-It Takes People To Make The Dream A Reality- DCP Summer 2018 Highlights Trip Report! (COMPLETE 6/6!)

The Dysfunctional Tale of Trips and Falls of The NH Crew
7/31/18: #NHBabes Round Two

When I found Amanda, Lindsey and Jessi, they were actually in the middle of a photoshoot by the Wishing Well. Jessi has a fairly well known Disney Instagram as I mentioned before so her park days generally include at minimum, 3 outfit changes. This was the first of many. Lindsey was taking the photos while Amanda were left to our own devices...

...and eventually so were lost boys.

Click to watch!

Jessi finished with her photos as did Lindsey. Amanda and I literally had a photoshoot days ago so we had no interest. Moving out of the way of the impending M&G, it dawned upon us three NH babes that we needed a photo together. And whaddyaknow? Jessi was there to take it. We decided in the Castle Courtyard was a good spot and the lighting at Aurora's magical water fountain seemed perfect so we took it there.

Simple enough, right?


Because I tripped walking UP the tiny little steps leading to the fountain.

After laughing at my klutziness for a good minute, we finally got the official NH babes photo!

*insert ANTM-dissolving me out at the end of my program*


Once that was taken care of, Jessi voiced that she was in need of food at the same time Lindsey said she wanted to go meet Anna and Elsa. We were at a bit of a draw there, but we conceded to Jessi picking up something quick at Red Rose Tavern. This would also give the three of us the opportunity to get some free cups of water. I don't remember what Jessi got aside from our three free cups of water so we'll leave it at that but it was as expected, a quick stop and we were bound for DCA!

Along the way I decided a selfie was in order...

...and I caught Jessi mid-trip.

When we got out to the Main Gate, we saw that Cindy and Snow were out. Jessi was still in her Snow White apples dress so she said we should go meet her. She had a ton of Snow White stuff for the day so I ended up with some Apple ears and that's how I went up to her to say hi.

Snow was the sunshiniest ever! She was loving Jessi's dress and she hoped that we weren't eating any red apples from old hags, that that dress was a reminder not to. We also noticed that everyone aside from Snow was matching in footwear. It was a fashion spectacle day. After the photo we took, Jessi and I asked for separate ones. I don't have Jessi's but I have mine (obviously).

It was about at that last photo I told her that I was leaving soon. I don't remember what she asked but I know she gave me one last goodbye in case I missed her on my last days but she encouraged me to make sure to stop by to see her before I left. Bless Snow. We tood-a-looed our dear Snow and headed out Disneyland grinning from ear-to-ear. We just love Snow so much.

When we got to DCA, we had to stop at BVS for a moment because Jessi had to change into her Elsa outfit to meet the duo so we waited for her. Once that was done we went to Hollywood.

Click to watch!

We then had to stop outside the Animation Building to get photos with the pixie dust wall. Jessi and Lindsey got some Anna and Elsa photos as that is what Lindsey was bounding as beforehand (Jessi gave her a light purple/magenta cover of sorts... you'll see in other photos). Then I got my own glamour shots...

Then Jessi gave me her pair of Snowflake ears and it got even more extra...

Alright, that's enough.

If you couldn't tell my disdain for Anna and Elsa had mellowed out a bit so I was actually pretty hype to see the sisters, especially since we walked in and caught them at a bit of a down time. These are rare so we booked it into line before it got long. While we waited, we made great conversation with the hosts. A few knew me so it was pretty casual. However, I had a bit of an embarrassing moment. We were held up in the corridor and were talking with the host then it seemed like the host was letting us through and I bolted to realize they weren't letting us through. A moment later they did and the host working said I could knock on and open the door. I did the special knock (Anna's knock) then opened the door and there they were! Welcome to Arendelle!

There weren't any other photos being taken. I was very not present during this meet. Amanda and Jessi were talking with Elsa, even though Elsa knew me, while Lindsey and I talked with Anna because she told Anna I was leaving her again. It didn't go on for long and then we took the photo. I did make sure to give them all hugs as we left. As much as I wasn't as engaged it was still a fabulous meet and fun to just be among this group on my last day.

It was partially ending as Lindsey and Amanda had backstage tours for PAINT THE NIGHT! Don't know how I missed those but I did and now had no time to go do them so... that's that. Whatever, I've walked through that area plenty of times and have been there at step-off. Didn't need it, nope.

Today was the last day I saw both Lindsey and Amanda so it really was goodbye for quite some time. NH babes forever!

Jessi was still planning on playing and I had time until I had to go to work so we decided to go take some photos. First, I needed this shot by Bugs Land.

