a little bit about how cool it is! I have not yet had a chance to experience the Seven Dwarfs Mine Train or BOG. We'll be doing both in April, so it's super exciting to see your posts!
I have spent a lovely evening reading your report! Your pictures are beautiful...I cannot wait to read more!
Oh you and your cliffhangers :scratchin Now I can't wait to read the next bit.... Old Faithful Club looks great - especially that pie - yuuuuum! Oh and the scallops....and let's face it, I wouldn't say no to the salad either... :rotfl:We had a breakfast up there on our first trip to WL when we were the Flag Family of the day, but haven't been there since. I seem to remember the brekkie being good though!
After that spread, who needs dinner.

You are quite right. I could have easily filled up on appetizers from the lounge that night.

I love your report! Great pics! We were there at the same time. We stayed at AKV and BLT and BC!

Oh, sounds like you too were a nomad. Personally I love to stay at different resorts during my trips, but as for the rest of my family...not so much. :( My next trip is with my kids along so I might have to stay put this time. We are considering a 1 bedroom villa at AKV. Did you enjoy your stay there? Which of the three places did you like best?

Ohhhh, a cliffhanger! I like the suspense.

Of all those yummy offerings, what stands out to me the most? The PB and J shooters. I've never met a cheese I didn't like, either, and they definitely seemed to have a good variety. Is that Brie with the berries?

Excited to see where you'll be having your dinner!

I believe it was Brie, but I don't think it was labeled so I'm not 100% sure. As for my dinner, that review is coming up momentarily. :thumbsup2

Wow their offerings put the beach club's to shame. I love seeing the photos on Instagram of the Old Faithful Lounge.

While I've never stayed CL at the Beach Club, I did receive a free upgrade to the CL of the Yacht Club back in December 2013. Based on the offerings served there during my 3 night stay, I would have to agree that those at the Wilderness Lodge are much better.

Looks like you had a wonderful trip. Thank you for posting some theme park pics, too. I love seeing all of them. I like how you don't post so many of any one attraction to spoil it for someone who hasn't experienced it, but just enough so that we know a little bit about how cool it is! I have not yet had a chance to experience the Seven Dwarfs Mine Train or BOG. We'll be doing both in April, so it's super exciting to see your posts!

Thanks so much for your positive feedback and for reading along!

I am loving your report so far. It is my dream to stay club level one day.

Thank you. I've only been able to afford a one night stay at CL during my last two trips, but I've really enjoyed those little tastes of it. Hope your dream comes true soon! :goodvibes

I have spent a lovely evening reading your report! Your pictures are beautiful...I cannot wait to read more!

Thank you so much for reading and commenting. I'm glad you are enjoying my report!

I am joining very late but I am really enjoying your reviews.

Thanks for joining in and you're not late at all! :thumbsup2

Oh you and your cliffhangers :scratchin Now I can't wait to read the next bit.... Old Faithful Club looks great - especially that pie - yuuuuum! Oh and the scallops....and let's face it, I wouldn't say no to the salad either... :rotfl:We had a breakfast up there on our first trip to WL when we were the Flag Family of the day, but haven't been there since. I seem to remember the brekkie being good though!

Oh yes, their breakfast is good. That review is coming up soon. But first is the conclusion to my dinner cliffhanger. ;)
First I have to say that I originally planned to not have dinner on this night of my trip. I really wanted to have a relaxing evening in my room and take full advantage of all the great food and beverages offered in the Old Faithful Club lounge. But when I decided to attend the Party for the Senses featuring Disney chefs the night before, that left one of my favorite Disney restaurants without a place in my dining schedule. Not wanting to change any of my other dinner plans during my 6 night stay at the Wilderness Lodge, I had to eat my words and schedule a dinner for this night. I say that because on my last trip I had dinner plans on the one night that I stayed Club Level and afterwards said, "I will never do that again." :sad2: Well, you know what they say, NEVER say NEVER! ;) And so that is how it came about that I had dinner on this night at Wilderness Lodge's signature restaurant, Artist Point.

