Just off the Magic (5-night Bahamas)


DIS Veteran
Feb 20, 2014
We did 5-night Bahamas with stops in Key West, Nassau and CC. This was our fourth cruise with DCL and second time on the Magic. I'm happy to answer questions. Leslie was the Cruise Director and Jason was the Captain. Tisa was the main Cruise Staff entertainment person (I don't know what you'd call her, it's the same role I've seen Jamzey or Jo in previously.)

Overall we had a fantastic time.

The good:
We cruises with my mom and her husband and they had a fantastic time. They were really impressed with the food and entertainment and had a really nice time in some of the adult areas.

Our servers (Jay and Tiago) were incredible. We'll try to get one of them again next time we're on board.

The weather was amazing. It started a little cool in Miami, but it warmed up and we couldn't have asked for a better day at CC, in particular. No wind at all and just blue skies and sunshine! The water was a little chilly, but if you got in, you got used to it.

My favorite crew member (Darrell from Cruise Staff) was on board and remembered us from our Halloween cruise a year and a half ago. It warmed my heart. He's such a sweet guy and has so much energy. Love him!

I tried Palo brunch for the first time (only had dinner previously) and LOVED it. I'm a brunch gal for sure! Dinner is evidently just not my thing there.

I made my daughter a Rapunzel dress plus long hair extension and when we met Rapunzel she told us that we made her day. She was just really excited about it and it was so super sweet. It really made our princess meet so magical.

Parasailing on CC was really amazing. I got some incredible photos of the beach and the ship and it was just so peaceful and beautiful up there.

The pirate museum in Nassau was cute and fun and I'm glad we got off the boat. We'd been to Nassau before and this was a better experience than last time (when it was a national holiday and everything was closed and a parade caused major transit blockages throughout the city). We spent the afternoon on board and had a great time.

Key West was nice. I'm glad we had one day there, but I think that's enough. With spring break in full swing, it was a little bonkers, but we had an overall nice time. The Shipwreck Museum was pretty cool and my favorite thing we did there.

The not as good:
My mom's chat wasn't working intermittently through the cruise and we could never get it figured out. DH and I have never had problems, but she would consistently not receive messages and messages she would send failed, even after restarting the app and her phone. Of course, it worked whenever the Connect at Sea desk was open and was failing whenever they were closed!

I left my sweater at Cabana's the very first day at lunch and it was never turned into Guest Services. GRRRR. I bought a new one in Key West, but I'm still really sad nobody turned it in. I'm trying to look at it as someone really needing a new sweater. I hope they are enjoying it!

The night of our sea day, there was screaming on Deck 2 in the hallway near our room. At first, I dismissed it as kids, but then I realized that it was legitimate distress. I opened my stateroom door (as did many) to see a woman running down the hall with a child in her arms frantic screaming, "HELP ME!!!! HELP!" Someone was on the phone calling to get her help. I was so shaken and I can still hear her voice. Unfortunately, there was an ambulance the next morning in Nassau and my worry increased for that family. I did find later that the woman (who was on our Facebook cruise group) had found her daughter having a seizure (she had never had this before). They got medical attention in Nassau and then reboarded, only to have another. They were told by Disney that they could not continue the cruise, but found themselves without passports. Eventually got home and their daughter has been diagnosed with a form of adolescent epilepsy and will be on anti-seizure medication until she outgrows it. It was brought on by fatigue and lack of sleep. I'm so relieved that everyone is (more or less) okay and that they got home, though I feel badly at how their trip ended. Nobody wants that. The moral of this story is to travel with passports and trip insurance because you NEVER KNOW.

Shutters continues to put irritating borders on everything.

Cove Cafe did honor our full punch card from our last cruise, but they said from now on, the punch card is on a per cruise basis (and it says on the new card). I find this to be a little frustrating.

We had sort of mixed feelings about Tangled. It was lovely and the production was incredible, but we had just watched most of the movie earlier that day and it was literally exactly the same, which is, I guess the point? I don't know. I really like how Twice Charmed puts a twist on things and tells a familiar story, but in a new and creative way. But I felt the same about Toy Story the Musical (and I'll probably the feel the same about Frozen).

My daughter (who is 8, turning 9 in a few months) is pretty much done with the club/lab. She says it's boring and she really doesn't want to go. She literally went once to make a Rapunzel lantern. When I went to pick her up, she was playing a video game on an iPad. The lantern was a little dorky. Just construction paper with cuts in it. I think it's just really skewed younger and it's really hard to have activities for the kids in the older age range. It goes back to the arguments about having little kids all together with kids who are starting to like older kid things. Our next cruise (Mediterranean) will be port intensive so it's a moot point for our next sailing (she'll be a couple weeks shy of 10). We mostly stuck to family activities like trivia, family crafts, etc.

Our table mates were a mixed bag. My daughter and the other girl were like a rollercoaster. When they were having fun and playing together, it was great, but there were some issues and they had some problems and several nights ended in tears. Our last two cruises were so great, I think we got spoiled.
Oh and I forgot to mention that we liked the new Pirate menu much better and the last night's menu (See Ya Real Soon?) was also better with it's recent changes. Those new mushroom pasta purses (sort of like the ones in Animators but more mushroomy) were sooooo good. I ordered a second helping! If you like mushrooms, you will love them!
The night of our sea day, there was screaming on Deck 2 in the hallway near our room. At first, I dismissed it as kids, but then I realized that it was legitimate distress. I opened my stateroom door (as did many) to see a woman running down the hall with a child in her arms frantic screaming, "HELP ME!!!! HELP!" Someone was on the phone calling to get her help. I was so shaken and I can still hear her voice. Unfortunately, there was an ambulance the next morning in Nassau and my worry increased for that family. I did find later that the woman (who was on our Facebook cruise group) had found her daughter having a seizure (she had never had this before). They got medical attention in Nassau and then reboarded, only to have another. They were told by Disney that they could not continue the cruise, but found themselves without passports. Eventually got home and their daughter has been diagnosed with a form of adolescent epilepsy and will be on anti-seizure medication until she outgrows it. It was brought on by fatigue and lack of sleep. I'm so relieved that everyone is (more or less) okay and that they got home, though I feel badly at how their trip ended. Nobody wants that. The moral of this story is to travel with passports and trip insurance because you NEVER KNOW.

