Jiminy's June 2015 W.I.S.H. Weight Loss Challenge!! Any and All welcome to join!!

Joining in again :wave:
My goals are to lose every week weight-wise (doesn't matter how much as long as it's down on the week before) and to gain fitness-wise so I'm going to try and walk a little further each day than the day before :yay:

I'm also going to plan (and track) my meals weekly in an effort to stick with home-cooked food for the month with one possible exception which is our 27th wedding anniversary mid june :lovestruc
Thanks again Pamela for hosting, I hope to volunteer later in the year but atm between the upcoming wedding and my mum's worsening dementia I'm wary of committing just now. Fingers crossed I will be able to around Sept/Oct :)

For the purpose of hitting targets on the challenge I will aim to -
lose 4lbs this month
walk 600 minutes
Hello, newbie here. I would love to join in. We leave for WDW on June 27th and I would love to be 5lb down by then.

I started running, using Couch to 5K last June, to train for the Princess 10K last Feb. Now I am training to run my first half marathon in October. My plan is to run 3 days a week and do a boot camp class 2 days a week. I am also focusing on eating healthy and watching my carbs.
I was in a weight loss class at my YMCA and I had great support and lost ten lbs. But now it is summer, and we no longer meet. I actually was the person that lost the least amount of weight, everyone else lost 35 lbs or more. Bit that is another story.

I am going to keep up my exercise routine at the YMCA, but really watch what I eat. I was doing really good not eating food from a window, that has to stop completely, Fast Food is a no, no and it is so easy to fall by to the convenience. (You eat like crap, you feel like crap).

I am going to try to loose 5 lbs this month.

Thanks for the invite.
Morning all! SO delighted to see so many new faces joining our challenge for June! Most of you have stated your goal for June, but I'm not seeing a lot of "plans". I understand that you may have just been "securing your seat" for now and will be coming back with a plan. Remember.....

a goal.....jpg

and while wishes are WONDERFUL (after all, we are all Disney lovers, so we know a LOT about WISHES), you need a PLAN as well!

I'll be back later this morning to add my GOAL and my PLAN for June to the group discussion!..................P
I'd like to join. My June goal is to lose 10lb and either walk or use the exercise bike daily. I'm committing to journaling my food choices/calorie content and keeping the focus on whole foods.
Hi all!

I had participated in these challenges a few months back, but took a break. I'm trying to ease myself back in, so I may not be super active this month, but I wanted to try to participate.

In terms of my goal...
GOAL: Lose 4 lbs
PLAN: Focus on a different food-related healthy habit every week
Week 1's habit will be fruits & vegetables
My goal is to continue each week's healthy habit instead of just discarding an old habit in favor of a new one, but we'll see how realistic that is
:welcome: to all the new participants!! Great to see so many people joining in!!

I had participated in these challenges a few months back, but took a break. I'm trying to ease myself back in, so I may not be super active this month, but I wanted to try to participate.

Great to see you back Sarah! I have missed you, hope you are doing well!


My goal and plan:

First, I am leaving on vacation on Thurday for 10 days! So, that affects my whole month. I think my goal this month is going to be to maintain my current weight. But I am also going to set the goal of doing some serious exercise for 30 minutes at least 3 times a week.

How do I plan to get there: Well, the vacation is a huge big danger for me. I usually gain a lot during vacation and then have a hard time losing it. So, my plan is to try and watch my eating during the vacation. Make sensible choices. Stay away from the soda (we are going on a Disney cruise which has soda included in your cruise fare). Skip desserts (they are not that good on the ship anyway). I am also planning to be back on program the day after I return from vacation. I follow Weight Watchers online currently and I considering to sign up for the meetings once I am back from vacation. I think that that would help me to stay motivated throughout the summer.
Just posting to grab my spot for now. I have to do a weigh in tomorrow so I can work on a definite goal and plan. Will check in later!

(Thank you to everyone for the support in May, it was a rough ending)
I was in a weight loss class at my YMCA and I had great support and lost ten lbs. But now it is summer, and we no longer meet. I actually was the person that lost the least amount of weight, everyone else lost 35 lbs or more. Bit that is another story.