Perfect for the day it closed. (I saved it right up until the day Bugs Land closed then posted it on Insta. BRANDING!)

I also needed some Pixar Pier glamour shots.

Jessi and I then decided we were going out. She had been in the park most of the morning and had some stuff to do back at home which was about an hour away for her so she walked me out. We talked about our mutual friend and her crappy ex (my old best friend), Disney stuff and whatever. It helped passed the time and got me to the security gate to Harbor Pointe. We hugged goodbye since I probably wouldn't see her and wished each other well. The goodbyes really had already started and there was even more tonight as I was going to take on the last restroom shift of my DCA Custodial career. A sad (not at all) time.

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No More Bathrooms, More Hugs With Pluto
7/31/18: #NHBabes Round Two

Yup, I did it! Made it through my last Pixar Pier restrooms shift and restroom shift ever! It was a pretty tame shift thank goodness and I was out of the restrooms in a timely manner. Heaven bless. Nobody completely trashing the big stall. Nobody barging into my restroom after park close and the restrooms closed. No banging my head on hot metal pipes. It was a good night and I was no longer gonna have to clean up another restroom ever again. So so happy!

Directly after I got changed and went to Disneyland to finish off my night. I ran into my turnstile friend, Adam, who didn't have anyone come through so we talked for a moment when I told him I was leaving back to NH soon. He told me he'd miss me but that I needed to make sure to say goodbye. I said I would. For now, Disneyland time!

Obviously I was here for one reason and one reason only.

Click to watch!

He was a bit shook to see me since I told him I was leaving soon but I was still around so seeing me was the equivalent of seeing a ghost. He was still his peppy puppy self after the shock though.

Click to watch!

Click to watch!

He didn't have much of a line, most people were going towards Minnie on this night so I got to spend ample time with Pluto without spending ample time in line.

A little scratch for good measure...


Then I brought up again I was leaving soon...

Big Mistake.

He made sure to make me promise, pinky promise and crossed legs and foot promise that I would come back to visit. I haven't fulfilled that promise yet but I sure would. I need to see my favorite pups soon soon SOON!

Then we had to get this photo by Pluto's suggestion...

I asked for this one though...

*wipes away single tear*

Pluto still had many guests to see and I was tired so I didn't stick around for much more. Might've rode Space, but probably not. I had some more final shifts to go and needed my rest in preparation for my last three days so after that, it was...

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Love your interaction with Pluto!!! The one of both of you looking down Main Street is so cool!...I wish Walt Disney World would do the characters like at Disneyland. However, I completely understand why they don’t have roaming characters here at WDW.
Sounds like you and the girls had fun together! Such cute pics with Snow.

Great pixie dust wall photoshoot and in front of Pixar Pier!

Those are some awesome pics with Pluto, especially the 2 of you looking at the castle.
Love your interaction with Pluto!!! The one of both of you looking down Main Street is so cool!...I wish Walt Disney World would do the characters like at Disneyland. However, I completely understand why they don’t have roaming characters here at WDW.

I had so much fun with him that night. I can't wait to see my pup again in a few weeks. I also SOOOO agree about that. I wish WDW would allow more freedom for the characters but I get why they can't. I know when it happens at WDW though, it basically equates the fun of DLR.

Sounds like you and the girls had fun together! Such cute pics with Snow.

We most definitely did.

Great pixie dust wall photoshoot and in front of Pixar Pier!

Thank you! Definitely some of my faves.

Those are some awesome pics with Pluto, especially the 2 of you looking at the castle.

Thank you! I tear up a little looking at those. Miss my boy. :goodvibes
The DIS is undergoing some maintenance tomorrow when I normally would post so I thought I'd just do an extra update for today. We'll be back to the regular schedule on Sunday.

"Wait, I Need A Hugging One!"

8/2/18: The Goodbyes Begin

The time had come. It was real. My leaving real. In only two days time I would be flying out of LAX back to Logan. No longer living my best West Coast-er life. No more shifts, only two more days of play and I was gonna do my best to make the most of them even though my emotional stamina was depleting quickly. I was so sad, but so happy. I finished another program! I did it! In a totally new place to me, totally new group of people around me, new situation, etc. But it had come and gone like that. I was leaving with no concrete plans to come back.

That... that's sad.

Again, trying to make the best of it hence the two days I requested off in advanced of my departure day. Today being day one. So yeah, let's do this thing!

First, some classics to get me started!

Eaten most of the beignets and my Vanilla latte, to Disneyland I went!

