Jane E.'s Fitness Journal

Wow, what a weekend! About the most exciting thing we did was go to Costco... :rolleyes1 Sounds like you had an awesome time and ate and drank some good stuff!

My ND also recommends eating 5-6x a day, so does BFL. I am so used to it I don't think I could survive on 3 meals a day! I bet you will get back on track soon with your eating.

Have you tried Aerosoles? They are the most comfy shoes I have ever had. They have all kinds of nice styles too. Check them out!

Next time you pick up a Milk Dud, just take a hammer to your teeth to remember what it felt like last time you ate them! :rotfl:
lovinaz said:
Next time you pick up a Milk Dud, just take a hammer to your teeth to remember what it felt like last time you ate them! :rotfl:

Ok - that might actually be funny if my teeth didn't hurt so much! Guess this is what I need, negative reinforcement. If this doesn't keep me from Milk Duds nothing will!

Today dear dog and I went on a 40 minute trail walk. No one else was there. It was great having the park to ourselves. I did end up picking up beer cans that some unthoughtful people left on the ground. The bad part was when I spilled some on my jeans. You don't want to get stopped at 9am smelling like beer. I even found a beer can in the lake but was way too chicken to get that can.

I also did a 10 minute full body light weight workout. I did pushups, tricep dips, situps & and used my light weights.

Today I was back to my oatmeal for breakfast. I love that stuff.

#1 oatmeal, 1 apple, cinamon, raisins, almond slices, nf milk, oj
#2 chili & a hot fudge sundae (I bought this for ds who was having friends over Sunday night - I bought the huge tub of Breyers & ate the leftovers.)

Haven't eaten meal #3 yet.

Kate, I love being able to run over to Disney for a minitrip. ::MickeyMo I find that I really enjoy going off season. We're kind of busy right now and taking a one or two week trip just isn't an option for us. At least I feel like I'm not neglected when I spend enough money for a week's vacation. Although, dh would love to go back to Vegas & I want to go to DC or NY! If you ever get a chance, definately check out the gospel brunch. I've had the same problem that you've had. We were never there at the right time. This time, everything worked out. It'll give you something else to plan for!

Anna, I'm detecting a theme here. "Remember Milk Duds = Pain!" Now, if I could just translate that to all sugary high fat foods! We loved our little trip - it was lowkey and we got to try new drinks and new appetizers. We're definately appetizer people. You're right about the Milk Duds I just need to stay away! :rolleyes1

CJK, Omigod!!!! :rotfl2: :rotfl2: :rotfl2: I can just picture you being pulled up! He definately is energetic. The whole time I was there I kept thinking that my Alzheimer residents would love his show! After checking out your link I'm sure of it. I kind of felt like I was at a work seminar. If you ever go back to Port Orleans, check out Eliot Dyson at the French Quarter. He's mellow, talented, and a lot of fun!

Amy, good thing I don't have an ND, I think she'd fire me for my Milk Dud catastrophes! I've never heard of Aerosoles. I'll have to check them out. I need to get back to eating 5-6 meals a day. The cravings for junk food went way down then. There's no way I can fit in those meals when I have an icecream sundae in the middle of the day. It definately upsets the tone of my day. Keep up the hard work you've been doing! :woohoo:
Yay for being such a good citizen and picking up beer cans! I had to laugh when you said you spilled some on yourself. One of DS's chores is to take the recycle stuff out and I have a wire mesh basket. One of DH's friends was over watching some football on Sunday and didn't rinse out his beer bottle before putting it in the basket. So when DS emptied it, he spilled beer on himself. No call from CPS yet, so I think I'm OK...

Mid-day ice cream sundaes? You're my hero! :teeth:

I am going to steal your breakfast. How do you put the apples into the oatmeal? Do you cook them? I'd like to try it, is sounds yummy and I need to spice up my food choices.
20 minutes of cardio :cool1:

#1 oatmeal, 1/2 apple, raisins, almond slices, cinamon & nf milk
#2 baked potato, cheese & nf sour cream, cranberry juice
#3 homemade choc chip cookies from work party
#4 LC turkey dinner

Amy, I take the oatmeal, add water, chop up apple pieces, add raisins & almond slices & sprinkle in cinamon then I cook it for 3 minutes in the microwave. Then add nonfat milk. I use the regular old fashioned oats. Its very filling. I usually end up having some raw apple slices while I'm cooking the cereal.

