Just when you think you've got it all figured out...


Just happy to be here...
Aug 17, 1999
You know - I've been a member for coming up on 6 years. I didn't think there was any part of the program I didn't understand, but a call to MS this morning has left me confused.

Let me preface this by saying that, 'til the day I "die" or 2042... :) - I will ALWAYS be in a borrowing state. And I'm ok with that....

Here's my scenario.

I have an October Use-Year.
I have NO points in my October 2002 use year remaining.
I have 190 points in my October 2003 use year remaining.
ALL of my October 2004 use year points are available.

I am wanting to book a reservation that occurs in December, 2003, that will eat up most of my remaining 190 points.

BUT - I also anticipate that, sometime between now and September 30th, I may want to make a few short trips over to WDW or Vero. But I'm not yet prepared to book those trips, as they will most likely be "last minute."

The CM at MS this morning told me that:
If I want to go ahead and book the December, 2003 reservation this morning, I "must" use my -190- Use-Year points - which makes sense to me...
BUT - she told me that, if I choose to later book a reservation that occurs between now and September 30, 2003 - I can "borrow" from my October 2004 use-year points.
That confuses me, because reservations between now and September 30, 2003 would be in my October "2002" use-year, so how can I borrow 2004 points to use in my 2002 use-year?

I always understood that you could only borrow or bank out 1 year. She said, actually, "you can borrow up to 2 years in advance."

Is this correct?!? Cool if it is - but, if so - I'm gonna have to dig out my membership book and start re-reading....
You have it correct. You can only borrow one use year ahead.

Perhaps the CM was thinking about "reallocating" the used current year 2003 points and the borrowed 2004 points at the time you call for the Vero ressie. (You can't borrow until you actually make a reservation that needs more points that are available in the appropriate current use year).

Suppose you go ahead and use the 190 points in your 2003 use year for the 12/03 ressie. Then you want to make another ressie for a stay prior to October 2003. Maybe the CM could borrow 2004 points and use them for the exisiting 12/03 ressie. Then the 2003 use year points would be free to be borrowed into your 2002 use year for your Vero ressie.

In your situation, I'd want to know if MS would have to cancel the 12/03 ressie and then rebook it to do the above. If so, what would happen if there are people on the wait list for the same 12/03 dates?? IMHO, if there are people on the waitlist, the 12/03 dates should go to them. But that wuld be my opinion and not necessarily the rule. If MS tells you differently, I'd get it confirmed in writing, just in case there is a different answer by the time you decide on Vero.

Good luck!
Thanks, Carol. That's exactly what I suggested to her...

Prior to her saying I could borrow the 2004 points into 2002, I said, "Well, then I guess my only option is to go ahead and book the December reservation 'today,' then, when I'm ready to book later, go ahead and cancel that December reservation, "freeing up" those 2003 points, and borrowing them, then re-booking the December reservation with 2004 points, crossing my fingers that those nights wouldn't be gobbled up by the wait list in the time it took to conduct the transactions...

Her response? "Why would you want to do that?!?"

What do I do now? Call back and clarify it with another CM?
I don't see any reason why you can't book the Dec. trip using your 2004 points. I've done that, but perhaps they could only put it in because my points that were left were at a different home resort that I couldn't use to book what I wanted at the time?

Is there a rule that you can't book a trip using borrowed points if you have current points available? That seems to be what they've told you.

One way around it is to book up those 2003 points before making the Dec. reservation.....even if you have to cancel and rebook because you haven't reserved the right dates. Once those points are "used" you should be free to borrow.

But perhaps you should just call and talk to someone else....there have been recent reports of a lot of new cm's at ms. Perhaps you just need to get a more experienced one.
Originally posted by Lesley
...(snip).....Is there a rule that you can't book a trip using borrowed points if you have current points available? That seems to be what they've told you.
That is my understanding. The only time you can borrow points is to make a reservation and you have to use all the CY points before borrowing is necesssary.

One way around it is to book up those 2003 points before making the Dec. reservation.....even if you have to cancel and rebook because you haven't reserved the right dates. Once those points are "used" you should be free to borrow.....(snip)...

That sounds like a good and relatively "safe" solution. Beth could just book something/anything to use up those 190 2003 points. Then she could book the "hard to get" 12/03 ressie with borrowed points from 2004. Then cancel the reservation that used the 190 points. If she decides not to go to Vero, she has until March, 2004 to bank the 190 points into the 2004 use year. No need to worry about losing the 12/03 ressie and from what Beth said, she won't have a problem using the points in 2004. :teeth:

I also think there are quite a few new CMs. It wouldn't surprise me if some of them didn't know all the rules yet.
Just got off the phone with another CM...

He said that what the original CM had proposed was correct - but I wouldn't be actually doing by "borrowing 2 years in advance," but rather by what Carol and I both suggested - cancelling the December reservation, freeing up the 2003 points to borrow into 2002 and book other ressies, then rebooking it with the 2004 points...

He said you aren't actually even "cancelling" the reservation - they're "re-allocating" the points, so the reservation is not susceptible to getting snatched up by the waitlist...

He said that most CM's are familiar with how to accomplish this (I even think I have done it before, actually...) - but gave me his name, should I have any problems in the future....

Alls well that ends well.....
This board never ceases to amaze me!

I learn something new every day here!

Thanks all!:wave:
This is an appropriate reason for them to reallocate the points because it is their arbitray rules that cause the delima. That's not to say you wont' have a problem when the time comes. I'd send them an email so you can get a response for documentation in case you have an issue later.

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