It's kind of fun to do the impossible - 32 days of fun and friends - updated December 29

We have this booked for Novemeber can't wait!

:thumbsup2 Very good choice! We will have brunch there on two out of the three Sundays we will be at WDW this summer. It is just perfect, can't beat the view and the food! :cloud9:

You got that right I LOVE deviled eggs ::yes::

They ARE yummy! Tom makes really good ones at home too, but I think being at WDW and looking down at the MK makes everything taste heavenly. ;)

After a meal like that you need to rest but so worth it.

You sure do! :lmao::lmao:

I love your trip reports. I just finished your other one and popped on over here! :-)

Thank you and happy to have you here! :goodvibes

This makes me so excitied for our reservation in October! Looks delish!

You are going to love it. So many yummy choices, just be sure you get there really hungry - I promise you, you won't leave hungry. :laughing:

Day 5, August 12

So much food, so little time - part 2

When we returned to the resort we packed away our purchases and started to pack up our stuff before we got changed again and headed back over to the Contemporary for the second event of the day, Savor, Sip and Sparkle.

We had done it the year before and it had been one of the highlights of our vacation, so we wanted to repeat it.
When we arrived we were quickly checked in and taken up to the restaurant, where we were welcomed and shown the two rooms and the bar area where we could sit.
We decided to stay in the second room as it was much more quiet.
They offered us some



Prosecco, but it did no longer come in the light up glasses we had received the year before.
Drinks ordered it was now time to head over to the tables and after taking pictures of the food















we loaded our plates with some yummies.
I had picked some


pizza, a steamed bun filled with some spiced pork, a beef shortrib hoagie and a samosa, while Tom had filled his plate with


kind of the same items, he had chosen a different style pizza slice and two samosas. A server had asked what we wanted to drink and Tom had ordered some


beer, while I had gone with a glass of



Pinot Grigio which had been served while we were picking up our food.
And now it was time to enjoy.
And while munching away we discussed how our vacation had been since we had arrived and how the next day was supposed to go, as we were changing resorts.

Soon those plates were empty and we “had to” go back for seconds. Tom stuck with


Sushi while I went to grab more


pizza and samosas.
Time was flying by and the server came by with more wine and beer for both of us.
Shortly before 9pm when the fireworks were supposed to start they were telling people to please go and refill their plates with the savoury items as they were changing to desserts while the fireworks were going on.

To be continued .....

Day 5, August 12

So much food, so little time - part 3

Shortly before 9pm when the fireworks were supposed to start they were telling people to please go and refill their plates with the savoury items as they were changing to desserts while the fireworks were going on.

We were full and instead took our camera and headed outside to the deck.
It had been raining earlier and there was still water on the deck, but a lot of regular guests were already out on the front deck, while quite a few of us were now on the deck that is a bit further back, but we were still able to pick a nice spot at the railing while waiting for the fireworks to begin.

They were a tiny bit delayed but once they started we fully enjoyed the experience.

It is really great that they pipe in the music as it adds so much to the enjoyment of the fireworks.










After the fireworks were over we made our way back to our table and found the buffet full of sweet treats.








Tom had ordered some


coffee and I had asked for some tea and both were on our table when we returned, and our Prosecco glasses had been filled again too.
And after the first mad rush of many guests to the desserts, which I joined to take some photos, we got a plate of desserts to share.


Tom isn’t a huge fan of sweet treats, so he just had a spoonful here and there, but I needed to taste most of them.

We sat for about another 20 to 25 minutes, before we handed the server a tip and took the elevator down.
It was great not to have to travel too far, but just walk over to Bay Lake Tower and be back in the room.

We both picked up some drinks and sat out on our balcony for a while, enjoying the warm air and the view before it was time to pack up most of our stuff and finally spend one more night at this wonderful resort.

To be continued .....
All of that food looked amazing!!!

It all was really good! And it was such a lazy relaxing day as well. :thumbsup2

Wow, that sounds like a fun event...i love the mix of savory and sweet treats with fireworks sandwiched in the middle!

Jill in CO

It was a nice event, even though it was different to the one a year ago. But you can't beat CG food and the view from that deck. We really enjoyed that day. :goodvibes
It's been a bit of a busy week and being there is a heatwave here in Europe didn't really help as well.

But ....

We are leaving for our next adventure in less than three weeks, so I thought I'd fill you in on what's planned for summer vacation 2019. ;)



Day 1:
Travel day - immigration - pick up rental car - check into Pop Century Resort - have dinner at resort.


