Jiminy's June 2015 W.I.S.H. Weight Loss Challenge!! Any and All welcome to join!!

Alright, so I officially weighed in the morning for the first time in a few weeks, it wasn't pretty. =P I'm still *technically* within the maintenance range I set for myself, but at the verrrryyyyy highest end of it. So, my goal is to lose five pounds from my current weight. My hope is that it's a lot of water retention and comes off relatively quickly. If it's not we're in trouble. :P

My plan is to stick to what I'm doing currently, but to do it better. In theory, I think I have the right idea but in practice I just really love pizza and chips and cheat days are getting too numerous. So, my first step is to reduce cheat days. While I'm a it, my cheat days need to be a bit more reasonable, and not a pizza, full bag of chips and ice cream. I've slipped on my tracking, too, which is related to the cheat days (because if you don't log it, it didn't happen). I won't cut anything out of my diet, but if I really crave chips or the like, there are plenty of reasonable alternatives I can reach for (popchips, crackers, maybe even stop being too lazy to get some avocados and make guac...).

I'll also need to be more strict with my work-out schedule, I've had a few minor injuries the past few months that have really slowed me down. My tentative plan is to lift three times a week, spend an hour with my trainer (whom I can hopefully convince to split the time between boxing and lifting, he's been really stuck on boxing for a while and my lifting form has suffering a bit from it), and then run two or three runs a week, weather permitting. I tend to walk everywhere I can so I'll keep that up.

ETA: I forgot one more thing. This month I'm trying out *gulp* progress pictures. I took one yesterday and hopefully the one at the end of the month looks a whole lot better.

Today's QOTD: Stress and injuries make me over-eat. It's the one thing I haven't been able to fix. :(


Guys, cheese is the best. I usually buy strong cheeses from the farmer's market because I find that even a half serving (~15g) will do it for me. Mild cheese I'll just devour. String cheese is a life saver.
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When I get stressed etc... I go for the sweets or the salt. To help with this i "process" all the fruit and veg when I get home form the store. When a sweet craving hits I have cut up melon ready to roll. For salty I like to have mixed nuts in small baggies ready to roll.

I have now walked for 30 minutes three days in a row. Feeling pretty good about that but I can't find my Dumbbells or my arm exercise list to work on the arm strength. Anybody have some basic arm exercises they could recommend in case I can't find my cheat sheet? Hope everyone is having a great first couple of days on the challenge!
I haven't really had time to sit down and chat (I was out most of the day), but I wanted to answer the QOTD:

It seems like life throw EVERY POSSIBLE distraction, detour, or roadblock in the way of your healthy eating and exercise!

What do YOU plan to DO when this happens? A string of meals that just MUST be eaten away from home (think weddings, work trips)..........an injury (large or small) that derails your workout schedule....... a cocktail party that is on the boss's MUST ATTEND list.... a super stressful week that has you routing through the cupboard for Oreos...........a vacation or even a STAYcation. DO YOU HAVE A PLAN to handle these things WITHOUT throwing in the towel and giving up entirely??

So, I am the queen of stress eating, but ...
I've been working on my ability to brush things off. Yes, it bothers me when I get off plan, whether it's for one meal or one week. But at the end of the day ... I need to remember that I can't change the past, all I can do is make sure I do better tomorrow.
I used to really beat myself up when things went "wrong," but I've gotten better at not taking it too much to heart. For example, I know I didn't get enough fruits/veggies today, but I'm not going to let it bother me too much, I'm just trying to work on a plan to make sure I get my freggies in tomorrow!
Morning all! Welcome to your QOTD for Tuesday, June 2, 2015:
What do YOU plan to DO when this happens? A string of meals that just MUST be eaten away from home (think weddings, work trips)..........an injury (large or small) that derails your workout schedule....... a cocktail party that is on the boss's MUST ATTEND list.... a super stressful week that has you routing through the cupboard for Oreos...........a vacation or even a STAYcation. DO YOU HAVE A PLAN to handle these things WITHOUT throwing in the towel and giving up entirely??

Share your plan or ask about getting help CREATING a plan! ...............P
I think at least in the losing phase (as opposed to maintaining) it is all about having a plan--how to fit in exercise and how to fit in mostly healthy meals even when life gets a little crazy. And if you just fall off the wagon it is about getting back on as soon as possible. If I actually track for the day I am much more motivated to at least try to stay in my calorie range. And almost everyone has time for at least a 15 minute walk during the day.

