just wondering if there is....


Always waiting on the next magical vacation!
Jun 15, 2000
air brushing at Downtown Disney - or anywhere in the parks for that matter? My girls love airbrushed t-shirts.

Yes there is a place at Downtown Disney. I cannot recall the name of it :( but it is a very neat store.


<font color=#cc99cc>Summer 1982 - 1 day MK visit
April 2000 - 1 day MK visit
January 7-10, 2001 - All Star Movies
March 29 - April 1, 2001 - Port Orleans Riverside</font>
Yes there is an airbrush place in downtown disney we all got shirts there when we were down there in sept! It's inside Team Mickey! It's called automated artists! They run from approx $30.00 and UP! Depending on what you want! Hope this helps! ;)
I just wanted to say hello... I also reside in the "New Aw'lins" area. It sure is nice to read posts from Disney fans at home. :D

Are you planning a trip? The wife and I visit WDW in May and then again in Oct. Maybe we should post a message to see how many people on the boards are from Louisiana. What do ya think?

Chuck :)

<img width="150"SRC="http://www.weddingcove.com/images/bwv_logo_trans.gif">
We will be there in April on the 16th unitl the 23rd to be exact. We usually go during Mardi Gras but hubby couldn't get off work. So we are flying out after he gets off nights Easter Sunday. (he might get about 2 hours sleep if the girls let him...)

It's great hearing there's at least one other New Orleanean out there. Are you going to the St. Patty's day parade in Metairie today? We are going for the 1st time in years.

Have a disney day °O°


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