Day 2:
Offsite shopping - lunch at Be our Guest, MK - FP+ (BTMRR, PP, SDMT) - dinner at Beaches and Cream, Epcot


Day 3:
MK - Festival of Fantasy Parade Viewing Dining Package at Tony's - FP+(HM, BTMRR, JC) - Parade Viewing - AK - Pizzafari Family Style dinner


Day 4:
HS - FP+ (ToT, TSM, ST) - lunch at DS - meet with Pamela at Epcot - dinner at Les Chefs de France - Illuminations


Day 5:
Brunch at the Top - rest - AK - FP+ (KS, EE, FoP) - Restaurantosaurus new Burgers and Ice-cream


Day 6:
DS - lunch at DS - HS - FP+ (SDD, ToT, Fantasmic)


Day 7:
BoG breakfast - MK - FP+ (SDMT, BTMRR, POTC) - dinner at Monsieur Paul (summer menu)


Day 8:
DHS - FP+ (RnRC, ToT, SDD) - lunch at DS - dinner at Grand Floridian Cafe - MK (EMH)


Day 9:
AK - FP+ (KS, EE, Dino) - lunch at The Mara - dinner at The Wave - DAH


Day 10:
DHS - FP+ (RnR, ToT, SDD) - lunch at DS - outlet shopping - dinner at California Grill - MNSSHP fireworks from deck


Day 11:
DHS Rose and Crown Tea Experience - FP+ (Soarin', SE) - lunch at Pop Century - pack up stuff - Epcot - FP+ (MS) - dinner at Le Cellier


Day 12:
Check out of Pop - Brunch at the Top - Check into Yacht Club Regatta Club Level - DHS FP+ (ST, ToT, SDD) - explore Boardwalk


Day 13:
Stormalong Bay - Epcot - FP+ (Soarin, SE, MS) dinner at Lounge


Day 14:
Check out of Yacht Club - Stormalong Bay - DHS - FP+ (ST, SDD, ToT) - lunch at Brown Derby Lounge - check into Contemporary Resort Atrium Club - MNSSHP - MNSSHP dessert party


Day 15: -
MK - FP+ (HM, SDMT, BTMRR) - lunch at Liberty Tree Tavern - Trader Sam's Grotto - fireworks from room balcony


Day 16:
Check out of Contemporary Resort - meet JJ and Pamela at AK - FP+ (FoP, KS, EE) - check into Bay Lake Tower - dinner Contempo Cafe - DAH


Day 17:
Late breakfast at The Wave - wait for Jill to arrive - Epcot - FP+ (SE, TT, MS) - dinner = snack around Food and Wine festival - Top of the World Lounge for drinks and Halloween Fireworks from deck


Day 18:
VIP Magic Kingdom Food Tour with Jill - FP+ (JC, BTMR, SDMT) - Monorail crawl - Epcot for Food and Wine and late Illuminations


Day 19:
Brunch at Fort Wilderness' Trails' End - DHS - FP+ (SDD, ST) - dinner at Brown Derby Lounge - Fantasmic


Day 20:
Check out of Bay Lake Tower - Check into Boardwalk Villas - FP+ (SE, Soarin', MS) snack at Food and Wine, dinner at The Wave - MNSSHP


Day 21:
AK - FP+ (KS, EE) lunch at Food and Wine - quiet pool time - Illuminations dinner at Rose and Crown - EMH


Day 22:
EEMH at DHS to check out SWGE, breakfast at Ale & Compass - Epcot, FP+ (Soarin', LwTL, MS) - MK - EMH


Day 23:
Check out of Boardwalk Villas - Epcot - FP+ (SE, Soarin', MS) - lunch = snack around Food and Wine, drive to airport, return rental car, fly to FraPort


Day 24:
Return home

PLUS: We just got word that two other pairs of friends will come to WDW at the same time as well. Can't wait to add them to our plans.
Seriously! Y'all have the best trips! It's so fun to hear about them!

Ah, thank you! Glad you like our TRs. It's fun to experience first hand, but even as much fun reliving it by posting the TR. :goodvibes

Day 6, August 13

That IS another room with a view! - part1

Morning had broken and unfortunately it was to be our last morning at Bay Lake Tower.