Having said all this, last fall we spent 7 weeks in a hotel when we moved. I had no plan and I gained and gained and gained. Mostly though I (re)developed some really bad habits.

So the big thing when life gets a little crazy is to get back on track asap!

**I am happy to report I have tracked two days in a row and I ran 4 miles this morning. :)

Have a great night!
I'm so, so in. I just discovered the WISH forums tonight and I'm in love. This is everything I need right now!

A little about me:

Hi! I'm Megan. My Disney trip is October 25-31. It's our Disneymoon! And I've been telling myself I have to lose weight since January. And I haven't lost any weight, because I'm really good at starting things, and horrible at following through. So now I'm 144 days out and in big trouble! I want to be down 60lbs, but right now I'll settle for 30lbs by October 24.

I stress eat baked sweets like there's no tomorrow. I'm also the queen of excuses. Examples? I started a low carb/high protein routine in January... but then there was birthday dinner! So I started over in February... then there was a freak amount of snow/ice, I got sick for a week and a half, and then DH2B got sick for a week and a half... Then we had to move, so we spent a month dealing with house hunting, packing, cleaning, etc. "No time to eat right! Let's just go to McDonald's." And now here I am!

June Goals
1) Lose 10lbs.
2) Low carb/high protein every day for the rest of the month.
I've done a bunch of calculations based on lots of reading, and the goals I came up with are: 1200 calories a day max. Under 70g carbs. Under 40g fat. Over 150g protein. Lots of grilled chicken in my future!
3) Walk at least 2 miles, 5 days a week.
4) Weight training at least 2x a week.
5) Tracking on my LoseIt app daily.

I'm open to any and all tips and advice you have to share!

Also, I tend to be thread bad luck... Whenever I post, no one ever posts again! Haha. Fingers crossed that doesn't happen here!
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I'm so, so in. I just discovered the WISH forums tonight and I'm in love. This is everything I need right now!

A little about me:

Hi! I'm Megan. My Disney trip is October 25-31. It's our Disneymoon! And I've been telling myself I have to lose weight since January. And I haven't lost any weight, because I'm really good at starting things, and horrible at following through. So now I'm 144 days out and in big trouble! I want to be down 60lbs, but right now I'll settle for 30lbs by October 24.

I stress eat baked sweets like there's no tomorrow. I'm also the queen of excuses. Examples? I started a low carb/high protein routine in January... but then there was birthday dinner! So I started over in February... then there was a freak amount of snow/ice, I got sick for a week and a half, and then DH2B got sick for a week and a half... Then we had to move, so we spent a month dealing with house hunting, packing, cleaning, etc. "No time to eat right! Let's just go to McDonald's." And now here I am!

June Goals
1) Lose 10lbs.
2) Low carb/high protein every day for the rest of the month.
I've done a bunch of calculations based on lots of reading, and the goals I came up with are: 1200 calories a day max. Under 70g carbs. Under 40g fat. Over 150g protein. Lots of grilled chicken in my future!
3) Walk at least 2 miles, 5 days a week.
4) Weight training at least 2x a week.
5) Tracking on my LoseIt app daily.

I'm open to any and all tips and advice you have to share!

Also, I tend to be thread bad luck... Whenever I post, no one ever posts again! Haha. Fingers crossed that doesn't happen here!

Thread bad luck? I can't even begin to tell you how many threads I've killed. :rolleyes1
Also, I tend to be thread bad luck... Whenever I post, no one ever posts again! Haha. Fingers crossed that doesn't happen here!

Just a quick post to break your bad luck!!! Even though @Belle0101 already did as well!

:welcome: to you and all the other new people who signed up! It is great to see so many new faces!

I wish I could reply to more of you, but I need to rush off to my last day of work before vacation starts tomorrow. Hopefully I will have some more time before I leave to hang around for a little chat.
Good morning all! Welcome to your QOTD for Wednesday, June 3, 2015:

Tell us about a BIG accomplishment that you achieved in your life (other than raising amazing kiddos)? Quit smoking? Started running? Finished a degree?? Learned to cook the perfect pot roast? Lead a successful fundraiser for a charity? Taught a class? Conquered a phobia or fear? Faced down a bully?

