It's working !!!


Ultimate WPASADI Co-Winner
Jan 5, 2003
I'm so excited i had a slow start but the scale says 6 lbs off and
the size 16 jeans fit again

so YEA:bounce: :Pinkbounc :bounce: :Pinkbounc

now i have to stay with it till the size 12 jeans fit again or dare i hope the 10's
DARE!! Trust me, it will happen if you stick with it. And sometimes faster than you can imagine! Great job, keep up the great work!
WAY TO GO!!!:jumping1: Doesn't it feel great to have those once-too-tight clothes fit again?! If you stick with this, and keep up all your hard work, and you'll be sliding into those 12's or (yes, dare you say!) 10's!;) You're doing a terific job! WOO HOO to you!!!
Excellent! You're doing great and you sound so much more motivated now. Way to go!
Good for you Kay! :hyper: Keep it up- this proves you can do it!
And you post will get me to workout tonight hoping I'll be able to grab a clippie this week!
Isn't that the best feeling? Keep up the great work and those 10's might not be that far off. You go Girl!!


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