Your son spilling beer is even worse than what happened to me. :teeth: That could be embarassing. Glad to hear that no problems arose from the situation!
Looks like your eating was back on track today. :thumbsup2 That hot fudge sundae the day before definitely sounded good though. :cloud9:

Your oatmeal recipe sounds good. I'm going to have to try it.
You are kicking butt on your workouts! :cheer2:

I am trying your oatmeal this weekend. Apple chopping and getting 2 kids ready for school does not sound like a good combo and I won't even attempt it! :teeth: It'll have to be minus the almonds. I don't have any slivers, I'll have to get some! I got THE BEST Gala apples from Costco. They were out of Fuji, but I was not disappointed with the Gala!

You are doing great, remember to eat protein with every meal! :thumbsup2
I got crowned today! My tooth pain was so bad I ended up doing what dh said I should have done on Monday. I broke down and phoned the dentist. They got me in this morning, and I'm the proud owner of a temporary crown. They told me NO MORE MILK DUDS...at least until I get my permanent crown in! The pain was so bad I don't even want to look at a box of Milk Duds. :sick:

#1 cereal, 1 peach, nf milk
#2 4 slices of toast w/pb&j, cranberry juice

Anna, I'm still having problems with motivation but I know, in the long run, this is something that I have to stick with. ;)

Amy, thanks for your reminder on protein! :) I was watching some teaser for a workout show and they said the same exact thing. The trainer told the lady if she ate protein with every meal she could have Taco Bell twice a week.

On the same subject, I haven't always put slivered almonds in my oatmeal. I started it recently because I needed the protein. You can have it with or without almonds it doesn't really matter. I love cinamon, and this is a good way to get my fix.
Hope your mouth starts feeling better soon! I HATE getting crowns, but have several. At least I can reassure you that getting the permanent one on is usually a breeze. I'd still take a couple of tylenol beforehand, though.

Stay away from the Milk Duds! and Starburst, Caramels, and anything else chewy or the temp could come off & you wouldn't much like it!

Have a great rest of the week! Wish I lived close to WDW! 1 day trips would be AWESOME!!

My DD would be very proud of you picking up Beer cans. When we went to Clearwater, she tried to fish every bit of trash out of the water & off the beach.
Hope your tooth feels better!! Those darn milk duds!

I often use almonds as my protein too. I only need a little handful to feel satisfied. All the little tricks we learn!! :) Have a great weekend with no tooth pain!
At least you got into the dentist soon and didn't have to suffer through another painful weekend! I think you should pretend that the dentist said no more Milk Duds EVER! Like I can talk, I am addicted to SF Creme Savers... :rolleyes1

4 pieces of toast?!?!? I'd be bloated like no tomorrow if I did that, you are so lucky you can enjoy bread!
Dinner last night was veggie burger on a bun & baked beans

#1 1/2 reuben sandwich, 1/2 slice of pnut butter pie
#2 dh & I split 9oz grouper dinner - I had bread, butter, salad, 1/2 grouper, rice pilaf & asparagus - 2 cosmos

I guess today my theme was splitting my meals - first with my mom and then with dh!

Julie, good for your daughter! :Pinkbounc She's learning to be responsible. Don't you wish more people would take responsibility & pick up after themselves?! What a great example she is! You are right about staying away from the chewy candy. I've learned my lesson. The pain was horrible, and the bad part about it was we were at WDW for two whole days of it.

CJK, I need to get back on my EFL eating plan with protein at every meal. My cravings were alot less and I felt so much better. My motivation has been horrible lately but I will get back on track! :wizard:

lovinaz said:
4 pieces of toast?!?!? I'd be bloated like no tomorrow if I did that, you are so lucky you can enjoy bread!
NO, I'm NOT lucky! I'm wearing size 14s. I'm just rebellious! I really should know better. :guilty:
Jane, glad you got that tooth taken care of!!! No more MilkDuds!!! :teeth:

Have a good weekend. :sunny:
Jane, I am glad the tooth is better now. - OUCH!

I completely fell off the wagon today. Let's get back on track together on Monday, OK? :cheer2:
So, how did you do this weekend? Did you get your protein in like you planned? I am going to make the EFL turkey bacon quiche this weekend, I hope it is as good as it sounds!

At least you are splitting your meals when you go out. That helps tremendously! :thumbsup2
This weekend call was one big wake-up call! I got on the scales Saturday and I weighed 164. At that point I decided to start a new plan on Monday. Its very easy. I love those Contessa frozen food bags. They have lots of veggies and either chicken, shrimp or beef. Every evening for dinner I'll fix one of those. Everyday for breakfast I'll have oatmeal. Lunch will vary. I don't want to have to make any decisions because I just mess it up when I cook. I'll start out with a "healthy" meal but by the time I fix it and add in cheese or butter its not so healthy.

