Jilian & BT's VR 3/24/12 Crescent Terr/Il Mulino - Last of the Randy Chapman pics up!

Jilian, I don't have pictures of my bouquet yet ... I haven't had a chance to take any. I LOVE what you did with yours, though! It looks beautiful. :goodvibes
Jilian sweetie - I am not usually a fan of silk flowers (I am strictly a real flowers girl!) but these are lovely!!!!
Amy are you going for silk too then?
I've been busy over here! I finished up the boutonnieres, now I just have to figure out how the heck to get them onto the guys! Here they are:

Did I mention that my sash came?! I'm seriously in love with this thing. If I could wear it every day I would. I can see it now, me at a playdate wearing a tank top and my sash. I'm already getting sad that I'll only be able to wear it once for the VR. Must. find. way. to incorporate sash into everyday life. :laughing: Here she is, my beloved sash:

and again with the matching hair flowers:

There is so much bling! I like the bling but didn't want it to end up looking like a WWF or Mr. T belt. I thought the flowers would keep me from looking like the heavyweight champion of the world. Right?! Bueller?

I also found some shoes today. I went looking for bright pink shoes but couldn't find any good ones. Why are good pink shoes hard to find? Well, to be fair I found a ton of awesome pink shoes online that I'd love but I'd have to remortgage my house to afford them. Also? ...Up until now I had little appreciation for shoe photographers. It is hard to take a nice picture of a shoe! I did a little photo shoot with these shoes all over my house looking for the right light to do them justice but unfortunately I failed. So here is my lame picture of my pretty shoes:

Hey look, my shoe in good lighting showing the real color: http://www.dsw.com/shoe/nine+west+j...22&cm_mmc=affil-_-ShopStyle.com-_-main-_-main

I got some pretty earrings and a bracelet at Claire's for such a great price! I'm happy I looked there. Here they are together:

In other news I'm a necklace failure. I've gone through 3 necklaces already and cannot find the right one. I think because my earrings and sash are so loud I need something simple? I'm jewelery challenged. Any ideas?

Oh! I also made these candles. They were a labor of love. Trust me when I say that glue guns are a tool of the devil, they are pure evil. I wanted to chuck my glue gun out the window after doing a few of these. The glue kept making all of these string trails and I still have glue all over the house. Also hot glue + thin ribbon that needs to be pressed down = :scared1: Here they are, sideways even:

I still have so much to do. We haven't even gotten our STDs out yet, and look at my ticker! They are almost ready to go, I'm just waiting on H to get me a few more addresses. I swear that planning a wedding is more involved than planning for a baby. For realz.
Jilian sweetie - I am not usually a fan of silk flowers (I am strictly a real flowers girl!) but these are lovely!!!!
Amy are you going for silk too then?

Only for my bouquet and the boys' boutonnieres. Everything else will be fresh. :)

I've been busy over here! I finished up the boutonnieres, now I just have to figure out how the heck to get them onto the guys! Here they are:

IMAG0377 by Jilians Pics, on Flickr

Did I mention that my sash came?! I'm seriously in love with this thing. If I could wear it every day I would. I can see it now, me at a playdate wearing a tank top and my sash. I'm already getting sad that I'll only be able to wear it once for the VR. Must. find. way. to incorporate sash into everyday life. :laughing: Here she is, my beloved sash:

IMAG0374 by Jilians Pics, on Flickr

and again with the matching hair flowers:

IMAG0375 by Jilians Pics, on Flickr

There is so much bling! I like the bling but didn't want it to end up looking like a WWF or Mr. T belt. I thought the flowers would keep me from looking like the heavyweight champion of the world. Right?! Bueller?

I also found some shoes today. I went looking for bright pink shoes but couldn't find any good ones. Why are good pink shoes hard to find? Well, to be fair I found a ton of awesome pink shoes online that I'd love but I'd have to remortgage my house to afford them. Also? ...Up until now I had little appreciation for shoe photographers. It is hard to take a nice picture of a shoe! I did a little photo shoot with these shoes all over my house looking for the right light to do them justice but unfortunately I failed. So here is my lame picture of my pretty shoes:

IMAG0379 by Jilians Pics, on Flickr

Hey look, my shoe in good lighting showing the real color: http://www.dsw.com/shoe/nine+west+j...22&cm_mmc=affil-_-ShopStyle.com-_-main-_-main

I got some pretty earrings and a bracelet at Claire's for such a great price! I'm happy I looked there. Here they are together:

IMAG0376 by Jilians Pics, on Flickr

In other news I'm a necklace failure. I've gone through 3 necklaces already and cannot find the right one. I think because my earrings and sash are so loud I need something simple? I'm jewelery challenged. Any ideas?