Now take the steps involved in climbing that particular "mountain".....how can you use some of the lessons that you learned when tackling that challenge to help you with your weight loss/weight maintenance goals and exercise goals? Using a planner/scheduler? Making mini-goals? Keeping lists? Getting together with others who are working on the same goal? Asking for HELP? (I know that is a big one for me.... HELP is a four letter word in my house.)

Let's get the chatter going!

Hi all! Another busy scramble here this morning! Gotta be out the door in 9 minutes and I haven't had breakfast yet! But lunches and drinks are packed, I'm dressed, the crockpot is filled and going, and the dishwasher has been emptied.

I'll try to pop on during the school day, but no promises! Teaching 2nd grade and I'm not sure if this classroom has a working computer. Otherwise I'll see you after school!...............P

ETA: Welcome to our newbies! I promise I'll be back later with a more formal welcome to each of you!!
Thread bad luck? I can't even begin to tell you how many threads I've killed. :rolleyes1

I'm so glad it's not just me!! Haha

Just a quick post to break your bad luck!!! Even though @Belle0101 already did as well!

:welcome: to you and all the other new people who signed up! It is great to see so many new faces!

I wish I could reply to more of you, but I need to rush off to my last day of work before vacation starts tomorrow. Hopefully I will have some more time before I leave to hang around for a little chat.

Thank you for the welcome! I'm so glad I found these forums last night. I've been on TPAS for years but haven't branched into the other forums much before now. I'm excited to do this! ETA: Enjoy your vacation!!! Know that I'll be sitting at my office desk completely jealous!

Good morning all! Welcome to your QOTD for Wednesday, June 3, 2015:

Tell us about a BIG accomplishment that you achieved in your life (other than raising amazing kiddos)? Quit smoking? Started running? Finished a degree?? Learned to cook the perfect pot roast? Lead a successful fundraiser for a charity? Taught a class? Conquered a phobia or fear? Faced down a bully?

Now take the steps involved in climbing that particular "mountain".....how can you use some of the lessons that you learned when tackling that challenge to help you with your weight loss/weight maintenance goals and exercise goals? Using a planner/scheduler? Making mini-goals? Keeping lists? Getting together with others who are working on the same goal? Asking for HELP? (I know that is a big one for me.... HELP is a four letter word in my house.)

Let's get the chatter going!

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Wow, this is hard! Scrambling to run out the door and make it to work on time, but I'm going to think on this and I'll post when I come up with something!

Thank you to everyone 1) for the welcome and 2) just for existing!
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Biggest achievement to date is that I quit smoking 23 years ago yesterday :)
I did it by avoiding people and places where I'd be tempted, cleared the house of all cigs and by having nicorette gum to hand in case i needed it (only chewed 2 pieces).
I guess I was kinda doing the same thing by getting the kids to sort my surroundings yesterday by eating all the sweets lol
My biggest achievement to date is probably graduating college. There were a series of roadblocks (caused both by the school and myself) and I really dug myself into a hole the first couple of years I was in school. But I turned it around and kicked myself into high gear and graduated on time and with a pretty decent GPA.

^Anyone else see a theme? I'm a PRO procrastinator. Nothing like the last minute!
I just got home from the Dr and I'm in a boot for 4-8 weeks with a stress fracture in my foot! Ugh! I know it could be worse and I'm glad I am not on crutches or anything, but I was really wanting to up my exercise a lot this month! I can still do some things, and will do whatever I can. But it's still a little frustrating. I will just have to be that much more careful with food choices! Not to mention heading to WDW in 6 weeks!
PLAN: Well for me, that means not having a big bowl of ice cream right before I go to bed. It means trying to not have that second or third helping of my home-cookin' and also using the MyFitnessPal app on my phone to document the calories I take in each day.

My goals are
1. Drink 5 glasses of fluid per day, I am lucky do drink 2 cups a day headache anyone?
2. Walk 13000 steps a day. I work in therapy so I walk at least 5000 just at work.
3. Attend 6 gym classes in June
4. Want to loose 5 pounds
5. Eat junk food 1 time a week
6. My Dd and I are going to WDW July 4th. It is a surprise. I would like to zip my shorts ;) TMI?
I want the spectrum magic, wishes and other uplifting tunes.
I am not tech savvy, my kids say I am a techno phobe, I still have my 2001 flip phone. I may need help

WELCOME! Your water and gym classes will definitely help you lose the 5 lb! Zipping shorts is so important!!:o

How about an Ipod nano..... super small and super easy to use!