I was seated at a two top table just past the entrance to the restaurant. The table sat next to the glass windows which overlooked the hallway of the hotel...

In all my previous visits to Artist Point, I had always been seated in the main dining room area. So when I was not seated there this time, I was both a little surprised and disappointed. But I thought I would give this new location a try. So I tried it, but I didn't like it. Next time if I'm seated there, I would ask to be moved to a table inside the main dining area.

For the sake of taking photos for this review, I took a look at the menu I was presented...

But I already knew exactly what I would order, the same appetizer and entree that I had ordered during all of my visits to Artist Point. But before the appetizer and entree, comes the delicious Artist Point sourdough bread along with butter topped with black sea salt and olive oil with fennel (in the small pitcher)...

It's difficult not to eat more than one slice of this, especially when you are sitting there at the table by yourself with nothing else to do. But luckily my appetizer arrived quickly...

Artist Point's Signature Smokey Portobello Soup topped with Roasted Shiitakes, Chive Oil, and Sourdough Croutons

And a close up...

In my photos, this looks a little pale in color but it did not taste any different than usual...which was wonderful. This was my fifth time having this soup and only once was it less than perfect. I had two gripes regarding the soup I was served during my March 2013 dinner at Artist Point...

First of all, this was way too salty. And then, as you may notice from the above photo, they temporarily changed their soup effect, reducing the portion size but not the price. :worried: However, by the time I returned to Artist Point about a year later (April 2014) they had changed back to the larger rectangular bowls. I'm guessing they got a few complaints regarding the size of their not so "Soup"er Bowls. ;)

Anyway, for my entree I again chose their signature dish...

Cedar Plank-Roasted King Salmon served with Sweet Potato Mash, House smoked Bacon, Autumn Vegetables, Rainbow Cauliflower and Apple Cider Gastrique

Not only did this version of their salmon entree sound incredible but when presented to me it looked so good that I took probably a dozen photos of my plate. :laughing: Here are a couple more of those...

Unfortunately though, the salmon didn't taste quite as good as it looked. I must admit though that the first few bites were delicious. Since I had taken some time to photograph my entree, I had only taken those first few delicious bites when my server came to the table to check on me. I assured him that everything was great, which it was at that point. But then when I had gotten closer to the center of my salmon filet, where it was the thickest, the meat was more raw than I could tolerate. Though I had gone with the chef's recommendation of Medium Rare, just as I had always done before, this time part of my filet seemed to be on the rare side of medium rare. I did though enjoy both ends of my salmon, which combined with the sides, my soup, bread, and lounge appetizers, filled me up. By the time my server returned to the table to inquire about dessert, I knew I was too full to eat anymore salmon so I didn't bother to complain. Although if he had commented about the large amount of uneaten salmon on my plate, I probably would have said something but nothing was said so I just let it go. I know there are some of you who would strongly disagree with my decision to remain silent when I was dissatisfied with an entree which cost $39.00. All I can say in my defense is that when a similar incident occurs at a meal later in my trip, I do speak up so I'm not completely hopeless in that regard...I guess. ;)

While I did ask to see the dessert menu so that I could take a photo for my review, I didn't order anything because I wanted to have room for the desserts they would have in the lounge later in the evening.

I will say though that not only was I tempted by my beloved berry cobbler but by all of the other desserts listed on this menu. They all sounded really good. :thumbsup2

And so that completes my Artist Point dinner review. Unlike my last visit, this one was less than perfect. Last time everything was wonderful...the food, the quiet atmosphere, the service. Artist Point was one of my favorite meals of that trip, so good that it was elevated to among my Top 3 favorite Disney World restaurants along with California Grill and Flying Fish Cafe, Unfortunately, this time it didn't quite live up to Top 3 status. But then again, neither did California Grill. So that just leaves Flying Fish Cafe, which will be visited later on in this trip. Will it break the trend? Stay tuned to find out. (And yes, I just solved one cliffhanger and presented you with another.) ;)

