Just returned from a WONDERful Jan. 13 cruise!!

Disney Dreamer

May 30, 2000
Hey everyone, just returned last night to SLC to wind, snow and cold :( ! But, we had beautiful weather the entire 10 days that we were in Florida! Weather on the cruise was also fantastic! It rained in the morning in Freeport and we had scheduled a dolphin swim for 8:30. It was pouring and DCL said we could cancel and receive a full refund if we wanted to. DS was so looking forward to the swim, we decided to forge ahead. By the time we left the ship to board the van, it had stopped! Once we got to the dolphins the sun came out and we had a beautiful day! I didn't make it to the DIS meet and I felt bad about it the whole trip. I really would have loved meeting you all. With three kids all wanting to do things plus my mom and dad, it just was hectic. I did meet Hobo and her grandkids in line for Palo ressies. Our servers for dinner were Nora and Alex. Nora is a sweetheart and made dinner so much fun! Well, I have 10 days of laundry for 5 people so I have my work cut out for me today. I will do a trip report soon!
...to only bring what you want to wash when you get home! :D I've thrown things in my suitcase and a couple of days before we go (2/9/2002), I'll weed it down to something manageable. Glad you had fun.

Kim ºOº
Disney Dreamer,
Hi I am sorry I didn't get to meet you. I met Kendra and her family. We had lunch at Tritons and Rebecca and Paul were seated with us. I had a wonderful cruise and booked again for October 10th. The weather was awesome wasn't it. I slept through the rain in Freeport. When I woke up it was sunny and warm.
Teri, we made it to the port by about 10:30 and were the 5th family in line. I looked for green ribbons in line and didn't see any. It was a wonderful cruise and I'm so happy we had good weather. Did you see the couple getting married on Castaway Cay? I talked to them that night at Palo's. I'll start a thread about their day, it was amazing!

Still trying to talk DH into that $99 cruise! Send pixie dust!!
We took picture's of the bride on her way to be married. I am going to post them when I finish downloading them into the computer. My husband took about 800 digital picture's, so I have to go through and pick some to post. We arrived at the terminal about 11:15. We were in line about to the first tv area. I had a lime green bag and my lime green ribbon on. I did look in the line and didn't spot anyone with lime green on. The cruise was great.We also enjoyed the Dolphin before the cruise. We were in a corner room and had 2 balconies. We walked right on the rides and enjoyed the nice weather. I thought the Dolphin was really pretty, though I think the renovation will be a good thing. Some of the areas (hallway's walls ,carpet) were kinda worn and need re-doing. I hope your hubby can be talked into another cruise. For $99 you really have to take advantage. Where else can you eat 3 meals plus snacks, entertainment, and bed for $33 a day??? I really hate that we didn't meet. It is alway's so hectic after the lifeboat drill with the sailaway party and then 1st seating for dinner. Glad you had a good time.
Hi Teri, I am sorry I didn't get to meet you on the cruise,
never saw another green ribbon. I meet Disney Dreamer
in line for Palo's and had a nice talk with her. it was a great
cruise and can't wait to do it again. I survived and the
grand children had a wonderful time, I hardly saw them. They
did make some time for me on castaway and we got to snorkle
together. My 2 first timers are hooked and all three will be
going again in the fall just have not picked a date yet. Take



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