It's My Birthday & I'll Disney if I Wanna! ~ A Dec 2015 PTR - COMPLETE!

Boy the days are ticking down quickly now. Your magic bands should be here shortly. You can start decorating those. Yeah.

I came across your previous TR. I really like the idea that you separate out the dining and trip reports. That is a great idea. It makes it so easy to see the dining in a smaller format. Your pictures were great. I now have more cravings for food at Disney. I have also been known to gain a significant amount of weight while at Disney. Fortunately, it falls off quite quickly when I return home. Maybe it is water weight. :rolleyes1

Looking forward to your reporting when you are finally at Disney.
So that tiara in the photo above? That was my most treasured purchased from the trip I just returned from on Sunday. :cloud9:

I've refused to take it off. I wore it to my first day back at work this morning, even. :lmao: I work in a travel agency and we do a lot of Disney consultations and have Disney stuff all over the office, so my boss actually let me get away with it! :rotfl: It kept me amused, and bringing a little of the magic from my trip with me today helped me get through that first day back. :goodvibes

I also put my December trip on a 7-Day Hold tonight. I'm waiting on a couple of refunds to hit my account this week. When they do, I'll pay the $200 deposit and check another thing off my list! :cutie:

A girl after my own heart.....I have my tiara safely in a box on my nightstand next to my bed awaiting our next trip

Saw our trips overlap a little--

Hope you have an awesome birthday!
We love Indian food around here, even the minions like it well some of them like it more then others. Of course with my Father in Law being Indian, that probably helps.
That does help! I dated a guy who was first generation Indian-American, his parents immigrated here in the 70s. The first time I had dinner at their house, I was SO NERVOUS because I know I don't like Indian food. I lucked out, because she's been stateside so long now that when she cooks big meals, she makes both Indian and American dishes. Plus one of the Indian dishes she made was Buttered Chicken, which I don't mind (and by that I mean I'm happy to eat it when it's put in front of me, but it's not something I get excited about), so it all went fine. :cutie:

We've done Jiko, Artist Point, Flying Fish, Narcoossee's (we do it every trip), Le Cellier (before signature), and CRT. I'm kind of trying to sneak another signature into our January trip, but since we decided against the deluxe plan it probably isn't happening. I do want to do one when we go to Universal for our anniversary. I'm going to push towards Yachtsman, but since DH can't have meat other then fish, I may end up going for a different one.
I think Artist Point looks amaaaaaaaaaaazing. Narcoossee's, too! Yum! :bitelip:

Yay!! So close!! I'm so jealous of all you Americans that get your MB's shipped to you!! So awesome. Although..the way S*&^ gets lost around my house, maybe it's for the best that we don't get ours until we check in lol.
Bahaha! I know how that goes. It's only my extremely high levels of Disney packing organization that prevents me from losing or forgetting mine! :rotfl:

I would love to try some of the signature restaurants too...although, sadly, while I probably would love the atmosphere...I have a more simple palate lol and a lot of times the fancy food does not appeal to me...though I suppose I could always order a kid's meal lol
I have a pretty simple palate too, but steak is my favorite thing in the whole world, and it looks like every Signature at least has a good steak for me, if nothing else. :thumbsup2

I'm so excited for you with all your awesome plans!!
I'm pretty excited for me, too! :laughing:

Hurray for Magic Bands! Jealous that they get mailed to you as we have to get ours at the resort.
It definitely doesn't suck! :rotfl: Looking forward to finally getting them, and jazzing them up with the decals I bought months ago! :hyper:

I love the departure day breakfast tradition! Our last trip we didn't do one and I was a little sad - but we needed to get home and get ready for work and stuff :P
Yesssss! It definitely helps! And I always try to plan my trips so that I'm leaving Disney on a Friday, to give myself 2 days of recovery time. Also eliminates that need to RUSH home if I don't want to! :thumbsup2

In December, I'm hoping we can maybe hit up the QS in Saratoga or something in Disney Springs just to stay in the Disney bubble a little longer. We did a similar thing on our last family trip and it was great! Just hung out and had breakfast at the Contempo Cafe to ease into the real world again.
That sounds delightful! :goodvibes

So excited about your MagicBands!
Me too! :hyper:

We decided not to get them sent to us this time, and it's a little sad not to be expecting the awesome box - but I've got my eye on a purple Winnie the Pooh one from the new customization place when we get down there :D
Oh man, I'm going to have to FORCE myself to stay away from that customization kiosk! It looks SO COOL! :eek:

Soon enough you'll be on your way! I can't wait to hear all about it :) :)
24 more daaaaaaaaaaays!!! :woohoo:

OMG your BANDS ARE Going to be here TODAY!!! I am so so excited for you!!!!