Once inside, I went into the Emporium to ask if I could have an "I'm Celebrating" button. One has to celebrate even when it's a sad time. It wasn't too busy so a CM gave me one no problem and after writing my little note I went right to the Castle with it attached to my Violet Parr backpack for a special castle photo.

I also stopped by the store next to the Magic Shop to get myself the Peter Pan VHS tape, which I planned to use as an autograph book. They had plenty so after a quick payment I had what I needed to start my day.

I first went to the Hall for my usual visit.

Cindy was the first and I had yet to tell her I was leaving so no better time than today. We didn't talk for long after and went right into photos.

However immediately as we took that photo, she said, "No, I want a hugging photo!"

For the record, she was the one pulling that tightly not me.

I said goodbye and she reminded me I had to come see her again before I left which I said I would try.

Snow was in the next room.

I don't remember exactly what we talked about but I believe we had some deep talk about life outside of Disney. It was very philosophical and I think alluded to following your dreams bringing you back where you belong. After mumbling on about that, we then took the photo. Pretty tame.

Last was Ariel who was overjoyed I was there (per usual hehe)

I gave her all the tea on my leaving and she wished me well. Said I should come back swimming with her as soon as I could.

Overall, it was a heartwarming visit to the Hall. I needed one of those.

From there, I decided I would go conquer some characters I didn't really see or see at all so I headed to the back of Critter Country to go see the Pooh characters. The line was already pretty long which reminded me to take out my autograph book. There were some really cute kids in line and a parent who was very easy to talk to that kept the time from dragging on. However there were some not too calm parents and children that definitely stressed me out. It was a long line as I said and the characters switched out at one point while we were waiting, which always causes some uproar. No worries, before long I was seeing these precious 100 acre wood bbs.

They were all so sweet. Pooh and Tigger were particularly happy to see me. Eeyore was adorable flipping his ear. Pooh gave me an extra long hug if I remember. Ugh, why did I leave? I also got there autographs, always a bonus.

Memory gap coming in again as I don't know what happened after this. I feel like I might've rode Pirates or Haunted Mansion. I don't know, but I did somehow end up riding Space Mountain. I had to get it in for all those times I rode Hyperspace (and then Space after but less willingly). One last ride though, it was necessary.

If only MK's Space had a single rider. That would be a dream, but I know logistically it could never happen.

With that supposedly running through my head, I decided to go to Main Street to see who was out. I wasn't feeling Goofy or any of the major group but I saw Chip and Dale so I got in line immediately. However, I ended up witnessing one of the most horrific things I've ever seen happen to a character. The family up meeting them once I got in line decided to let the dad take photos with them and he started getting rough. He was noogeying them then ended up starting to yank on DALE’S HEAD and wouldn’t let go. Dale ended up having to run off stage as a result. Chip immediately started pushing him away and he also had to run over and grab the Host it was so bad. Dale was out of commission for about two families before he came back out. I had never seen anything like that happen before. I was so terrified for Dale. Luckily it didn't get worse than it did and the Host told him off as did Chip. And Dale did come back completely fine bless his soul.

Back to have all the fun!

Click to watch!

Click to watch!

Look at them living their best lives with those chocolates! I did however see the Host pull them aside after they started making a mess so I'm guessing they weren't allowed to take the chocolates. So sad, but I understand they probably have to be careful about what gifts characters take in case of allergies and such.

Eventually, I made it to the front for big hugs and some checking in on precious baby Dale. Chip was just as appalled as I was. I promised I wouldn't do that and I only wanted hugs and love. I was leaving soon, prompting more hugs after the fact. Finally, we had a proper photoshoot.

Then it was goodbye to my Chippy angels. At least I had that this time versus on my first program. Gonna miss those rascals.

The sadness was really making it hard to enjoy this day, but I was gonna push onward. Let's hope maybe the day picked up for me.

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Hello! Hope everyone's having a great day off of relaxation and remembrance on this here Memorial Day!

Due to how crazy my weekend was (Waitress, Aladdin, etc.), I'm now a day late on updating, but it seems no one has even caught up to the last update so here's an extra one to give you more fun Disney details to dig into. Enjoy!

It All Felt Too Sad To Finish The Day

8/2/18: The Goodbyes Begin

I was really dragging on. I couldn't put my finger on it what was wrong at the time, but I struggled. I don't believe I went to see Map on this day (I'm pretty positive I didn't), but this would've been a good time to dream about the good sis.

Click to watch!

Click to watch!

I honestly did though because I took an escape from the hustle and bustle to the more mellow and dark Main Street Cinema.

Click to watch!