I am going to keep up my exercise routine at the YMCA, but really watch what I eat. I was doing really good not eating food from a window, that has to stop completely, Fast Food is a no, no and it is so easy to fall by to the convenience. (You eat like crap, you feel like crap).

I am going to try to loose 5 lbs this month.

Thanks for the invite.

This is SO TRUE!! And me almost all day yesterday. I had some fast food for lunch and I was a total slug for the rest of the day.
The Four Corners Diet is a low-carb hybrid. Lots of protein, lots of monounsaturated fats, lots of probiotics, lots of greenery/fiber = 4 corners. Also, my df-i-l is one of the co-creators, so admittedly I'm biased in that respect. But I really did lose a ton of weight when I followed it thoroughly. I was 25lbs lighter when I got pregnant the 1st time than I was in high school.

Thanks for the explanation and so cool that you are related to one of the creators.
I am signing up and will reply to the June 1st question tomorrow!

And I can host July.

Welcome to June and THANK YOU so much for agreeing to host July!!!:hug:

Hi! I'd like to join in. So...goals.... Let's say down by 5 lbs by June 30th by more walking and more closely adhering to the Four Corners Diet (I had a lot of success with that before the kids came along. Hopefully I will again!).

Welcome! :wave: A 5 lb goal for June sounds perfect...and you brought along a PLAN ! Care to share more about the Four Corners diet? Not familiar with it.

Newbie here! I'm going to try losing 8lbs this month by walking at least 20 min, 4 X a week and by really watching what I eat.

A goal AND a PLAN... perfect! Tell me more about what "watching what you eat" looks like to you. We all have different ideas about that and I'm always curious what someone else's healthy plate looks like! Welcome!:wave2:

I'd like to join in. I would like to lose 10 pounds in June. I am going to follow a low carb meal plan, take 10,000 steps every day and a more formal exercise at least twice a week (zumba, video or going to the gym).

Glad to have you aboard for June!! :D What exercise videos do you use? I like Jillian Michaels but it kicks my butt every time!! Glad you have a very solid PLAN to go along with a strong goal!

I'll join, this will be first time. :)

I'm struggling, a lot, and I'm hoping that having to be accountable (sending in my progress every Friday) and making new friends will get me started in a more positive direction.

I'll think some on my goals and have them posted tomorrow for sure! Thanks!!

ETA: My goal is to walk 3 times a week. I put Wishes and SpectroMagic on my iPod and my plan is to walk as far as I can listening to Wishes and when that's over walk home listening to SpectroMagic. If I get home before that's over then I'll continue around the block until it's over. I think that's just a few minutes shy of 30 minutes.

I have to start out with a small goal due to aggravating an old knee injury in January and then while recovering from that I injured my foot, same leg. :(

Welcome to our group! I promise that you WILL make new friends! We are very friendly!:grouphug: I LOVE walking/running to Disney music..... I imagine myself walking around the parks and I try to picture it (like virtual reality) in my head.... "okay.... Space Mountain is on my right and I am walking down that little back path toward ToonTown"... that sort of thing. I challenge myself to see how much of any given Disney park I can remember without an actual map! Take care of that knee and foot!

Any eating plan in particular??

Another Newbie here. I want to lose 5 pounds in June by eating a more sensible diet and walking at least 4 times a week. I am joining the walk to WDW challenge too for additional motivation.
Here's to successful June for all of us.:banana:

I second your "here" to a successful June! WOOHOO!:woohoo: Welcome to you! I'd love to hear more about your plan for a "more sensible diet". What does it look like? More greens? Less meat? Less take-out??

I want to join the challenge. I want to lose 5lbs in June.

Hello and welcome! :flower1: Great goal.... what's the plan???:confused3

Put me down for 10lbs in June. I know I can do it if I stay focused.

SO glad you are here! :flower: Ten pounds for June is an aggressive goal..... how do you PLAN to stay focused? Meal planning? Scheduled workouts with a trainer?

I'm in! Newbie too. I'll lose 5 lbs by the end of June by exercising more, drinking more water and watching what I eat. (Need to eat more fruit and salad.)