You should repeat that story every time someone asks if they should request passports (and travel insurance) before going on a cruise.
I was on your sailing as well, and I agree, our weather was truly fantastic. We had a great experience with our head server, Simone, and our waiter was good, but our assistant server was a real dud.
I was on your sailing as well, and I agree, our weather was truly fantastic. We had a great experience with our head server, Simone, and our waiter was good, but our assistant server was a real dud.

That's too bad. We've had that experience before and it really puts strain on the server and can really grind everything to a halt. The assistant server makes a huge difference.
Great report!

Tiago is wonderful!! He was our assistant on the 2/22 cruise. He was paired with Aditya then - proving that teams do change.
My mom's chat wasn't working intermittently through the cruise and we could never get it figured out. DH and I have never had problems, but she would consistently not receive messages and messages she would send failed, even after restarting the app and her phone. Of course, it worked whenever the Connect at Sea desk was open and was failing whenever they were closed!

FWIW, last October my entire family had problems with text failing or going through an hour later. Frustrating.

How long were you docked in Key West? I'm doing the 5 night next year and have never been to the Keys. I'm looking forward to it.
How long were you docked in Key West?

Official all ashore 8 AM and all aboard 4:45 PM. I was actually out running on deck 4 during docking (well, making back and forth U shapes with the other runners because the forward section was closed) and we pulled in around 6:50-7 AM. I think they were letting people off a little before 8, maybe 7:45. Sunrise above Key West was lovely. :)
Great to hear you had a good time. My heart nearly stopped when you wrote about that poor mother. Thank you for letting us know everything is going to be ok.
Do you recall what excursions they had in Key West? And thanks for your info!
We'll be on the January 26th sailing can't wait! Glad you had a good time and sounds like your dinners not so much, we've been lucky enough to always be seated alone (fingers crossed).
Great report!

Tiago is wonderful!! He was our assistant on the 2/22 cruise. He was paired with Aditya then - proving that teams do change.

Addy and Tiago were our team on the February 12 Western Caribbean. We really enjoyed them. Tiago was very funny and daughter and son in law spent some time hanging out with him by the adult pool. We did notice some tension between them on our second night. The head server was also involved in a serious discussion with them about halfway through our meal off to the side . Tiago left and we did not see him again until the next night when all seemed fine.
Addy and Tiago were our team on the February 12 Western Caribbean. We really enjoyed them. Tiago was very funny and daughter and son in law spent some time hanging out with him by the adult pool. We did notice some tension between them on our second night. The head server was also involved in a serious discussion with them about halfway through our meal off to the side . Tiago left and we did not see him again until the next night when all seemed fine.

Intersting. Yeah...there did seem to be some tension on the 2/22 cruise as well (one night my dad noticed a pointed look from Aditya to Tiago that seemed to be over my diet Coke, but I missed it). Aditya was out the last night (not feeling well per Tiago) and we had Nielsen (who looked like he was about 14 - LOL), but if anything that was a MORE challenging night because there was a large table that I am guessing Tiago might have handled more as they were extremely demanding of the servers' time and having one handle them left the other to serve everyone else. That was the only time I really saw the head server other than the "Is everything going ok?" visit on the second night (which surprised me as I'm gluten-free and it was noted on the reservation) - he was assuring us that our food was coming. Tiago was really the shining star of the trio IMHO.
My DH was particularly impressed with Tiago's wine knowledge. DH is a huge wine enthusiast and Tiago was the most knowledgeable assistant server we've had by far in that department. On our Alaskan cruise, the som from Palo finally came down to talk to my DH one night to help him plan. He's the kind of guy that if he can't find the right wine to pair with a dish he's interested in, he will switch to a completely different dish! Anyway, Tiago was very knowledgable and DH was really happy with the way he handled the nice bottle DH brought from home. He brought out some crazy decanter and was specific in asking how much to decant and so forth. I think we're going to request Tiago for our Med cruise next year. I really liked our server a lot and I'd love to have him again. He seemed to make a good pairing with Tiago. Jay had a lot of energy, which I liked, but DH is a little more mellow so I think that's why he gelled with Tiago so much. But DH is pickier than I am so we'll probably request Tiago first as our preference for assistant server and Jay as our second choice as a server if they aren't paired together and for some reason we can't have Tiago.
We were on the same cruise, and unfortunately our KW port adventure (SNUBA) was cancelled at the very last minute, and nothing else was available anymore. We still had a great time, though. And BTW, Beauty and the Beast, which premiered on the cruise, was fabulous! Plus we were able to get one of the Rose glasses (they had plenty) that apparently have been nearly impossible to get at Be Our Guest at WDW.
It was so fun seeing the movie the first night! What a surprise! I was worried about trying to cram it in somewhere. There's so little time on a 5 night! I'm happy to skip that first night show in favor of a movie. In fact, all in favor of just making that a thing?
It was so fun seeing the movie the first night! What a surprise! I was worried about trying to cram it in somewhere. There's so little time on a 5 night! I'm happy to skip that first night show in favor of a movie. In fact, all in favor of just making that a thing?

I think they do it for big films. We saw The Force Awakens in place of a show on one of our previous cruises.


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