So after finishing off the leftovers in the fridge for breakfast we packed up the rest of our stuff and then called bell services to hand over our luggage to have it transported to our next residence of choice.
And once we had gotten rid of most of our stuff we said goodbye to our wonderful and comfortable room and headed out to the car


to store the last few things we would need right away in the boot.
And with those chores done we were on our way to the Magic Kingdom.
I had made a few more FastPasses and we were on the lookout for a pin for a cruise mate, who had helped me score a Cabana for the cruise, but that’s another long story.

It is just a short walk and bag check is right on the way over and usually empty, so it just took us a few minutes and we found ourselves scanning our bands at the entrance to the Magic Kingdom.
It was already lively in the park and the trolley was transporting guests


so we took our sweet time to stroll through the shops as they are still a bit deserted in the morning hours and then headed to our first ride of the day, the Seven Dwarfs Mine Train. The standby line was already long, but we were lucky to head towards the FastPass Entrance and soon were seated and off we went.




Once we got off we had a little time to kill, so we slowly wandered past It’s a Small World and the Haunted Mansion, popped into the shops for some air conditioning and then headed towards Big Thunder Mountain.
And since there was one of the pin-shops on the way we had a look inside to find out if we could get that pin for our cruise mate.
Well, we got lucky, as we had it in hand within seconds and soon we had purchased it and sent a text to him. And while we sat and waited the Country Bears came out to mingle with guests.
We sat in our rocking chairs and watched for a while


until it was time to march over to Big Thunder Mountain Railroad and use our FastPass.


Didn’t take long and we found ourselves on the Wildest Ride in the Wilderness



and after riding the runaway mine train, we had one more FastPass to enjoy, but before it started we had some more time to kill.
And since we were thirsty we headed to Starbucks and got


Black Tea Lemonades which were nice and cold and hit the spot.
And when we were done with it, we headed over to the Peoplemover and were soon gliding along in our little compartment.
When we got off it was finally time to ride Peter Pan and we were happy we had FastPass as the standby line was pretty long.
Didn’t take long and we were off the ride again and were slowly walking toward the exit and then over to Bay Lake Tower and got into our car and off we went to check in at the Boardwalk Villas.
The drive was uneventful and we soon arrived at the gate, had our magicbands scanned and were advised as to where to park the car. When we had visited the Boardwalk in earlier years for dinner we used to park on the left side of the property, but it looked like that was roped off and we had to turn right and use that parking area. We were lucky as we quickly found a spot, even close to the walkway up to the resort.
I checked my email and MDE and to our huge surprise we had already been assigned a room.

So we grabbed our hand luggage and headed up to the front desk to pick up our new magicbands.
There was no one else checking in, so it was our turn right away. The cast member checked our reservation, went to the back to get our magic bands,


checked them again and sent us on our way.
t was quite a walk to our room and when we arrived we held one of the new magic bands against the reader and it didn’t work.
Used the second one to the same effect.
Used my old one from Bay Lake Tower and it worked, but Tom’s didn’t.
So we put our luggage in the room and took photos of the room









and then went to check out the view and we were in awe.



This room had an awesome view of Cresent Lake, the Yacht and Beach Club and even Epcot in the distance. And with that in mind we went back to the front desk. And now we had some guests already in line ahead of us. So, after some waiting we told the cast member who had checked us in that the magic bands didn’t work and she had to reset them a few times until the worked. We spent about half an hour at the front to get all three magic bands working. The third one was for our friend Pamela who would join us for the Vacation Club Moonlight Magic Event two days later.

To be continued .....

Day 6, August 13

That IS another room with a view! - part 2

The third one was for our friend Pamela who would join us for the Vacation Club Moonlight Magic Event two days later.
Reset magic bands in hand we walked down to the Boardwalk to pick up some late lunch before calling for our luggage.
We walked into the Boardwalk bakery and picked up lunch and off we went back to our room. We passed bell services on the way and I asked if our luggage had already arrived and they checked and it had, so I handed them the paper slip and they promised to bring it up in a few minutes.
So we headed back to the room and I scanned my new band and didn’t work.
Scanned again and this time there was the green light and we were in.
It didn’t take long and we heard a knock at the door and our luggage was delivered. And then it was time for a late lunch. We used some of the plates provided and shared


The Big and Beefy Sandwich, Focaccia Bread, Roast Beef, Caramelized Fennel and Onions and a Whole Grain Creamy Mustard Sauce served with a bag of Chips. Unfortunately they had not have had much to choose from and this was the last but one sandwich they had had and it turned out to be pretty dry from sitting there for quite some time I guess.
We shared some


Caesar Salad as well, which was nice and fresh and I had picked up a piece of their


carrot cake, which was really really good and moist with a thick layer of icing.
After finishing our lunch we sat out on our balcony with a drink enjoying the view. Later that afternoon we grabbed our shopping bags and headed over to Publix for some more groceries.



