Just back from Wilderness Lodge - a few questions and thoughts


Mar 2, 2002
Returned last Sunday from the Wilderness Lodge and truly had a magical time. The moment I walked into the Lodge I knew that it was worth every penny we had put into DVC. We had never been there at Christmas time, and my eyes actually filled up with tears knowing that my grandchildren would be a part of this. The decorations were breathtaking. We had a 2 bedroom, and the back half of the second bedroom was huge. We were in room 5537 which had a partial view of the pool and lake. Our friends had a one bedroom - #5523. Their view was better, but only if you stood up. They had one of the patios that was enclosed. When we left on Sunday, my one son transferred to a studio - #3505, and his view was even better! The parks were crowded, but thinned out after Jan. 1st.

Things I wish I had brought:
- more film- It's way too expensive at WDW.
- a night light - The second bedroom was very dark. We ended up keeping the bathroom light on, but I felt guilty about it.

- I'm not sure if I tipped the maids properly. I gave them a tip on the full cleaning day before they started, then added more because the two of them were there for 45 minutes. I figured we tipped bell services a dollar a bag for 15 minutes work, and the maids deserved way more than that. They were great. I also tipped on trash and towel day, and on the day we left- about $40 altogether.
- Why are the hallways so cold? It was really no big deal because we usually had sweatshirts or coats on, but when we visited our friends, we had to put a blanket on the baby. I guess if it is to save money on heat, and keep costs down, it's OK. The 1st through 4th floors weren't quite as bad because they have the atrium.

Magical moment - Seeing the expression on my 18 month old granddaughter's face when she realized that she and Minnie were wearing the same dress. :D

The only downer: Half of us got that 24-36 hour bug that's going around.:(
Thanx for the report, Tootsietoo.
I am glad you had a good time!
Of course tipping is at your descretion, and although $1/bag for bell services is about right, I don't know of any rule of thumb for housekeeping. :cool:
The view on when and how much to tip housekeeping is all over the place here. You'll get opinions from $0 to similar to what you tipped (which is at about the top of the scale). Like you, I see how hard housekeeping works and I personally don't feel right not to tip them in proportion to the work they do. I'm assuming your trip was somewhere between 7-10 days? If so, you were more than generous. Especially at Christmas time I like to be generous. I had a full cleaning on Christmas Day one year. My heart wouldn't have felt right if I hadn't tipped them generously.

A general rule for tipping I've heard is $2 per person or $5 per night. But, that is for cleaning a hotel room....not a house. ;)

I used to tip at the end of the trip but I've also started to do as you suggest. Tipping when housekeeping will be in the room.

Thanks for the report. Sounds like you had a great time

As for the cold hallways.....maybe to add to the mountain atmosphere? ;)
Thanks so much for your report. We are getting a 2 bedroom next December. I hope we get as lucky as you with the view. Out of curiosity was this a dedicated 2 bedroom or a lockoff? Thanks , Erin
Its actually very cheap to keep the hall at a cold temp,even in the summer. My opinion is that with the auto AC thermostats the rooms all have the room temp rises to approx 76-80 degrees. If they freeze you in the hallway,this temp will actually feel very comfortable when you first step in.As you body motion triggers the AC back to life,the room quickly cools down & you don't realize what has happened.

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