Welcome!!:) Glad you are planning to at more fruits and greens. And of course water and exercise will round it out!:drinking:

I'm in!!!

My goal is to complete some exercise each day--- walking 5 days per week, arm weights and stretching 3 days a week. I also am working on making strong healthy choices with my eating habits...nothing specific just better choices. Since I'm pregnant I can't focus on weight loss but I can focus on overall health and strength.

Wowza.... our first PG friend! Welcome!:wave: You are right about not focusing on weight loss, but you can definitely focus on HEALTHY eating and of course staying strong. That little one needs a STRONG HEALTHY momma! You will NEVER, EVER, EVER regret eating healthy during your pregnancy! Great plan.... especially the strong arms.... babies and toddlers are HEAVY!!

The Four Corners Diet is a low-carb hybrid. Lots of protein, lots of monounsaturated fats, lots of probiotics, lots of greenery/fiber = 4 corners. Also, my df-i-l is one of the co-creators, so admittedly I'm biased in that respect. But I really did lose a ton of weight when I followed it thoroughly. I was 25lbs lighter when I got pregnant the 1st time than I was in high school.

Is there a website I could check out???

My name is Mel and I'm in.(Newbie)
I would like to lose 5 pounds this month, but getting into an exercise routine is a more important goal for me.
I would love some advise on some basic stretching exercises that others have found useful.

So starting Monday June 1st 2015
I am going to walk the treadmill every day for 15 minutes-gradually building up my stamina.

Hugs Mel

So happy to have another newbie here.... nice to see new faces! :wave2:

Great goal and plan! I admit my "walk (at least) a mile every day in May" was an utter failure. Some days I walked 5-6 miles and other days I just didn't make it out the door. But I know, overall, I was healthier for the exercise I DID fit in!

I'm terrible about stretching, but I do know that when I throw a few yoga poses/stretches into my workouts, I feel so good! The basics like downward dog and sun salutation feel so good.

I would love to join. My goal is to loose 5 pounds in June. I'm going to drink more water, make healthier food choices and start exercising at least 5 times a week.

Hey there!:sunny: Welcome to MY happy place.... I hope it becomes a happy place for you as well! Please share what "healthier food choices" look like to you. What is your planned exercise? Walking? Running? Zumba?

I'd like to join too!

My goals for June

*Lose 8 lbs
*Continue trying to hit 10K steps each day
*Continue doing 2 group exercise classes at my gym each week
*At least a 30 min walk with my dog each day
*No ice cream, soda or tea for this month.
*Make healthier food choices overall

So glad I found this! I had been planning to do a big overhaul of things starting tomorrow, so it's great to have this to help keep me on track. :)

Nice to have you here and GREAT list! :-) You definitely have a plan! Tell us about your "healthier food choices"!

I would like to join in. My goal is to lose 5 pounds and walk 2 miles five days per week. I hope to learn a lot from this group.

Welcome! :) You WILL learn a lot.... and remember to come and chat often..... I'm sure we can learn from you as well! :chat: Any particular eating plan to go along with the walking plan?

OK, I'm in! My goals for June are to lose 10lbs and do SOME form of physical activity at least 3 times per week.

So happy to see a new face! We welcome you!! :flower3: What is your favorite physical activity? Do you have anything in particular planned for those 3 x weekly??

Joining in again :wave:
My goals are to lose every week weight-wise (doesn't matter how much as long as it's down on the week before) and to gain fitness-wise so I'm going to try and walk a little further each day than the day before :yay:

I'm also going to plan (and track) my meals weekly in an effort to stick with home-cooked food for the month with one possible exception which is our 27th wedding anniversary mid june :lovestruc
Thanks again Pamela for hosting, I hope to volunteer later in the year but atm between the upcoming wedding and my mum's worsening dementia I'm wary of committing just now. Fingers crossed I will be able to around Sept/Oct :)

For the purpose of hitting targets on the challenge I will aim to -
lose 4lbs this month
walk 600 minutes

:hug: I'm so happy you are here with us again.... sorry about your Mom.

I LOVE that you have a solid PLAN for 600 minutes of exercise. I know I did well in the past when I had a MINUTES or MILES goal. Perhaps I will tweak MY June plan a bit.