Cant' wait to see them all pwettied up!!!!
They are in-transit to my Mama's house RIGHT NOW. I'll be making a special visit to her house tonight to pick them up! :hyper:

Magic Band Day!!! YAY!!!! So exciting!!!
Super duper exciting! :woohoo:

Oh! Thanks for the packing list template that baby is going to be life saver! As always you are amazing!
I'm just glad that you found it helpful! :hug:

Wooohoooo for Magic Band Day!!! And look at how little your ticker is!
I know! I keep gazing at it deamily! :cloud9:

I can't wait to read your reviews for Launch Bay & Minnie's dinner. I have both on our list for next year, depending on what the menus are.
I can't wait to experience them! Hooray for new stuff! :D

There's so much on your plans that I have never done. I seriously have to restrain myself from trying everything on this next trip, especially since I know we're already planning on going back in 2018.
I have a bad problem with that when I'm planning. MUST. SEE. EVERYTHING!!! ::yes::

Loving your MK day. I didn't realize your aunt had so many problems though. Poor thing :( I get slight motion sickness but I've found that Bonine works pretty well for me. (Note to self: need to order more). I know that doesn't really help your aunt though, since she doesn't like to take pills. I hope she'll try the bracelets and find that they give her some relief.
I'm going to call her and try one more time to talk her into the bands, probably this week. If she still isn't interested, I'm going to buy a set and bring them with me and keep trying once we're actually there. :thumbsup2


CLICK ME Art of Animation Little mermaid room

OHHH i can only image waking up every morning to ERIC!
Bahaha! I love that you thought of me and post this! AoA is so pretty! We'll be there soon, Mo!!! :cloud9:

Boy the days are ticking down quickly now. Your magic bands should be here shortly. You can start decorating those. Yeah.
Defintely! There will be pictures either tonight, or tomorrow! :cutie:

I came across your previous TR. I really like the idea that you separate out the dining and trip reports. That is a great idea. It makes it so easy to see the dining in a smaller format. Your pictures were great. I now have more cravings for food at Disney. I have also been known to gain a significant amount of weight while at Disney. Fortunately, it falls off quite quickly when I return home. Maybe it is water weight. :rolleyes1
I like to break my reports up like that because I know some people are simply not interested in 500 pictures of food. Where as other people are primarily interested in just the food, and not how I spent every minute of every day at Disney. So... OPTIONS! :thumbsup2

Looking forward to your reporting when you are finally at Disney.
You and me both!!! :hyper:

A girl after my own heart.....I have my tiara safely in a box on my nightstand next to my bed awaiting our next trip
Yay! Welcome to the Princess Club! princess:

Saw our trips overlap a little--
Hooray! I picks that time because it's historically a quiet time for crowds. But everything I've been reading this year has be worried. :scared:

Hope you have an awesome birthday!
Awww, why thank you VERY much!!! :hug:
So that tiara in the photo above? That was my most treasured purchased from the trip I just returned from on Sunday. :cloud9:

I've refused to take it off. I wore it to my first day back at work this morning, even. :lmao: I work in a travel agency and we do a lot of Disney consultations and have Disney stuff all over the office, so my boss actually let me get away with it! :rotfl: It kept me amused, and bringing a little of the magic from my trip with me today helped me get through that first day back. :goodvibes

I also put my December trip on a 7-Day Hold tonight. I'm waiting on a couple of refunds to hit my account this week. When they do, I'll pay the $200 deposit and check another thing off my list! :cutie:

Where did you buy your tiara??? I'm looking to buy one for my upcoming trip! princess:
22 days until WDW! :hyper:

Hey, ya'll! :grouphug:

Okay, so I'll start by giving ya'll a heads up... I hope you're all seated comfortably and connected to a good internet connection, because I have many many many photos (over 50 of them) to share this morning! I'm actually going to be breaking this update up into two consecutive posts.


They're heeeeeeeeeeeere! And they've been decal'd up. And it was stressful. They did NOT want to behave at all! But I think I eventually won the battle. I hope. :scratchin You be the judge...









I think they're pretty neat, myself! Exciting stuff! Having these in my hand just makes the trip feel that much more REALLY REAL! :hyper:



So I know I neglected to mention this, but about a month ago I made plans with my new co-worker, AmyJoy, to go see Disney on Ice's "Let's Celebrate!" show when it came to town this week! And last night was our night! :woohoo:


AmyJoy is wearing my back-up tiara. (Yes, I keep a back-up tiara.) But she loved it so much, and it was cheap, so at the end of the night, I told her to keep it. Just as a thank you gift for for driving the 45 mins to the arena and paying for parking. princess:

Because ice skaters are so friggin' hard to photograph, I ended up with... 800 pictures. No lie. By the time I deleted most of the blurry ones (admittedly, I did keep some, as you'll see in a moment), then all the ones I just didn't love, then narrowed them down again and again, I finally pared it down to I think 53 of them. And yes, I'm about to post EVERY. SINGLE. ONE. Why? Because I know most of you probably need your Mickey fix as bad as I did tonight. You're welcome! :D

Oh oh oh! I also took a VIDEO of the opening number of the show! And it actually turned out pretty decent, I think! You might notice some shaky camera work right around the time Mickey and Minnie show up... Your videographer may or may not have started crying at that moment. (Shhh. Don't judge me. :rolleyes1 ) Here you go...