Next up: Old Faithful Club Lounge Part II - Desserts & Cordials
I have to admit that I've been to Artist Point 3 times now and the only time I was slightly disappointed (and I mean only slightly) was when I had the salmon. Can't quite explain why but it just didn't live up to what I was expecting. The other two times were amazing and it's still a must do in our books. And that soup.....mmmmmm.....there I go again, drooling in close proximity of technology..... :rolleyes:
I am looking forward to eating at AP on a future trip - I imagine I would order the same things if they are still around. Wonderful review. Sorry for the couple of hiccups in this meal.
We ate dinner at Artist Point in January when we were staying at the WL. It was our first time dining there and we made a last minute reservation. We were seated in that same hallway area at a table for two. I was a little dubious of our location but didn't complain. Our waiter turned out to be a very enjoyable character and we really enjoyed our evening. DH had the scallops and he said they were very good. I had the pork and it was good, too. We had the berry cobbler for dessert, too. It was our nicest meal of the trip.

And we did eat lunch at BOG just last Saturday using their new reservation system for lunch. They had two registers located outside of the main dining room for guests with lunch ADRs. You no longer have to join the long queue for the self-serve ordering kiosks. Once again my braised pork was delicious and we all ordered the lemon-raspberry tart, which was good, too.
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Sorry to hear your dining experience at Artist Point was not on par with the last time you were there. I have stayed at the WL three times (all cl) and can you believe I never tried Artist Point until our last visit; We loved it, and are going back this June again. I hope our experience is as good as it was our first time and not like yours; I plan on ordering the Cedar Plank Salmon. Looking forward to your review of Flying Fish which is another of our must do restaurants each trip.
Never been the artist point always wanted to try it. What a shame your meal was a flop :( interested to hear what your cliffhanger is! On a sidenote also enjoying your Polynesian food tour on Instagram!!
Catching up on your last couple of reviews.

I'm with you on BoG just being meh (is that a word?) to me. The food is decent and the decor is nice, but I'm not sure I'd get an ADR now that the fast pass option isn't available. What did you decide for your next trip?

Ahh, Wilderness Lodge club level. Those scallops look divine. Which we had those during our trip last year instead of chicken nuggets ; )

We just ate at Artist Point last week and ate in the same section as you and I had the same meal. This was our first visit and I like you found the seating in the entryway a bit odd. I didn't get up and check out the main dining area though, will have to take your advise next trip. Sorry your salmon wasn't up to par. I don't blame you on not complaining though, if you were full it was probably wasn't worth it. This was our first meal and it didn't crack my top 3, but was solid.

Hope you make up on passing up dessert with some cobbler in the club level ; )
I have to admit that I've been to Artist Point 3 times now and the only time I was slightly disappointed (and I mean only slightly) was when I had the salmon. Can't quite explain why but it just didn't live up to what I was expecting. The other two times were amazing and it's still a must do in our books. And that soup.....mmmmmm.....there I go again, drooling in close proximity of technology..... :rolleyes:

I definitely haven't given up on Artist Point or the salmon. I've had the salmon there four or five times previously and its always been great. Plus I love the soup and the cobbler. Though I probably won't make it there on my upcoming trip, I will definitely be back! :thumbsup2

I am looking forward to eating at AP on a future trip - I imagine I would order the same things if they are still around. Wonderful review. Sorry for the couple of hiccups in this meal.

Thanks for reading and commenting! I hope you have a great meal at Artist Point.

We ate dinner at Artist Point in January when we were staying at the WL. It was our first time dining there and we made a last minute reservation. We were seated in that same hallway area at a table for two. I was a little dubious of our location but didn't complain. Our waiter turned out to be a very enjoyable character and we really enjoyed our evening. DH had the scallops and he said they were very good. I had the pork and it was good, too. We had the berry cobbler for dessert, too. It was our nicest meal of the trip.

And we did eat lunch at BOG just last Saturday using their new reservation system for lunch. They had two registers located outside of the main dining room for guests with lunch ADRs. You no longer have to join the long queue for the self-serve ordering kiosks. Once again my braised pork was delicious and we all ordered the lemon-raspberry tart, which was good, too.

