Just returned from DLP


Earning My Ears
Aug 3, 2002
Just returned from 3 day trip to Disney Land Paris. Had a great time but with a few exceptions. Firstly, queue jumping was rife this year. The french in particular were the worst, every attraction we went to people would barge past you or just slip under the ropes. They have no concept in queuing for anything, not even at the resturants. They are joyless, selfish and just plain rude, but enough about the french. My other gripe was the smoking of illegal substances in the parks. Again this was another big problem this year. Waiting in line you could smell the odours of hash, cannabis and alike just hanging in the cold air.

But apart from these problems mentioned, we had a great time, the parades were very good and the fireworks were wonderful if not a little short. I would not go again at this time of year, especially if it's a french holiday.

Does it compare to Florida, not even close.


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