Oh! I also made these candles. They were a labor of love. Trust me when I say that glue guns are a tool of the devil, they are pure evil. I wanted to chuck my glue gun out the window after doing a few of these. The glue kept making all of these string trails and I still have glue all over the house. Also hot glue + thin ribbon that needs to be pressed down = :scared1: Here they are, sideways even:

IMAG0378 by Jilians Pics, on Flickr

I still have so much to do. We haven't even gotten our STDs out yet, and look at my ticker! They are almost ready to go, I'm just waiting on H to get me a few more addresses. I swear that planning a wedding is more involved than planning for a baby. For realz.

I love it all, Jilian! Those boutonnieres came out wonderfully, and I am in love with your candles!! :goodvibes And of course your sparkly accessories are fabulous -- I'm all about the sparkle. ;) I understand your necklace dilemma! I went with a teeny necklace, a choker really, but with little Swarovski rhinestone flowers stationed around the chain. That way it was a small touch and wouldn't compete with my dress, but still sparkly when the light hit it.
Ohhhhhh that sash :lovestruc:lovestruc:lovestruc:lovestruc:lovestruc:lovestruc

Your boutonnieres look fabulous! You did a wonderful job!!!!

Love the jewelry! Everything is looking great and you are going to look like a beautiful blinged out bride!! LOVE IT!!

Your shoes are so pretty!!

I have lots of sparkle on my dress and jewelry as well, and finding a necklace was tough. I ended up just not doing the necklace. You may have better luck than I did finding one, but with my dress it just looked better that way :)
Woah, I just noticed that there are little mickey's on your candle! I love that so much! What are the Mickey's made of??
Jilian sweetie - Everything looks so wonderful!!!! How clever you are!! I agree about the glue gun - they really are very hard to work with sometimes!!
I love love love the blingy sash. I am sure that after the VR you will be able to find a nice plainish dress to wear it with.
Pixie, your necklace sounds perfect.

Kristi, I'm thinking of skipping the necklace too. The mickey heads were made from sparkley paper that I bought at Michael's and a mickey head hole punch. I also have a castle hole punch. I think the link to where I bought it is on my other computer, LMK if you want it. The only problem is that the paper is really, really thick so punching out the mickey heads was hard. I broke blood vessels in my palms from pushing down so hard.

Joanne, thank you :) I'll definitely try to find a dress to wear my sash with again!
i would wear the sash everyday... tank tops, sweaters... you know... everyday, lol. the flowers look great!! as a backup plan, i've started looking at natural touch calla lillies if my budget gets out of control. you're earrings from claire's are great!! i bought about 6 pair of earrings, and liked my ones from charming charlie's the best, lol. oh and the candles... so cute!!
i would wear the sash everyday... tank tops, sweaters... you know... everyday, lol. the flowers look great!! as a backup plan, i've started looking at natural touch calla lillies if my budget gets out of control. you're earrings from claire's are great!! i bought about 6 pair of earrings, and liked my ones from charming charlie's the best, lol. oh and the candles... so cute!!
The natural touch calla lillies are the most real looking natural touch flower IMO. I've seen them @ Michael's in a bunch of different colors and they are really pretty!
Kristi, I'm thinking of skipping the necklace too. The mickey heads were made from sparkley paper that I bought at Michael's and a mickey head hole punch. I also have a castle hole punch. I think the link to where I bought it is on my other computer, LMK if you want it. The only problem is that the paper is really, really thick so punching out the mickey heads was hard. I broke blood vessels in my palms from pushing down so hard.

That would be great! If you don't mind, I may steal your idea :)
Congrats on the VR! What a great story! Glad to hear your son is doing well. :banana:

All of your plans looks great and the flower girl dress is adorable. Can't wait to read more.
Has anyone heard of a crystal wedding tree (some call it a wishing tree)? I just saw my first one tonight and they are so beautiful! Now I'm thinking of doing one to decorate the place card table with. I'm using this as inspiration (mine will be a lot smaller though)
Isn't it beautiful?! Some people leave blank "Wish" cards for their guests to fill out and tie to the tree with pretty ribbon instead of a guestbook.