Glad to hear you had good meals at both Artist Point and Be our Guest. As of now, I think I'll be having lunch at BoG on my next trip because my kids want to see it again. They have only been there once before. We probably won't make it over to Artist Point but I'll definitely return there whenever I stay at WL again.

Sorry to hear your dining experience at Artist Point was not on par with the last time you were there. I have stayed at the WL three times (all cl) and can you believe I never tried Artist Point until our last visit; We loved it, and are going back this June again. I hope our experience is as good as it was our first time and not like yours; I plan on ordering the Cedar Plank Salmon. Looking forward to your review of Flying Fish which is another of our must do restaurants each trip.

Sounds like our tastes might be similar, as Artist Point and Flying Fish are two of my favorites. Do you have a favorite entree at Flying Fish? I really enjoy the Red Snapper there but this time I ordered something slightly different. ;)

Never been the artist point always wanted to try it. What a shame your meal was a flop :( interested to hear what your cliffhanger is! On a sidenote also enjoying your Polynesian food tour on Instagram!!

Not a total flop, as the soup was delicious as usual. I'll be giving Artist Point another try sometime, but probably not on my upcoming trip. Oh, and I'm glad you're enjoying my Instagram posts.

Hope you make up on passing up dessert with some cobbler in the club level ; )

No cobbler, as apple is not my favorite, but there were other desserts there that were tasty. Oh, and there will still be Artist Point berry cobbler in my near future. ;)

Loving your review!!

Thanks so much for reading! :goodvibes
Within a few minutes of the Old Faithful Club lounge reopening with their Dessert & Cordial offerings I was there to take photos. However, I did make a stop along the way from my room to take in the beautiful lobby view down below...

But then I got down to the business of photographing the food before the crowd descended upon it. My first target was to see what kind of cobbler they had tonight...

I was disappointed to see that it was Apple Cobbler, as I was hoping that they would again have the delicious Strawberry-Peach Cobbler that they had the last time I was here...

Next up were the cookies, both sugar...

...and chocolate chip.

Then there were Lemon Bars...

...and of course, Magic Bars.

For those of you who have never had a Magic Bar (which, by the way, are available for purchase at the Wilderness Lodge's quick service restaurant, Roaring Fork), these bars have a crust of graham cracker crumbs with sweetened condensed milk, which is then topped with a mixture of sweetened coconut, both butterscotch and chocolate chips, chopped pecans and multi-colored confetti candy. All of this makes for a gooey, deliciously sweet dessert. Oh, and I should add that prior to tasting these for the first time during my last CL stay, I didn't think I would like them because I generally don't care for desserts with shredded coconut (I think it's a texture thing). But when the opportunity arose to try it without buying a much larger size bar at Roaring Fork, I couldn't resist the temptation. And to my surprise, I liked it...both last time and this time.

However, though I thoroughly enjoyed the Magic Bar, my favorite dessert of those which were offered this time at the OFC lounge was the S'mores Tarts...

These tarts had a graham cracker crust, a chocolate pudding-like filling, and were topped with toasted mini-marshmallows. Yum!

As for the cordials offered, there were four...

They also had a variety of non-alcoholic beverages like coffee, milk, and soda.

So I made my choices and took them back to my room to enjoy...

In the glass was Kahlua and cream, which is one of favorites.

Before too long it was time to go out to my balcony to watch the Magic Kingdom fireworks, which I believe was HalloWishes that night...

Though the view and my photos of the fireworks are not that great, the convenience of seeing them from the balcony of my room more than made up for that. :thumbsup2

Next up: Old Faithful Club Lounge - Part III (Breakfast)
I'm with ya on the cobbler the apple is usually good, but the peach and strawberry is divine. Those s'mores tarts look delicious. They didn't have any of those on our last trip or I would have devoured a few for sure.

How great to watch thr fireworks from your balcony. It looks like a pretty good view to me.


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