When we returned there was just enough time left to chill for a while until it was time to get changed and head to valet where we asked if they could get us a taxi.
Well, as it turned out there was one sitting right there and within a minute we were on our way to the Contemporary Resort for the Highway in the Sky Dine Around.


We had done it the year before, but I had caught a lingering head cold on the Dream during that vacation and it had put a damper on the experience. So here we were on the way to fully enjoy the Monorail Dine Around.
We arrived a little early for the proposed arrival time but found that there were already a lot of guests waiting. When we checked in we were given our lanyards and told to just take a seat and that the hosts would be with us in a few minutes.
So we sat down and waited for about 10 minutes having small talk with the people around us. Finally our hosts introduced themselves and explained what was going to happen during the dining experience and what to expect. And then we were all served our first drink,


Spiked Peach, Whiskey Peach Iced Tea, which was very tasty. We were also served their version of



Grilled Cheese and Tomato Bisque, very creamy, velvety Tomato Bisque, served with a triangle of buttery Goat Cheese Grilled Cheese. It was a small serving, but perfect to get you into the mood for what was to come.
It didn’t take long and our hosts gave us the “five minute warning” that we would be leaving soon. We were all ready and headed upstairs to the Monorail where they had reserved a whole compartment for the group.
We got in and off we went to stop number two, the Polynesian Village Resort.
Once there we were led to our tables just inside the resort to the right. They had small tables set up and as soon as everyone had found a spot we were served a



Mai Tai, which again were very good. And everyone was served a long rectangular plate with three samples of food.



There was a small piece of seared


Kampachi, sitting on some shelled Edamame, a


Tuna Poke with fresh Mango and a


Kona Coffee rubbed Beef Tenderloin served with creamy purple potatoes.
Unfortunatly both the fish and beef dish were already cold from sitting and waiting for us in the airconditioned area. And even though both samples were quite nice they would have been really good served hot.
Tom enjoyed both portions of the Tuna Poke as I am not a huge fan, but he gave it two thumbs up.
We had a little time to chat once we were done tasting before we got another five minute warning and some guests quickly found their way to the restroom before we headed out to the Monorail again where we got into our reserved compartment again and off we went to the Grand Floridian. Once everyone had gotten off we walked over to Citrico’s, where we were greeted by a manager, who talked about the history of the hotel and the restaurant and then we were divided into groups.

To be continued .....
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You scored on your room! Great view! The Dine in the sky sounds fun! The food looks amazing..too bad the fish/beef were cold. :(

Yay, love to see my name on your upcoming plans! See you in a month!

Jill in CO
You scored on your room! Great view!

We were in awe! The view was really "magical". ;) That subscription to Touringplans really pays for itself.

The Dine in the sky sounds fun! The food looks amazing..too bad the fish/beef were cold. :(

It is a fun event and it still has its little hiccups along the way. :rotfl: They need to change something about the Poly stop. Right next to the sliding doors does not really make it so special. And they alway have the food out too early.

Yay, love to see my name on your upcoming plans! See you in a month!

YES!!!! In exactly a month today! Yippie!!
As always, enjoying your TR! Also, it's fun to read about your upcoming plans. Wow - so jealous of your long trips to WDW. It must be so relaxing to stay that long and not feel like you're rushing from one thing to another. The Highway Dine Around sounds like a lot of fun but I also wouldn't be a fan of the cold food. You'd think they could figure that out. Hope your next stop is a good one!

Day 6, August 13

That IS another room with a view! - part 3

Once everyone had gotten off we walked over to Citrico’s, where we were greeted by a manager, who talked about the history of the hotel and the restaurant and then we were divided into groups.
One group was sat in the wine room, one got a table right by the entrance and Tom and I ended up with a young couple and a single lady, who later told us that her husband had been called back to their Autistic son before the event had even started, but he had made sure that she was going to enjoy the event.
After we were seated we all introduced ourselves and this was when the lady explained while she was on her own, the young couple told us that they were from the southeast of England, close to where some of our relatives live, and on their honeymoon.
We were served some bread and butter and our wine glasses were filled



and very soon after our tasting portions arrived.