And now... the overabundance of photos... Enjoy! :cutie:

























(Continued in next post...)
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Magic bands look amazing! Love! :love:

Disney on ice!!!! We are going in January! Was it a little scary? It looked like it had a scary part? DD is a little young but hoping she will enjoy it at least a little!

Your pics are so fun!!!!

Disney is so soon!
LOVE LOVE LOVE the video and photos. I teared up actually. Thank you for sharing!

Also your magic bands look so cool. How did you do that?
AWESOME JOB!!! I missed it when it was here in Nashville, but heard it was wonderful. Thanks for sharing with us!
Magic bands look amazing! Love! :love:
Thanks! :-)

Disney on ice!!!! We are going in January! Was it a little scary? It looked like it had a scary part? DD is a little young but hoping she will enjoy it at least a little!
There is a villains portion for the Halloween part of the show, yes. I'm not sure that I would call it scary, but who knows with little ones. :confused3 Jack Skellington comes out and does his Jack thing, then a few villains (Cruella, Captain Hook, Malificent, Jafar, and the Evil Queen as the Hag) come out and run around doing the villain thing. Then Mickey & Pals scare them away. Typical Disney villains show, really. :maleficen

Your pics are so fun!!!!
Thanks! It was a fun night! :earsgirl:

Disney is so soon!
22 daaaaaaaaaaaysssss!!! :hyper:

LOVE LOVE LOVE the video and photos. I teared up actually. Thank you for sharing!
Thanks! Glad to know I'm not the only one that got a bit misty! :hug:

Also your magic bands look so cool. How did you do that?
This website... :thumbsup2

AWESOME JOB!!! I missed it when it was here in Nashville, but heard it was wonderful. Thanks for sharing with us!
If you can ever catch it, go! It comes here every Fall, and it's a different show each year, but this was my first time going to see it. It'll definitely be an annual thing for me from now on! ::yes::
Awesome bands. I debating getting some for ours. The kids all want some of the special Disney ones with characters on them and I was going to make one for me when we get there. I might have to get decals too now.

I want to go to Disney on Ice we missed the Frozen one last year because we were in India and I forgot to check about this year. It looks awesome.
They're heeeeeeeeeeeere! And they've been decal'd up. And it was stressful. They did NOT want to behave at all! But I think I eventually won the battle. I hope. :scratchin You be the judge...

I love these! If I wasn't planning on getting a customized one soon, I'd be ordering band covers ASAP :) Despite the apparent difficulty putting them on, they turned out great :D

And yes, I'm about to post EVERY. SINGLE. ONE. Why? Because I know most of you probably need you Mickey fix as bad as I did tonight. You're welcome! :D

Woo hoo!!! This is so exciting :)

Your videographer may or may not have started crying at that moment. (Shhh. Don't judge me. :rolleyes1 ) Here you go...

So I watched it, and I may have also started tearing up :P At the gym no less! The two guys in there probably thought I was really weird :rotfl:

I have to say, Disney on Ice didn't really appeal to me - every time I've seen it advertised I figured it wasn't really aimed at adults. But now I think I'm going to have to go if there's a show near me :P It probably is aimed more at kids, but as we all know, Disney makes you a kid at heart a lot of the time!

Glad you got to get in a little Disney so close to your trip :D
Yay! Pretty MagicBands! They all look great, but I think your Spaceship (you do not want to know what typo I just made and had to correct) Earth one looks the best!

So, I started to watch the video, and 15 seconds in I had to pause to scream "OMG LUMIERE!!!"
Thanks for sharing all the pictures. Looks like a really cute show!

And ... of course you wore your tiara, Princess Billie! I'm glad you got AmyJoy to wear one too - that's pretty awesome of her (driving & paying for parking is pretty awesome of her too).

Also ... tomorrow will be 3 weeks to trip day!!
The Magic Bands looks great! I would definitely say you won the battle!!!

Thanks for sharing the Disney on Ice pictures! Looks like you and your co-worker had a great time. What a great Disney Fix to help pass the time to your trip!
Very nice job on the MBs! I think they turned out great.

I love your Disney on Ice pics. Jack's a little creepy looking though, IMO. And that fire ring on the ice? So awesome!

Yay for packing!! Packing to go to Disney is the best because packing to come from home from Disney....

giphy (1).gif

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