I kinda fell asleep in there. It was a very telling time while the white noise of small quiet side conversations and old Mickey cartoons and Sily Symphonies played on a loop. A Cast Member at one point did come in telling us we weren't allowed to nap, which I got, but it didn't stop me from having my moment. I was in need of this. It gave me a bit of (false) rejuvenation so I got up and continued about my day.

I thought maybe another trip to the Hall would be invaluable. It was typical of me and maybe it would take me out of the funk that I did not need.

Skipping the formalities of wait and whatever since NO I DO NOT REMEMBER, I went in to find the same friends. Shocker!

"Let's show off our shoes!"

"Put your hands like this and look off wistfully"

*running into Snow's room*

"Is something wrong?"
"No, we need someone to take the portrait"

The portrait:

Ariel's last words to me: "I hope you don't forget your favorite fish."

Never forget. *cue silent tears*

I felt a bit more joyous after that. Ariel was really trying to lift my spirits since she knew this might be the last time I saw her and it kinda worked. I checked the Disneyland app to see who else could be meeting and saw Al and Jas were going to be by the Wishing Well. I hurried over to say hello.

I don't remember the conversation, but we looked like we were having fun. Maybe we were?

It was starting not to feel that way. The joy fog had worn off after Ariel and I was just not feeling it so I decided to leave Disneyland. My stomach was growling so I knew I needed food. There also was a planned final party tonight for the alumni crew at Katie's apartment so... I was gonna need more food. I went back to Ralph Brennan's to get a good helping of Jambalaya. I decided I needed my space from even the smallest of crowds so I went over to the Disneyland Hotel, one of the first places I explored when I first got to California for this summer three months ago.

It was there it started to hit me. I was leaving. I wouldn't be able to do this anymore. It was ending. Was there a possibility of a return? Yeah, definitely. I've come back once I could do it again and vowed I would. At the time, the depression and hopelessness hit like the big fluffy purple depression kitty sitting on Jessie in Big Mouth. I sat outside Goofy's Kitchen and it all just really hurt. I was away from the motion of it all and it just hurt. Not only did it hurt, but it didn't feel right. I didn't feel like I was where I needed to be or going about my day right. Me going about everything like a normal day ignoring how I was feeling was not doing me any favors so while eating my sorrows away in Andouille Sausage and Rice, I decided, since it was getting close to Paint time that I would go to DCA and end my day after Paint. I texted some friends about it and they agreed that sounded good. I worked and was in the parks a lot, I think a half day was needed even on my last day. Once my Jambalaya plate was clean, I went to DCA.

It was there I realized that there was no way I was in a state to wait around for Paint. I was an emotional breakdown waiting to happen and being in DCA by myself… No, I needed some time to myself so in a decision that I luckily made peace with, I didn't go see Paint on the first of my last two nights at Disneyland. It felt weird to think it but once I did it, it felt right. I got back to my apartment, ate some leftovers and passed out sobbing intermittently. Better to have an emotional breakdown in private for once, y'know?

Thank the lord for the amazing friends I made that made sure that was not how I ended my day. I stayed in bed for many hours until the party started. I considered just staying there until mid-party but my friend Lakeland was having none of that and showed up at my apartment and caught me sobbing. She crawled in bed with me and gave me a hug, a hug from a friend. The one thing I really did need that day. She let me have my moment and was very understanding. Then finally I was like, "Yup, I need a drink."

And so I went from spilling my emotions out into my Figment plush and Darth Vader throw to letting loose and celebrating a wild three months with all my friends. I do have physical documentation of this night, but... it's not dis-appropriate by any means. It was wild and just what I needed. The right distraction because it didn't exactly stop me from feeling so painfully sad, but reminded me of how amazing this summer was. How it was all around a really great summer and I'll have that forever, warts and all, because I had amazing people to share it with. I'm reminded of a quote from the film, Almost Famous, spoken by Phillip Seymour Hoffman's character to Patrick Fugit's.


Take that as you will but I think that sums up what really came out of my summer.

It wasn't over yet, around 48 hours more of being uncool with the uncoolest of people and I couldn't wait to see what uncoolness awaited me.

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I always so appreciate your honesty in your updates! I can't imagine trying to leave the happiest place on Earth after three months--but that must make the idea of your new DCP adventure that much sweeter! Sounds like you made some really amazing friends while you were there. :)
I always so appreciate your honesty in your updates! I can't imagine trying to leave the happiest place on Earth after three months--but that must make the idea of your new DCP adventure that much sweeter! Sounds like you made some really amazing friends while you were there. :)

Thank you so much! I sometimes feel like it can be off-putting so I'm glad it hasn't gotten to that point. It really was so hard, but it was a nice close to a chapter in the end. Truly an amazing summer that need not be longer than it was. The best things come in the smallest packages, am I right?
Before, we get to today's update, I have a big announcement!