Hello, newbie here. I would love to join in. We leave for WDW on June 27th and I would love to be 5lb down by then.

I started running, using Couch to 5K last June, to train for the Princess 10K last Feb. Now I am training to run my first half marathon in October. My plan is to run 3 days a week and do a boot camp class 2 days a week. I am also focusing on eating healthy and watching my carbs.

Wowza.... Half marathon training is impressive! :cheer2: Welcome and double-welcome to another NH native! Where are you in the Granite State? I'm in Weare (between Concord and Manchester).

Glad to see you have an exercise PLAN!

I was in a weight loss class at my YMCA and I had great support and lost ten lbs. But now it is summer, and we no longer meet. I actually was the person that lost the least amount of weight, everyone else lost 35 lbs or more. Bit that is another story.

I am going to keep up my exercise routine at the YMCA, but really watch what I eat. I was doing really good not eating food from a window, that has to stop completely, Fast Food is a no, no and it is so easy to fall by to the convenience. (You eat like crap, you feel like crap).

I am going to try to loose 5 lbs this month.

Thanks for the invite.

You are SO welcome for the invite! :thumbsup2 The more, the merrier.... especially during the summer months when folks seem to come and go very quickly! I'm laughing about your plan to avoid food that comes from a "window"!! :rotfl:

I'd like to join. My June goal is to lose 10lb and either walk or use the exercise bike daily. I'm committing to journaling my food choices/calorie content and keeping the focus on whole foods.

Great big WELCOME to you!!! :wave2: Wonderful plan to journal your foods. I will tell people over and over that I would NEVER have reached and maintained my goal weight WITHOUT tracking/journaling my foods DAILY. Been doing it since 1/2/2008 and don't plan to stop any time soon. Love the PLAN for whole foods!!

Hi all!

I had participated in these challenges a few months back, but took a break. I'm trying to ease myself back in, so I may not be super active this month, but I wanted to try to participate.

In terms of my goal...
GOAL: Lose 4 lbs
PLAN: Focus on a different food-related healthy habit every week
Week 1's habit will be fruits & vegetables
My goal is to continue each week's healthy habit instead of just discarding an old habit in favor of a new one, but we'll see how realistic that is

WELCOME BACK!! :grouphug: Building on healthy "baby step" habits is a GREAT plan! I think it is a KEY in learning to live a healthier lifestyle overall. Have you found any new fruits or veggies or recipes that you'd like to share????


PLEASE NOTICE..... I highlighted the word PLAN in red many times. If you have a solid plan, GREAT! If you don't, please think about it.

I see a few more posts have come in. BB in a minute with more quotes..........P
This is what "healthier food choices" mean to me....

Not eating fast food
Not eating anything fried
Avoiding any kind of candy (pure sugar!)
Limiting bread...have a turkey roll up instead of a turkey sandwich.
Making good choices at restaurants...like choosing grilled chicken over fried, red sauces over white, not eating the bread that sometimes comes before or with the meal, etc.
Making dessert/sweets an occasional treat, not a daily thing!
Drinking water only!
Eating at home more
More salads/vegetables/fruits.

That's what healthy eating looks like to me! I'm not one for counting every calorie I put in my mouth or saying I can never have this or that again...it's all about moderation and balance!
Wowza.... Half marathon training is impressive! :cheer2: Welcome and double-welcome to another NH native! Where are you in the Granite State? I'm in Weare (between Concord and Manchester).

Glad to see you have an exercise PLAN!

Thanks for the welcome! Yes, I am in NH, Conway, so a few hours from you. My DH is from Goffstown though, and my FIL still lives there.

I have gotten the running bug bad. I have three half marathons planned so far. Two in October here in NH and then WDW in Feb.
Sign me up! My goal for this month is 5lbs. I have been diagnosed recently with acid reflux issues so it means changing my diet. (Though some things I already don't care for like soda and coffee :crazy2:)

My plan
1.Eating healthier (more fruits and veggies at least the ones I can have)
2.Walking every day for at least 30 mins
3.Strength training
I have a very active soon to be 5 yr DS. His my coach. :yay:


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