I used to think it was silly to spend so much money on a wedding but now I can see how it happens. Little by little my budget keeps going up, up, up. This started as a $5,000 VR :rotfl:
I've been keeping busy. Someone posted in the main forum about a Bath and Body works sale so I stopped in yesterday and basically bought the whole store. Well, not the whole store but two huge bags full for only $100! I bought mini hand sanitizers and holders (that clip them on to a bag) for our welcome bags and they were only $.63 for the sanitizer and $.25 for the holders! Score! I bought some body washes, lotions and candles as gifts and a few things for myself too. Yay for sales!

On Saturday I went in to David's with my sister & mother and dropped off my dress for a hem and bustle. I went with the french bustle so I don't have any buttons showing. They are also gonna tack my sash on so it stays put during the ceremony (it is heavy and sags a bit when it loosens) While we were there I tried on every piece of jewelery in the story and FINALLY found a perfect set. I bought new earrings because the ones I have now didn't go with the necklace I chose. My bracelet doesn't go either so that is off the list. Now I have a ton of random jewelery that is no-returnable...oops. My mother and I have different taste and her feelings were getting hurt when I wasn't liking the hewelery she was selecting for me. I feel bad but not bad enough to wear something I hate, KWIM? Does anyone else deal with this? My mom really wants to help with everythng but we have such different taste that I end up disliking all of her suggestions and she takes it personally so I've stopped asking for help. She also breaks stuff and it drives me nuts, she's not gentle and almost tore the flower part of my sash from messing with it (trying to poof it up or something) and she messed up one of my mickey candles that I was showing her by pulling the ribbon off from trying to move it (it was glued on). I want to try to include her but I'm at a loss right now. Not sure how to handle this.
I have seen your posts on Joanne's VR pages and you were gracious enough to answer mine about the "wedding guest drama". I thought I'd introduce myself to you. I am Theresa...aka Kasper, the Mom of the bride that lives and teaches in Japan. My daughter will not even be in the States until the 16th of Dec. and we leave for Disney on the 18th. Her wedding ceremony is Dec. 22 at the Swan Courtyard. She has asked me to plan her wedding for her and I have to say I have the other side of your dilemma with your Mom. I am doing everything for my daughter's wedding when all I should be doing is supporting her. I have so many fears that I am seeing this wedding through my eyes and not hers and I so wish she would give me more input. My biggest fear is that she will get here and be disappointed and it will not be her dream wedding. I can understand your frustration with your Mom. Mom's can be so annoying....I know, I am one and I have one.:rotfl: We tend to speak up when we shouldn't and we put in our two cents when it's not wanted. I do know for the most part we have our daughter's best interests at heart. We just don't know when to back off. I hope you and your Mom can find some common ground to share with all this wedding stuff so that you can build some good memories from it and not have hard feelings. I don't know how your relationship is with her so I don't know if you are able to sit down and have a talk about it all. I know wedding planning has it's ups and downs. We all envision it being exciting and fun and it's actually very stressful. Any time you want to "talk" I am happy to listen. If you'd like my e-mail just pm me. Best of luck. By the way what date is your VR? ( I would call it a wedding....you never really had one.):bride:
Nice to "meet" you Theresa and thank you for the kind words. Sometimes it helps to be reminded that my mom just wants to help. We do have a rocky relationship that we've been working on repairing so that is where some of the stress comes from. I'll cut her some slack because I do know that she cares a lot for me.

Our VR is March 24 of 2012 :) I'm sure your daughter will love what you've planned, it sounds really nice so far.
Jilian sweetie - Everything is looking gorgeous and remember that it is a (VR) brides right to change her mind as many times as is necessary!!!

Sometimes it is difficult to make allowances for Mothers!!! Like Teresa, I am a Mum and I also have one myself, so can see all sides of the story!!! Both my Mum and (especially) DH's Mum didn't behave as I thought they would during our VR trip, and it was so difficult to take a deep breath, a step back and remember that they were both only there because they cared and wanted to be with us on our special day. So, so hard at times but worth remembering I guess!!
Thanks Joanne. I'm nervous about how things will go during the actual vacation week too. BTW, I LOVE your new pictures in your sig! They are fabulous and make me so happy that I've chosen Randy too!


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