In an unexpected turn-of-events yesterday, I received my DCP itinerary which contains things like my check-in time, casting, Traditions date and time, etc. but now also contains my location!!

If you saw me commenting on someone's TR or whatever, you might've noticed a change in my signature, if not... well... I'm happy to announce I will be working on...

~Sunset Boulevard~
~Disney's Hollywood Studios~


Yes, I shall be working at the busiest park come end of August. While that prospect is terrifying, I'm glad to be working in a park and so far I've heard really good things about this location. To explain the location in terms of merchandise, I will be working at all the shops and carts along the street such as Sweet Spells, Villains in Vogue, the Carthay Circle shop, the cart near the ice cream place, etc. along with the gift shops for Rock 'N' Roller Coaster and Tower of Terror. I also think I might be working the glow carts for Fantasmic, but can't confirm on that one. But yeah, I will be all over the place so make sure to come visit if you can since I will be flying down THIS COMING SUNDAY.

Time really flies when it's your third time as a CP.

Now that that's out of the way, let's finish up a TR shall we as we talk about my last full day in California and, most importantly, at the Disneyland resort of my DLRCP.

*wipes tear*

I'm Gonna Celebrate Making Magic Everyday!

8/3/18: A Magical End Fit For A Magical Three Months

With a heavy heart and tired hands, I'm now entering into the final day of entry set in the park into this journaling experiment called a DCP trip report. I'd say they make a separate board for this but I'll be only the second person to complete something like this since Miss PrincessJess508 wrote the most famous TR out there, a live report of her entire 2013 Spring program. Her blessing withstands.

This endeavor has been so fulfilling, but so unexpected and I can't believe I made it to the point where I can say I'm finishing it. But it's just as bittersweet as it was actually experiencing the end of this program. What a totally meta mood.

Anyways, let's talk about today.

Last night put me in the best mood and I slept with just a few less tears. I got up a bit early and in knowing the city bus would get me to the park quicker I decided to take that. I needed all the time I could have today so even though the days and lack of sleep were still piling on, I felt ready to go, but still...

Sometimes you got to admit the facts, even when you're trying to have a good day.

I arrived at Disneyland as I always have. Again, the normality... it felt too weird but somehow it felt different which was good. Soon enough, I was taking the last of these.

Normally I would've kept the same button I had the day before but that day just didn't go as well as it should've. It should've been spectacular, but that was today. I had another "I'm Celebrating" button in my stash of Custodial trinkets that I kept. I should've mentioned I had to return all that, did some of it the day before and did some of it today but that was later. I had it all set and ready and I think it's the most eternal celebration for anyone.

Disney Cast Member or not, guest, whoever, one can make magic everyday. It just takes a little courage and that's what I was gonna do today as I tried to for three months, except I had nothing to lose. Who knew when I'd get this chance again?

I began my day where I always began my days by visiting my favorite Hall. It was early in the morning so Fantasy Faire was deader than dead. I basically walked right in.

Snow was there to greet me with a bright good morning. I was the first in the room of that time.

It was a very casual talk with her. She knew I was leaving soon and I told her it was today so she asked me all about my plans. I also gave her my autograph book to sign while we talked. After we had to hunt a bit for a host to take a photo. I requested after the generic one to get a hugging one. I was gonna take all the hugs I could get today. Nothing more magical than a hug.

In the next room was my lovable angelfish Ariel who was ready with opened arms and was so happy to see me. I told her it was my last day and she was so sad. She gave me a bunch more hugs then asked about my plans. We got into how I need to finish school, get my Business degree, but my real dream is to be a theatrical director. Yes, all of this with Ariel. She loved the idea of it and hoped I could come back to direct a show with her and Sebastian. She told me Eric's not much of a singer. She really hoped I'd come back and after wiping a few tears away, we took our photo. Didn't even need to ask for the hug for this one.


Last to see was Cinderella. She was a bit more on the Snow level of excitement. She wished me well and such. I don't remember too much else, but it was great seeing her before I go.

What a magical first visit to the Hall.

What? You think I didn't have more "See Ya Real Soons" to give. Nuh-uh. Didn't matter how many times I saw the girls, they had plenty of mutual friends of mine.