There was a piece of lightly seared Halibut, served on spinach and (again) a purple potato puree and Red Wine Braised Beef Shortribs, served over Mashed Potatoes on some Red Wine Jus.
Like the last time the small piece of Halibut was a bit on the dry side and I can say that the purple potatoes do nothing for me, but the shortribs and mash were really good, hot and tasty.
We sat for quite some time and chatted, introducing the young couple to DVC and giving them tips on how to make the most of their holiday/honeymoon, when the waiter came and let us know that the rest of our group had already left.
Now since we knew where to go we grabbed our things and followed them down to the Garden View Lounge, where the server was pretty surprised that there were still guests to come. Fortunately tables here were set up for each individual group and we had soon found ours.
There were two glasses of


Fairytale Sparkling wine on the table and a


Cheese and Charcuterie plate, which consisted of Humboldt Fog – Goat Milk Cheese, Fourme D’amert – Blue Cheese from France, Napoli San Giovese Salami, Prosciutto di Parma, Pork Coppa Salami and Sopressata Salami and some whole grain mustard, some Cornichons and honeycomb. There was also some


toasted whole grain bread, which unfortunately was rather stale and rock hard. We started nibbling and the meats and cheese were really nice and at room temperature, but unfortunately when I tried the Fairy Tale Sparking Wine it was room temperature as well.
Not like I like my sparkling wine, so I went over to the server and asked nicely if we could have some ice-cubes to cool down our drink.
First she looked a bit perplexed, but then quickly returned with a small bowl of ice-cubes. It looked like we were not the only ones who would have enjoyed a colder drink, as the server vanished and returned with several small bowls of ice-cubes.
Apart from this we really enjoyed the meats, which we know from our regular visits to Italy, and the cheeses and the accompaniments. This time we were not forgotten, they announced that we needed to be up by the Monorail in five minutes and so we grabbed our stuff again and took the grand staircase up to the Monorail.
We had to wait a bit, but then we were able to get into the reserved compartment and off we went again, passing the Magic Kingdom and finally stopping at the Contemporary.
They had reserved the balcony on the floor where Chef Mickey’s is and there were tables with desserts and coffee and tea





and there was a mad rush to get the front seats.
Neither Tom, nor I wanted some desserts so we decided to leave the party early and head over to Bay Lake Tower and the Top of the World Lounge. When we said our goodbyes to our Citrico’s tablemates, the young couple expressed their interest in Top of the World and we asked them, if they wanted to come with us.
They happily agreed.
We told the hosts where we were heading and they both took a plate of desserts with them.
A few minutes later we boarded the elevator up to the viewing platform with them. The fireworks started soon after and were as impressive as they had always been.



We offered to invite our young guests to a drink to the lounge, but they needed to leave and get back to their resort as they had early morning reservations. So we all took the elevator down again, walked over to the Contemporary and said our goodbyes to our new friends and then asked the valet to call us a taxi.
Needless to say that one was waiting just across from the entrance and within a minute or so we sat in the car and were on our way.
Back at the Boardwalk we grabbed a drink and admired our night view and the hustle and bustle that was still going on at the Boardwalk before we finally went to bed.

To be continued .....
As always, enjoying your TR!

Thank you! I am happy to hear that you do. :goodvibes

Also, it's fun to read about your upcoming plans. Wow - so jealous of your long trips to WDW. It must be so relaxing to stay that long and not feel like you're rushing from one thing to another.

Planning is half the fun and I have to say, that by today some of our plans have already changed again - there will be another DISmeet with wdwnut61 which includes lunch at Mama Melrose and some EMHs spent together and another Sip, Savor and Sparkle event with our friend Jill (jedijill). This trip gets better and better by the day. :thumbsup2 party:
And yes, it helps to have such a long time as there is time to go back to the resort and rest and get out of the sun for a while. Having an AP helps too. ;)

The Highway Dine Around sounds like a lot of fun but I also wouldn't be a fan of the cold food. You'd think they could figure that out. Hope your next stop is a good one!

It was! More this time than the last one, where I was nursing my headcold. And I guess if they put their heads together they could find a solution for the lukewarm food as well. Serving it on different plates is one of the things that might help.