I do not have any goals to lose weight or change anything I am currently doing presently. I made a decision 4 years ago at the age of 47 after my younger brother suddenly died of a heart attack to lose 110 lbs, change the foods I eat and the amounts of what I ate and to exercise with one of those goals also being to run a marathon. Today I have maintained my weight loss, I am committed to exercising and have become an avid runner and to date I have now run 3 marathons and have plans to run one more. I don't say this to brag, I just want to reach out and encourage you to believe that you can, and no matter how many times you may have a set back, to get back up and go at it again. Failing is not stumbling or falling down, failing is when you fall down, decide not to get back up and quit. I'm believing every single one of you will reach your goals. :thumbsup2

( I can't believe after all these years on the DIS I discovered W.I.S.H for the first time just a few moments ago).

WOWZA! What an amazing accomplishment!! I'm sure that your life has made a HUGE TURN AROUND now that you are slimmer and stronger. Sorry about your brother though. It must have been a huge shock. But he would be SO PROUD OF YOU! And imagine the other family members that you have inspired to get healthy! SO GLAD to have you here with the group!! :teeth:

I'd like to make exercise a more regular part of my daily routine. I have 4 children who attend a virtual charter school, so my days are filled with their academics. I'd like to go to bed earlier so that I can wake up and get to the gym and back before DH leaves for work. Of course, that means I need to rejoin the gym! No sneaking snacks in the kitchen! I will sit down like a normal person when I eat, which will either force me to stop snacking on the go, or I'll end up sharing everything I have with one child or another. Either way it'll cut down my grazing. :rotfl2:

I can only imagine how crazy busy you are with 4 kiddos and all that goes along with that! Going to the gym before the day gets crazy would be great if you can make it work for you..... but early alarm clocks are NOT for everyone! Good luck making a workout plan that fits with your busy life!

Morning all! Welcome to your QOTD for Tuesday, June 2, 2015:

Well.... one day done for the June challenge!! How did it go? Hopefully it was a great day for everyone. And sometimes that "honeymoon" phase of a new challenge, new eating pattern, new workout schedule is FUN and it seems EASY! But sooner or later, this happens...........

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OR THIS..........

View attachment 100398

It seems like life throw EVERY POSSIBLE distraction, detour, or roadblock in the way of your healthy eating and exercise!

What do YOU plan to DO when this happens? A string of meals that just MUST be eaten away from home (think weddings, work trips)..........an injury (large or small) that derails your workout schedule....... a cocktail party that is on the boss's MUST ATTEND list.... a super stressful week that has you routing through the cupboard for Oreos...........a vacation or even a STAYcation. DO YOU HAVE A PLAN to handle these things WITHOUT throwing in the towel and giving up entirely??

Share your plan or ask about getting help CREATING a plan! ...............P

I try to always have some sort of contingency plan/back-up plan. Stopping for a string cheese and an apple at a grocery store instead of fast-food (or better yet, a vegetarian Chipotle salad bowl with guacamole and no dressing!!).... loading up my plate with salad and grilled chicken rather than ribs and potatoes at the buffett....... sticking with crudite and hummus rather than chips and dip at the party..... white wine spritzer and a handful of nuts instead of the craft beer and bacon-wrapped scallops at a cocktail party...... celery with Laughing Cow cheese and a seltzer rather than a beer and crackers and cheese after a long hard day. There have been a FEW TIMES when there truly was no "better" option and occasionally I have made the decision to either go hungry or eat a little of what is available and make up for the calorie overage at the next meal.

A detour in my workout schedule is tougher because I really don't LIKE to exercise so I relish a great excuse!!:rolleyes:

I would like to be involved in the challenge. I would like to lose 6 pounds in June . I am planning on doing the Mediterranean diet with low carbs for the first couple months. I will continue to try to walk everyday even if its around the block twice. Drink plenty of water ( I never drink any soda) and fight through the sweet cravings that crop up at night time. I lost 90 pounds many years ago and unfortunately have started creeping up again....its so scary . I gladly going to accept this challenge.

Good for you for catching the 90 pounds EARLY!! Welcome!!:flower3: We are happy to have you here! BTW, is your forum name based on P.Town on Cape Cod?