Today's weigh in was 162.2.
#1 2T oatmeal, 1/2 apple, raisins, slivered almonds, cinamon, nf milk (5.0g & 235) (The raisins and almonds are just sprinkled on. I don't use very many.)
#2 1/2 of a Contessa bag with veggies, rice (white!) and chicken
3g of fat, 350 calories
#3 same

11 fat grams, 935 calories

I plan on having another serving of the shrimp Contessa when dh gets home.

Thanks, Kate! How's the running going? :sunny:

Anna, I fell off the wagon too, & it dragged me behind it! I definately could use your support. Let's do this! :thumbsup2

Amy, how'd the EFL quiche turn out? You are so right about getting in that protein. I am not craving anything right now. It also helps not to drink any fruit juice, wine or soda! I know we can do this! :goodvibes
Good for you getting back on the wagon!! Today was a start over day for me too. I hear ya on starting out healthy, but not ending up that way. Good idea on the Contessa bags. Very impressive low fat grams. :cheer2: We are both getting back on track!! We can do this!!!
Good job getting right back on that wagon. After that amazing Disney trip, I'd struggle getting back on board too! Planning all your food in advance is key for me too. Have a great week!! :cheer2:
I'm so sorry about your tooth. And especially the Milk Duds! Werther's makes a pretty good sugar free hard caramel candy. It's got a good caramel flavor and might get you through in a pinch.

You new plan sounds good--it sounds like you're getting lots of good nutrition. Sometimes it is just so much easier when you know what you're going to be eating. I know you'll bounce back quickly!

I'm also so glad to hear your cats have worked our their differences and that everyone is healthy and happy now. That's such a relief. Magellan and Diana had quite a little spat last night--there was much hissing, yowling, and chasing at high speed. Our vet always says that if no one is hurt they were just playing, but that does not look like fun to me!
I think that is a great plan to get in all your veggies! YOU CAN DO IT!!!!

I am making the quiche this Sunday, I can't wait to try it! Of course the kids will balk since it'll probably look funky, but we'll see...

Fruit juice is one of the no-no's from the ND. They are so high in calories and full of sugar. That's great that you've sworn it off!

How much oatmeal do you use when you make your breakfast? It's not really 2T is it? I used 1/2c dry and it made a HUGE bowl. I almost cut it in half the next day, but it was so yummy I made the big bowl again... :blush:
I'm actually sticking with this plan! :butterfly I went a whole day without any Milk Duds or chocolate!

My fourth meal yesterday was another serving of Contessa - yesterday's totals came to 14g & 1285

I was able to get in tons of veggies which is always a problem for me.

Today I did 45 minutes of trail walking. I wore my dog out! I couldn't believe when I came back to the car...I'd left the back window 1/2 down with my purse in the car. Thank God, only honest people were at the park. I guess I'd better not allow the dog to stick her head out the window. I keep forgetting I put the darn thing down for her.

Today's meals
#1 oatmeal, apple, raisins, nf milk 1.25, 150 (NO almonds today.)
#2 3T of hummus, 5 mini pitas, celery & red pepper slices (I love this meal.)
5.5, 255
For #3 I plan on having beef & veggies meal which is similiar in calories and fat grams to yesterday's meal.

Anna, don't you love startover days?! I don't know about you but I really needed this. Its great just to wipe the slate clean & began again; albeit as a size 14 instead of 12. :guilty: I can't wait to fit back in my 12s.

CJK, I agree, if I don't plan I'm in bad shape. However, I've got another upcoming Disney minitrip this month for the Food & Wine Festival. :drinking1 I'm not even going to think about my eating scheme. The foods are always sooo good. (not to mention the wine) I'll cross that bridge when I get there.

Pearliq, thanks for stopping by. I'm sorry to hear that your furbabies were feuding. Thats definately not fun. Now, that both cats are healthy again we've had no hissing at all. paw: I think it helps that Mariska is a baby. I definately had to do something to change my eating habits. I love all the bad stuff and none of the veggies. At least, this way I get in lots of veggies for a change.

Amy, I do use 2T dry for my oatmeal. I use an old protein mix measurer - I keep it right in the oatmeal container. By the time I add in my apple & raisins, I've got more than enough to eat; however, if I'm not using the apple but another fruit, I do use more oatmeal. The apples are cooked in as part of the cereal. When I use berries or bananas they just go on top, & I don't eat as much.

Your ND must be right. I feel better now that I'm not drinking so much juice. I think it increased my cravings for sugary food.

I hope your kids like the quiche. It sounds delicious! :flower:


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