I didn't waste time and headed into Frontierland for the Mark Twain Landing. Tiana was taking a break from the restaurant for her first visit of the day. She walked out with my host friend Kevin by her side. Both immediately took notice of me and waved as they got on the boat. I was only one person so I didn't make it through the crowd quick enough to be the first person, but that's ok. I mean, even when I was waiting to meet her I had a lovely conversation with Kevin about the usual things, lot of what Ariel and I talked about except without involving an anthropomorphic crab and a tone deaf prince.

Tiana quietly snuck up and politely asked for a word with me. She gave me a nice big hug and asked me what I was up to today. I told her it was my last day and that my program was ending. She asked all about my plans and I kinda got distracted for a moment in the talking since Kevin was near doing a backbend over the railing on the spot where she meets on the Twain to get a good photo. I responded, "December." Knowing full well I wouldn't be back in December, but whatevs. It would be within a few months I had hoped. It was whatever at least I got to spend one last boat ride with my sweet beignet-making queen.

I wandered around on the boat a bit, went up top to enjoy the air up there and back down to get some shade and make some posts on Instagram. Tiana didn't have many visitors this early so she ended up wandering the boat a bit saying hi to everyone. Kevin came over at one point and gave me his Facebook so we could stay in touch. He contacted me later on to make sure I got home safe and everything. Such a sweetheart. Again, my Disneyland fam.

We docked back and I was off the boat. I waved by to Miss Tia and Kevin as I exited off the dock back into Frontierland. I decided to walk to New Orleans Square to sit at the spot I sat at many a times drinking Mint Juleps or Gumbo or beignets... etc And as the Mark Twain went by again...

Click to watch!

I had another little moment. Last time seeing Tiana for some time. I could go back and see her, but I didn't need to put the bandaid back on. It would just slip off. The SYRS was final. It still hurt so I had my moment then continued about my day. I tried to see if Redd was around, but she wasn't popping out nor was Dr. Facilier. I might've picked up a Mint Julep but there's no photographic proof so nothing to talk about. I definitely did have one on this day and it was divine. When can a Mint Julep in New Orleans Square not be?

I went back over to Fantasyland to go see my fave little pixie. On the way I spotted a lass that I NEVER saw around...

Click to watch!

Merida was visiting from Scotland! She actually had been out and about quite a bit recently, more-so than when I first got to California, she was never out. Unfortunately, unlike World where she's a regular at the Fairytale Gardens in Fantasyland, she doesn't exactly meet. She just wanders and plays around and has adventures and such. She doesn't take photos, but if you catch her attention you can have a fun interaction. Unfortunately, there were many of the younger crowd that she was more interested in than myself so I only got videos when she was out, that quick one being one. I stuck around then I continued on through Fantasyland and went to the Hollow which did not have a long wait at all. Mornings in Disneyland really are so special.

Also, meeting her today the light was SPOT. ON.

I told Tink about how my adventures at Disneyland were ending and that I had to fly home the next day. She was signing my book while doing this and giving me all the pixie dust so I told her to give me a lot more. I don't think she asked about what I planned to do but that I should come back soon to help her keep Wendy away from Peter. Then, she asked what type of photo I wanted, a sweet one or sassy one. Obviously I went with sassy as per form, but I'm not sure how sassy this actually was. It was cute and again THAT LIGHTING. We were living. We hugged a SYRS and I flew off with the pixie dust that rubbed off her onto me.

I had conquered a lot so far and was experiencing a whole range of beautiful emotion. An emotional day it was already and it was going to be. However, it was now almost time for my last viewing of my beloved Map. I only made plans to see it, Paint and Fant and it seemed best that I go see it in the morning when it's quieter so deeper into Fantasyland the emo-journey took me for an unforgettable last journey to imagination.

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Such cute character pics! But ugh, I can imagine the sadness just hit you way too hard :( As much as you wanted to be in the parks, I think it's good that you took some time alone to let yourself feel the feelings! And Lakeland sounds like a true friend laying with you and then getting you up and to the party!

Congrats on getting placed at DHS! You are going to have a blast!!

More great pics in the Hall and with Tiana! And Kevin sounds like a really nice friend that you made!
I was behind a bunch of updates, so I just binged and got caught up. I'm seriously almost in tears over some of these moments as you reached the end of your program!!! I cannot imagine the feeling of having to say goodbye to the most magical of places.