:crazy2:Trying desperately to clear my kitchen of junk so that I'm not tempted by it! Have even resorted to telling the kids its party night so they can eat it! No flaming me they're skinny mini bundles of energy who run about all day and were horrified when they saw me throwing a red velvet cake with one slice missing in the bin but the reality is they wouldn't be eating it anyway as I'd have chomped it down the way I feel today:eek:

Good for you!!! I've resorted to pouring SALT over goodies in the trash just so they would STOP calling my name! Or put it down the garbage disposal and run plenty of water over it. It is amazingly how LOUD cookies can call me!!:sad2: Love the idea of "party night" for the kids!!

Hi! I'm new, and I'd love to join! I'd like to lose at least 5 pounds in June. I'll be doing my best to get as much walking in as possible...we're going to Disney World in Sept, so I gotta get ready I'll also be drinking more water and making healthier food choices

HELLO and WELCOME!! :sunny: Getting fit and walking for a Disney trip is the BEST motivation BY FAR!!! Share with us what "healthier food choices" looks like to you!

Alright, so I officially weighed in the morning for the first time in a few weeks, it wasn't pretty. =P I'm still *technically* within the maintenance range I set for myself, but at the verrrryyyyy highest end of it. So, my goal is to lose five pounds from my current weight. My hope is that it's a lot of water retention and comes off relatively quickly. If it's not we're in trouble. :P

My plan is to stick to what I'm doing currently, but to do it better. In theory, I think I have the right idea but in practice I just really love pizza and chips and cheat days are getting too numerous. So, my first step is to reduce cheat days. While I'm a it, my cheat days need to be a bit more reasonable, and not a pizza, full bag of chips and ice cream. I've slipped on my tracking, too, which is related to the cheat days (because if you don't log it, it didn't happen). I won't cut anything out of my diet, but if I really crave chips or the like, there are plenty of reasonable alternatives I can reach for (popchips, crackers, maybe even stop being too lazy to get some avocados and make guac...).

This sound JUST LIKE ME! Why does ONE PIZZA SLICE have to turn into ..... 4 slices plus chips plus ice cream?????

I'll also need to be more strict with my work-out schedule, I've had a few minor injuries the past few months that have really slowed me down. My tentative plan is to lift three times a week, spend an hour with my trainer (whom I can hopefully convince to split the time between boxing and lifting, he's been really stuck on boxing for a while and my lifting form has suffering a bit from it), and then run two or three runs a week, weather permitting. I tend to walk everywhere I can so I'll keep that up.

ETA: I forgot one more thing. This month I'm trying out *gulp* progress pictures. I took one yesterday and hopefully the one at the end of the month looks a whole lot better.

Today's QOTD: Stress and injuries make me over-eat. It's the one thing I haven't been able to fix. :(


Guys, cheese is the best. I usually buy strong cheeses from the farmer's market because I find that even a half serving (~15g) will do it for me. Mild cheese I'll just devour. String cheese is a life saver.

You are SO BRAVE to document this journey with some photos! I honestly wish I had done more of them along the way!

When I get stressed etc... I go for the sweets or the salt. To help with this i "process" all the fruit and veg when I get home form the store. When a sweet craving hits I have cut up melon ready to roll. For salty I like to have mixed nuts in small baggies ready to roll.

I have now walked for 30 minutes three days in a row. Feeling pretty good about that but I can't find my Dumbbells or my arm exercise list to work on the arm strength. Anybody have some basic arm exercises they could recommend in case I can't find my cheat sheet? Hope everyone is having a great first couple of days on the challenge!

Bicep curls (using things like gallon jugs or cans), wall push-ups, tricep dips (using body weight).

Great job making your fridge HEALTHY FOOD FRIENDLY by prepping everything! I've been doing that with melon lately and it works great!

I haven't really had time to sit down and chat (I was out most of the day), but I wanted to answer the QOTD:

So, I am the queen of stress eating, but ...
I've been working on my ability to brush things off. Yes, it bothers me when I get off plan, whether it's for one meal or one week. But at the end of the day ... I need to remember that I can't change the past, all I can do is make sure I do better tomorrow.
I used to really beat myself up when things went "wrong," but I've gotten better at not taking it too much to heart. For example, I know I didn't get enough fruits/veggies today, but I'm not going to let it bother me too much, I'm just trying to work on a plan to make sure I get my freggies in tomorrow!