Day 7, August 14

A lazy day is a good day - part 1

After the “stress” of having to move to a new resort we needed a lazy day.
So what better than to sleep in.
We only rose from our beds at around 8.30 and after having a shower and getting dressed I walked down to the Boardwalk Bakery to get some breakfast while Tom was brewing some coffee. There was quite the line at the bakery, which gave me time to decide what I wanted to order. Once I had placed my order I needed to wait for a few minutes for the sandwich to be prepared but soon enough I was heading back to our room. When I got back Tom had already set the table and was ready to enjoy breakfast.
Tom likes a hot breakfast, so I had got him the



Butter Butter Sandwich, Shaved Ham, Scrambled Eggs and Buttery Fontina Cheese Spread on Brioche Bread. I wasn’t too hungry and I still had leftover carrot cake, so I had only picked up a


Chocolate Croissant for myself. We took our sweet time until we were ready to leave and only around 10.30 we made it down to the Boardwalk to catch a FriendShip to Disney’s Hollywood Studios.





Shortly before 11am we arrived at the Studios and were soon in line for bagcheck and then scanned our bands and headed into the park.
We had only walked two steps when we were stopped by one of the castmembers with a tablet to ask some questions. Sure we would answer her questions and it did not take long and we were off to our FastPass rides.
The first one was for the Tower of Terror.


We were surprised that there was a very long standby line and happy to be in the FastPass one. But only until we hit the end of the FastPass line. It went back to the first bend and moved very slowly.



It took us about 20 minutes to make it to the library and there we realized why it had taken so long, they only used one side and there were only two elevators working. Again it took some time until we were seated, but the ride was as fun as always.


Once we got off we looked around the gift shop at the end and then we were off to our next FastPass which was already open. So we walked over to Toy Story Land and again were surprised by the ever so long standby line for Slinky Dog and passed most of them before we scanned our magicbands and got into the FastPass line.



A few minutes later we were told which row to get in and were on the next ride.
This is such a fun ride and we had been so lucky to pick up quite a few FastPasses for it.


Once we were done we decided that we had no desire to wait until our FastPass window for Star Tours would open, so we released them and left the park.


When we walked up to the FriendShip we saw that people were already boarding and that there was quite a long line, so we thought we would have to wait for the next one, but low and behold we still fit on the ship and were even able to find a seat.


Once back at the resort we walked back to our room, rested our legs for a while, while enjoying a cold beverage and then grabbed our shopping bags and headed to our car.
It was quite the trek in the midday heat but we were hungry and on our way to a lunch we had been looking forward to for quite some time. Soon we made it Disney Springs and as always we missed the correct parking garage, so had to go around, but we made it.


Car parked we headed down the escalator and were right at our lunch spot, the Polite Pig.

To be continued .....

Day 7, August 14

A lazy day is a good day - part 2

Car parked we headed down the escalator and were right at our lunch spot, the Polite Pig.
The line was short and we had soon placed our order and found a table. Tom went to get our drinks


and some of the sauces and as soon as he returned our lunch was served.


We had ordered the


Prime Brisket with coffee rub and had decided to try the


BBQ Cauliflower, paprika sour cream and candied pepitas and the


Crispy Brussels Sprouts with whiskey-caramel and the


Sweet Potato Tots with Parmesan Cheese. It also came with a corn muffin.
We shared the order and there was more than enough for the two of us. Everything was so tasty and we both loved the Brussels Sprouts and Cauliflower. Once we had cleaned our “tray” we rolled out to Disney Springs where we strolled around a bit, but headed back to our car after about an hour.
We then drove to Publix for a little shopping and were amazed by all the construction


and when we left the store after shopping it was looking very much like rain.
So we speedwalked to our car, put the shopping bags into the boot and off we went.
We had quite a few purchases and Tom dropped me off at the Convention Center and went to park the car. Since it just started to rain I grabbed the bags and started to slowly walk up the covered sidewalk. I must have been a sad sight as two families offered to carry my bags for me, but I could see Tom at the end of the walkway, so I declined.
Tom took some of the bags and we walked to our room, put everything that need to be refridgerated into the fridge and then dropped onto the couch for some rest. In the meantime it was pouring rain and we decided to stay in and check email and watch TV for some time.
Must have been some “real” interesting programme, as we both drifted off to sleep for about an hour.
We then decided that instead of heading back out to a park we would just have some dinner out of the fridge and relax in the room.
Around 8.30 the rain had stopped and we wanted to wait for the fireworks. Come 9pm they started and we had an awesome view from our balcony.











There were quite a few people on the Boardwalk, but we were both tired and after the fireworks we decided to call it a day and got ready for bed. Didn’t take long and we were fast asleep.

To be continued .....


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