Loving all the character interactions, as always, and CONGRATULATIONS on your placement at DHS. The park will be so incredibly busy, but I imagine it will be overflowing with amazing energy! Perfect place for you!
~Sunset Boulevard~
~Disney's Hollywood Studios~


Yes, I shall be working at the busiest park come end of August. While that prospect is terrifying, I'm glad to be working in a park and so far I've heard really good things about this location. To explain the location in terms of merchandise, I will be working at all the shops and carts along the street such as Sweet Spells, Villains in Vogue, the Carthay Circle shop, the cart near the ice cream place, etc. along with the gift shops for Rock 'N' Roller Coaster and Tower of Terror. I also think I might be working the glow carts for Fantasmic, but can't confirm on that one. But yeah, I will be all over the place so make sure to come visit if you can since I will be flying down THIS COMING SUNDAY.
It will be pretty exciting! Just gotta make sure to get to the parks early to avoid any of the horrible traffic expected!

I will definitely come and find you around NYE!
Sad to see you posting about your last day at the original Magic Kingdom. Your updates definitely made me miss my home park so much that they might have inspired me to make a quick trip "home" in a couple weeks. Also, there's this little land that "nobody" cares about opening in 3 days... :D

That's really cool to see you got your placement. It's kinda funny that I'm getting ready to drive over to DHS for the evening. So, I'll take a picture of Sunset Blvd. for you. :) Looking forward to meeting you! :)
Such cute character pics! But ugh, I can imagine the sadness just hit you way too hard :( As much as you wanted to be in the parks, I think it's good that you took some time alone to let yourself feel the feelings! And Lakeland sounds like a true friend laying with you and then getting you up and to the party!

Thank you!

It really was a hard day and I'm so glad that I left the parks when I did. There was no way it would've been a good outcome me sticking around longer than my body could handle physically or emotionally. Also, my friends, especially Lakeland definitely were what I needed rather than extra time at the park as much as I felt I needed it.

Congrats on getting placed at DHS! You are going to have a blast!!

Thank you! I'm so excited! I've heard many good things about my location.

More great pics in the Hall and with Tiana! And Kevin sounds like a really nice friend that you made!

Thank you! And yeah, Kevin was awesome. How we met is such an odd awkward story (unfortunately I had to cut that day but we'll see some photos from it), but he was a nice familiar face.

I was behind a bunch of updates, so I just binged and got caught up. I'm seriously almost in tears over some of these moments as you reached the end of your program!!! I cannot imagine the feeling of having to say goodbye to the most magical of places.

I've been moving very fast, I'm sorry but I'm glad you caught up.

Awww, but that definitely was the feeling I was having on the daily. It was the hardest goodbye yet and dealing with the emotions of it came in spurts so... it was a bittersweet time for a few weeks.

Loving all the character interactions, as always, and CONGRATULATIONS on your placement at DHS. The park will be so incredibly busy, but I imagine it will be overflowing with amazing energy! Perfect place for you!

I'm glad you enjoy them and thank you! I'm definitely in for another Magic Kingdom adventure with DHS, but like you said I thrive in amazing energy. Also... potential to maybe work for Oga in Batuu... you never know...

It will be pretty exciting! Just gotta make sure to get to the parks early to avoid any of the horrible traffic expected!

It will! And yes most definitely. Following my MK experience... I'm ready to deal with all of that I hope.

I will definitely come and find you around NYE!

Yay! And I actually extended my departure to January 9th so it won't be nearly as much of a crunch to find me in case of a role change for the extension I hope to take.

Oh and look at this... y'all making my detective work easy for me hehe...

Sad to see you posting about your last day at the original Magic Kingdom. Your updates definitely made me miss my home park so much that they might have inspired me to make a quick trip "home" in a couple weeks. Also, there's this little land that "nobody" cares about opening in 3 days... 😀

Haha, yay to that! Might've heard a little bit about that on some anonymous individual's TR hehe That's so awesome you get to go back! I'm so jealous you're gonna see Batuu before access is allowed to her in FL. That'll be such a blast.

That's really cool to see you got your placement. It's kinda funny that I'm getting ready to drive over to DHS for the evening. So, I'll take a picture of Sunset Blvd. for you. :) Looking forward to meeting you! :)

It was such a surprise, I thought I was getting it today but I'm so excited and thank you for the pic! I have so many 'meh' photos of my location so I'm excited to look at one at the perfect hour. So pumped to work there. :)

Looking forward to meeting you too!
The last day in the parks is always the worst, but I can't even imagine a last day after three months like that! Your character pics are the best, per usual. :)
"How about one more adventure together? What do you say, pal?"
Part I

8/3/18: A Magical End Fit For A Magical Three Months

I had arrived at the Fantasyland Theater minutes before my final viewing of Magical Map. Boy have we had a journey, this lovely stunning show and I. I walked away from it in January not totally amazed, probably because @lotso_at_disneyland on Instagram spoiled every aspect of it, but during my program it grew on me. I cried more and more with every viewing as I fell deeper into my love of Disneyland. Somehow they became interconnected. I mean, the map is the most obvious metaphor for Disneyland and Disney Parks in general (if you haven't noticed after one viewing I doubt you actually actively viewed).