Good job reminding yourself that you cannot change the past.... but you definitely can learn from it! And remember.... if HUNGER isn't the question, then FOOD isn't the answer!! Love the word "freggies"!!

I think at least in the losing phase (as opposed to maintaining) it is all about having a plan--how to fit in exercise and how to fit in mostly healthy meals even when life gets a little crazy. And if you just fall off the wagon it is about getting back on as soon as possible. If I actually track for the day I am much more motivated to at least try to stay in my calorie range. And almost everyone has time for at least a 15 minute walk during the day.

Having said all this, last fall we spent 7 weeks in a hotel when we moved. I had no plan and I gained and gained and gained. Mostly though I (re)developed some really bad habits.

So the big thing when life gets a little crazy is to get back on track asap!

**I am happy to report I have tracked two days in a row and I ran 4 miles this morning. :)

Have a great night!

WOOHOO on 48 hours of tracking!

I'm so, so in. I just discovered the WISH forums tonight and I'm in love. This is everything I need right now!

A little about me:

Hi! I'm Megan. My Disney trip is October 25-31. It's our Disneymoon! And I've been telling myself I have to lose weight since January. And I haven't lost any weight, because I'm really good at starting things, and horrible at following through. So now I'm 144 days out and in big trouble! I want to be down 60lbs, but right now I'll settle for 30lbs by October 24.

I stress eat baked sweets like there's no tomorrow. I'm also the queen of excuses. Examples? I started a low carb/high protein routine in January... but then there was birthday dinner! So I started over in February... then there was a freak amount of snow/ice, I got sick for a week and a half, and then DH2B got sick for a week and a half... Then we had to move, so we spent a month dealing with house hunting, packing, cleaning, etc. "No time to eat right! Let's just go to McDonald's." And now here I am!

June Goals
1) Lose 10lbs.
2) Low carb/high protein every day for the rest of the month.
I've done a bunch of calculations based on lots of reading, and the goals I came up with are: 1200 calories a day max. Under 70g carbs. Under 40g fat. Over 150g protein. Lots of grilled chicken in my future!
3) Walk at least 2 miles, 5 days a week.
4) Weight training at least 2x a week.
5) Tracking on my LoseIt app daily.

I'm open to any and all tips and advice you have to share!

Also, I tend to be thread bad luck... Whenever I post, no one ever posts again! Haha. Fingers crossed that doesn't happen here!

WELCOME!!!!!!!!! And congrats on the upcoming nuptials! THere is NOTHING like a Disney trip to motivate you to get stronger and slimmer.... and I would imagine that that goes DOUBLE for DISNEY-MOON!! You still have time to make some great progress. On my "millionth" time on this journey I was determined to go back to Disney no heavier than I had been on the previous trip.... but I only had about 14 weeks to lose about 30 pounds. I made it my MISSION every day to eat RIGHT ON TRACK and hit the gym every chance I got.... and I managed to lose about 35 pounds in those 14 weeks and returned to Disney just a little slimmer than I had been previously!

But remember.... you need to start making SUSTAINABLE changes. If the new "habits" you learn aren't going to stick, then the weight will come back on eventually. But making some BIG changes for a jump start is certainly a good step in the right direction! Do you have some healthy delicious low carb meals/recipes in mind?

Just a quick post to break your bad luck!!! Even though @Belle0101 already did as well!

:welcome: to you and all the other new people who signed up! It is great to see so many new faces!

I wish I could reply to more of you, but I need to rush off to my last day of work before vacation starts tomorrow. Hopefully I will have some more time before I leave to hang around for a little chat.

SO JEALOUS of your upcoming vacation! Guess I will have to continue to live vicariously through you!

I'm so glad it's not just me!! Haha

Thank you for the welcome! I'm so glad I found these forums last night. I've been on TPAS for years but haven't branched into the other forums much before now. I'm excited to do this! ETA: Enjoy your vacation!!! Know that I'll be sitting at my office desk completely jealous!

Wow, this is hard! Scrambling to run out the door and make it to work on time, but I'm going to think on this and I'll post when I come up with something!

Thank you to everyone 1) for the welcome and 2) just for existing!

And we are SO happy to have you here!!