In short, was I gonna cry today multiple times in the ugliest fashion and probably cry walking out?

Wait and see.

Click to watch!

Click to watch!

I cried at everything. I cried at the tempo change into the "Journey To Imagination" chorus. I cried at the beautiful boy mapmakers giving me everything during "I Wanna Be Like You". I cried at every entrance during the Princess trio. I cried at Mickey's realization that spot didn't want to be painted. I cried at Stitch popping up as the crowd went wild like they do every time. I SOBBED when my mama Tiana came in with lights and a whole bayou for the finale. I might've been out of water by the end except I cried after the streamers came flying out and on my way out. I heard the family's just in awe of it... ugh literal single tears were falling down my face as I walked back through Fantasyland. Didn't help the Small World clock was going off as I walked out. Sing it with me...


I got myself together enough to make my way back across Fantasyland. I kinda didn't know what to do after that so I headed back to the Royal Hall. Time really had passed, more than you think so a return visit 100% made sense. *reminder I was emotional and it was my home so yeah I was gonna say goodbye a few times*

I remember the cast there was being so nice and most everyone knew me so they kinda let things happen. The people I'd be waiting in line with too.

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"How about one more adventure together? What do you say, pal?"
Part II

8/3/18: A Magical End Fit For A Magical Three Months

Cindy was the first one I saw on this round. Before I got to see her, she was on her knees with an adorable little princess that she was spending some extra time with. The little princess was a bit timid but it was obvious Cinderella adored her. Ariel peeked in right as Cindy was walking her over. I gasped because ARIEL and then they went off to do her own thing and Cindy got to chatting. Her friend and I actually hadn't seen each other in awhile but she still recognized me. I mean, the last time we saw each other we had danced together like at the ball. We didn't do that. To be fair, I wasn't in the mood to dance with princesses I just wanted to talk. I told her everything and she was very attentive. She was most shocked at how long a carriage ride it would be home but I told her I only travel by pixie dust, much faster and more efficient. After we spent enough time talking each other's ear off, we got ourselves a Cinderellfie.

Big hugs SYRS and I walked to the next room.

Next up, of course was Ariel with another friend I hadn't seen in awhile. Prior to I saw her a lot. She was even there when I met all three princesses of the Hall at the front of the park on Snow's special day. Once she finished with that special princess, she came over to me with a sweet hug. We mentioned it had been awhile since we last saw each other and I told her how bittersweet though since it was my last day. She got really sad at that then asked me the usual questions before we took our photo. She went in for a generic but I kinda hinted at a hug then pulled away but she was like, "No, we can have a hugging one!"

Before I left, she grabbed my hands and told me she'd pack up some seaweed for me and to not be selling my voice off to no seawitches and to fly or swim safely. One last hug and it was official another "bye for now" for Ariel.

Last of all was of course, the original one herself, Snow! She didn't immediately notice with me but then she realized and was so excited. Snow's friend, Snow and I had had a lot of fun recently so she expected as such. However after our initial hug I told her that I was leaving. She actually started getting genuinely sad and gave me another hug. She asked about all my plans, what I was doing and such. She told me she'd send me off with some Gooseberry Pie to bring home. Every time she tried to mention what she'd do for me she kept on being like "Awww, that's so sad, who am I supposed to have fun with now? Aww, you better come back!" Hug. Repeat. I also told her about how I'd come back with a matching bow or outfit and she told me I was so fabulous. Eventually we got around to take a picture before I left.

Before I left, she got one more hug that we held for quite a bit. She actually started rubbing my back. It was so sweet. I could've cried, but I'm so bad at crying in front of people. It just doesn't happen, but it was such a nice reassurance. I was gonna miss Snow so much.

Once again, I was back out into the sun, an emo mess once again. I needed a break from the emotion. Perfect time for a ride and what better than one last ride on Space Mountain. Nothing more regular than my Space Mountain visits other than my Hall visits. If I couldn't fit in a Matterhorn ride today, because CLOSED, then I could get my Space on. I believe I had a very excited group with me. Some first riders then someone who rode it awhile go. They were so conversational I loved it. Making the best rando friends in Space for sure.

Oh and yeah, I did get last row on my last ride. My favorite. Blessed magical day for sure. And yes that tear was real.

Perfectly having split up my day, it was time to go back to saying goodbye to more magical friends and far from the castle they would not drift.

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