Biggest achievement to date is that I quit smoking 23 years ago yesterday :)
I did it by avoiding people and places where I'd be tempted, cleared the house of all cigs and by having nicorette gum to hand in case i needed it (only chewed 2 pieces).
I guess I was kinda doing the same thing by getting the kids to sort my surroundings yesterday by eating all the sweets lol

That is a HUGE accomplishment! If you can do that, you can definitely do this!!

My biggest achievement to date is probably graduating college. There were a series of roadblocks (caused both by the school and myself) and I really dug myself into a hole the first couple of years I was in school. But I turned it around and kicked myself into high gear and graduated on time and with a pretty decent GPA.

^Anyone else see a theme? I'm a PRO procrastinator. Nothing like the last minute!

That is a big accomplishment.... especially when you get roadblocks tossed in front of you!! You are singing to the choir about procrastination! I am SO GOOD at it!:crazy:


Okay friends.... I started this post at 10:45 this morning but ran out of time to finish it. I'm SURE that there are a a few more posts to catch up with by now!..............P
I just got home from the Dr and I'm in a boot for 4-8 weeks with a stress fracture in my foot! Ugh! I know it could be worse and I'm glad I am not on crutches or anything, but I was really wanting to up my exercise a lot this month! I can still do some things, and will do whatever I can. But it's still a little frustrating. I will just have to be that much more careful with food choices! Not to mention heading to WDW in 6 weeks!

I see some BUFF looking arms in your future!!:P Sorry about the boot, but DO NOT let it derail you completely!!

PLAN: Well for me, that means not having a big bowl of ice cream right before I go to bed. It means trying to not have that second or third helping of my home-cookin' and also using the MyFitnessPal app on my phone to document the calories I take in each day.

Second helpings are the DEVIL'S WORK!!:rotfl2: But sometimes my dinner is SO yummy! Sometimes it helps me to pack up the leftovers right away and plan them for a lunch later in the week.... that way I still get to enjoy them! Or I put a serving or two in the freezer, ready to pull out some night when things get crazy or when I get home late. Have you thought about a treat that is more OP than ice cream but still enjoyable??


Okay... caught up here. The class I am subbing in today is hatching chicks and the eggs started cracking today, but one chick didn't make it.:worried: The kids were sad because we got SO excited when they started cracking. Hopefully the rest will be okay! The smell, however, from the incubator was horrendous!

Dinner is in the crockpot so my afternoon will be a bit easier! And the sun is finally shining again, so I see a nice walk outside in my future!

I'll try to pop on tonight to chat!.......................P
Just stopping by to say that I just got back from my lunch break - I walked 3 laps around the parking lot (which comes to 2.1 miles) in 40 minutes, with a few lunges thrown in the mix. I know 20 minutes/mile is a bit rough, but I've only been doing the "walking on my lunch break" for a week now (not including Saturday and Sunday) so that will hopefully improve. Plus I took the stairs back up to my 3rd floor office afterward. Now I'm going to go die at my desk and drink my protein shake. ;-)

And thank you for the welcome, @pjlla! I promise to come back and respond better after work. :-)
I love hearing about everyone's dedication and how and what they're doing to stay on target. Question, when I did these challenges on these boards last year, I was supposed to PM the leader with my initial weigh-in. Pjlla, was I supposed to do that?

Have been struggling with a new work schedule and have to be in so early now and am really missing being able to work out first thing in the morning, but this week I've been consistently getting PM workouts in and it's getting easier to stay motivated. Hoping for a great weigh-in Friday!
I love hearing about everyone's dedication and how and what they're doing to stay on target. Question, when I did these challenges on these boards last year, I was supposed to PM the leader with my initial weigh-in. Pjlla, was I supposed to do that?

Have been struggling with a new work schedule and have to be in so early now and am really missing being able to work out first thing in the morning, but this week I've been consistently getting PM workouts in and it's getting easier to stay motivated. Hoping for a great weigh-in Friday!

Oops, if we were supposed to do this, I missed it! It's a great idea!
I just got home from the Dr and I'm in a boot for 4-8 weeks with a stress fracture in my foot! Ugh! I know it could be worse and I'm glad I am not on crutches or anything, but I was really wanting to up my exercise a lot this month! I can still do some things, and will do whatever I can. But it's still a little frustrating. I will just have to be that much more careful with food choices! Not to mention heading to WDW in 6 weeks!
there are great you tube videos that just exercise upper body, with light weights. I did most of them sitting when I had my torn foot tendon.


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